The Progeny (The Progeny Series) (21 page)

BOOK: The Progeny (The Progeny Series)
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“And Shauna is going to grieve for her sister if she dies.” Tristan added a new wrinkle to the discussion.

“Don’t you want justice for her?” Zachary asked.

The darklings were despicable
, of this there was no doubt. Ascher’s lip stiffened as his jaw clenched. “We’re leaving tonight! The element of surprise will give us an advantage.”

Quinn smiled a ruthless and wicked grin
. “Excellent plan my young, half-blooded brother.”

* * * *

That afternoon Shauna and Ascher decided to forget about the late flight he was catching and concentrate on being together. Lucy fixed her dinner—spinach salad and homemade cheese ravioli in a cream sauce so good it melted in her mouth. After dinner, they walked to their suite.

“I feel like I’m gaining so much weight eating Lucy’s delicious cooking.”

“Are you kidding me? Shauna, you look great!”

They made small talk about unimportant things, the heaviest subject
masked with forced smiles and nervous laughter. Ascher was going away soon, and he might not come back.

Always a gentleman, he opened the door, allowing her to pass first. The room was dark, except for
beige candles placed along the fireplace. A bottle of wine sat chilling on the table, a silver tray lying beside it. He picked it up and handed it to her.

“This is for you
; I had Lucy make it special.”

auna gave him a suspicious stare as she lifted the lid.

“Mousse au chocolat,” he said, accenting his words wi
th perfect French articulation.

It still surprised her when he spoke a random word or ph
rase in his ancestral language. “But how did you know?”

He pointed to his head.

“I really hate when you do that.”

“Anything that I channel from your mind, you could tell me. Why don’t you tell me more things about yourself?”

Shauna sat on the couch and ate a spoonful of the mousse. She opened her mouth to speak then paused, her eyes rolling as the creamy mixture dissolved on her tongue. “That is so good.”


She remembered the subject and attempted to
speak. “I’m not much of a talker. I was closest to my sister, and she knew everything about me. I didn’t need to tell her things.”

“But if we are to trust one another, we have to communicate. Physical love is the easy part. It takes nothing. True intimacy encompasses many things
: trust, love and understanding.” He grabbed her hands. “I don’t want to just be your lover, Shauna. I believe our relationship to be so much more. I want to be your mate, your companion, the other half of your soul. How can I do that if you won’t let me in?”

“And what makes you think I’m holding anything back?”

“Just a feeling I get.”

auna continued to stare at him, waiting for him to clarify his last statement.

“There a
re clusters of guarded memories in your mind, and I’m not sure why. I have reason to believe that they’re repressed and so painful that you’re choosing to displace them.”

“You and your psycho mumbling
,” she muttered.

“Haven’t you ever wondered why you can’t remember
some of your childhood?”

My childhood pretty much sucked. I had a verbally abusive father, an enabler for a mother and they forced me to practice a religion I didn’t believe in. There’s no wonder that I block it out!”

“We’re supposed to be enjoying our time together and not talking about things that stress us out. When I return
, we’ll sort through it. Did you call Ags today?”

She nodded.

“She’s well?”


“Olivia and Aaris are here. I’ve asked Olivia to watch over you while I’m gone.”

“Who are they?”

“Aaris is a direct blood descendent and Olivia is his mate.”

“Was she human when they sealed?”

“No.” He avoided her eyes.

“What does that face mean, Ascher?”

“She was sealed to another, but he perished in battle.”

A sick feeling
washed over her as she absorbed his last statement. “I’m scared, Ascher.”

He cradled her head in his hands. “I know this is hard for you. If I don’t go, Ursula and her clan will taunt us and hunt us, possibly kill us
—one by one. We have to show them that we’re strong and capable of hurting them. I want you to think about seeing your sister again. Think about how happy you’ll be to have her home.”

auna jumped up and paced the floor. “Who’ll lose their life or existence because of this—because of me? I can’t live with that on my conscience. Every day, you risk your life because you love me. I’m not good enough of a reason for you, or any of your kin to die. I’m not worth it, Ascher. I’m not worth it!” She slid down against the wall, drawing her legs to her chest to weep.

“You listen to me, Shauna. I’m willing to make any sacrifice to keep you safe. If it means my life for yours, I’d gladly give up my existence for you.” He placed his hand against her pounding heart. “My heartbeat is yours. This moment
right here, with you, is worth more to me than ten lifetimes without you.”

“But what about

He pulled her closer to him, placing his finger over her mouth
. “What is it with you and worry? No more worrying, Shauna and no more words.”

“That’s clever
of you to use my own words against me.”

lifted her into his arms. “I think I have something to take your mind off your worry. There are so many other uses for our time together.”

* * * *

Ascher carried her over to the bed, placing her on the edge. She gave him a deep, lingering kiss as he eased himself out of his clothing. He slid his hands easily over her shoulders, smoothing her dress off, causing it to slink to the floor. Her underwear and bra soon joined the dress on the gray tile.

issing and caressing her, Ascher savored the way she tasted and felt, letting it fuel the fire inside him. Her carotid was easier to ignore the more they made love, as he barely noticed it now. His pulse remained calm, and his fangs didn’t threaten to emerge.

He stared down at her naked body. The things that made her human
, also made her very desirable. “You are so beautiful. Do you know that?”

auna gave him a dumbfounded expression. “No matter how many times you say that, I never get used to hearing it. You’re the beautiful one.” She sighed. “What are you doing in love with me?”

In a move so fast that her eyes crossed, he disappeared
then reappeared in the middle of the bed, behind her. He turned her to him, resting his hands at the small of her back, pulling her closer until she was in his lap—her legs wrapping around him. They stared into one another’s eyes, their bodies clinging.

auna sat at eye level with him, unlike when they stood and he towered above her.

hands wandered over her body while his mouth kissed the tender skin along her neck. He paused to flip her onto the bed but her arms remained locked around him, preventing him from laying her down.

Pushing him down on the bed, s
he shook her head and whispered, “No,” raising herself above him, freeing his erection from the pressure of her bottom. Kissing his neck and chest, she made her way down his quivering stomach and its thin trail of dark hair. She grasped him, wrapping her hand around his engorged rod. It reacted to her touch by standing at full attention.

A yearning sparked in him, a feeling he’d only imagined in
his mind. It felt good—too good to be right. It was wrong—very wrong. Ascher groaned and gently wound his hand into her hair, making sure to get a good handful. He couldn’t let her do that, not while she was still human.

“Shauna, no
,” he whispered, bringing her head back up to his.

She glanced at him
, a combination of bewilderment and hurt in her eyes. “Why? You’ve pleasured
in this way. I just wanted to return the favor.”

“Doing that could be so dangerous for you. Only after we seal

Her eyes rounded with fear.
“Why is it so dangerous for me?”

Grabbing both sides of her head, he
said, “I’ve talked to Tristan about
He said I might lose control. This is why I can’t allow you to do that. I can’t guarantee your safety otherwise. Vampire bodies are very sensitive. When we make love, it’s physical. We growl, scratch, and sometimes bite one another. That’s why I teased you about seeming immortal. I only scratched you after you scratched me. I’ve never felt as out of control as the first time we were together.”

“I’m sorry.”

“What are you apologizing for? There’s no need to be sorry, but I still have to mind myself when we’re together. You’re still in danger when we make love. I’m able to better control myself now that you’re no longer a trinity, but your blood still appeals to me, and I could still harm you if I’m not careful. Have patience, we’ll make love many more times. When the time is right, we’ll explore new and exciting ways to pleasure one another. I look forward to experiencing everything with you. Don’t worry, I’m
satisfied with our lovemaking—you’re amazing.”

sifted his hands through her hair, pulling her face and lips back to his. He was also satisfied with his newfound self-control. His thirst was minimal and his eyes weren’t morphing. It was nice to look normal, even if he wasn’t. He couldn’t imagine how difficult it must be to make love to someone who tended to look more beastly than human.

auna steadied herself over him again, bowing her back and raising her hips to descend on him.

He grabbed her arms, stopping her descent. “I don’t think we’re ready for
, either. You only lost your virginity last night. You could be hurt.”

she sighed loudly with frustration. “It amazes me that you enjoy sex, you seem more interested in conjuring things that could hurt me.”

“Your safety is important.”

“And my pleasure?” she asked.

“My priority, as well

“If we take it easy, you won’t hurt me. I want
sexual experience with you. This is one we haven’t tried.”

cher was reluctant, but he decided to give in and satisfy the curiosity swirling in her eyes. “I don’t know if we can make this work.” He probed her with a gentle finger. “You’re still too tight. I’m so scared I’ll hurt you.” He gave her another finger and attempted to gauge her pain. She was blocking. “Let me guide you and if it hurts, promise that you’ll tell me.”

“I promise.”

Lifting her with one hand clutching her waist, he directed his erection into position. Her breasts at his face level, he suckled them, teasing the nipples until they grew taut.

Concentrating on
staying in control, he closed his eyes, resting his face against her neck to gauge her pulse and breathing. “I’m going to enter you slowly. If it hurts you, I’ll stop.” He lowered her until he rested just outside her, urgently pressing against her opening.


He lifted her off him and stared into her eyes to
ensure she told the truth. “Does that hurt you?”

She bit down hard on her lip. “A little bit, but I’m okay. Please don’t stop, Ascher.”

He lowered her again, brushing her neck with his tongue, guiding her hips down onto him. She gradually opened as he gave her cautious and gentle thrusts, his hands guiding the movement of her hips. He watched her eyes widen as she took more, surprised and delighted that she was able to take all of him.

Her anguished whimpers became moans of pleasure.
The sensual sensations of sliding together had them both rolling their eyes with ecstatic pleasure, as he continued to lower and raise her. She was his match, a mold shaping to fit him.

gripped her back again, releasing her hips to allow her control of the thrusting. Her movements were shaky and uncoordinated at first. Eventually, she found a rhythm, becoming more confident with twisting and looping her hips in tight circles. He felt his pale complexion flush, the fire burning in his skin and spine threatening to bury him in a climax. Several times, he seized her hips to cease the movement, preventing himself from losing it—he couldn’t believe how close he already was.

held her arms, attempting to bring himself out of her but she stopped him, locking her fingers with his so that he couldn’t interfere. He surrendered—it felt too amazing to stop.

His voice was deep and heavy with lust when he groaned, “I’m so close.”

“Let go, Ascher. I know you want to. Don’t hold back.”

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