The Naked Communist (39 page)

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Authors: W. Cleon Skousen

BOOK: The Naked Communist
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Responsible Americans began to demand a halt to all this ridiculous pampering of a Soviet puppet. Serious political leaders began to set down the plans for a long-range strategy which would eventually liberate the beleaguered people of Cuba.



1. Thus far the best political history on Fidel Castro is Red Star Over Cuba, by ex-Communist Nathaniel Weyl, Devin-Adair, 1960.
2. Alberto Nino, Antecentes y Secretos del 9 de Abril, Editorial Pax, Bogota, 1949, p. 77.
3. Nathaniel Weyl, Red Star Over Cuba, p. 33.
4. U.S. Department of Commerce Report, Investments in Cuba, p. 184.
5. Nathaniel Weyl, Red Star Over Cuba, p. 157.
6. Pravda, Moscow, February 29, 1960.
7. New York Times, April 22, 1959, "Fear of Red's Role in Castro Regime Alarming Havana."
8. Nathaniel Weyl, Red Star Over Cuba, p. 180.
Chapter Twelve
The Future Task

In this study we have made no attempt to cover up the blunders of the past which free men have made in dealing with Communism. In fact, all of these mistakes may be counted a benefit if we have learned a lesson from each of them. Nevertheless, we certainly would be guilty of the "decadent stupidity" which the Communists attribute to us if we allowed ourselves to repeat these mistakes in the future.


In this chapter we shall deal with the task at hand. To appreciate the problem we shall first discuss the progress which the Communists have made under their Timetable of Conquest. Then we shall deal with the current line of Communist strategy. Finally we shall describe some of the most important things which must be done to win.

The Communist Timetable of Conquest

To head off an enemy it is first necessary to know where the enemy wants to go. The Communists have made no secret about this. Their plan first of all is to take Asia, then Africa, next Europe and finally America. Although this plan of conquest has been in Communist literature for several decades, it was vigorously restated in 1953 when Red leaders decided to set up a timetable of conquest for the entire world and then take it continent by continent. Total conquest is to be completed by around 1973. Fortunately American military intelligence captured this timetable at the close of the Korean War and Senator William Knowland placed it in the Congressional Record under date of April 29, 1954, page 5708.


Although the timetable is too lengthy to quote in its entirety, selected statements are being presented with comments so the student may know what progress the Communists have made in their plans to take over the world.


"We have to; until we are certain of victory, take a course which will not lead to war."


Official Communist strategy is to press for advantages on all fronts but to back down in the face of major military resistance. This will continue to be their policy unless they could be certain of sudden victory by a sneak attack which would wipe out all U.S. capacity to retaliate. U.S. success during 1960 in launching a Polaris missile from a submerged submarine made Soviet sneak attack plans obsolete. A Red attack would bring devastating retaliation from these constantly moving missile bases which now will be roaming the seas. For the present, Red policy will therefore have to be "a course which will not lead to war."


"Britain must be placated by being convinced that ... the Communists and the capitalist countries can live in peace."


Peaceful coexistence was not only sold to the people of Britain but to Americans as well. Coexistence means to accept Communism as a permanent fixture in the earth; to write off as past history the conquest of the satellite nations; to placate Communist demands so as to avoid crises and international tensions.


"Opportunities for trade will have a great influence on the British mind."


This worked even better than the Red leaders planned. Today not only Britain but the U.S. and 37 other members of the Western bloc have succumbed to the lure of trade with the Sino-Soviet bloc.


"In the case of France ... she must be made to feel a greater security in cooperating with us."


After World War II, Red forces in France made the Communist party the largest in the country. Before DeGaulle's seizure of power in 1958, Red influence had helped to carry France to the brink of bankruptcy, anarchy and civil war.


"Japan must be convinced that rearmament endangers national security and that ... the American forces distributed all over the world cannot spare sufficient strength for the defense of Japan."


This was the kind of Communist agitation which produced the 1960 Japanese riots and prevented President Eisenhower from visiting Japan.


"Her (Japan's) desire for trade will offer great possibilities for steering Japan away from the United States."


By 1960 Japan had regained her position as fifth in world trade. The U.S. steered Japan away from the Sino-Soviet bloc by buying 23% of her exports and providing 34.8% of her imports.


"By 1960 China's military, economic and industrial power will be so developed that with a mere show of force by the Soviet Union and China, the ruling clique of Japan will capitulate."


This did not occur. Japan, with U.S. help, became strong while China floundered under Communist discipline and headed for widespread famine and economic collapse.


"The United States must be isolated by all possible means."


This Communist project was making alarming progress by 1960. Anti-U.S. propaganda all over the world had created the image of the "ugly American." And this in spite of $50 billion in foreign aid. Red expansion in Asia, Africa, Cuba, Central America and South America has begun to awaken Americans to the real threat of possible isolation.


"Whether we can prevent the United States from starting the war (to defend her rights and liberties) depends upon how much success we have in isolating her and how effective is our peace offensive."


This clearly reflects the perfidy of Red propaganda to use "peace" as a means of paralyzing U.S. resistance as the Communists gradually take over. Here we see the Red definition of "peaceful coexistence." It means "peaceful surrender."


"In the case of India, only peaceful means should be adopted. Any employment of force will alienate ourselves from the Arabic countries and Africa, because India is considered to be our friend."


This plan to betray India through peaceful conquest is definitely on the march. Nehru claims neutrality but is a trained Marxist-socialist who has consistently lined up with the Red leaders on most major issues. In the hour of his downfall, he will no doubt ask the Western nations to save him.


"After India has been won over, the problems of the philippines and Arabic countries can be easily solved by economic cooperation ... and coalitions. This task may be completed by 1965."


Already the forces of Red subversion are clearly apparent in both the Philippines and in Nasser's Pan-Arabic Republic.


"Then a wave of revolution will sweep the whole continent of Africa and the imperialists and the colonizationists will be quickly driven into the sea."


Even by 1960 the Communists had built the fires of revolutionary violence all over Africa. The colonial powers were trying to get the natives to follow a policy of "peaceful transition to independence" but many of them were following the Red formula: "From colonialism to chaos to Communism."


"With Asia and Africa disconnected with the capitalist countries in Europe, there will be a total economic collapse in Western Europe. Their capitulation will be a matter of course."


In 1960 when the Belgians relinquished the Congo, it created havoc in the Belgium economy. Each of the colonial powers is being affected as the trade relations with Africa are being disrupted. Eventually the Reds hope to get an African-Asian strangle hold on the economy of Europe. Every year this noose is drawing tighter.


As for the United States, "crushing economic collapse industrial breakdown will follow the European crisis."


The plunging of the U.S. into a paralyzing depression is part of the last-stage Soviet plan of conquest for America.


"Canada and South America will find themselves in the same hopeless and defenseless condition."


It is true that if the U.S. were totally isolated, intimidated and subverted, the whole Western hemisphere would fall.


"Twenty years from now (which would be 1973) world revolution will be an accomplished fact!"


Some phases of this plan of conquest have been frustrated, but other phases are far ahead of expectations. Considered overall, the Communist Timetable of Conquest is alarmingly close to being right on schedule.


Experts on Communist strategy point out that this entire plan of conquest would collapse if the West awakened and took the initiative to start pushing Communism back on all fronts. They say the tragic blunder of the West has been its continuous willingness to coexist, to accept Communism as a permanent fixture in the earth, to assume that Communist conquests were unalterable, to ignore the fact that the Red leaders have admitted in the timetable that they have more reason to be frightened of military action than the West, and to allow free nations to be intimidated and bluffed into appeasing a weak enemy.


How was this achieved?

Importance of the Psychological War

The biggest mistake of the West has been allowing itself to drift into a state of mental stagnation, apathy and inaction. In some circles, motivations of patriotism, loyalty and the traditional dream of "freedom for all men" have been lying dormant or have been paralyzed by a new kind of strange thinking. Authorities say there is an urgent need for a revolutionary change in our state of mind.


What is wrong with our "state of mind?"


First and foremost, we have been thinking the way the Communists want us to think. Our founding fathers would be alarmed to learn how confused many of our people have become over such fundamental problems as coexistence, disarmament, free trade, the United Nations, recognition Red China, and a host of related problems. Instead of maintaining a state of intellectual vigilance, we have taken Communist slogans as the major premises for too many of our conclusions. Let us go down a list of current strategy goals which the Communists and their fellow travelers are seeking to achieve. These are all part of the campaign to soften America for the final takeover. It should be kept in mind that many loyal Americans are working for these same objectives because they are not aware that these objectives are designed to destroy us.

Current Communist Goals

1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.


2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.


3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament by the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.


4. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.


5. Extension of long-term loans to Russia and Soviet Satellites.


6. Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination.


7. Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the U.N.


8. Set up East and West Germany as separate states in spite of Khrushchev's promise in 1955 to settle the Germany question by free elections under supervision of the U.N.


9. Prolong the conferences to ban atomic tests because the U.S. has agreed to suspend tests as long as negotiations are in progress.


10. Allow all Soviet satellites individual representation in the U.N.


11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as one-world government with its own independent armed forces. (Some Communist leaders believe the world can be taken over as easily by the U.N. as by Moscow. Sometimes these two centers compete with each other as they are now doing in the Congo.)

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