The Other Side of Summer (23 page)

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Charlie, I can honestly say that this story would not have been the same without you. No matter what I’ve said in the past – usually when you’ve rolled in something disgusting – you, Charlie, are a very good dog.

Aaron, Madeleine and Jonah, thank you for all of our river adventures and for being mine. You three amaze me.

Zoe Walton, my publisher, thank you so much for believing in this story. Bronwyn O’Reilly, my editor, your attention to detail is both terrifying and brilliant. Thank you both for being so encouraging, wise and patient. Thank you also to Vanessa Lanaway and to Victoria Stone for proofreading.

Thank you, Penguin Random House Australia, for the opportunity to share this story.

Astred Hicks – thank you for another beautiful jacket.

Tim Reid, I remember the exact moment I said ‘Wouldn’t it be cool if …’ and I’m so thankful that you said yes.

Caroline Green and Fiona Wood, I don’t know if you will believe me when I tell you how important you both were to this book, but please try.

Thank you, Louise Burns, for your notes on an early draft. And thanks Rebecca Ryan for telling me about emergence delirium one day on a bench in school when we were supposed to be watching netball practice.

Nina Kenwood and Bronte Coates, I love our writing group so much. Thank you for the support you’ve given me.

Thank you to Justine Larbalestier, whose novel
Magic or Madness
inspired me to pick up this story again after I’d neglected it for too long. Thanks also to all the #LoveOzYA authors whose work has nourished me since I came to live in Australia.

Thank you to the Wurundjeri Elders for permission to use a fictional name for part of the Yarra River, and to Charley Woolmore and Daniel Ducrou for helping with this matter.

I’ve been creative with the geography of this part of Melbourne to suit the story I wanted to tell, but I couldn’t have told it without the real stretch of Yarra that I walk by every day. It’s a beautiful place that always restores me, so I’d like to respectfully acknowledge the traditional land of the Kulin nation.

Finally, thank you to my fantastic parents, Susan and Christopher.

Emily Gale has been involved in the children’s book industry for nearly twenty years and has worked as an editor, reviewer, talent finder and literary award judge. She spent several happy years at independent bookshop Readings as a children’s book buyer, during which time she was instrumental in establishing their Children’s Book Prize.

Emily’s writing includes two novels for teenagers –
Girl, Aloud
Steal My Sunshine
– and
Eliza Boom’s Diary
for younger readers.

Living on the other side of the world from the place she grew up and most of her family means that concepts of home, belonging and displacement have long occupied Emily’s mind, and inspired her to write
The Other Side of Summer

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Version 1.0
The Other Side of Summer

First published by Random House Australia in 2016

Copyright © Emily Gale, 2016

The moral right of the author has been asserted.

A Random House Australia book
Published by Penguin Random House Australia Pty Ltd
Level 3, 100 Pacific Highway, North Sydney NSW 2060

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National Library of Australia
Cataloguing-in-Publication entry

Author: Gale, Emily
Title: The Other Side of Summer [electronic resource]
ISBN: 978 0 14378 012 0 (ebook)
Target audience: For ages 11+
Subjects: Families – Juvenile fiction
Friendship – Juvenile fiction
Dewey Number: A823.4

Cover illustration and internal design by Astred Hicks,
Song ‘The Other Side’ copyright © Emily Gale and Tim Reid 2016
Quote from
The Minpins
by Roald Dahl, copyright © 1991 by Felicity Dahl and the other executors of the estate of Roald Dahl. Used by permission of David Higham Associates Limited and Viking Books, an imprint of Penguin Publishing Group, a division of Penguin Random House LLC.

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