The Perfect Plan [The Men of Treasure Cove 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (5 page)

BOOK: The Perfect Plan [The Men of Treasure Cove 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“Don’t worry about Orin. Jacks and I can handle him. He’s just having a hard time with all of this. When we get back to the house, we can all discuss what happened and what we’re gonna do next. Till then, I think it’s best we keep any new revelations quiet until we are all safely at the house.”

“I think that’s best, too.”

Once back in the truck, nobody said another word until they arrived at the Big D. Even then, Davis watched as Orin slammed the truck door and stomped into the house, slamming the screen door furiously. He didn’t know what was bugging his big brother, but Orin sure did have his mad on good.

Opening the back door, he helped Lilly down, and together, he and Jacks escorted Lilly into the house.


* * * *


Orin McDaniel couldn’t get a grip on his anger. He was furious. He wanted to beat the shit out of something, hard. Mainly he wanted to beat the crap out of himself. This was all his fault. He fucked up. He knew it. Just like he knew it was his entire fault they were all in this mess because he insisted they have that damn party.

If he had just stopped and listened to Davis and Jacks, neither of them would be in this mess. To make matters worse, a beautiful young woman who was too damn sweet and kind for the likes of him was now involved. He brought this on them all, and he knew it was time to fess up and tell them what he remembered.

Unlike his brothers and Lilly, it didn’t take Orin near as long to remember what happened that night. The moment he heard her voice, every little bit of information, every smell, every touch, and every drop of alcohol came crashing back with a vengeance. But the main part, the important part, was
asked Lilly to marry him. Then he dragged her before the Celestial town judge, and then proceeded to beg Miss Raven White, Celestial’s matriarch, to perform the binding ceremony. It was all his idea, just because he wanted into her pants.


The only problem he foresaw was the fact that while it was his fault, he would give anything to get back into her pants again. Just having her sit next to him in the truck caused his dick to stiffen to the point of pain. Add in the fact that her scent was wreaking havoc with his abilities to think clearly, and, well, he was totally fucked.

Last night was unlike anything he had ever experienced and when his brothers joined in, well, it was as it should be, working together, loving the same woman. For the first time ever, last night they accomplished the inevitable. They worked together instead of against each other. It was a novel feeling, something he could admit to himself that he liked.

Growing up as the oldest wasn’t an easy feat. Add in the fact that they were raised to share a wife, and well, heads were bound to butt against each other. Orin knew from an early age that he was possessive, self-centered, and greedy. The thought of sharing anything never set well with him. So when their dads handed over the ranch, well, he expected to be in charge. But that was not what happened. Oh, he was the head, the leader, but in full control he was not. Davis was given the job of managing the funds, while Jacks took care of the animals and their health and welfare. As for Orin, the day-to-day runnings of the ranch were his. Neither could do their jobs without consulting the other. They had to work together to make the ranch successful, and so far, minus a couple hiccups, they were muddling through.

He wasn’t worth a pinch of salt. Greedy and self-absorbed, Orin always did what he wanted, never caring who it affected. His whole life had always been about him. He never cared what his brothers did or what they thought, as long as they did exactly what he wanted.

Selfish and egotistical, Orin McDaniel lived his life in the moment. He knew he worried his parents and angered his brothers, but he didn’t care. He never wanted the lifestyle his family had. He liked being single and was determined to stay that way. All he had to do now was get his brothers to agree with him, but the more Lilly was around, that was going to be harder to accomplish.

That was until last night.

For the first time, they were all on the same page. They shared the same mind, the same determination to bring pleasure to their wife.

His wife!


Forgetting about his dick, Orin stomped back into the living room to come face-to-face with Lilly. She was a small little thing, only coming up to his chest. Her wavy soft-blonde hair reminded him of honey wheat in the summer, all golden and shiny. Her pale, creamy skin was soft like butter, but it was those damn rosy lips of her. Those full, plump lips that had sucked and slurped every inch of his cock until his balls touched her chin.


Blinking quickly, he focused on anything but those lips, but she chose that moment to turn, giving him a nice view of her backside.

Draped in tight denim jeans, her luscious, full ass looked spectacular, like an upside down heart that he could bite and spank all night, while he slid his hard cock deep into her, claiming her as she bucked and moaned in ecstasy. He wanted so much to tie her to his bed again and make her beg for another spanking. Then after he had her submission, then and only then would he fuck her until she creamed all over him.

Shit, man. Stop thinking about her!

“We need to talk,” he said a little too gruffly and wanted to curse himself when Lilly actually flinched as if he slapped her. God, this was not going well. He didn’t want to scare the poor girl, but damn they needed to get this fixed. “Let’s sit and figure this out.”

Motioning her toward the living room, Orin sat in the recliner, while Jacks and Davis sat next to Lilly, sandwiching her in. Orin wanted to hit his brothers. They were not helping by getting cozy with the woman. He needed them on his side, and at this moment, he just didn’t know what they were thinking.

“What can you remember from last night?” Orin began, opening the conversation.

“Not much. I remember spending time with Jacks on a horse and then in bed. I also remember Davis.” She blushed.

“Let me guess, in bed also, right?” Orin asked, already knowing the answer.

“Yes,” she responded demurely.

“What about me? Do you remember having sex with me?” Orin asked.

“No. I only remember Jacks and Orin,” she whispered, wringing her hands nervously.

Why the fuck doesn’t she remember me? I wasn’t that bad!

“Okay. Well let me assure you, I remember us having sex—a lot of sex. Hot, wild, fun, gloriously titillating…” Orin said, his voice taking on a silky, seductive tone.

Davis interrupted, annoyed with his older brother. “We get it! You had sex with Lilly.” The look on Orin’s face as he remembered last night was something new, some emotion he had never seen. If he didn’t know any better, he would say his brother was jealous that she didn’t remember him.

“I guess so, but I am still remembering things. They are coming back, but not fast enough.”

“Well, there is no need to rush it. Now,” Orin said, looking at his brothers. “Do any of you remember using a condom?”

Jacks and Davis looked at each other and both shrugged their shoulders.

“Not that I can recall,” Jacks admitted.

“Me neither,” Davis affirmed.

“I can’t remember using one either,” Orin said.

“Oh God,” Lilly moaned. “I’m not on the pill,” she said as tears began pooling in her eyes.

Orin felt like he was falling as her eyes turned the brightest blue he had ever seen. The sorrowful look she had floored him, pulling at his heart. He had the strongest urge to grab her and hold her tightly, wanting to make everything better.

“Baby, it’s all right. If anything happens, none of us are going anywhere,” Davis said, consoling her.

“You don’t understand. I can’t have a baby. My family, my brothers. Oh God! They’ll—you just don’t understand!” Lilly said, running out the front door.

Orin watched as the little woman fled in tears. Running his hands through his hair, he felt like the biggest shit on the planet. Because of one wild night, he proposed then married and bedded a woman he knew nothing about, and now she could very well be pregnant. And from her dramatic expression, she wasn’t all too happy about that. What made matters worse was that he was getting the distinct feeling she wasn’t happy at the thought of having a baby.

Hell, he thought all women wanted a baby. Why not her? Why would her family care, and what did her brothers have to do with it?

It was then a fleeting thought entered his brain. He remembered her saying she was from Celestial.

Oh God!

He watched as Jacks got to his feet and headed out after Lilly. Davis stood and walked into the kitchen, leaving him alone with his thoughts.

If she was truly from Celestial, just what kind of woman had he married? God, he hoped she wasn’t one of those flower-loving free spirits. Those people were total fruitcakes. Well, so were the tree huggers, the naturalists, and, of course, the spiritual cosmos group. Hell, any one of those groups was enough to make Orin shudder, but to have actually married one. Damn!

What did he really know of her? Well, she was from Celestial. She had a mother and father, and apparently some brothers. She was a beautiful woman, a little young, but she had her whole life ahead of her. She did not need to be saddled with him.

“So enlighten me, Mr. Fix-it. What is going on in that head of yours?” Davis asked, handing him a beer.


* * * *


Lilly’s mind was reeling. She needed to find out if she was pregnant and fast. If she was, there was a lot of planning and decisions to be made, though, one decision she was gonna put off until the last friggin’ moment.

She couldn’t believe this was happening. All because she said yes to Heaven, she was now married and possibly pregnant.

Shit! Could this day get any worse?

Looking at the vast ranch before her, Lilly leaned against the porch rails, watching men go about their duties. One ranch hand in particular was off in the corral, walking a beautiful thoroughbred. He reminded her of her brother Sam, as he would spend hours with his horses. He loved them sometimes more than people.

Lilly watched as the man let the slack out in the rope, allowing the horse to lead as it received its exercise. When the ranch hand raised his hand and flicked a thin riding crop, Lilly’s world returned with a vengeance.


* * * *


“Stand before me.” Orin’s firm words held a steadfast confidence that melted her heart as she slowly got to her feet. Lilly wanted nothing more than his mouth pressed to hers, demanding his passion in a fiery exchange of tongue and tease. He reached out and traced her jaw, and she looked up toward him.

Orin’s touch inflamed her with his self-confidence. His hot hands wandered from her arms to her waist, pulling her closer to him. Lilly was intoxicated with his closeness. Whimpering, her lips parted as she breathed him in. His gray-blue eyes were fixed on hers, and she could do nothing but stare at what now belonged to her. All of them, they were hers.

Lilly felt something rich and vulnerable flourishing within her as she felt his kiss devour her. There was strength behind his tenderness, as though he was trying not to intimidate her too thoroughly, but reinforce his ownership of her body. The pressing sympathy of need inspired a force behind her kiss that surprised him. She could tell in the way he seemed to hold her tighter, as if to reestablish his dominance.

He was in charge.

“Before I continue, there is a matter I need to clear up.”


“Despite what my brothers have said, I am the head of this house, and you are my wife. I am in charge, in all matters. You are mine to do with as I see fit. In this room, you are mine, agreed?”

Looking up at him, confused, she whispered, “Yes, Orin.”

Lilly watched as Orin moved away from her to sit on the edge of the bed.

“Look on the dresser, Lilly. What do you see?” he asked.

Turning around, Lilly was confronted with a leather paddle.

A chill rang through her. Quickly turning back to him, she knew her face was one of shock and disbelief.

“Bring me the paddle, wife.”

Doing as he ordered, Lilly slowly reached for the paddle. Unsure what he had planned, she was pretty sure of one thing, that this paddle was soon to be against her ass. That was when it hit her. She had just married a Dom.

Oh God!

“I see you have figured it out, wife. Now be a good little girl and come please your husband.”

Shaking and unsure, Lilly handed him the paddle and stood before him. She didn’t flinch when Orin took her hand, pulling her to him.

Draped over his lap, a fiery need engulfed her. She had never been spanked before in her life, but the thought of this man spanking her ignited something feral within her. Lilly couldn’t help but jolt, stiffening.

“Relax, wife.” The warning tone did nothing to alleviate the muted protests. “Relax! Do I need to remind you? I will take what is mine—this is for my pleasure, not yours.” A stinging blow came from the paddle, as if to add gravity to the statement. She tried to remain still in pouting acquiescence, refocusing from her comfort to his desire, and the very words sent a thrill through her.

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