The Patriot (6 page)

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Authors: Dewey Goldsmith

BOOK: The Patriot
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We now have four teams of twenty men each. There are approximately seven hundred enemy forces in total, but of that about fifty are support people. I had planned just a strong harassment action today but I believe we are now able to do them some real damage and increase their losses. The officers and commander are housed in the old golf manor on the west side near the highway. Joshua you take your team and move into the wooded area adjacent to the road. Your job will be to hit the manor with incendiary grenades then fragments and automatic fire. But don’t advance and risk moving into team two’s fire. Tim you will be team number two. From your position at the top of the ridge you will be able to cover the whole area well. When Joshua’s team strikes the headquarters you will have a clear view of their main troops coming out of their tents. Hit those troops with grenades, small arms, and automatic fire and pour it on strong. Again don’t advance and run into team one’s fire. Both teams get in position and both attack at exactly five o’clock, which should be near dusk. At five fifteen teams one and two disengage, join together, and move east along the ridge. Cross the highway south and move towards the wooded area.

At exactly five fifteen when you disengage and move out, Mac’s squad and myself will attack their forces from the southern border woodline before they can assemble and pursue you. We will have the advantage of surprising them from their rear as they take cover from your fire. We will keep them busy and cover you long enough for your men to travel east then south into the woods. Tim, you and Joshua know the land well. Keep your men moving towards Antioch and wait for us there in the woods. Once we know you have made your way across the south border and are moving we will disengage and meet up with you at Antioch. My friends this will take about thirty minutes from start to finish. We want maximum effect, both in casualties and to their moral. Men, remember our promise to all who join our cause, we Leave no man behind.

Later that day as dusk was approaching Goldie and Mac and their friends were buttoned down in the woods south of the enemy compound. It was one minute until five and Mac said Goldie these men operate as though they have been together for years. We haven’t heard any gunfire they must have made it in place without incident. Goldie said we should know in a few seconds. Suddenly the dusk was awakened with a loud explosion, Fire could be seen coming from the headquarters building, and now grenades were exploding and the rattling sounds of small arms fire filled the air all along the west and northern perimeters of the encampment. Mac said, they’re giving them hell and I don’t hear much defensive fire. Suddenly there was a large explosion and secondary explosions could be seen now erupting all through the encampment. Goldie said, Christ it’s better than I had hoped, they’ve hit their ammo storage area.

He said it time for Joshua’s team to pull out and join up with Times men on the ridge. He contacted Tim on the radio and asked, is Joshua and his men there yet. Tim said affirmative. Goldie said we are changing out plan; hold your ground where you are along the north ridge. They’re in trouble, we can finish this tonight. We are moving to the east and will advance and attack their positions from the east flank. When you hear our fire open up from the ridge but hold your position so you don’t get caught in our fire. Tim said roger, will do. Mac said, dam Goldie, you haven’t changed since Nam, and this is like old times. They were running now across the road and up the valley then Goldie yelled, turn west and give them hell. Goldie and Mac led the charge past the small lake and onto the old golf course firing as they moved forward. Firing was coming again from all along the northern ridge and bodies were scattered everywhere as Mac and Goldie’s men advanced across the encampment.

As Goldie and Mac’s men reached the highway on the west side some of the enemy forces could be heard running along the highway west of the camp. Goldie got Tim on the radio and said, call it off now. You and Joshua get all your people and move east and south across the road, we will meet you in the woods and all return to antic together. He yelled at Mac, It’s finished. Pull the men out and lets head south into the woods. Tim, Joshua and their men met up with Goldie and Mac in the woods. After a count it was found four men were wounded, but none mortally, all could walk on their own. All personnel were accounted for. One of Mac’s men was a medic with experience in Nam. The wounded were cared for first then Goldie said lets move out for camp. Hours later at the camp Goldie told the men; tonight we struck a blow for all people who love freedom. Do we have any of that beef jerky and chocolate bars left to go around? Everyone shared in the snack and was able to relax and enjoy the moment. Goldie said Let us rest tonight. Team leaders post your guards and set up relief so all can get some rest tonight.

Mac and Goldie and Joshua sat down to enjoy a smoke and relax. Mac said those who got away would have a hell of a time explaining this. They may just walk away and try to make it home to their families wherever they are from. Either way the news of what happened here would shake things up for the state command. Goldie said, I had a friend in their camp; I sure hope he made it out ok. If so he will contact us and let us know the final body count. We should hear from James and Jeffrey how things went with the supply columns moving in from the south. If they were able to intercept those replacements and hurt them good we may have had a very good day.

The following morning runners from James and Jeff’s teams showed up at the base camp. The runner from James team reported they had encountered a fairly small number of supply vehicles and personnel carriers at their location. There were only a dozen vehicles and approximately two dozen troops. We hit the front and rear vehicles then targeted those trapped in between. All vehicles were destroyed or damaged beyond use. No survivors were found although there may have been a couple that escaped. Mission was a total success. We had one minor injury and no losses. The runner from Jeff’s team was somber. He said we encountered a large convoy with approximately thirty supply vehicles and several, about a dozen, personnel carriers. We took out the front and rear vehicles and some of the personnel carriers and supply vehicles with our first strike. Then we destroyed as many of the supply vehicles and troop carriers as possible. They lost many troops and what was left ran into the woods heading west.

The runner said, Goldie, I’m sorry but I have to tell you your son Jeff was hit hard in the chest and shoulder. Goldie was silent for a moment then asked did he make it? The runner said he was holding on when I left. He was talking and still in control. He advised not to radio you to disclose yours or our positions. He said to tell you to do what you have to do. He is hard and tough, if anyone can make it he will. The men were treating him then will meet us here unless they hear otherwise from you. Goldie said thanks my friend, rest yourself and enjoy a snack from our chef. Mac said this is a tough one top, I’m here if you need someone to lean on. He told Mac, I know old friend, just keep me on an even keel this night. For now everyone needs some time to rest so we will keep lookouts posted and rest for now. He said goodnight friend and Mac said rest now.

Mac bent over Goldie and awakened him. Goldie said hey, you always were the first to get up. Mac said friend, the others are back from their operations, and they will be here momentarily. Goldie stood up and together they met the men coming in. James put his arms around his dad and said, I’m sorry dad, we did everything we could do, but Jeffrey is with mother now. Before he passed away he asked be to tell you he loved you. He said tell you carry on the fight for the sake of all who love freedom. The old mans head fell, then he straightened and said take me to him. Slowly they walked over to the makeshift litter they had carried him back on. The old man knelt beside his son and for a moment his body began to shake. Then he rose faced the men and said, thank you for bringing my son home. You have done well on your missions and Jeff would be proud of you. Jeff is free now and in the arms of his mother and sheltered by our Lord. Ours is a cause of patriotism and it is right. You men rest this night.

Then he said to James and Joshua, come we must bury your brother beside his mother. He said Mac would you come with us and Mac said I will always be with you. Goldie said to the men who had served with Jeffrey, I know you would want to be with us when we place my son to rest, but we cannot risk too many of us going where we have to go. James and Joshua picked up their brother and with Goldie leading the way they started the long walk to the hidden gravesite where he had buried his wife and daughter. They stopped at the edge of the woods. All was quiet and no one could be seen or heard. Mac said the birds are quiet and calm. It is safe. He said James keep a sharp eye out. The earth was soft from the recent laying to rest of his wife and soon the grave was ready. Joshua and Mac tenderly lay Jeffrey into the earth. Mac said his farewell then said, I will go now and stand watch.


The Patriots Revenge

James walked across the stream to join his father and brother. Together they stood with heads bowed for a moment then they began to cover their lost one. Finally when it was done Goldie said, say so long to your mama and brother then leave me a moment. As Mac, James, and Joshua stood by the tree line Goldie knelt, padded the soil, then arose. He turned his face to the heavens for a moment then he raised his hands high and they heard him say, thy will be done Lord, not mine. He walked to where Mac and his sons were and said, this was your mother’s special place and she will care for Jeffrey now. Then he said sons I have some personal chores to take care of. I should return in three or four days. Mac, will you go with the boys to join the others and wait for me there. Mac said sure friend, be careful and return safe.

Goldie said so long and started off thru the woods. James asked Mac, where do you suppose he is off to. Mac said he knows who issued the orders to execute your mother. I suspect he is out to even some personal scores, but he will not risk endangering you and the men. Come let us see to the men and supplies and have some food and rest. Meanwhile Goldie started along the wood line going to the north at a fast pace. He knew he had several miles to travel before the day would be done. By evening, with the help of a friendly farmer, he had made it to the outskirts of the former Wright Patterson air base, now under the control of a civilian administrator appointed to oversee the military command. After finding a place of safety for the night he ate of the rations the old farmer had given him then went to work assembling an explosive device. He took some C-4 plastic explosive and rolled it into a ball about the size of softball then wrapped it in a bag filled with nails. He inserted a short cord fuse into the plastic which when lit would take five seconds to ignite the explosive.

The next day the military base commander and civilian administrator were seated with their wives in the base mess hall. They were discussing the orders of their bosses at the state commanders headquarters. The administrator said the orders from those at Columbus to execute a local national every week until the rebel is caught was a mistake. It has cost us several of our officers and men and is building support for the resistors. At that moment the large window facing the patio was shattered and an object rolled across the room towards their table. Seconds later a powerful explosion shook the building collapsing part of the roof. Guards outside rushed into the building clearing away the debris while others rushed to the rear of the building. An old man was seen running away and the guards gave chase but the old man eluded them. Inside guards found the civilian administrator and commanding general both had died in the explosion along with their wives and several other personnel.

After the explosion Goldie had managed to evade his pursuers then moved along the hedges surrounding the mess building to a parking lot where military vehicles were parked. He slugged a driver standing by a sedan, took his hat and keys, then got into the vehicle and drove past the old hospital and out the gate then turned east towards the highway and proceeded north from there. A few hours he was parked near the old Lockbourne air base at Columbus now occupied by the United Nations state command. He spent the rest of the day watching traffic entering and departing the installation. Near dusk he observed a sedan escorted by one military vehicle and closely followed by another enter the compound. He knew by the flags and United Nations insignia on the vehicle it was the commander of United Nations observers. He watched as the vehicles stopped in front of the old air force base commanders house. When the armed escorts dismounted their vehicles then opened the door to the sedan and assisted a woman and a uniformed older man he knew these were the ones he wanted.

He sat outside the base perimeter for several hours watching the scene and studying the movements of those coming and going. Around midnight all seemed quiet and only three guards could be seen protecting the house. He studied the situation then made his decision. He began his move towards the perimeter fence surrounding the compound. Once there he used a small pair of wire cutters carried with him to cut an opening in the fence large enough for him to crawl thru. The guards had not moved or gave any indication they were aware of his presence. Goldie considered his options. He could move close enough to toss grenades into the house and hope to eliminate the occupants, but he didn’t like to leave anything to chance. He thought it over then decided to insure those inside paid with their lives for ordering his wife executed.

He crawled thru the opening in the fence and began his move towards the commander’s quarters. He withdrew his long knife from its scabbard and crept behind a large tree within a few yards of the sentry guarding the rear of the house. He had noticed the sentry had occasionally walked to the tree to lean against it to rest and hoped he would do so again. After several moments the sentry walked to the far corner of the house then returned and came towards the tree and sat down with his back to the tree. Moments later Goldie entered cautiously thru the door and into the home towards the room where he had watched the last lights go out. There was no struggle and he left quickly. Then just as he was going thru the fence opening he saw several uniformed soldiers approaching the house. They spotted him at the same time and yelled for him to stop. He broke into a run as they opened fire at him. He felt a sharp pain in his right side but kept moving across the open field and into a wooded area.

He circled the woods and made his way to the parked military vehicle. He drove back to the camp area and hid the vehicle off the road then entered the woods near where his men were set up. After making certain no one was following he slowly approached the campsite. He gave a signal then waited and signaled again and heard the reply from the lookout. Presently Tim and one of the men came towards him. Tim said Mac and the boys would sure be glad to see you. Tim walked with him to the campsite where Mac and the boys were sitting. Mac saw his blood stained jacket and said man it looks like you were hit. He said I’m ok it’s just a flesh wound, nothing to worry about. The old man put his arms around his sons and said your mother and brother can rest now, those who ordered her execution would issue no more orders. Mac called his medic friend over to have a look at his injury. He checked the wound out then said you were lucky. The slug hit your rib then passed on thru instead of bouncing around inside.

He asked how did things go here? Mac said all has been quiet and we are well rested. Richard contacted us yesterday by radio and said the Ohio guard and the UN Forces are going crazy but didn’t explain. He will be here tomorrow. James and Joshua said dad you need rest, get some sleep, we will wake you if need be. The old man said yes I am tired, but I am at peace now. Mac and the boys watched as their dad pulled a blanket over his shoulders and lie down beneath the pines. Within moments he was sound asleep. Talking softly Mac told the boys, I served with your father. There is none other like him. He is a man of honor, one who will ask no man to do that which he will not do himself. He would not have said your mother was avenged were it not so. Some day we may learn where he was and what took place but we must let him choose the time

The next morning Goldie was awakened by the others and told the coffee is ready and we have you a Pepsi too. The men had just finished a hearty breakfast when scouts announced company was coming. It was Richard and his companions. The men shook hands then sat down to hear the news of around the state activities. First Richard said I have a report of your assault on their snow hill headquarters. As near as we know the whole officers corps were killed and all of their supplies destroyed. More than five hundred of their men were killed with many more wounded and missing. The survivors and wounded have been removed to Wright Patterson. They also lost several hundred men and most of their vehicles in your attack upon the supply columns. Well done my friends your bravery and competence is becoming known all around the country.

He said of great importance is the fact that the UN civilian administrator, Ohio guard commander, and the base commander and all their wives and several others were slain in a bold daylight attack yesterday at the Wright Patt air force logistic center. The attacker apparently operated alone and managed to elude his pursuers and escaped after killing a guard and taking his vehicle. Guards reported an elderly man was seen running from the area. Also last night the state Commander of all United Nations advisors and his wife were attacked and slain in their residence near Columbus at the old air reserve base. It is reported a sentry was killed then the attacker entered the commanders home disposing of the commander and his wife. Military spokespersons say the lone attacker was wounded trying to escape. Based upon the amount of blood found it is believed his wounds were severe enough to cause his death, however his body has not been found.

Mac looked at Goldie and James and Joshua also looked for some word from their dad but nothing was forthcoming. Richard looked at Goldie and said, old friend, was your journey successful? Goldie said yes, there were some minor problems but overall my trip was a success. Richard said I see you have a bandage over your ribs, nothing serious I hope. Not at all Goldie replied. Richard looked at him for a moment then grinned and said, I doubt they will ever find the one who attacked and eliminated the top brass at Wright pat and Columbus will they. Goldie said I doubt they will. Then he asked what is their response expected to be to their loss of personnel in our sector? Richard replied we don’t have a clear indication yet, we do know the platoon sized patrol they had out when you assaulted their encampment at snow hill was moved to Wright Patterson. For the time being you men lay low and watch for movement and rest, you have all earned it. He said I must return to my command post but I will contact you with any new developments. He looked at Goldie for a moment and said, well-done friend, then he and his companions started their journey home.

The men all sat and talked about old times and their hopes for tomorrow. Then Goldie said Tim right now it appears all their personnel have been moved from this sector to Wright Patterson. It is safe for those who have families in this area to spend some time with them. Tell your men they can all go home and help their families. We will get word to them if they are needed for an operation. Tim you may as well go and see that all is well with your family, I will be in touch if things change. After Tim and his men had departed Goldie said James you and Joshua take your people back to Adams and highland county. Spend some time with my grandchildren and let the men go home and rest I will contact you if there is any new developments. James asked dad what will you and Mac and his people do while we are gone. Well son right now it looks like the National Guard have moved their people out of our sector. It may well be others are making it tough for them in their areas, if so we could be in a position to make some real progress. Mac and I will stay in contact with Richard and with you. He gave his sons a bear hug and said, now be gone with you.

Mac said Goldie where do we go from here? Goldie said with things as they are now we may be able to move about for some special operations. We need to keep them awake, fearful, and disrupt their thinking wouldn’t you agree. Mac said reckon I do top, I will take the first watch tonight, will you set up the relief? Ok I will set up the relief and spell you in two hours. Later sitting there at the edge of the woods was restful to him. He watched as three female deer came walking along then stopped at the stream for water. He sat quietly and watched then heard movement and saw a large antlered deer standing at the wood line. It stood there for several moments then came slowly out to join the does then together they walked back into the trees. Proud and free he thought, just as we used to be.

Later after being relieved he pulled the blanket over his shoulders and slept. He awoke to see Mac and the others drinking coffee and having a breakfast of fresh fried sausage and home fries. Mac said Tim dropped these off, seems some of the local women wanted to see us well fed, Here’s some ready and warm for you. Mac said Richard called wants to meet with us this afternoon about two o’clock. Said some of his friends will be with him. He wanted to know how many men total did we have in our district that would respond if called to action. Well Goldie said until he gets here everyone relax and enjoy the quiet. He said Mac remember that last time we went hunting in Cambodia? Mac said hell top how could we forget, the brass dam near got us all killed. Dropping the twelve of us right in the middle of a dam north Vietnamese regiment. Goldie said yeah but hell it was funny the way it worked out. They must have killed half their own men shooting at each other long after we had already moved out. One of the men said yeah they probably told their bosses they ran into a whole dammed division.

The lookout signaled visitors are here. It was Richard and the team of ex berets who had been in on the takeover of the television station. Richard we brought you more supplies and rations for the men. Now he said, I have great news to tell you. We have been working with patriots all across the country. Many small units like you are operating in every state just as we are doing here in Ohio. Yesterday a combined action was planned to take over television stations across this nation at the same time you were on the air. We were nearly one hundred percent successful. The beret captain said your television debut was broadcast in thirty-seven states from New York to California. Millions saw your call to action and already they are responding by the tens of thousands. You have earned the respect of all those who cherish freedom.

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