The Perfect Plan [The Men of Treasure Cove 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (9 page)

BOOK: The Perfect Plan [The Men of Treasure Cove 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“Are you serious?” she shouted, angry and confused at the same time. She couldn’t understand why Orin would send his brother out in such a dangerous storm, and she couldn’t understand why Davis was so stupid for doing something so crazy.

“He’s gonna catch pneumonia out there.”

“Oh, Davis will be fine. He’s dressed for the weather,” Orin replied.

“I can barely see him. What if you hit him?” she asked, looking out the front window.

“He’s insured.” Orin grinned.

Lilly couldn’t believe her ears. Outraged and furious that Orin would think so lowly for his own brother’s welfare, she didn’t think twice as she unbuckled her seat belt and jumped from the cab.

Oh, she wasn’t wrong. The moment her feet hit the snow, she sank into the white fluff until it damn near reached midthigh.


Kicking her way toward the front of the truck, she kept a hand on the vehicle as a guide and started shouting for Davis. Lilly kept moving forward when she heard Jacks yell, “Lilly, get back here!”

“Not until Davis gets back in the truck!” she yelled back.

“You can die out in this stuff,” Jacks shouted as he walked behind her.

“So could Davis,” she screamed in frustration and bumped into the man himself. The wind had picked up and was howling loudly, so loudly that she realized that Davis never heard her come up behind him.

She watched as he turned, and shock registered on his face. He quickly grabbed her and held onto her tightly. “What are you doing? Get back in the truck,” he ordered her.

“Not without you!”

“Okay,” Davis shouted, and together they walked back toward the truck to find Jacks and Orin waiting outside the vehicle.

“What’s wrong?” Orin asked as Davis stood in front of him.

“The bridge is out. We’re gonna have to walk the rest of the way.”

“How far?” Jacks asked.

“About five more miles, I figure. I saw Wilbur’s old Chevy about ten minutes ago,” Davis informed them.

“Shit. That means were screwed. One of us is going to have to stay here with Lilly till the other two get back with the snowmobiles. With the snow coming down, you’re not gonna be able to keep the truck running,” Orin said curtly.

“Who stays?” Jacks asked.

“Davis has to go. He knows the terrain better than any of us. And Jacks, you know first aid. If he gets hurt, you can fix him. Just don’t take your time. Lilly and I will only have about thirty more minutes of heat before I have to shut off the engine. After that, we’re gonna get real cold and fast.”

“Got it,” Jacks said and then looked right at her. Lilly didn’t know what was going on, but from what she heard she didn’t like what they had planned one bit. She didn’t understand why they couldn’t all ride out the storm in the truck.

Jacks stood before her and grabbed her face. “You listen to Orin. He can be ornery and mean sometimes, but he’ll get you through this,” he said and then gently kissed her. When she opened her eyes, she was looking at Davis.

“Be right back, sweet cheeks.” He smiled and kissed her firmly and then turned and went to catch up with his brother. In a matter of seconds they both disappeared into a sea of white, and her heart felt like it was breaking. She was scared and worried for them.

She never felt Orin move her toward the cab, or when he picked her up and placed her on the seat. All she knew was that somewhere out in this blizzard, two men were braving the elements, and she prayed they were gonna be okay.


* * * *


It had been two hours since Orin was forced to shut off the truck. The temperature had dropped drastically in the cab, and even he had to admit he was getting a little worried about his brothers. He figured they should have been back already. It was only five miles, unless Davis figured it wrong, but that boy never figured anything wrong. If anything, he was right on the money.

Orin could always count on Davis for his keen sense of direction and his uncanny ability to figure time down to the seconds and miles down to the millimeters. The man was a walking, talking map.

“They’ve been gone a long time,” Lilly muttered through chattering teeth.

Orin looked at the woman sitting next to him. She was absolutely beautiful. Her golden hair was tucked under a blue knit cap. Little frays of honey wheat fell around her face. Her cute little upturned nose was pink from the cold air. Her cheeks were flushed and her lips were moist. He knew she was cold. Hell he was, too, but he had already given her his coat, and the one thing he knew that would keep them warm, he figured she wouldn’t go for it.

“They’ll be back soon,” he murmured, leaning his head back on the headrest and closing his eyes.

“I would kill for a cup of hot chocolate, smothered in marshmallows right about now,” she whispered into the cold.

“Not bad, though a nice hot toddy would be better. I can taste the rum.”

“Oh that sounds good. I’ve never had one. My mother makes them for my father. I was never allowed to taste them. I just remember when daddy would come in from the cold. Mom would have one waiting on him. He would instantly relax after he took the first sip.”

“They’re good, but potent. Just depends on how much allspice and rum you put in them. I like mine on the stronger side.”

“You’ll have to show me how you like them, if you want me to make them for you, that is, if I am staying.”

“Oh, you’re staying. I just have to figure out how to keep us all from getting killed.”

“You know, my family isn’t as bad as everyone says.”

“Then how come you haven’t been home in five years?” Orin asked and watched as she stiffened. Whatever the issue was, it was enough to get her hackles up and put her on the defense.

Orin waited in total silence, waiting for a response, but after a couple of minutes of silence, he decided to press the matter. He needed to know what he was up against. “So, this man you were supposed to marry.”

“Jethro Tiberius Henderson,” she murmured.

“Jethro!” Orin sat up and looked directly at her. He watched as she grinned and then started to laugh. Her infectious laughter filled the cab, and she soon had him laughing along with her.

“It’s awful, isn’t it. Who names their son Jethro? And it gets worse. He is an overweight, pompous ass, who only wears camouflage overalls and a white wifebeater. He is the epitome of what not to wear,” Lilly said through her laughter as Orin laughed right along with her. He could just picture this idiot and what he looked like. But for the life of him, he couldn’t understand why her father would agree to allow his beautiful daughter to marry such a man.

Lilly was vibrant, witty, and fun. Being married to someone like Jethro would stifle her. She would wilt before she had the chance to fully bloom.

Then just as her laughter started, it stopped. A faraway loneliness washed across her face.

“What’s that look for?” Orin asked, concerned.

“It’s just that. You are probably not gonna like this, but I really do wish I am pregnant. Then there will be nothing anyone can do. I know you’re not happy with how this all came about, and I get that. But for some reason I really like you guys compared to my other option. If I’m not pregnant and my father finds out, well, he can be very persuasive, and before any of us realize it, we’ll be divorced and I’ll be quickly married off to Jethro.”

“Why does your father want you to marry Jethro?”

“I’m a merger. The only daughter of the great James Campbell, and he is selling me off to the highest bidder, for a plot of land. Daddy wants Jethro’s land and the mineral rights. In return, Jethro gets my inheritance and the prestige of my family’s name. I’m nothing but a pawn,” she confessed.

“You’re not a pawn, Lilly. You are my wife. I legally married you, in front of a judge and in front of Celestial’s town matron. Your father is just gonna have to learn to deal with that, just as soon as I figure out how to keep us all alive.”

“Daddy won’t kill you. He’ll just bankrupt you. That’s his way,” Lilly said, looking out the window.

“Well, gorgeous, I’ve got news for ya. He can try all he wants, ’cause the moment I married you, everything I had legally became yours. So if your dad wants to bankrupt me, he is more than willing to try. He will soon find out that I own nothing. And if you are pregnant, you don’t even own anything, that child growing in your belly does,” Orin admitted in a huff.

“What are you saying? We’re broke? We have no cash, nothing?”

“I never said that. What I am saying is that some sick, demented asshole, long ago, thought it would be fun to fuck with the descendants of Treasure Cove. The story goes, when a direct descendant marries, the land, water rights, and mineral rights are automatically turned over to the new bride. Now, when the bride gives birth, male or female, the whole kit and caboodle is then transferred over into the oldest child’s name, thus ensuring that the land stays with a true direct descendant.”

“Who in the hell thought of that plan?” Lilly asked, dumbfounded.

“Probably one of my descendants,” Orin murmured and then smiled as a thought came to him.

Looking at Lilly, he knew that she was still cold, and as her real husband, he could do no other than see to his wife’s needs. So he quickly formulated a plan. Thinking there was no greater way to pass the time, he could warm her up and help take her mind off everything, and she did want to be pregnant. He could help with all that. Thinking this plan could benefit the both of them, Orin grinned and slowly moved closer to her.


* * * *


Lilly watched as Orin slowly moved closer to her. He was up to something. He wore this playful, seductive grin on his face. If she wasn’t so damn cold, she knew it would heat her up in no time. But with her frozen toes and numb fingers, all she could think about was heat. She so wanted to be warm again.

“Orin, what are you doing?” She frowned as he kept sliding closer to her.

“Taking your suggestion to heart, dear wife,” he drawled slowly, seductively.

“Huh?” She was so confused. What had she suggested? Quickly thinking over what they were just talking about, Lilly couldn’t figure out what he was talking about.

Damn, my brain cells are freezing!

“Come here, baby,” he suggested, taking a hold of her hand and pulling her closer to him.

Oh wow, he was warm. How was that possible? She had his winter coat on, and she was still freezing. But yet, wrapped in his arms, his warmth radiated outward, slowly warming her.

Relaxing into him, Lilly closed her eyes and just let everything fade away. All the worry about her family, her brothers, her possible pregnancy, and Jacks and Davis, who still had yet to return. She knew there was nothing she could do about their situation. It was a waiting game now. They had to wait for her father to find out. They had to wait for her brothers to show up. They had to wait to find out if she was pregnant.

That was when it hit her.

She knew what he was talking about.

Oh God! Was he serious?

Turning quickly in his arms, Lilly looked at Orin and whispered, “You can’t be serious. You’re joking, right?”

“Aw, sugar, that’s one thing I never joke about,” he said, sensually running his fingers down her cheek and around her jaw. His touch was electric. Sparks ignited within her, and her pussy quivered. “Let me warm you up, baby.”

Lilly never had the chance to answer him, for Orin took control. One minute she was in shock at his suggestion, and the next she was melting into his embrace. His warm, full lips devoured her. He was strong and commanding, brooking no recourse. He wanted her, and she was going to let him have her.

Lilly had already been with each of the brothers intimately, but this time, there was no booze, no special brews to make her forget. This time, she was sober and perfectly coherent, and he wanted her.

She sighed when his tongue entered her mouth. Dueling with hers, he fought for domination, and she eagerly submitted. She gasped when his mouth trailed lower, kissing her neck.

Lilly loved having her earlobes and neck kissed and licked on. It didn’t take long for Orin to figure that part out, for he was devouring her greedily. Lilly moaned, arching her back when Orin started softly caressing her breasts. Before she could blink, Lilly felt him yank her shirt open and begin squeezing her milky-white orbs through her lacy pink bra. Pulling the cups down, he freed her aching breasts. He gently pinched her hardened nipples between his thumb and index finger. Her breaths became more laborious as Orin devilishly heightened her sexual appetite.

She was hungry. She wanted him. Wild and carefree, Lilly abandoned all rules of decorum, and just felt. She let Orin lead her into temptation, and she was loving every minute. Wanton and feeling more daring than she had ever felt, she let herself become the woman she had so long desired to be. Whispering in his ear, Lilly moaned, “Do you want to fuck me, Orin?”

The low growl that emanated from deep within his chest sent tremors all over her body. His grip tightened on her waist, his grasp on her breast firmer, and she felt his cock harden against her hip.

“Oh yes. I am going to fuck you,” he said, grabbing her small hands and holding them together behind her back as he slowly trailed his other hand down her stomach and proceeded to unbutton her jeans. Lilly just stared at him and saw the lust in his eyes.

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