The Ride (16 page)

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Authors: Jaci J

BOOK: The Ride
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            Standing in the hall way that leads into the kitchen Gin, Stitch, Crush, and me wait and listen. There's a knock on the back door making me tense as fuck. Smiling up at me Lil walks away from me. I really don't want to let her go. With a little tug I reluctantly let her go. I can just barely see her, but I can hear her. Listening I can hear the door open. The only thing keeping me back is the fact that she's only a few feet away from me and there are three of us and one of him. “Evenin' officer,” I hear her say in that sweet voice. A beat passes before she says more. “No way. Brad is that you?” she squeaks. Shit. She knows the pig? “Lilly? I … I …
... hadn't heard you were back. How are you?” the cop stutters. Fuck he's sunk. “I'm great. And you? ... You look great by the way.” I can feel the tension in my body. Hands clenched at my side. Jaw aching. “I'm good. Well if I look great then not sure there's a word for how good you look.” Fucking ass hole buttering up my girl. He touches her I'm snapping his neck. “Can't believe you’re a cop. Officer Willis.” she says with a little laugh. I can hear that smile in her voice. This shit isn't cool. “Yep. After high school I joined the force.” He sounds cocky. I'd like to punch him in the face. Maybe knock the cocky out of him. “That's amazing. … What brings you out here?” Here it comes. There's some foots steps and Lil comes into view. She hops up on the kitchen counter. The pig leaning across form her. “Looking for your dad and a man named Roman.” Fuck. About to go out there and get Lil away from him when Gin grabs my shoulder stopping me. “Chill. She'll take care of him,” he mumbles under his breath. Yeah that's what I'm fucking worried about. “I'm sorry Brad they're not around. Anything
can help you with,” she purrs at him. The seduction in voice makes me see red. “You want me to track him down,” she asks in a little girly voice. Stitch growls from beside me. Yeah he isn’t a fan of this shit either. “That's okay darlin'. It's no big deal.” Another pause before she says, “so how’s life been since high school?” Sighing I see him smile at her. There's that look in his eyes. The look all the guys around give Lil. “Things have been alright. Got married, had two kids.” Lil squeals in that girly delight shit. She doesn’t sound like the Lil I know. Where's my sexy little trouble maker? “What the fuck she doin'?” I growl. My patients really taking a nose dive. Gin gives me a look like I'm stupid as hell for asking. He's not careful I might punch him in the face too. “Distractin' the pig. Gettin' him outta here and off your back.” Great my girl is now an accessory to my shit. “No way? You have kids and you're married? Lucky gal.” That makes the pig laugh. He's lucky I'm letting him look at my baby like that. Fuck he's lucky I'm even letting him breathe the same air as her. “Yeah, me and Nicole got hitched after high school. Two twin girls, five years old,” he tells her proudly. Swinging her legs she listens to him intently, tits hanging out of her shirt. “Oh Nicole, she's just the sweetest. Two beautiful girl if they look anythin' like their mama.” That makes the dude beam. I can't stand this shit. Practicing great restraint I stand her and listen to the pig. I feel like I'm about to blow up. Standing here and watch him eye fuck my women. Yeah I'm really close to blowing the fuck up. “It's been great to see you Brad, but I've got to meet a friend for lunch. Tell Nicole hi for me, will ya?” Standing up she walks him to the door. The fucking prick hugs my girl, kissing her cheek good bye. “You and Nicole should grab coffee, catch up. I know she'd love too.” Nodding, Lil smiles. “Sounds great. Have her get in touch with me. Bye Brad.”

            The second I see taillights I'm to my girl. “What the hell was that and what the fuck is up with your tits hangin' out?” I ask pointing right at her tits that are about a half inch from spilling out that top. “You want to spend some time in jail?” she retorts shortly. Well shit she's got me there. “Nice work sis,” Gin pats her head like a good little girl. Smacking his hand away she frowns. Oh fuck, here comes that attitude that was lacking three minutes ago. “You owe me so big. You know how much I hate that bitch Nicole. Now I've got to spend time with her whinny ass. Fuck, so big, like new car big,” she grumbles kicking Gin in the shin. Laughing he agrees, “whatever ya want.” Wrapping her arms around me she pulls me to her. “You gunna go kill him now?” she asks me with those big doe eyes looking at me. I was thinking about it. “More than likely,” I grumble not in the mood for talking about the pig anymore. I am still not loving how this went down. Squeezing me she giggles again. “Good. He's a fuckin' pervert. Can I watch ya kill him?” she asks me. Can she watch? That's a strange ass request. I've been asked to watch a lot of things I do and that has never been one of them. “Lil no one is lettin' you watch them put someone to ground. How many times I gotta tell you.” Glaring at Stitch she turns those big ol' pleading eyes back on me. “Please baby?” Ah fuck. I am not corrupting her with that shit. “Not happenin' sweets.” Pouting she turns those eyes to Gin next. I think out of every man in the club he's the worse with Lil, me being in a close sick second. “Sure. Why the fuck not?” He shrugs. What the fuck? Gin the sick motherfucker. They stare at each other for a moment before they both laugh. High fiving they walk out the back door arm in arm. “You two are fuckin' somethin' else,” Stitch grumbles. No shit, those two are as bad as her and Peaches together, which is bad. “Sick fucks,” I mumble to myself. That only makes them laugh harder. She's killing me. Looking at the guys it reminds me I have no fucking clue why they came over to begin with. “What y'all come over for?” Gin grins at me. “We're goin' out and gettin' fucked up.”

The Rooster
, our local dive bar is the only bar we hang out at besides the club. The small place is packed with brothers, a few club friends, and a couple regulars. Light music plays from the speakers. Some old country music wafts through the air. Mismatched tables and chairs dot the area around the mismatched tiled dance floor. The bar an old slab of wood lined with tattered stools. Names and pictures carved into the bar top. Stale smoke and booze fills the air. The second Lil sets foot in the shit hole the party starts. Cheers and hollers for her as soon as she's in the place. Right to the sound system she goes throwing on some loud ass music. Singing and dancing she twirls her beautiful ass around me. Smiling and laughing. Right to the bar she goes next. Bottle in hand and Peaches and Cali flanking her sides. Up on the bar they go. Shaking her ass and smiling. Jumping up and down her and Peaches sing to each other. Gin looks at me; yeah I know our bitches are fucking nuts. Tiny and Sargent saddle up next to me both high and cheery as all hell tonight. Beers in hand. They both look at my girl up on the bar and shake their heads in amusement. “Baby doll's been like that since she could walk,” Sargent states with a chuckle. Tiny snorts a laugh in agreement, “shit yeah. Life of the party that little trouble maker is. Keepin' all us old guy on our toes, just like her mama.” Watching her I can't help but smile. This girl is making me soft. She just keeps wrapping me up around her finger. She's just so fucking happy all the damn time. Some fucking rap song comes on and that's when she goes wild. Rapping some dirty fucking lyrics she sings to Arms, Rampage, and Happy sitting by her at the bar. Looking up she locks eyes with me. Smiling for me. Smiling like I'm the only motherfucker in here she gives a shit about. I can't get enough of her. She brings a light to this dark ass hell I live in, the hell we all live in. The smirk she loves to hate is all because of her.


            Sitting on the bar Tank on a stool between my thighs his elbows rested on my legs. I don't think I've seen him smile this much. In fact everyone is smiling and having a good time. Even more beautiful when he smiles I plan on keeping it that way. White fitted tee on show casing his hard chest. A flannel over his tee and holster hidden underneath. His cut on, wearing it proudly. Faded jeans and his loosely laced Georgia's on. Gin's on his right and Rampage on his left wearing something similar, but God does Tank make it look sexier. My family sitting around, Peaches next to me, Cali next to her. I've got my family back. This bar is a decrepit worn shack, but it's our place. The ascetics don't matter, it's perfect the way it is. This place has heart and memories worn into the old wood walls. If the walls could talk they'd have some wild stories to tell. “Damn girl, you can hold your liquor,” Tags compliments my ability to drink excessively. A skill I learned from Gin, Stitch, and Happy in high school. That's how Gin acquired his nickname. His drink of choice Gin. Shooting a look at Stitch he smiles back at me giving me a nod of encouragement. “Taught her well,” he laughs. Happy snorts a laugh, throwing back his shot he slams it down. “Beer pong bitch,” he says to me. Waggling those eyes brows, challenging me. Snatching up the bottle he just poured his shot from I throw it back, doubling his shot in one guzzle. Slamming the bottle down I challenge back, “beer pong asshole.” Hoping off of the bar I grab Tank's hand pulling him with me. “Help me kill these assholes baby!” Pulling me into his chest he kisses my head. Letting my favorite smell get me. The smell that is Tank, smoke, spice, leather, and man. Wrapped around him, my favorite place to be. “You got it angel.” Watching Tank play beer pong makes me smile. Watching all the guys makes me smile. Four big huge guys wearing their cuts, standing around an old beat up card table tossing tiny balls into red cups filled with beer is a funny sight. They're high fiving, punching, and smacking at each other. “You,” Stitch shouts at me. “Get your ass over here and play me sis,” Stitch finishes with a holler and a smile. Walking over to them it hits me I'm home. Never realized how much I missed them until now. “Yeah, yeah.” I mutter with a smile.

            Dancing with Peaches, Cali, Melli, and Mini we've lost our minds. I'm pretty sure Peaches and Cali have snorted enough coke for a life time. High as kites. Melli has a joint in her fingers dancing around in a cloud of smoke. Mini and I are passing a bottle back and forth. “I fuckin' love this song,” Peaches shrieks. Throwing her hands in the air. Some where I lost my shoes along the way. Pretty sure I left them with Tank, but can't be too sure … fuck it. Lost with my shoes is Peaches shirt. Some of the guys are playing pool. Tags, Gin, and a prospect are playing poker at a nearby table. Tank and the other guys are out back talking bikes or something motorized. Kiki is sitting at the bar chatting up Mary. Before I know what’s going on a group of guys wearing cuts I don't recognize walk into the bar. There are five of them. Shit. I notice them looking around, taking in the place. An air of trouble fallows them in. Five pairs of eyes swing to us. I can feel the malice rolling off of them in waves. This isn't going to end well. Walking right up to Cali and I one guy leers down at us. “Well well, how ya doin' darlin'” The big one growls down at me. Thick southern accent laced with sleaze. His body evading my personal space. He's a large guy. Not as big or bulky as Tank, but pretty big. He's wearing a dirty beater under his cut. A shaved head with a large swastika tattooed on the side of his head. Also one on his chest right under his neck. A rebel fag under his neck tattoo. He's a skin head, not good. Taking a step back I bump into a hard body, it's a body I don't know. Oh shit. Peaches is on me in a second. “Who the fuck are you?” she barks at the guy. Hands on her hips full of attitude. He sneers at her, disgust all over his face. “Watch how yous talkin' to me spick.” Oh fuck no. Sheer anger blinds me immediately. I'm not about to let this nasty excuse for a man talk to my family that way. “
best watch how you're talking to my family.” I spit at the giant racist asshole getting right in his face. Turning his beady eyes back on me he smiles. Not so much as smiles but sneers. “Awe baby. Yous ain't gotta stick up for the trash. Yous a pretty white girl,” he slurs touching my cheek. His touch leaving a slimy dirty film on my skin. Reeling back in disgust. I pull away, but there's nowhere to go. His guys are standing around us. I hate people like him. “Fuck you, you fuckin' honky pig!” I watch his lips curl into a sinister smile. With a quick back hand I land on my ass. My poor face. A pain shoots though my face, leaving a dull sting ringing through my face. “You hit like a fuckin' girl!”

            It all happens in a flash. Twenty Disciples rush the guys. I'm on my feet and behind the bar before I know what's happening. Peaches, Cali, Melli, and Mini right beside me. Melli's whimpering, Peaches looks like she's enjoying it, Cali's calm as hell, and Mini's in hysterics. The four guys who were behind the scary racist have disappeared through the front door escorted by eight guys. My eye's stuck in one spot. All I can see is Tank. Fury and rage on his face. Fierce fluid movements as his strong body moves. His steel toed boots stomping the guy’s head into the old tiled floor. Precise execution in his kicks and hits. Blood all over the ground, all over Tanks boots. Splattered on his jeans. All in slow motion. Each kick in sickening detail. I watch in horror and shock as Tank kills this guy with each deadly blow. I know better than to get in the way. I go over there it's only going to make it worse for the guy. He's a disgusting excuse for a human, but that doesn't mean he should die. At first the guy was using his hands to deflect the kicks, now he's lying lifeless and limp. Looking around Stitch, Sargent, Happy, Crush, and Leo stand stoically, arms crossed watching Tank kill this guy. Fuck. Mini runs around the bar in a panic. Hair flying, mascara running. Grabbing onto Happy's arms she shakes him. “Stop him!” She's crying, yelling. Frantically pulling on him. “Happy, please. He's killing him,” she wails. Shoving her away he looks menacingly down at her. “Get you're fuckin' ass behind that God damn bar,” he barks at her. Shying away she looks as sick as I feel. The front door kicks open, Gin and Tiny walk in looking irate. Boots stomping. Grabbing around Tank Gin hauls him off of the guy. “Bring him outside,” Tiny barks, pointing at the guys body. The prospects jump up to help. Shoving Tank outside with him Gin lets the door swing closed behind him. The prospects drag the bloody lifeless body of the guy out the door. The guys face a mess of mangled bloody flesh as they drag him out. Trails of blood streak the floor from the drag. I think I'm going to be sick. Leaning my back against the cool wall I stare at the door. My mind blank, my body pumping with adrenaline. “You just stood there. Stood there and watched him kill that guy. You all did,” Mini cries at us. Peaches shoots her a warning glare. I'm stuck. Two loud pops echo through the room deafening the silence.

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