The Patriot

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Authors: Dewey Goldsmith

BOOK: The Patriot
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The Patriot








Dewey Goldsmith


This book is a work of fiction. People, places, events, and situations are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or historical events, is purely coincidental.

© 2005 Dewey Goldsmith. All Rights Reserved.


No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.


First published by AuthorHouse 07/06/05


ISBN: 1-4208-5683-9 (sc)

ISBN: 1-4208-6530-7 (dj)


Printed in the United States of America

Bloomington, Indiana


This book is printed on acid-free paper.


The Patriot

Cast of Characters

Goldie, an old veteran of the Korean and Viet Nam conflicts, as the patriot.


Grace, as the patriots wife, the first to suffer persecution and execution.


James, as an army veteran and the patriots son.


Joshua, as an army veteran and the patriots son.


Jeffrey, as an army veteran and the patriots son.


Tim and Mac, as army veterans and friends of the patriot.


Richard, as a former CIA operative and national leader of the militia.


Wilson, as a former army general and militia commander.


Wallace, as a former marine general and militia commander.


Randolph, as a former army general and militia commander.



Following World War Two our countries wealthiest citizens began seeking and obtaining appointments to cabinet policy making positions, the Council on Foreign Affairs, and took control of the Federal Reserve Board. They followed those actions by using their great wealth to actively recruit and support congressional and presidential candidates willing to adopt policies directed towards protecting and increasing the assets of the worlds richest at the expense of the American working class.

Under their leadership campaign laws were adopted that prevent the common citizen from pooling their resources into one united voice, yet place no restrictions on the amount a billionaire, American or foreign, can spend to get their candidates nominated and elected. Monopoly laws were changed to permit corporate entities to control press, radio, and the television media. Their uncontrolled biased views now determine who will be the candidates from each political party and who will be elected.

I would argue that during this period other actions were taken by the leaders of both political parties more dangerous to the future of a free people than the social and economic policies that followed. Events such as Ruby Ridge, Idaho, Waco Texas, Columbine, and Nine Eleven were used to create the public misconception that more laws and agencies to enforce them were necessary for the public good. An apathetic people watched as federal agencies were created and unconstitutional laws established by the courts became a reality.

Among these actions was the formation of the homeland security agency given broad powers unrestrained by constitutional protections, reminiscent of the powers Hitler gave his homeland security department. The adoption of the patriot bills that permit invasions of privacy and arrest and detention without a showing of probable cause and without the filing of charges. Laws prohibiting entrapment were abolished leading to all manners of sting operations where no actual victim exists. At the local level random road checks were used to stop, detain, and search citizens without a showing of probable cause or due process of warrant. Citizens could be arrested and charged for failing to furnish their names, addresses, and proof of identity when enforcement agents demanded they do so.

American workers were betrayed by the adoption of the North American Free Trade Agreement and the World Trade Agreement that led to the exodus of five million jobs. During that period the granting of amnesty to twenty million criminal immigrants encouraged tens of millions of additional immigrants to illegally enter America across the southern border bankrupting our social services and educational systems and changed the character of America.

The number of Unemployed American workers rose as employers turned to illegal immigrants for cheap labor replacing American workers unwilling to work at part time minimum wage jobs. Housing for American citizens was nonexistent due to the higher income landlords could make renting to groups of immigrants rather than single families. Emergency medical services were closed at many hospitals due to the high cost of treating uninsured illegal immigrants. America was fast being reduced to third world status with millions existing in the alleys and shadows of society.

Bankruptcy laws were changed to eliminate a debtors safety net and the return to debtor prisons became popular. Corrupt Washington politicians refused to act in the interest of America, unwilling to risk losing the financial support of their corporate bosses who were profiting from outsourcing and cheap illegal labor here at home. Instead government used unconstitutional laws and enforcement policies to control the growing unrest.

As the number of illegal immigrants grew landholders in southern border states banded together to protect their families and property from the hordes of invading criminal immigrants, only to have Washington declare these landowners criminals without legal rights of home defense. Confrontations between the immigrants and unemployed citizens turned violent and spread nationwide.

Former military veterans were organizing into military style units and driving the immigrants out of their towns and cities back across the border. Industries that employed illegal immigrants were sabotaged and their products destroyed. Mexican factories were closing because goods produced there could not be safely transported across the border. The Mexican government was calling for the United Nations to intervene and protect their citizens living in America.

Before their fall past empires reached the point where appointed jurists established law, volunteer armies enforced the law, while corrupt politicians filled their coffers with unjust taxes. I unashamedly believe America could reach that point in our history.

I contend it is in such social, economic, and political conditions that despotism flourishes and betrayals become commonplace. History teaches well paid volunteer forces become loyal to their paymasters and forget national loyalties. History also records it takes only one determined individual to stir the thirst for liberty in an enslaved nation.

My book is a fictional story of such a person during such a time.



The Final Betrayal

It was February, the November presidential election had come and gone and still no winner had been declared. Election results were being disputed in many states where illegal immigrants needed only show a country of origin identification card to vote and support the incumbent.

The predictable racial unrest and civil strife was quickly used as a pretext by her honor, the president, to declare a state of national emergency and a declaration of martial law. Federal cabinet members, judges, and governors not supportive of military rule were replaced with presidential appointees. The congress was dismissed and replaced by a presidential parliament. State legislatures and courts were disbanded and military courts were being formed to replace them. All election processes were abolished.

Members of the council on foreign affairs and the trilateral commission were calling for the United Nations to act to protect the assets of the world’s wealthiest corporations. Members of these organizations were calling for the parliament to adopt a resolution requesting United Nations intervention. The Presidents husband, the former president of the United States, now Secretary General of the United Nations, called a meeting of the Security Council. The Security Council then issued a resolution calling for united nations civilian administrators and military advisors to go to America to observe conditions and make recommendations to the council. Other forces would be deployed to Canada and made available to Washington if requested, or as the resolution read, if conditions warrant intervention.

All state National Guard units were activated and placed under the direct control of the director of homeland security. Clashes between citizens and the guard forces prompted the federal director of homeland security to issue public warnings that any person who interfered with

National Guard forces would be classified as terrorists, detained in federal camps, and tried by military courts and be subject to the death penalty. He urged citizens to report those they suspect of possessing firearms.

The homeland security director imposed a nationwide curfew and travel restrictions on all citizens. The director also announced that as soon as equipment became available all citizens would be ordered to report to officials in their areas to have a Biological Encoding And System Tracking (BEAST) global positioning computer chip implanted to facilitate government controls. The director issued a public announcement that once the beast is available no citizen will be able to work, receive government benefits, make any purchase, or own property without the chip being installed. All religious institutions were ordered disbanded and attendance at any religious service was a federal offense punishable by death or imprisonment.

The director of homeland security ordered the states to furnish a listing of all purchasers of hunting licenses during the past thirty years. The states were also required to provide a record of all prior legal firearm purchases during that period. The national rifle association was ordered to furnish the government a listing of all current and past members then disband. All citizens were ordered to turn in their firearms and citizen ownership of any firearm, of any type, became a federal offense. Liberty for all America hung in the balance.


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