The Playmaker (Fire on Ice) (9 page)

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Authors: Dakota Madison

BOOK: The Playmaker (Fire on Ice)
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Alleged assailant
? I felt like she slapped me. What was
about being beaten and raped? Was she even looking at me? Could she see that I was beaten? “His name is Blake Woods.”

“And what is your relationship?”

“We don’t have a relationship. He was a theater major at school. I met him at a party my sister took me to. She’s a theater major as well. I had no interest in him. I told him I have a boyfriend. But he became obsessed with me. He followed me. I was afraid of him. That’s why I wasn’t supposed to walk home alone. But I hadn’t seen him in months. I heard he got dismissed from school. I thought he went back home. To Scottsdale. I didn’t know he was just waiting for his chance to attack me.”

The police officer asked me to repeat various parts of my st
ory several times. I was getting so tired. Maybe she could see my fatigue because she rose and said, “I’ll come back in a few days, when you’re feeling better, and we can talk some more.”

I nodded even though I wasn’t sure what more there was to talk about. I felt like I told her everything I knew—everything I was able to remember. I felt like I just wanted to go to sleep. And maybe I would wake up and it would all have been a bad dream.

My parents were hovering over me when I opened my eyes. So much for it being a dream. I was still in the hospital. I was still in pain. I still had balloons for lips. Now, as an added bonus, my head was aching.

“Do you need anything?” my mom asked.

Besides a completely different life
? I shook my head.

“They arranging a private room for you,” my dad said.

I guessed that meant I was staying for a while. Not that I wanted to be anywhere else at the moment. The hospital felt safe. And that’s what I felt like I needed most—just to feel safe.




I knew something was wrong. Taylor’s phone just kept rin
ging and going to voice mail. She always answered her phone when I called. After phoning for what seemed like the fiftieth time with no response, I was surprised to see a text had come in. I noticed there was a photo attached, which was odd. We never sent each other photos.

It took me a minute to figure out what I was seeing and when I finally realized what it was I feel to my knees. The breath was completely knocked out of my lungs. It was Taylor but her face was bloody and swollen. Someone had hit her multiple times and snapped a photo of the

I heaved and before I could stop myself, I threw up ever
ything in my stomach.

Without another thought, I threw some clothes into an ove
rnight bag along with a toothbrush, deodorant and razor, and hurried out of my apartment.

My single goal was to get to Taylor. I had to be there for her. I had to hold her in my arms. I had to let her know she was going to be alright.

She had to be alright.

I didn’t know if I’d survive if she wasn’t.


I knew I was skating on thin ice but I didn’t care. “I don’t remember asking.”

“If you leave you’ll be in breach of contract,” my coach said.

I wanted to scream that I didn’t care about his fucking co
ntract. My princess was my world. And if something happened to her because I wasn’t there to take care of her. I’d never forgive myself.

I took in a deep breath, removed my cell phone from my pocket, and showed him the photo of Taylor that was texted to me. “That’s my girlfriend.”

The sound that escaped from the coach didn’t sound human. I knew he had a daughter is college, probably around Taylor’s age. He rubbed his temple. “You have twenty-four hours and then you get your ass back here, understand me?”


As I sped to the airport, I couldn’t get the horrible image of her out of my mind. Beaten and bloody. What kind of monster would do something like that to my princess?

I could feel the steering wheel shaking and it took me a m
oment to realize I was the one who was shaking. I could feel a rage building inside of me that I was having trouble keeping under control. But I knew I had to control it. First things first, I needed to be a rock, solid and unwavering, for Taylor. I knew she would need my strength and control.

There would be plenty of time for anger later.

And for revenge.

But I couldn’t think about that now. I had to think about ge
tting to Taylor.


I phoned Runt from the airport. I’m not sure why. It wasn’t like he could do anything. Maybe I just needed a friend and he was the closest thing I had to one.

I was glad he picked up right away. “Hey, Dude.” He soun
ded happy. Guilt set in that I was calling him with such terrible news. And the fact that I only knew half of a story.

I was silent for a moment while I figured out what to say.

“What’s going on?” He now sounded a bit concerned.

“Something happened to Taylor.”


I took in a deep breath. “It’s bad. I’m trying to catch a flight out there right now. I’m at the airport.”

“Is she in the hospital?”

In my manic state, I hadn’t even thought of that. Was she in the hospital? Had anyone even found her?

I didn’t want to tell him about the photo because I knew he’d want to see it. It wasn’t something I wanted anyone to see.

“I’m not sure. I just know that she was attacked. Someone beat her up really bad.”

“Fuck, Man. Who would do that?”

“Would you phone the hospitals? See if you can find out something.”

“Of course, anything. I’ll let you know what I find out.”

After he ended the call, I debated calling Taylor’s parents. What if they didn’t know? I wasn’t sure I wanted to be the one to break that kind of news. They already hated me. Not that I had their phone number but I might be able to get it. Zelda didn’t have a cell phone, so that was out.

I wondered if I should try her phone again. What if that an
imal took it? He wouldn’t do that, would he? It would be evidence against him.

I tried dialing Taylor’s phone and it rang for a while. I was about to give up when a male voice answered. My heart skipped a few beats until I realized it was Mr. Thompson.

“Kian?” he asked.

“Mr. Thompson. Is Taylor okay?”

I held my breath as I waited for his reply. It wasn’t very fast in coming. “Wait, just a minute. I need to move out into the hallway.”

Was it that bad? I could feel my heart beating so rapidly I thought it my burst. Was he going to tell me she was dead? I hadn’t even considered the possibility until this moment. I always assumed we’d spend the rest of our lives together. That we’d grow old together.

“I’m at the hospital, Son,” Mr. Thompson said. I should have been happy that he called me son but it felt like the precursor to some awful news that I didn’t want to hear. “Taylor was beaten up very badly.” I could hear a sob escape from him. “And raped.”

“Oh, God,” I could hear the words but they didn’t seem like they were coming from my mouth. My hands started shaking so badly, I nearly dropped the phone.

“She’s stable,” he continued. “But it’s going to take a long time for her to heal.”

“I’m at the airport. As soon as I can get a flight I’ll be there.”

There was no response. Silence at the other end of the line.

“Mr. Thompson?”

“She doesn’t want you to come. Not now. She didn’t come right out and say it but I don’t think she wants you to see her like this.” He started to cry.

I could feel my heart breaking into a million pieces. Didn’t he understand that I had to be there for her? I had to see her. That it wasn’t an option.

“I already saw her,” I said quietly.

Mr. Thompson sniffled and said, “What do you mean, you saw her? I don’t understand.”

“He texted me a photo. From Taylor’s phone. After he beat her up.”

Mr. Thompson started crying again.

“Please, Mr. Thompson,” I pleaded. “I have to see her. I have to let her know that I love her.”

Silence again. At least he didn’t refuse outright. I could hear him inhale a deep breath. “I don’t want anything to upset her. She’s extremely fragile right now and she’s been through a lot.”

“I know.” I didn’t want anything to upset her either but how could I upset her? “I love her. Nothing is ever going to change that.”


Runt texted me with the address of the hospital. The only rental car that was available was a tiny subcompact that I barely fit into. The piece of shit couldn’t get me to the hospital fast enough.

I parked like a drunk and didn’t care. I dashed into the hosp
ital as fast as my legs could carry me. 

“I’m here to see Taylor Thompson,” I said impatiently to the receptionist.

She looked up at me through glasses that were perched on the bridge of her nose. “Are you family?”

I didn’t know how to answer that. Technically, I wasn’t but she was more family to me that probably anyone else in the world. “I’m in love with her.”

The receptionist scrunched up her nose at me. “We don’t have that category on the form.”

“I’m her fiancé.” It wasn’t technically the truth but I had thought about asking her to marry me. I had actually thought about it a lot. Now I wished I had. If she had my ring on her finger, maybe she wouldn’t be refusing to see me.

The receptionist still looked skeptical. “Let me ask my supervisor.”

I felt like screaming. Taylor was upstairs somewhere. She was so close and yet I was still so far away from her.

The receptionist ambled away and I briefly thought about sneaking past but I had no idea what room she was in. I could phone Mr. Thompson again.

Before I had the chance to break hospital policy, another woman approached. She was older and meaner looking than the receptionist. She eyed me suspiciously and I thought for sure she was going to say no.

Then to my surprise, she said, “You’re Kian Kavanagh.”

I nodded.

“My kids love hockey. We saw all your games when you were with the Firestorm. Can I get an autograph for them?”

“Sure,” I agreed. I would do anything to get upstairs to see my princess.

The older woman handed me a pad and pen. “Their names are Clint and Carey.”

I signed the pad and handed it back to her.

“Room 226.”

“Thanks,” I said as I flew towards to staircase. I couldn’t get to her room fast enough.

“She’s asleep,” Mr. Thompson said as we stood in the hallway outside her room. “When she wakes up, I’ll let her know you’re here. I’m not going to make any promises though. She was pretty adamant about not seeing you.”

“I don’t understand,” I said although I felt like I was talking more to myself than to Mr. Thompson.

He responded anyway. “I was in the room when the police questioned her. Her memory is still fuzzy. He hit her head a number of times. She apparently went in and out of consciousness. Or maybe the trauma was so great she blacked out. I don’t know. I’m just a musician. I’m not trained in these matters. One thing she kept repeating over and over was that her attacker said:
once I’m done with you, he won’t want you anymore
. It seemed to have a big impact on her.”

I couldn’t breathe. All of the air was pushed completely out of my lungs. I felt like the walls of the hallway were closing in on me.

“Are you okay?” I could hear Mr. Thompson say but he sounded yards away rather than right next to me.

I put my hand against the wall to steady myself and tried to relax. Once I was able to take in a few calming breathes, I said, “She can’t believe that’s true.”

He shook his head. “I don’t know. She’s been through an ordeal worse that anyone can imagine. They’re going to be sending over a trauma specialist to work with her.”

“I’ll always love her,” I muttered. “She has to know that.”

Mr. Thompson placed his hand on my shoulder. “Things are very hard for her right now.”

I felt my eyes getting damp. I knew tears would soon be streaming down my face. I rarely cried. I felt it was a sign of weakness. But I didn’t care. I felt weak and helpless. I had to find a way to see Taylor and to let her know that I loved her and would always love her, no matter what.

“Is there any way you’ll let me see her? Please?” I would have gotten down on my knees and begged if I had to. 

Mr. Thompson shook his head. “I’m not making any promi
ses but I could ask, when she wakes up.”

I looked at my watch. I didn’t have much time. I had to catch a late flight back to Seattle. “I have to get back tonight. I have a game tomorrow.”

Mr. Thompson patted my shoulder. “You need to do that, Son.”

That was the second time he called me son but it still wasn’t as comforting as I imagined it would be
. I knew he meant it to be reassuring but it almost felt like a brush off.

Part of me wanted to tell him that if she’d just agree to see me, I’d walk away from the ice forever. I wanted him to know that nothing meant more to me than Taylor.

“Dad?” I heard a faint voice call from the room. It was Taylor. My heart ached just hearing the sound. “Where are you?” She sounded so fragile and so broken.

“I’m right out here,” Mr. Thompson replied. “I’ll be right in.”

As he turned to leave, I grabbed his elbow. “Please, let her know I’m here. Let her know I want to see her—I need to see her.”

He gave me a faint ghost of a smile then disappeared back into Taylor’s room.

I paced the floor for several minutes waiting for him to return. When he finally reappeared, his expression was neutral. I didn’t know whether that meant good news or bad. I wanted to scream.

“Taylor said that if you really love her and you want her to feel better, you’ll go and play hockey. She wants you to play for her.”

I put my hand on my forehead to shield my face as tears streamed down my cheeks. I couldn’t believe she didn’t want to see me. I couldn’t believe she was sending me away. Did she really think I could concentrate on playing hockey when my thoughts would be consumed by her?

“I don’t know if I can,” I admitted. I had never spoken so candidly with another man before. Taylor was the only person I had ever really opened up to in my life.

“I’m not saying I think Taylor’s decision is right. I have no idea what’s right in this situation. I have no idea how she feels. I just know I have to support my daughter. It’s my number one priority right now.”

I nodded. I didn’t want to come between Taylor and her dad, not that I ever could. I knew he was devoted to his daughter and would always choose her side, if there even was a side. What it all
boiled down to was that we all loved and cared about Taylor and wanted what was best for her.

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