The Ride (19 page)

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Authors: Jaci J

BOOK: The Ride
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            “Lil get your disgustin' fuckin' cousin away from me!” Oh now he's
cousin? Twelve minutes ago he was your boo boo. These two I swear to god. Gin looks truly shocked at her words. I don't know why this is nothing new. I'm having a bit of deja vu standing here. I think this exact same fight happened in this exact spot about eight years ago while in high school. “Lil tell you're spoiled ass bitch of a friend to calm the fuck down and listen to her man,” Gin hollers at me. Why am I now the one being yelled at? Anyone else see something wrong with this fight? “Hey, fuck you Gin! I am not spoiled you prick!” Looking over at Tank he looks a little bemused and maybe a little scared of Peaches. Her long nails and flailing arms may cause bodily injury. “Bitch ya are too spoiled. Give ya ass whatever the fuck ya want, whenever the fuck ya want it.” Peaches stomps her foot and shrieks. Commence three year old bitch fit. “Yeah only so you can fuck 'round on me
of the goddamn time with the nasty cunts at the club! GOD I hate you!” Stalking towards Peaches with hard mean eyes she squeaks and jumps behind me hiding from Gin. Using me as her human shield again. “Bitch I do not fuckin' cheat on you. The only pussy my dick goes near is yours. So what if I get my dick sucked from time to time? It's your ass I come home to every God damn night. I take care of your ass, real well I might add. I deserve a little head now and again.” A crazy depraved cackle rattles from Peaches. Oh shit. “You're a fuckin' loser. So what you buy me shit. Want a fuckin' award?” Peaches laughs at Gin. I think Gin may strangle this girl. “Who the fuck bought you a house? Did you forget 'bout the brand fuckin' new Range Rover in your driveway at the house
bought? What 'bout them hundreds of fifteen hundred dollar purses your ass has? How 'bout them shopping trips, hair appointments, trips to the spa, vacations? Who put that never ending wad of cash in them expensive ass purses?” He counters. These two must be bipolar. Starring at Tank I long to be up over his shoulder and heading up stairs exploding head be damned. “Well you two have been fuckin' entertainin', but it's annoyin' as fuck now. I'll be up stairs,” Tanks grumbles as he heads for the stair. Take me with you, I want to say, but Peaches is holding onto to me like I'm her only hope. Looking back over his shoulder at me his eyes soften. “Baby, I'll be waitin' for you.”

            Left alone with homicidal Gin and crazy Peaches I'm not sure if I should be worried or annoyed. “You don't pay for everythin' you fuckwad!” Peaches grates out, hands on her hips and all kinds of attitude. Okay this has been fun, but I'd rather be up stairs with Tank. “Look you two love each other. Figure it the fuck out. You two are driving me bat shit crazy,” I scold them like two children. Gin grumbles something under his breath. Peaches throws her hands up in the air, shrieking again. Stomping off towards her room she yells incoherently. “Fuck you Gin!” she wails one last obscenity before slamming the door behind her rattling the windows. Slumping into the couch Gin looks exhausted. Peaches is a hand full, but she loves him with everything she has. He's all she's ever known. She's giving him her life. Sitting down next to him I shake my head disapprovingly. “She loves you Caleb.” Turning his head slowly towards me he looks at me crazy. “Wow, broke out the real name business huh sis,” he mumbles with a small smile. “I did. But for real she loves you. She's tired of waitin' for you to make her your old lady. It's been ten years.” I say holding ten figures up for emphasis. “Y'all have known each other longer than that. You don't love her?” Grumbling some more he shakes his head. “I do love that crazy fuckin' bitch, more than anythin', but fuckin' hell she wears on a guy. Drivin' me crazy n' shit.” I can understand that, she drives me crazy. But I still love her. “Look at it this way she died tomorrow you'd be fuckin' sick about it, it'd kill you. You'd never get over that. Don't fuck it up with her. You love her; she loves you and puts up with your cheating ass.” Holding up my hand instantly I stop his attempt at protest. “And before you say you don't cheat, we all know you do. So go fix it.” With another grumble he heaves himself from the couch. Impossibly hard headed men. Fallowing him I head for the stairs, him heading for Peaches room. “Lil?” Gin calls me back. “Huh?” Smiling at me he walks up, wrapping an arm around me. “Glad your back. Missed your ass.” Kissing my forehead he smiles. “Love you sis.”



            Had to get away from crazy ass Peaches and mad as fuck Gin. Left my girl to fix that shit. Those two are something else. Always fighting and arguing. Driving anyone within ear shot crazy. Lil might be bossy as hell sometimes, but at least she isn’t crazy or mean like Peaches. Grabbing up a case of beer I head upstairs. Right to deck and into a lounge chair. Party is in full swing down by the lake. Two big ass bonfires blazing. Music pouring from some nearby speakers. Hundred people hanging out, having fun. Relaxing back into the chair I crack a beer. Sitting back and hanging out. “Tank?” Lil's sweet voice hits me. A voice I don't think I'll ever get sick of. “Out here.” A few seconds later Lil walks onto the deck. I can't tear my eyes away from her. Without a word she's on me. Legs draped over my lap straddling my waist. Chest to chest. Her face in my neck. I can feel her warm breath on my skin. Hands in my hair. Sighing she buries her face in to me. My face in her hair. She smells like vanilla or something sweet as hell. Like a God damn cupcake and all that sweet shit that goes along with it. She smells amazing. It's a smell that will forever bring a smile to my face. Hands all over her body. It's too hard not to touch her. Always finding reason to touch her whenever and where ever I can. One hand finding skin, soft and smooth. Under my thermal she's sporting to the soft skin at the small of her back. “You okay baby?” Sighing deeply she nods her head. Love them little sighs and whimpers. Not sure if she's lying, but I'm not about to argue it. This shit is too good to fuck with. For as long as I can remember there were only a few things I wanted out of my life. I'm not complicated. I'm not a needy guy. Only a few things I need to make me happy, keep my content. My club, my bike, money, somewhere warm and wet to stick my dick from time to time, and the open road. Now all that has been blown to shit. That girl walked into that chapel and rocked my world. None of it seems exactly the same anymore. Sure I still need my club, my bike, and all that shit, but Lil is at the top of that list. Not sure how I've become so damn attached in such a short amount of time. Pretty sure that shit isn't healthy either, but fuck if I don't love it. It scares the shit out of me though. She scares the shit out of me. This whole thing is terrifying. There isn't much that can bring me to my knees, but holding Lil I know she's the one thing that can. All this shit is scary and amazing.

            Sitting in silence I know it won't last long. Lil's never silent long. Sitting up on me she looks like she wants to say something. Ass pressing into my dick I notice her little furrowed brow, but fuck it's hard to concentrate on that face when that ass is on me. “Tank?” Pretty sure she just said something to me, but Jesus Christ she sifted when she said it. And now I'm getting hard. “Hmm?” Yeah I'm trying real hard not to move her. She starts wiggling more and those bikini bottoms will be shredded. “Where's this thing goin'?” Well she doesn’t stop moving around on my dick this
is going to end with her naked and riding me. “What baby?” I know I better say something before she starts spouting off. “This,” she says waving her hands between the two of us. And fuck she moved again. Concentrate asshole, concentrate. Don't know why the fuck she's even asking me this. “I mean am I your
old lady
?” she reiterates. She knows damn well where this is going. She knows she's mine. “You fuckin' somebody else?” I ask her. That beautiful face gapes at me. Yeah baby I just fucking asked you that. Love when she's speechless, it's a rarity. “Of course not,” she fires clearly offended by my question. Damn right she's not. I knew that, but don’t mean I don't fucking like hearing it. “You wanna be fuckin' someone else?” I hit her with another one. Now Lil's getting fired up. Hands on her hips. Pouty lips pursed in annoyance. Oh shit there's the eye roll for them brown beauties. “What are you gettin' get?” she snaps. Hell she just wiggled again. She's got to feel that shit. Lord knows I can feel it. “Answer me Lil.” Making that little annoyed noise in the back of her throat she rolls her eyes again. “No I don't want to fuck anybody else,” she grumbles lamely. Well there she has it. “You're the only bitch I'm fuckin' or want to be fuckin' so there ya have it sweets.” She doesn't seem satisfied with my answer. Women. I swear they complicate the easiest of things. “So I'm your old lady,” she states, but I know she's asking me. Now she's got me rolling my eyes. “Fuck yes.” Not sure how much more plainly I can put it. “You want a ring to prove that shit? I'll give that to you. A wedding? Fine. You want a baby? I'm game. Whatever I need to do to let you know, you. Are. Mine.” After I say it I wait for the freak out, but she just sits silently for a moment. There she goes again shifting and shit. I can't sit here like this anymore. “Off me babe.” She stares at me for a second. “Up,” I tell her giving that ass a hard smack. Landing my hand on that perfect ass. Love that sound.

            “You're up on my lap wigglin' n' grindin' your ass into my dick. Got me wantin' to fuck you. Now c'mere.” She smirks at me standing a few feet away. Fucking tease. Baby knew exactly what she was doing. Using that pussy as a weapon. With a little evil laugh she backs away from me. Yeah she wants to make me work for it. She knows damn well I'll work for it too. Always up for a challenge I make a grab for those hips. “Bring your ass over here,” I warn that little trouble maker. Shaking her head she smiles sweetly again. Biting that plump ass lip. Fuck she is killing me. She keeps looking at me like that I'm going to explode. “Lil, now!” Backing up again she's cornered into the railing of the deck. Perfect spot. She's not going anywhere. Two long steps I'm on her. I've got to put my hands on her. It's like some sick ass disease, always needing to touch her. Fucking beautiful standing here staring at me. Long hair blowing lightly, biting on that plump lip, big innocent eyes. That damn thermal open, small white bikini giving me a good eye full. Fuck me, she's a dream. Back against the railing. I've got her that is until Cali hollers up to her. Jesus Christ bitches interrupting me. Turning around she looks over the rail. Ass pressed into me. They proceed to have their little chat. My hands full of that big juicy ass. Feeling soft smooth skin I find the ties to that small ass bikini bottom. Perfect. Her back to my front. I can feel her tense when she realizes what I'm doing. “What the hell are you doin'?” she whispers over her shoulder. I can still hear a few of the girls down there talking. Wish they'd get lost, but I can work around it. The bottoms fall away pooling around her ankles. Fuck my dick is so fucking hard. Reaching around I find that pussy wet and ready for me. Slipping a finger inside of her she shutters against me. Fucking hell. Warm and wet, sucking my finger in. Fuck do I want in her. “Tank we can't. People might see or hear.” I could give a fuck. I fuck my girl where ever and whenever. People be damned. They want a show I'll give them one. I damn well know no one is going to see though. “Then you better be quiet and still baby,” I whisper in her ear. Her body goes soft for me. Pressing up against me, a little moan escapes those lips. Wrapping that long hair around one hand pulling her head back for me. My other hand on her hip holding her still. That ass sticking out for me. Shit I love that ass. Fist full of hair, bent over the railing she looks fucking beautiful. One swift hit I'm buried balls deep. Warm, wet and tight as hell. Fucking perfect.

            Spent a good twenty minutes in my girl until she was begging me to let her cum. Some sick thrill in making her beg. Fucked her so hard I had to carry her to bed. My phone rings and I contemplate tossing it through the window. Not really interested in talking to anybody that isn't in my bed. “Yeah?” I answer it anyways. Duty calls. “Got a hit on Tick,” Arms mumbles into the line. Shit. “Be down in five.” Setting my phone down I look at my girl in bed. Naked on her stomach. Blanket only covering her ass and I have to fight myself not to crawl in there with her. Jesus I could fuck her again, like always. “Got shit to handle,” I tell her. Nodding she smirks. Little ass trouble maker right there. Sitting up I get the full view. Sneaky little thing. “You sure?” she purrs at me cocking a brow at me. Why does she have to make this hard on me? She knows there's nothing more I'd like to do then crawl in there with her. “Baby you tryin' to make this hard on me, yeah?” Laughing she makes a grab for the tee I was about to throw on. Snatching it up. She's fast. Slipping it over her head she crawls off of the bed. The shirt falling over her ass, to her thighs when she stands up. Hair a mess of loose curls. Smiling at me like I'm the best thing she's ever seen. “Yeah yeah,” she grumbles with a laugh waving me off. “See ya in a bit.” Brushing past me she rolls those eyes and sashays that ass right on by without a second look. I don't fucking think so. Grabbing her up I pull her to me. I'm getting a little love before for I go even if I have to steal it. Wrapping her arms around me she buries her face in my chest. That calm hits me. Everything just feels right. “I'll make it fast,” I assure her. Nodding her head she hugs me tightly. “Yeah baby,” she whispers softly. Kissing her head I leave her for the bathroom. Slipping on my jeans, sweatshirt, cut, and boots I make my way back in the room. Sitting on the edge of the bed Lil's messing with my shirt. Great not only did she knot the shit out of the back of my tee making it tiny as hell, she slipped on tiny cloth shorts too. “Come on.” Grabbing her up and throwing her over my shoulder we head down stairs. I don't have time to argue her lack of clothing or the fact she screwed with my shirt. She does it with all of them that she wears anyways. Why start bitching about now? I'd say it bothers me, but that would be a lie. I love seeing her in my shit. Standing down stairs is Happy, Stitch, Arms, Leo, Sargent, Rampage, and a prospect waiting on me and not looking thrilled about it. “Got a hit,” Arms grumbles. Yeah got that already. Setting Lil on her feet she looks up at me and smiles that innocent smile. “Be back in a while. Stay here.” She nods and plops down ungracefully on the couch. Feet propped up on the arm, head leaning on Gin's shoulder. Even ungraceful she's beautiful. It kills me to leave her, but shit needs to be handled. “Low know the deal?” I ask Arms. Nodding he grumbles, “wants you to handle it.” Figures. We're doing something fun and he's too damn lazy so he sends me. “Rampage, Gin, and prospect stay here with Lil and the girls.” Nodding his head Rampage plops himself in a chair across from Lil. Remote immediately in hand. Gin doesn't move a muscle. Stitch fallows suit, the prospect hangs back. And right to the arguing over channels Rampage and Lil go. Kissing her head I leave her to it. “Please be careful baby,” she whispers quietly before I step away from her. Hits me right in the heart, as always. “Always sweets.”

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