The Nurses: A Year of Secrets, Drama, and Miracles with the Heroes of the Hospital (49 page)

BOOK: The Nurses: A Year of Secrets, Drama, and Miracles with the Heroes of the Hospital
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“We are strong and opinionated. [Our unit has] worked together for so many years that we are like sisters. We finish each other’s sentences, watch each other’s children, and vacation together. We have a strong bond and love for each other. We spend more time with each other than most of our family members. We have nearly zero turnover. We are very close and comfort each other often.”

—an Indiana NICU nurse

“I love my job, and I hope people find comfort in knowing there are still people out there who love what they do.”

—a New York acute care nurse

Wall of Heroes

This book is also dedicated to the selfless, hardworking nurses, past and present, whose stories would be enough to fill many more books. The inspirational nurses listed here were nominated by fellow nurses, who pay the highest compliments to their coworkers, mentors, relatives, or instructors. All of them deserve our heartfelt thanks.

Marion Acker, LPN, Mississippi • Deborah Ackerman, RN, BSN, Arizona • Suzanne Adams, RN, ASN, Utah • Kristen Albert, RN, Kansas • Cindy Alexander, RN, Kansas • Jodean Allen, LPN, Arkansas • Rebecca Almeida, BSN, Massachusetts • Christine Amidon, BSN, RN, NCSN, Indiana • Daynabelle Anderson, BSN, California • Jada Anderson, LPN, Indiana • Myrtle M. Anderson, RN, Washington • Judy Andrews, RN, CCRN, Maine • Laura Ardizonne, CRNA, DNP, DCC, New York • Howard Armour, CRNA, MS, Pennsylvania • Patricia Armstrong, ADN, Connecticut • Sylvia Arroyo, RN, MSN, Florida • Patricia Prentce Austin, retired USAF Major, BSN, MSN, North Carolina • Joyce Backus, RN, Kansas • Shayla Badgett, ASN, Florida • Becki Brown Baker, RN, BSN, MSN, Tennessee • Shayla Bakke-Caravia, RN, BSN, California • Amy Bales, RN, Indiana • Lee G. Balos, CRNA, Georgia • Virginia Rose Bamford-Perkins, RN, MSN, Maine • Alysia V. Barber, RN, BSN, Maryland • Jamacia Barker, LPN, Mississippi • Jenifer Barney, RN, Kansas • Brian J. Bauhs, CRNA, MSN, New York • Theodora Belz, RN, New Jersey • Wendy Beaudoin, BSN, MSN, NP, Canada • Sharon Beautz, RN, BSN, Maryland • Nancy Beckman, CRNA, RNC, MS, Michigan • Donald Bell, CRNA, MS, MSNA, Tennessee • Kim Bell, RN, New Jersey • Sheryl Bellinger, RN, BSN, MEd, Colorado • Patricia Benner, RN, PhD, California • Connie C. Bennett, LPN, Florida • Estella Bennett, LPN, Ohio • Robert J. Berger, CRNA, ARNP-A, MSNA, LTC, USAR, Iowa • Beth Bergeron, RN, New Hampshire • Anita Bertrand, CRNA, MS, Texas • Joy Biard, RN, Kansas • Antoinette “Peg” Black, RN, Wisconsin • Lisa Blackwelder, BSN, MSN, FNP, Texas • Jamie Blalock, APRN, FNP-C, Georgia • Diane Blanchfield, RN, MS, North Carolina • Gloria Jean Blenkhorn, LPN, Maine • Jo Ann Blevins, RN, Kansas • Eileen Bole, RN, Kansas • Tammy Fitch Borger, RN, BSN, Virginia • Pam Bormann, RN, New Hampshire • Loretta (Ann) Bostic, DNP, CRNA, West Virginia • Blair Bowers, BSN, Georgia • Catherine Boyts, RN, Kansas • Dr. Beverly Bradley, RN, PhD, California • Olympia Branch, LPN, Mississippi • Shirley A. Braun, RN, BSN, Florida • Cathy Bray, RN, Indiana • Jeanne Brennan, RN, Pennsylvania • Maria Brilhante MSN, FNP, MSRN, New Jersey • Hazel Brown-Johnson, Brigadier General, RN, BSN, MSN, PhD, Washington, DC • Marie Brophy, RN, BSN, MSN, Arizona • Laura L. Brown, RN, BSN, Ohio • Sharon Brown, RN, Washington State • Katina Brownridge, RN, Mississippi • Jack Brueggemann, CRNA, Kentucky • Jo Buddrius, RN, MSN, New Mexico • Paula Bunde, RN, Kansas • Kelly Bunker-Taylor, RN, Maine • Charmon Burch, LPN, Alabama • Dana Burch, RN, New Jersey • Tashikkea Burns, RN, Alabama • Elizabeth Burridge, RN, Massachusetts • Kelly Bushnell, RN, BSN, Florida • Elizabeth Butler, RN, ACLS, NRP, Texas • Melody Anne Butler, RN, BSN, New York • Delores Byington, LPN, Oregon • Sally Caltrider, MSN, RN, Vermont • Lauren Calzonetti, RN, New Jersey • Pat Campanella, RN, BSN, California • Angela Sanders Campbell, RN, BSN, Mississippi • Tia Campbell, MSN, RN, NCSN, FNASN, Virginia • Annathea Canning, RN, Canada • Guy Caraffa, CRNA, Arizona • Agnes Carr, RN, Washington, DC • April Carter, RN, Mississippi • Frances Charles, RN, West Virginia • Julie Chase, RN, New York • Carl A. Cheramie, CRNA, MHS, Louisiana • Tony Chipas, CRNA, PhD, South Carolina • Diane Christoffer, ADN, Arizona • Tricia Christoffer, ASN, Virginia • Angela P. Clark, PhD, RN, CNS, FAAN, Texas • Gary Clark, CRNA, EdD, Missouri • Kristy Clendenin, RN, Texas • Keeshia Clouds, CRNP, Alabama • Peter Cockram, CRNA, Michigan • Ferne M. Cohen, CRNA, New Jersey • Marie Coker, CRNA, MS, Michigan • Hermine Endelkofer Colasanti, RN, Colorado • Robert J. Colcord, CRNA, MHS, Indiana • Margaret M. Cole, APRN, Connecticut • Ann Coller, RN, BSN, Indiana • Stacy Colson, RN, Indiana • Cindy Connellan, RN, Kansas • Noreen Conway, RN, Ohio • Angela Cook, RN, England • Renee Cooper, RN, Mississippi • Leigh Copsey, RN, New Hampshire • Robert N. Corbeille, CRNA, New Hampshire • Betsy Corrigan, MSN, RN, Maine • Judith Coward, RN, BSN, Utah • Lynda Lee Huse Crayon, RN, BSN, Florida • James Cuddeford, CRNA, Nebraska • Cynthia Cunningham, RN, BSN, Arizona • Lynn Curran, CRNA, Rhode Island • Deborah Currie, RN, Canada • Olive Cyrus, DNSc, MS, North Carolina • Leslie Dalaly, RN, BA, BSN, California • Karen A. Daley RN, PhD, MPH, FAAN, Massachusetts • Jessica Damon, RN, New Hampshire • Judi Dansizen, MSN, APRN, CNS, Illinois • Dr. Patricia D’Antonio, PhD, RN, FAAN, Pennsylvania • Kim Dare, RN, Kansas • Kristine Dascoulias, RN, New Hampshire • Julie Davidson, RN, Kansas • Susan Davis, RN, Tennessee • Leonardo De La Garza, BSN, Texas • Darla Denny, RN, Kansas • Mary Devlin, CRNA, BA, Pennsylvania • Janet Dewan, CRNA, PhD, Massachusetts • Monika Dewar, MSN, RN, Texas • Cindy DeWaters, RN, BSN, MSN, CCRN, Arizona • Judy Diaz, RN, Washington, DC • Saundra C. Dicicco, RN, BSN, Florida • Sheila Dickens, RN, West Virginia • Kathy Dietrich, RN, Illinois • Gail Dixon, RN, Florida • Brenda Dixon-Smith, RN, BSN, MSN, PhD, retired Army major, Oregon • Kristine Djuric, BSN, RN, Massachusetts • Saundra Dockins, CRNA, BA, Kentucky • Evelyn Dogbey, BSN, MSN, PhD, Pennsylvania • Andrea Dossey, RN, NNP, Texas • Anna Michelle Dozier, BSN, Florida • Jamie Dozier, RN, BSN, Florida • Joan Dozier, RN, Florida • Suzanne Dozier, MSN, Kentucky • Terri Dresch, RN, Colorado • Marissa Drummond, RN, BSN, California • Faith Dugger, RN, Mississippi • Nan Duncan, RN, Oregon • Belinda Dundon, BSN, MSN, NP, Canada • Dawnah Durkee, RN, Kansas • Patricia Edgecomb, LPN, Maine • John (Jack) Edmondson, CRNA, MS, Tennessee • Scott Elder, CRNA, Idaho • Karen Eldridge, BS, RN, Maine • Tina Elwood, RN, Kansas • Alice Peterson Erspamer, RN, Illinois • Cindy Evans, RN, ADN, Michigan • Sandra Fails, ASN, Oklahoma • Rebecca P. Fairly, CRNA, Mississippi • Theresa Faivre, MSN, RN, Illinois • Lucille M. Fennell, RN, US Army Captain, Montana • Mary Ferenz, RN, New Jersey • Phyllis Mary Sinclair Ferguson, RN, Louisiana • Lauren Fink, BSN, RN, California • Jane Firth, RN, BSN, MSN, North Carolina • Jennifer Fitzgerald, RN, Vermont • Jeni Fitzpatrick, RN, BSN, Oregon • April Fitzsimmons, RN, New Hampshire • Dave Fletcher, CRNA, MA, California • Kelly Fletcher, RN, New Mexico • Jen Flippin, RN, BSN, North Carolina • Karen Florey, RNC-LRN, Texas • Linda S. Foley, CRNA, Florida • Dr. Loretta Ford, EdD, PNP, FAAN, Professor Emeritus, Florida • Barbara “Foof” Forfar, RN, New Jersey • Gail Foster, BSN, California • Janine Fowler, RN, Kansas • Carol Fox, RN, BSN, New York • Bucky (Buck) M. Frost, CRNA, Alaska • Kim Funk, RN, Indiana • Lisa Ann Gallup, MS, BSN, RN, New York • Cheryl K. Gamble, CRNA, MSN, Delaware • John F. Garde, MS, CRNA, FAAN, Illinois • Melissa Gaunce, RN, Ohio • Malgosia Glanda, RN, ADN, Massachusetts • Timothy P. Glidden, CRNA, MS, Nebraska • Stacey Goddard, MSN, Maryland • Brittney Golden, RN, Alabama • Lois Gombar, RN, Illinois • Ronna Gore, RN, Mississippi • Ellen Graham, RN, Massachusetts • Dr. Carol Green, RN, BSN, MN, PhD, Kansas • Susan Gregory, RN, ADN, Massachusetts • Aline Grischkan, BScN, Canada • Linda K. Groah, RN, MSN, FAAN • Liz Guiterrez, RN, Texas • Heather Gulish, RN, MSN, NP, Michigan • Shirna Gullo, DNP, RN, MSN, BSN, Alabama • Jewel Gummer, RN, BSN, Oregon • Allison Hagen, RN, New Jersey • Cherith Hager, RN, ADN, Colorado • Joel Hague, BSN, Pennsylvania • Gary Hahn, CRNA, BSN, Virginia • Jehannah Hakim, RN, BSN, California • Dr. Bethany Hall-Long, PhD, RN, MSN, BSN, Delaware • Donna Hallas, PhD, PNP-BC, CPNP, PMHS, FAANP, New York • Heather Hamza, CRNA, MS, California • John Hanlon Jr., CRNA, DNP, ARNP, New Hampshire • Tiki Hansen, BSN, RN, Maine • Kelly Harmon, RN, Indiana • Ivan Hart, DNP, F
NP-C, Kansas • Adrienne Hartgerink, CRNA, DNP, Virginia • Felicia J. Haskins, BSN, MSN, Delaware • Ellen Haynes, RN, Florida • Katherine “Licia” Hedian, RN, NP, CNM, DO, West Virginia • Kay Heley, RN, Kansas • Kim Miller Hendrix, RN, Indiana • Karen Henken, RN, BSN, MSN, Pennsylvania • DeShaunda Henly, RN, BSN, MSN, Florida • Ursula Shriver Henry, RN, South Carolina • Jan Herren, RN, Arkansas • Amy Hicks, MSN, CNS, North Carolina • Sharon Hindman, RN, Florida • Carla Kaye Hobbs, CRNA, APRN, Kentucky • Mallory Hoffman, RN, BSN, Michigan • Denise Honn, RN, Kansas • Mary Hopkins, RN, New Jersey • Diane Horner, RN, BSN, Indiana • Anne Hoskins, RN, Kansas • Debbie Houser, LPN, Mississippi • Anne Howland, RN, New Hampshire • Vickie Huff, RN, Mississippi • Cathy Hughes, RN, Wisconsin • Mel Hungerford, RN, BSN, Georgia • Debra Hunsucker, RN, BSN, Virginia • Denise Indermuehle, RN, California • Renee Irving, RN, California • US Air Force Captain Dayla Jackson, RN, BSN, USAF, North Carolina • Falane S. Jackson, RN, BSN, Florida • Gena Jackson, RN, Mississippi • Josie Jackson, RN, Arkansas • Kristi Jackson, RN, Mississippi • Nicole Jackson, RN, New Hampshire • Richard G. Jaco, CRNA, California • Candice Janek, RN, Texas • Shirley Jensen, RN, Massachusetts • Brynn Jerles, RN, BS, MS, Indiana • Frances Jimenez, RN, MA, Colorado • Dr. Lucille Joel, RN, PhD, FAAN, New Jersey • Julie Johnson, RN, Kansas • Kathleen H. Johnson, DNP, MN, NCSN, Washington • Margie Johnson, RN, Mississippi • Marie Audrey Johnson, RN, Illinois • Julie Johnston, RN, Kansas • Nancy Johnston, RN, BSN, Florida • Bernice Jones, MN, Professor Emeritus, Oregon • Iberis Jones, RN, Virginia • June Jones, RN, Michigan • Roxanne Jones, RN, Kansas • Rubynelle Jordan, RN, BSN, Maryland • Lindsey Kabrud, LPN, Minnesota • Lauren Kaiser, RN, New Jersey • Kaci Karas, RN, Texas • Sarah Wilcox Katz, RN, BSN, Nevada • Sally Keating, RN, Kansas • Cindy Keilman, RN, New Jersey • Sharon Kendall, CRNA, South Carolina • Maia Kern, RN, New York • Kimberly Kerr, RN, BSN, MSN, Ohio • Maryann Kerr, BSN, RN, MSN, Indiana • Marsha King, BSN, RN, MSN, DNP, Indiana • Tim Kinnetz, RN, PS, Iowa • Melissa Phipps Kirby, RN, ADN, Virginia • Bonnie Kirtley, RN, Tennessee • MaryAlice Klaus, RN, New Jersey • Jamie Knight, RN, Kansas • Jennifer Kobylski, RN, BSN, Virginia • Robin M. Koeppel, MSN, RNC, CPNP, California • Mary-Beth Koslap-Petraco, DNP, PNP-BC, CPNP, New York • Martha Kral, CRNA, BSN, Georgia • Jaclyn Krostek, BSN, RN, Pennsylvania • Virginia Krostek, BSN, RN, New Jersey • Nikia Krouse, RN, New Jersey • Charity Kumpf, LPN, Indiana • Teresa Labrador, RN, Kansas • Kathy Lamb, RN, BSN, Pennsylvania • Dawn Landers, RN, New Hampshire • Elizabeth Lane, BSN, RN, Maine • Sharon Lane, ADN, Arizona • Patricia Lang, LPN, Minnesota • Rebecca Lang, BSN, RN, Indiana • Missy Lathem, RN, Mississippi • Sue Leach¸ RN, BSN, MSN, North Carolina • Heidi Leonard, RN, MHS, CDE, Canada • Joanne Lesiewicz, RN, New York • Fran Lewis, RN, PhD, Washington • Carol Goldenstein Lillie, RN, BSN, California • Ambur Lindstrom-Mette, DNP, FNP, RN, Arizona • Delores Linnenkamp, RN, Maryland • Rita Marie Linnenkamp, RN, Maryland • Rosemarie Linnenkamp, RN, Maryland • Nelda Welch Lively, RN, BSN, MHA, Texas • Glenda Lochridge, RN, Arkansas • Marilyn Logan, RN, Kansas • Ruth E. Long, CRNA, North Carolina • Daniel Longo, CRNA, BS, Michigan • Katie Loper, RN, Mississippi • Lianne Lopez, RN, BSN, MSN, California • Carry Lovelace, RN, MSN, BSN, Oklahoma • Danilo Lovinaria, CRNA, DNP, MS, MBA, Minnesota • Barbara Ballo Lowinger, RN, BSN, North Carolina • Joni Mee Lowsley, RN, Kansas • Chrystal A. Lucas, RN, BSN, MSN, Pennsylvania • Victoria Luther, RN, BSN, Indiana • Cissy Lux, BSN, NP, Texas • Daisy Moore Lydy, RN, BSN, MSN, Oregon • Claire MacDonald, RN, New Hampshire • Kathleen M. Madej, CRNA, Alaska • Uriah Magill, CRNA, MSN, North Carolina • Tak Yue Mai, RN, BSN, Florida • Marti Major, BSN, Illinois • MaryJane Maloney, RN, New Jersey • Carolina Marles, RN, New Hampshire • Kim Martin, RN, Kansas • Kimberly Martin, LPN, Georgia • Luis Martínez, RN, MSN, Puerto Rico • Wilhelmina Maslanek, BSN, MSN, Pennsylvania • Sandy Mason, RN, New Hampshire • Tommie Mathieu, CRNA, MS, Connecticut • Joy Mattsson-Boze, RN, BSN, MBA, Texas • Susan Matwiejczyk, RN, BSN, Michigan • Suzanne Maynard, CRNA, MSN, Alaska • Frank Maziarski, CRNA, MS, Washington • Elizabeth McDaniel, ADN, Ohio • Ryan W. McDonald, CRNA, MSN, Washington • John P. McDonough, CRNA, EdD, Florida • Michelle Royal McDowell, DNP, RN, CPNP, Arizona • Charlene McKean, LPN, Indiana • Kristy McKindley, RN, California • Judy McMullen, RN, BSN, Kansas • Amy McNaught, RN, BSN, Maine • Chris McPherson, RN, Kansas • Florence McQuillen, CRNA, Minnesota • Michelle Meader, RN, New Hampshire • Ozella Meaders, RN, BSN, Oregon • Jane Meadows, RN, ADN, Tennessee • Melissa Mellace, RN, New Jersey • Bozena Michalzcuk, RN, New Hampshire • Judith Michoma, RN, BSN, Minnesota • Eileen Milano, RN, New Jersey • Lindsey Minchella, MSN, RN, NCSN, FNASN, Indiana • Sharon Mingo, BSN, Pennsylvania • Dr. Rosalie Mirenda, RN, BSN, MSN, PhD, Pennsylvania • Peggy Moellers, RN, Kansas • Joyce A. Moore, RN, MSN, Ohio • Donna Morris, RN, Kansas • Jamesia Morris, LPN, Mississippi • Marilyn Mortimer, RN, Kansas • Tom Muller, CRNA, Arizona • Idalia Munoz, RN, BSN, MHA, MSN, California • Helen Shea Murphy, RN, MSN, Massachusetts • Charlene Myers-Reid, RN, ADN, Pennsylvania • Angie Nachman, RN, BSN, Texas • Anne H. Napier, EdD, RN, MSN, CNS, Maine • Patricia Nerad, RN, BA, BSN, MHA, California • Nancy Nicolay, RN, Kansas • Phillip Noel, CRNA, BSN, Virginia • Jennifer Noll, RN, Kansas • Mary Norgren, RN, NCSN, Colorado • Paula Nuchols, LPN, Indiana • Lyna Nyamwaya, RN, BSN, Minnesota • Mary Ann Ogonowski, RN, MSN, LDAC, Maine • Karen O’Hara, BSN, RN, Pennsylvania • Nancy O’Hara, LPN, Pennsylvania • Maggie Olsen, CRNA, Georgia • Carrie Olson, RN, BSN, California • Victoria Ombuna, RN, BSN, Minnesota • Grace Oppong, RN, Canada • Victor J. Oskvarek, CRNA, Illinois • Mary Koster Pabst, RN, PhD, retired US Army Nurse Corps Lieutenant, Illinois • Nancy Pankratz, RN, BSN, Canada • Gina Pardo, RN, New York • Dolores B. Pasierb, CRNA, Oklahoma • Stephanie Patschull, RN, California • Janet Peluso, RN, Georgia • Warren L. Penrod, retired USAF Master Sergeant, BSN, MSN, FNP, Indiana • Sherry Perkins, RN, Maryland • Bridget Petrillo, CRNA, APRN, California • Maria (Hutchinson) Petty, BSN, MSN, CRNP, Massachusetts • Mary Broady Petty, RN, BSN, Indiana • Bethanne Pezzuti, RN, New Jersey • Nina Pham, RN, Texas • Gayle Phillips, RN, BSN, Oregon • Pat Polise, RN, Kansas • Graciela Phlatts, RN, New York • Helene Pietrangelo, RN, New Jersey • Pamela Pol, RN, BSN, New Jersey • Jeff Pope, CRNA, Colorado • Patricia Powell, LPN, Mississippi • Leisa Prasser, RN, Indiana • Patrick Price, CRNA, PhD, Minnesota • Venza Mae Price, RN, New York • Stacey Propper, MSN, RN, Maryland • Patricia Pruden, RN, Egypt • Janet Puglisi, RN, BSN, Colorado • Kathie Purcell, RN, New Mexico • Ernest A. Quier, CRNA, California • Diana Quinlan, CRNA, MA, Florida • Kimberly Radig, BSN, RN, Arizona • Cristina Ramirez, RN, Texas • Greg Ramplemann, CRNA, Ohio • Amber Ramsdell, MSN, RN, Texas • Christa Ramsey, RN, New Hampshire • Cyndy Rape, MSN, RN, ACNS-BC, North Carolina • Carlos “Rusty” Ratliff, CRNA, BSNA, Minnesota • Charles Raynor, retired US Army captain, RN, MSN, Texas • Myra Reddish-Randall, RN, MSN, Connecticut • Stephanie Requilman, RN, BSN, California • Siri Richter, MSN, APRN, NP, Arkansas • Amy Riggen, BSN, RN, Indiana • Marilyn Ritenour, RN, BSN, Oregon • Brenda Rivera, RN, Florida • Sophy Rivera, RN, Florida • Keene Roadman, RN, MSN, I

BOOK: The Nurses: A Year of Secrets, Drama, and Miracles with the Heroes of the Hospital
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