The Principles Of Lust (9 page)

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Authors: Sasha White

BOOK: The Principles Of Lust
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That photo matched what Zach had said to her in the basement. The submissive one was the one ultimately in control. The man wasn’t dominating her so much as she was gifting him with her submission.

Zach didn’t dominate her, or try to control her. He just accepted what trust she gave. And he would never take something she wasn’t willing to give.

Zach tried not to stare when Teal strode into the gallery. She looked amazing. But something was missing. The magic that was her, the attitude that had both caught his attention and warned him away, was gone. Heaviness settled in the pit of his gut when their gazes met and hers skittered away quickly.

Was she pissed off to see him there?

“You have got your hands full, don’t you?” Dom laughed at him in a way that only a man who’s never been in love could.

Zach met Teal’s brother’s gaze. It hadn’t take five seconds for Dominick to put two and two together when he’d walked in the gallery only to find Teal had left to shower.

“So you’re the reason no one could get hold of my sister this morning, eh?” Had been the way Dominick had greeted him.

He’d looked him straight in the eyes and said, “Yes. Do you have a problem with your sister having a private life?”

At first he though the guy was going to swing at him, but he was pleasantly surprised when instead, Dom had grinned and clapped him on the shoulder.

They’d gotten started cleaning up, working side by side with Dom grilling him not so subtly about himself and his relationship with Teal. Zach had answered the questions about himself, but stonewalled him when it came to Teal and their relationship.

But this time he just answered with the simple truth. “I’m in love with her.”

He saw Dom’s eyes flick over his shoulder and he knew Teal was standing behind him. Before he could turn to her, she was at his side.

“Take this and get lost,” she said, holding out a steaming paper cup to her brother.

Dominick took the cup and walked away without a word. Zach turned to Teal, bracing himself for her anger. She could yell at him all she wanted for being there, but he wasn’t leaving.

Shoving her hands in the back pockets of her jeans was the only way Teal stopped herself from grabbing Zach and kissing him. Sure, he’d shown up, but for all she knew it was because he still had a podium to finish for her. The closed look on his face was one she’d never seen before, and she really didn’t like it.

Unsure of exactly what to say, she started at the top. “Thank you.”

His eyes widened and his mouth opened to speak, but she put a hand out to stop him. “Please, let me say what I need to say before I lose my nerve.”

His jaw snapped shut and he nodded, a small light flickering in the depths of his eyes.

“Thank you for letting me go this morning. For letting me come here alone, and for showing up now. It means a lot to see you here.” She took a deep breath, shaking her head at him when he opened his mouth again. “Also, I want to say I’m sorry. I was a bit of a bitch this morning, when all you were trying to do was help.”

When she didn’t continue, he raised his eyebrows and she nodded.

“A bit of a bitch?” His eyes sparkled and lips twitched.

“Yeah, well, I’m not much of a morning person.”

He chuckled and pulled her to him in a hug. “I gathered that.”

Teal relaxed into him. She couldn’t believe it had been that easy. That Zach wasn’t going to make her beg for his forgiveness. He felt so good, so solid and comforting. His cotton t-shirt was soft beneath her cheek. His clean, crisp scent filled her lungs and his heartbeat thumped steadily against her ear.

Being in his arms felt so right and she finally accepted that, yes, being together could be that easy. That was the whole thing. Zach truly only wanted what she was willing to give.

She leaned back and looked up at him, stilling his arms. “I have more to say.”

His arms tightened around her, but he nodded. “Okay, go ahead.”

“I was scared.”

Her insides trembled and she locked her knees, hoping she wouldn’t collapse if he pulled away. He didn’t pull away. In fact, he pulled her closer, so their bodies pressed together from knees to chest. “I know,” he said softly. “But I don’t want you to ever be scared of me. In any way.”

“Enough already you two. Get to work, would you?” Dom’s voice echoed through the gallery, followed by Brina Jo and Doug’s laughter.

Before Teal could step back Zach sank his fingers into her hair and pulled her head back. His eyes shining with emotion, he brought his mouth down on hers and kissed her thoroughly for all to see. When he lifted his head again her knees were weak and the look in his eyes made her heart expand with emotion.

She’d finally found her niche.

“Everything looks perfect.”

A shiver danced down Teal’s spine at the husky words spoken into her ear. Zach spread his hand across her belly and pulled her back against him. She could feel his hard-on against her butt and wiggled against it as she stared out at the people milling about Lush.

He was right. The opening was a success.

Her parents had flown in from Victoria the day before to help get everything ready. And they’d brought some impressive erotic paintings to be displayed. They wouldn’t tell her who the artist was, but she had a sneaking suspicion it was her mother.

“It does look good doesn’t it?” She leaned back into Zach’s arms. “We did it.”

“You did it.” He kissed her neck.

“With help from my friends.” She grinned.

Dominick was standing about ten feet away from them with Wanda Brooks, the blonde columnist from his paper. She’d been super nice to Teal, but she was tearing a strip off of Dom about something and Teal knew she owed him.

Brina and Doug were standing by the temporary bar chatting with Doug’s cousin, the last minute caterer. Several artists had made it a point to be there for the opening and they were mingling with clients. Sales for the day already totalled the first three months of operating expenses, and Teal knew it was just the beginning.

She laced her fingers through Zach’s hand and led him to the back room. She walked down the short aisle and pulled him behind a large stack of wooden packing crates. Without a word, she pinned him to the wall and kissed him.

She put her whole heart into the kiss. Zach’s hands cupped her ass and he pulled her tight to him. He spun around quickly and pinned her to the wall. Pulling his mouth from hers he kissed his way along her jaw and nipped at her earlobe with his teeth.

“You are so naughty,” he purred.

“And you love that I’m so lusty.” She slid her hand between their bodies and stroked him through his pants.

“No,” he said, pulling back slightly. He gazed into her eyes, completely serious. “I love you. Period.”

Teal’s heart kicked in her chest and a minute trembling started within her. “It’s only been a week, Zach.”

“I know. But I knew from the moment I met you that you were special. You challenge me, you inspire me, and you let me tie you up.” He grinned at her and she knew his words were true. “I love your independence, I love your brain and your body…I love you, Teal.”

“So you’re telling me it’s more than lust, huh?” She whispered.

“So much more.”

“Good,” she met his gaze and let him see what was in her heart. “Because I’m letting you go, even if I have to tie

Intrigued by Teal’s brother?

Be sure to pick up Dominick and Mia’s story

On sale February 25, 2014


I couldn’t believe it.

I watched the sway of Mia’s skirt as she sauntered up the walk and unlocked her apartment building. She had great legs. A great walk, too. The way she walked was almost as sexy as the way she danced.

But it was nothing compared to the way she rode me.

I groaned and squeezed my eyes shut at the thought. We’d been in such a rush we’d actually had sex in the car, right in front of her door!

How bad was that?

It’s not that I’m against sex in public places. One particular lady friend, who I was still friends with, had been very into that sort of thing. When we’d been dating, I’d done my best to accommodate her kink. At the park, in the men’s room at a nightclub, even a changing room at The Gap. The fact that she’d been a cop had made it feel slightly safer and a bit more dangerous at the same time.

No, it wasn’t that Mia had rocked my world in a public place. It was the fact that it had been completely unplanned. I haven’t lost control like that since…well, ever!

“Do you want a drink, Dominick?” she asked as soon as I closed the apartment door.

“No, I’m good, thanks.”

“Oh, I know you’re good. I was asking if you wanted a drink,” she said with a sassy wink that had my blood heading south again.

Jesus. I’d just come harder than I could ever remember and already I wanted her again.

Trying not to look like a complete horndog, I followed her into the living room. The big stereo system she had didn’t surprise me, a woman who moved like she did probably danced naked around her apartment all the time.

Okay, so maybe that only happened in my dreams.

What did surprise me was the long wooden table set up along one wall with all sorts of tools and spools. Obviously Mia wasn’t your typical woman who needed to make every space into a dream home or something.

I walked over and fingered a soldering iron.

“What is it you do for a living, Mia?”

“I’m a jewelry designer.”

She said it with such a sense of pride that I stopped examining the tools and looked back at her. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were glowing. “Jewelry?”

“Yeah. I work with silver and stuff. Come see.”

She grabbed the sleeve of my shirt and pulled me behind her. Down the short hallway and into a small bedroom. There was another worktable and then a shelf unit full of plastic containers. She pulled me over to the worktable and on the end was a plastic tree thing with bright sparkly silver earrings and stuff hanging from it.

Some of it was so amazingly delicate that I knew it wouldn’t have been easy to make. She looked at me expectantly and I made what I hoped were appropriate sounds of approval. “Very nice. You made these?”

She folded her arms across her chest and raised a delicate eyebrow. “You don’t like them.”

“No, I think they’re pretty.” I just didn’t know what the hell they were. They didn’t look like any jewelry I’d ever seen before.

“You might have a better idea if you’d managed to actually fondle a breast while we getting busy.”


“Me? You were the one in such a hurry you were jerking me off while I drove. You practically jumped on my dick the second I turned the car off!” My blood heated to a boiling point and my idiot of a dick was standing at full attention, loving every minute of it.

“Well, I’m sorry,” she snapped. “But it was your own fault. If you hadn’t gotten me so goddamn worked up in the parking lot, I would’ve had more patience.”

“Well, you weren’t exactly Miss Demure back on that dance floor were you?” I stepped close enough to feel the heat crackle between us. Her chest rose and fell rapidly, her nipples poking against her filmy little top, begging for me to touch. My hands itched with the knowledge that I still hadn’t gotten to play with those luscious little tits yet. “After watching you dance like that, I couldn’t think straight.”

“Can you think straight now?” As if she’d read my mind, she whipped her shirt over her head and stood there like a goddess, daring me to touch her.

At the end of my leash, I reached out, palmed both of her breasts, pushing her back against the wall and smashing my mouth down on hers at the same time. She met fire with fire, kissing me back with more passion than I’d ever experienced. Her tongue rubbed against mine, her teeth at my lips and her hands tugged at my shirt, pulling it from my waistband.

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