The Playmaker (Fire on Ice) (7 page)

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Authors: Dakota Madison

BOOK: The Playmaker (Fire on Ice)
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“You know getting into a highly ranked Ph.D. program in psychology is more competitive than medical school. I think I’m going wherever I get in.”

“I wish I could take you into my arms, give you a hug and remind you that you’re brilliant. I’m willing to bet that you’ll have your pick of programs.”

“I hope you’re right.”




Seattle was matched up against the Los Angeles Kings. I knew it was going to be a tough game because we were both in the mix for the division banner and both had a lot to lose.

After a week of spectacular play, I had been promoted to the second line. In my short, four game stint, I had racked up an impressive eight points and was quickly becoming a fan favorite. But tonight, something was definitely off. I didn’t know why exactly but I couldn’t get Taylor out of my mind. I was anxious, like there was a dark cloud hanging over me. I just knew something really bad was going to happen. I heard that guys could tell when they were going to get hurt on the ice. It was like doom was following them and there was nothing they could do to get away from it. That’s how I felt, except that I didn’t think it was after me; I thought it was after Taylor.

I wanted to be with her. I wanted to protect her like I pro
mised. But I wasn’t there. I was on the ice and I needed to perform. I just wasn’t in the right frame of mind to do it.

In my first shift, I mishandled a pass and it resulted in a sco
ring opportunity for the Kings. Lucky for me, our goaltender was on top of his game and made a big save off the turnover.

On my third shift, I misfired on a pass to a defenseman at the point and caused a breakaway for the Kings. The unforced error led to a goal and groans from the crowd. As I sat on the bench, I
could feel the hot glare of the head coach on the back of his neck.

“Kavanagh,” the coach barked. “Get your head out of your ass or you’ll find yourself back on the bus to Northern Arizona.”

The coach didn’t realize that was exactly where I wanted to be. Even though I was living my dream, playing in the NHL, I felt like it was only my body in Seattle. My mind and heart were with Taylor in Arizona.

When I heard my name called, I hopped over the boards, changing on the
fly. I was still completely preoccupied with my off-ice issues and not fully aware of my surroundings. I waited on the half boards as we setup the breakout from behind the net. Instinctively, I broke off the boards to center ice. The defenseman with the puck stepped out from behind the net and sent a pass straight up the middle of the ice toward the breaking winger. I was transfixed on the puck heading my way and didn’t realize I was in a bad position to receive the pass. One of the Kings massive defensemen read the play and arrived at the same point in space as me and the puck. The only difference was the defenseman wasn’t concerned about playing the puck, he was headhunting.

The collision and air coming out of my lungs could be felt on both benches
. The crack of my helmet hitting the ice was heard around the rink. I had been caught in the trolley tracks and the Kings blue liner lowered the boom, knocking me into another dimension.  Mayhem ensued as my teammates immediately went after the Kings’ defenseman. Even though the hit was clean, I had left myself defenseless. There’s still a code in hockey and that code calls for standing up for your teammate when he gets run over.

While the players on the ice paired off and then squared off, our trainer hopped over the boards and onto the ice to tend to me. The trainer immediately waived for the stretcher and then went about immobilizing my neck.

The last thing I needed was to be injured. But a hit to the head could have meant a concussion, and I knew I needed to be examined.


“You need to take it easy,” the team doctor said.

“Yeah, right,” I mumbled as I rose from the examining table. What I needed to do was get my shit together and play hockey.

“I’m serious,” the doctor warned. “Before you leave, we don’t have an emergency contact listed. We need a name.”

“Taylor Thompson.”

“Is she a family member?”

“She’s my girlfriend,” I responded.
And the love of my life

“I need the name of a family member. Someone we can co
ntact in the event you’re ever incapacitated. You didn’t fill that section out on your forms.”

“She’s more my family than my biological family.”

He shook his head. “I don’t think we can allow it.”

“You have to allow it,” I stated. “I don’t have anyone else.”

“Fine,” the doctor said finally. “I’ll put Taylor Thompson as your next of kin. You’re free to go. But take it easy. No more hits to the head.”

I nodded as I grabbed my clothes. I had to get out of there. I had to
contact Taylor. I just knew something was wrong and I had to talk to her.




Kyle glanced down at his watch for what seemed like the twentieth time in three minutes.

“Are you sure your sister
said she was going to be here?” Kyle asked. Again. It was the third time.

“She said she was,” I replied even though I was becoming increasingly skeptical.

He looked at his watch again. “I was supposed to meet Annie at the library two minutes ago.”

I smiled. “I’m glad things are working out between the two of you.”

“We’re studying together. In the library. Not exactly a romantic rendezvous.”

“Why don’t you ask her out again?”

He raised an eyebrow. “Again? You’re the one who asked her out in the first place.”

“On your behalf. Because you were too chicken to do it you

He folded his arms across his thin frame. “I’m not chicken.”

“Then ask her out again.”

“Maybe I will.”


We stood in silence for a few moments until Kyle looked at his watch again.

“I know,” I said before he could get the words out of his mouth. “You really have to go.”

“I’m kind of in a bad position. I don’t want to leave you alone but I also don’t want Annie to think I stood her up.”

“I know. Just go. I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

He still looked conflicted. “Things would be a lot easier if your sister got a cell phone—like the rest of humanity.”

“In case you haven’t noticed, Zelda isn’t like the rest of humanity.”

“Yeah, I noticed. It’s hard not to.”

Kyle was starting to blink rapidly, which meant he was getting nervous. “Please go meet Annie. I’ll forever feel guilty if she gets mad at you because of me.”

“I’ll phone you in 30 minutes to make sure you’re okay. That should give you plenty of time to get back to your place.”

Kyle took off practically running. As much as he didn’t want to admit it, I knew he really liked Annie. I liked the fact that he finally had someone, who seemed to be interested in more than just being a friend.

The sun was beginning to set and I knew I didn’t have too much time to get back to my studio apartment before it got dark. A chill ran through me as I looked around and noticed that the crowds around campus had completely thinned. Only a few stray students and professors passed by.

Zelda was now fifteen minutes late. If I waited any longer for her and she didn’t show up, I would be walking back to my apartment in the dark. I had to leave now if I wanted to take advantage of what remained of the daylight.

I zipped
my jacket up
to my chin and crossed my arms over my chest to keep out the breeze that had started to blow. They were predicting snow by the week’s end but with how quickly the weather was changing, I thought it might be even sooner.
It might be time to get out my heavy coat
, I thought as I started walking toward the end of the campus where I lived.

Even though northern Arizona had a so-called moderate cl
imate, the winter months could get cold. I would have preferred spring all year round but unfortunately, I didn’t have a say in the weather.

The campus had definitely cleared out. I didn’t pass anyone else as I got closer to the edge of campus. I felt like a bundle of nerves, which wasn’t like me at all. I was normally
level-headed and rational. But I was overcome with a feeling of dread that was so intense, it nearly knocked me to my knees.

I told myself I was just being paranoid, that there was nothing to worry about.
When I got back to my place I’d dig out the hot cocoa and mini marshmallows. It was a habit I had developed as a kid. My mom always made me and my sister hot chocolate with mini marshmallows when we played outside during the winter months. I still enjoyed it, even in my 20s. There was something so comforting about coming inside from the cold and holding a cup of the steaming hot goodness in your hands.

I hear footsteps behind me?
I wasn’t sure if I should take the time to turn around, which would slow me down, or if I should pick up the pace even more. I opted for the later.

I quickened my pace to a walk-run. I’m not sure why I didn’t full out sprint but I guess part of me didn’t want to look stupid running home.

When I heard the footsteps behind me also quicken, I panicked. I tried to rationalize what was happening, tried to convince myself that I wasn’t being followed, but I just couldn’t eliminate the feeling deep in my gut that something was dreadfully wrong.

There were several ways to get back to my apartment. Unfo
rtunately, the quickest way was also the most secluded. I thought it might be wiser to go the slightly longer way where there was the most chance of running into other people.

I noticed the wind had picked up even more. The cold breeze slapped against my sweaty face as I continued to hurry through campus. I wondered if everybody had gone inside because it had gotten so cold so fast
. I didn’t see another soul anywhere.

I knew I’d have to pass by a small alley way in order to get to the street where my apartment was located. I decided to pick up my pace even more.

I could hear the footsteps behind me pounding on the pavement. The person was running and the sound was getting closer. Panic gripped me like a vice. I wondered if I should scream. But what if the guy really wasn’t after me at all? What if it was all in my head? I didn’t want to make a scene.

As I neared the alley, the footsteps were right behind me. When I tried to scream, no words came out. An arm was around my neck, another around my waist. I tried to wriggle free but it was fruitless. The man was strong and determined.

   He yanked me into the alley. It was now dark, except for the reflection of one lone street light in the next block, not too far from where I lived.

The man pulled me deeper into the alley until we hit the c
ement wall that marked the end of the alley. Before I knew what was happening, he threw me against the cold cement, knocking the breath right out of me.

When I was finally able to focus on my assailant, I reco
gnized him right away.


His menacing dark eyes bore into me and he actually grinned. He normally wore all black, and today was no exception. He had on black jeans and a black T-shirt under a black leather jacket and black boots. The only thing different in his attire, which made my skin crawl, was that he was wearing black skin-tight leather gloves.

“I knew it was only a matter of time before you’d be alone. I just needed to wait my turn.”

My stomach clenched at the thought of what he meant by his turn.

“It didn’t take as long as I thought it would for the hockey player to hump and dump.”

I could feel my jaw tighten. There were so many things I wanted to say to this asshole but I also didn’t want to enrage him.

He put his gloved hand
s around my throat and pushed me hard against the wall. “There’s so much I want to do to you. I watch your video every day and I image what it will be like when I finally get my dick in that hot little pussy of yours.”

I could feel bile rising in my throat and I started to gag. Ga
gging was obviously the wrong reaction because his grip on my neck grew tighter.

He put his face close to mine and I could feel his hot breath on my cheek. “You’re mine now. When I’m done with you, I doubt hockey boy will ever want to touch you again.”

I could feel warm tears streaming down my chilled cheeks. I bristled when Blake stuck out his tongue and licked them off my face.

I was so overwhelmed with emotions, I didn’t feel like I was thinking clearly. All my mind kept telling me was to escape. But how? He was a lot bigger than me and he had his hand on my throat.

I still had the use of my legs, and I thought about kicking him. But I would have to be fast and my aim sure. If I missed my target, he’d just be mad. I decided to go for it.

In my mind, I counted to three and then I swung my knee up as fast as I could toward his groin. It was a direct hit and he doubled over. It was long enough for me to break free from his hold.

I stumbled past him and dashed toward the other end of the alley, toward freedom, but I wasn’t quick enough.

He lunged for my legs and tackled me to the ground. I spit out dirt as I gasped for breath.

He flipped me over so I was facing him. His eyes had turned even darker black and a shiver ran through me as I took in his ominous expression. “You fucking bitch,” he said before he punched my face. The blow was so hard it knocked my head a few inches. The pain was so intense for a split second, I thought I might die and then it stopped. It was like my body was shutting down because I couldn’t handle it.

He was straddling me, his knees on either side of my body, and his hands were now on my shoulders, holding me to the ground.

“I’m still going to fuck you. I’m going to stick my dick in every hole you’ve got.”

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I actually prayed for a heart attack so I wouldn’t have to experience any more of what he planned to do to me.

The cell phone in my pocket starting buzzing and another wave of panic surged through me. Was it Kian? He would be worried about me if I didn’t answer.

Blake either didn’t hear it or was too wrapped up in what he was doing to care.

“Look at me,” he ordered. “I want you to look at me and tell me how much you want me. Tell me that you want me to fuck you.”

When my eyes met his, I wanted to die. The hunger in his eyes looked insatiable. He looked like a starving lion and I was his prey. “Tell me.” This time his words sounded more like a war

I didn’t want to say the words because they weren’t true. I didn’t want him. I never wanted him. I found him repulsive in every way. But I also knew if I didn’t do what he wanted, he was going to hit me again, or worse.

I guess I waited too long because he slapped the other side of my face with so much force, my head was whipped a few inches in the other direction. Another feeling of intense pain shot through me.

“Say it!” he demanded.

“I want you.” I could hear words coming out of my mouth but it didn’t sound like my voice. The words sounded foreign.

He grabbed my chin and twisted my head back so that I was looking at him again. “Look me in the eye and say it. I want you to mean it when you say it.”

He was holding my chin so tight, it started to hurt. Or maybe it hurt because he’d punched and slapped me.

All I wanted to do was spit in his face. I briefly considered the idea because I thought it might make him mad enough to kill me. I thought it might be better to die than to have him rape me.

But what if I didn’t die and he raped me anyway? I felt like I was out of options.

My phone started buzzing again. This time, Blake seemed to realize what it was. He pulled the phone from my pocket and looked at it. When he read the caller ID, he laughed. “I’m fucking your girlfriend, Asshole, and there’s not a thing you can do about it.”

The wind picked up and a frigid breeze blew through the alley.

“Fuck, it’s getting cold out here. Maybe you can warm me up a little, baby.”

He was right. It was getting a lot colder. The ground underneath me was freezing.

Blake leaned close and put his mouth to my ear. “Things will be a lot easier if you just do as you’re told.”

“Okay,” I whispered. I was starting to feel resigned to my fate.

“Good, now tell me how much you want me, baby. Tell me you want my big hard dick in your pussy.”

I opened my mouth to speak but the words wouldn’t come out. I felt like I was frozen in time.

“I can make you do it,” Blake said as he punched me in the eye. More pain shot through me and I could feel the area around my eye start to throb.

I thought about Kian. Was Blake right? Would he not want me after Blake was finished with me? The thought of being rejected by Kian was more painful than the abuse Blake was inflicting on me.

My phone started to buzz again and a wicked grin overcame Blake’s face. He punched me in the nose. More pain. I could feel moisture trickle down my face. When it hit my mouth, I could taste my own blood.

I could feel my eye swelling making it harder to see out of it. When Blake slammed his first into me again, this time it was my mouth. I could feel my lip bleeding and tasted the blood.

I watched helplessly as Blake took my phone and snapped a photo of me, beaten and bloody, and I knew immediately he was going to send it to Kian.

Another wave of panic overcame me as I wondered what Kian would do. What could he do? He was in Seattle. He was in the midst of a tough season. There was nothing he could do.

I felt tired, too tired, like I couldn’t stop myself from going to sleep. Was I going to sleep or passing out?

A slap across my face woke me back up. Blake was still on top of me. I could feel little pings of moisture on my face. I tried to focus, to see what was falling on me, but now both of my eyes were nearly swollen shut. The drops were so light. Was it snow?

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