The Owned Girl (4 page)

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Authors: Dominic Ridler

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General

BOOK: The Owned Girl
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    She was never given a safe word, though I know that many submissives are, so that if things go too far they can request the Dom backs off. Mathew's position was that he would take full responsibility and that he would take great care never to harm her. At the same time he impressed upon her that he was the one who would decide what she needed, what she could take, how much was too much. A great part of the whole exercise was to do with instilling trust in Beth. He wanted her to trust us implicitly, without reservation. He wanted to make her completely dependent on us for her well-being; this applied not only to her physical condition (we made her eat properly and exercise and get enough sleep), but also her mental state. She was prone to anxiety, to worrying endlessly, both about things she could have some influence on (her work, her living space, her sexual life), and things she couldn't (the state of the world, the state of her friends' marriages, her parents' health). Matthew's theory, I think, was that Beth needed to have all her defences broken down, needed in a sense to be dismantled, before she could be built up again, stronger and more independent.
    That certainly applied to her relations with other men. When we first encountered her, she had a boyfriend. His name was Brian. I don't think either of us took to him much, but we were obliged to take him into our confidence. The plans we had for Beth could not be executed while he remained in ignorance of the fact that she was now an owned girl. To our surprise, he seemed to more or less take this in his stride. I don't know to what extent he already knew that she was kinky. He himself was pretty vanilla, I think, except that he seemed rather fascinated by the fact that Beth wasn't, and wanted to find out more about this side of her. We saw the two of them together a few times, and Matthew tried as carefully as he could to explain what motivated submissive girls like Beth and me, and what motivated dominant men like him to want to control us. I think Brian more or less understood it intellectually; it was just that he didn't get it personally. He couldn't really see why any of us found the situation so full of sexual excitement.
    Clearly there was a bit of a problem with Brian, because as things developed between Beth and us he was in danger of getting shut out. Beth was seeing more and more of us, and so less and less of him. And her sexual energies were increasingly directed towards us. She had become, as Matthew liked to put it, cathected upon us, and so more and more detached from Brian.
    Matthew decided that, in order to be fair to him, we ought to make an effort to include him. He himself seemed to show no appetite for controlling Beth. During our meetings together Matthew would occasionally give him opportunities. I remember once that Beth had committed some minor infringement, for which she was due to be punished. Matthew asked Brian if he would like to administer the spanking that was required. We were all sitting round the kitchen table, and Matthew produced a wooden spoon and asked Brian if he would care to use it on Beth. He went bright red and stammered that, no, it wasn't really his thing, but that he was happy to watch Matthew administer what was necessary.
    Matthew decided something more was needed, to try to bring Brian into the arrangement. He talked to me about his idea, which was that there should be a foursome (this was very soon after Matthew had finally fucked Beth, after keeping her waiting for weeks, an act which I shall describe shortly). The relationship with Beth had been consummated, but Beth had not informed Brian; by now we suspected, as proved to be the case, that all was not well between them. Matthew thought that perhaps Beth's involvement with us was the cause of strain between Brian and Beth. Later we were to find there was far more to it than that. But Matthew thought that if we had somehow caused the problem, we ought to do what we could to help solve it. Accordingly he suggested to me that we should, as it were, give Brian a reward. And at the same time, this would be a good test of Beth's submission to us that she consented to have her boyfriend fuck me.
    Perhaps I should digress for a moment on the nature of my relationship with my husband. I have said that I am submissive; but I haven't said how exactly. There was comparatively little overt d/s activity between us. He rarely spanked me or tied me up or forced me into scenarios of humiliation and such. I've said that sex between us was often rough. He would pull my hair, slap my face, and hold me down while fucking me as hard as he could, enough to leave me with a bruised cunt. He also buggered me, again causing me some discomfort, which I enjoyed. I liked the idea of being forced. And from time to time he had toyed with the idea of finding another man to fuck me, while he sat and watched and issued instructions: 'turn her round', 'fuck her like a dog', 'push your cock down her throat till she chokes', that sort of thing. But this had remained at the level of fantasy. No one yet had been found adequate to fill the role.
    You may well wonder how I responded to the idea of involving Brian. In large part my submission to Matthew consisted in being willing to do what he wanted. I didn't have much of an attraction to Brian physically; he was a large, cumbersome sort of guy, not the thin, sensitive, intense type that I usually favoured. But if Matthew wanted it I would do it for him. And there was a certain frisson in the idea that I was forcing Beth to watch her man being seduced by me. It certainly was a way of exercising control over her, rubbing her nose in the dirt of her submission, if you like. (Sometimes I felt quite aggressive towards her; even a trifle vindictive. At the time I wasn't aware of why I felt this way. I put it down to a dominant streak in my make-up that I hadn't been previously aware of, but which Beth brought out in me. Only later did I realise the basis of this latent hostility, but I shall leave describing that till later.)
    Matthew wanted it all to happen in the same room, Brian fucking me while he forced Beth to watch, and while he, Matthew, fucked her. I remember him describing this scenario to Beth as we sat around the kitchen table. She was wide-eyed with fascination, yet she felt some apprehension.
    'I don't know if he will go for it,' she said doubtfully.
'You don't think he fancies Annabel? Most men do,' Matthew replied.
    'He's just an uptight guy,' she said. 'He's not liberated like you are. Not in touch with himself.' Beth liked to use terms like that. She had a rather touchy-feely view of the world in general.
    'Do you think he will be jealous?' I asked.
    'I don't know,' Beth said. She looked a little sad. 'I'm not sure how much he really cares for me. It's more that he'll be inhibited by having others in the room. Especially another man.'
    'Wait and see,' Matthew said. 'Not many guys look a gift horse in the mouth when it comes to sex.'
    And so it proved. Somewhat to our surprise Brian jumped at the idea. It seemed that he did have the hots for me after all. Matthew had discussed it with him man to man, and he'd agreed with alacrity. The evening that it was to happen, Beth and Brian arrived together. Brian watched rather bemused as Beth did her usual kneeling on entry, and Matthew told her to crawl into the sitting room and kneel on the floor by the sofa. We all had a drink, while Matthew toyed with Beth, stroking the back of her neck, pushing his finger into her mouth for her to suck, catching hold of her hair and twisting it till she grimaced.
    Matthew told Brian he should feel free to touch me. Rather tentatively he put his hand on my knee and reached over to kiss me on the mouth. As I said, I was not in truth greatly attracted. But there was undeniably something in the air, something rather perverse which I responded to. I let Brian kiss me, even responded a bit, and when he put his hand up my skirt, I allowed him to feel around for a while. Beth watched intently, while Matthew continued to fondle her.
    Matthew was seated in an armchair with Beth on her knees beside him, while Brian and I shared the sofa. Brian pulled me down so that we were laying full length. He rather aggressively undid my shirt and struggled to get my bra off; I had to help him. He nuzzled my breasts while his hand went up under my skirt again, trying to pull my knickers down. As he was occupied with this, I looked across at Beth and Matthew. He had lifted her up off the floor and bent her over an arm of the chair, so that she was sideways to me. As I watched he raised her skirt and pulled her knickers down to her ankles. He put his hand between her legs and began to finger-fuck her. I could hear her gasping. While he did this she stared at me; I couldn't read from her expression what she was thinking. By this time Brian had finally got my knickers off. He pushed my legs apart and unzipped himself. I put my hand down to feel his cock; I always like to have a sense of what it is that is going into me. But before I could touch him he had pushed it in. He lay there with his full weight on my body. He was heavy, and I didn't feel there was much finesse in what he did, or much emotional engagement; there was a rather depressing brute physicality about it which did not appeal to me. Nonetheless I let him continue. He began to fuck me in a rather laboured manner. All this time I looked over to watch Beth and Matthew, though Brian seemed completely unmindful of them. Beth stared back at me as Matthew took his fingers out of her and replaced them with his cock. He fucked her while Brian fucked me. I lay there in silence while Beth made sounds of pleasure; there was no doubt which girl was the more involved in the proceedings.
    Afterwards we all got back in our clothes, or rather Matthew, Brian and I did. Matthew made Beth kneel on the floor naked while we all had a drink, rather pointedly not discussing the events of the past hour. Eventually Beth put her clothes on and she and Brian departed. It wasn't long after that Beth informed us that she and Brian had split. She said that he was prone to terrible rages, and that he had one fit of anger too many, becoming beside himself and screaming abuse at her. So she had told him she didn't want to see him any more. I confess that I was secretly relieved that I would not have to fuck him again.
    It was never quite clear to me whether Brian used physical violence against her, but perhaps the extreme nature of his outbursts meant that she lived in fear of it even if it didn't actually come to that. We had several long talks with her at this point about her previous sexual and emotional history. It appeared that she had a history of involvement with unsuitable men, several of whom got angry with her. Perhaps it wasn't strictly her fault that they did so, but the more she talked of her affairs the more there seemed to be a pattern, Beth had the knack of irritating men to the point where they lost control.
    It wasn't till much later, after it was all over between us, that I got any kind of purchase on this. At the time I thought she was mainly the victim of bad luck, and perhaps poor judgement in her selection of sexual partners. Matthew and I would surely sort her out, and then she would be able once more to engage freely with other people. But in the meantime, Matthew made it clear; she was not to have any more boyfriends. Dating was forbidden. When he announced this to her she looked a little crestfallen. But he convinced her that it was for her own good.
    'Annabel and I will take care of your sexual needs,' he said. 'We are going to cure you of bad habits, and train you to have positive experiences with men. But that is in the future. For now, you belong to us. We will take you back to square one sexually. No one will use you except by our consent. And we certainly shall not be allowing callow boys to mess around with your pretty little head.'
    It may sound like a demeaning way to address an adult girl in her mid-twenties, but in fact Beth thrived on this kind of talk. She had a deep desire to be treated as a child. Later, I shall recount an episode when this was taken more literally, and she was dressed up in a child's clothes, something she warmly embraced.
    I realise I have gotten ahead of myself here, because I have not yet described the moment when Matthew first fucked her. I could tell Beth had been waiting for this for a long time. Sometimes she looked at Matthew with a kind of hunger that, to be honest, I did not care for. True she was our little girl, obedient to both of us. But he after all was my husband; I could not be indifferent to the idea of another woman being fucked by him, no matter what her status, especially if she showed overwhelming enthusiasm. I struggled with this somewhat, and as the reader will discover I never entirely overcame my reservations about the two of them having full sex together. However, I could see that it was the logical conclusion of the relationship we had with Beth. If she was going to be an owned girl in the fullest sense, then Matthew had to fuck her.
    He told me one afternoon that he thought that coming evening would be the time. Beth came round to supper, as she did two or three times a week (at that time she was living with her parents so we couldn't go to her place). Matthew told her to take all her clothes off, and we had a glass of wine while he and Beth sat at the kitchen table and I cooked. After we had eaten Matthew started talking to her.
    First he asked her if she was happy with us. Did she feel the relationship was good for her and that she was making progress? She said, yes, very much so. He said that it was important that her sexuality be disciplined and controlled by her owners. Ultimately, under our instruction, she would learn self-discipline and that would mean that she would not make the bad decisions about men she had made in the past. Instead of throwing herself at unsuitable men because she needed sex, she would be able to exercise a more careful choice.

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