The Ride (20 page)

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Authors: Jaci J

BOOK: The Ride
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            Shit didn't come of the hit. Waste of five hours away from my girl. Got a line that Tick was bringing in his haul of new pussy and where we could find him, so we went. Found his haul and a few of his guys, but no motherfucking Tick. Shit it eating away at me knowing he's out there gunning for my girl and my club. I'll die before he gets what's mine. Took out a few of his crew. Small consolation prize. Slowly but surely I'll obliterate his crew. One by one I'll pick them off if I have too. Dwindling them down. It'll make it easier to get to him, because he'll have to start doing his own dirty work. The consolation prize was enough for the guys right now. They needed something. Me? Not so much. Still dying to blow Ticks brains all over the place. His time is coming and I'll be ready and waiting. Pulling back up to the cabins I can see the party has died down. People scattered around in their bed rolls. Lights off in the cabins. A few trailers silent and black. Walking into the cabin fallowed by Happy I find everyone in the living room. TV on, two bitches going at it on the screen. Legs spread wide. Pussies in your face. “What the fuck?” This isn't no
Wild Things
movie. This shit is 'x' rated shit. Gin is passed out on the floor. Couch cushion under his head. Rampage in his chair starring at the screen. King in the chair opposite him and the prospect hanging back all eyes on the TV. All the brothers congregated in the room for the show. Worst of all is Lil's asleep on the motherfucking couch. Not one of those ass holes looks at me when I walk in. Stepping in front of the TV they finally look at me. “You've got to be shittin' me. Lil's in the fuckin' room.” They better hope she didn't see any of that shit. “She seen any of this shit I'm beatin' the fuck outta y'all,” I growl at the bunch of sick fucks. Happy chuckles from beside me. Yeah he wouldn't be laughing if it was Mini in the room. Picking Lil up I cradle her to me. They better pray to God they weren't thinking about her while watching that shit. Happy flops down in her vacated spot. “Fuckin' assholes,” I mutter under my breath. Taking Lil up stairs I lay her down in my bed. Settling her under the blankets. Stripping down and shutting off the lights I crawl in with her. Hands find skin and pull her to me. Cuddling into me she mumbles, “Missed you.” I believe that shit because missed her ass too.


            I'm hot as hell. It's got to be climbing towards ninety degrees out here this afternoon. The light lapping of water and cool breeze from the lake beckon me. It’s calling my name. The cool refreshing water sounds amazing. Seeing as how I'm feeling lazy and comfortable I think I might stay right here on the shore reclined on my lounger. Peaches on my right, Cali to my left. I know Peaches is napping, because she's silent. Cali's reading a trashy romance novel. We've been rooted here for a good three hours now. Lathered in sunscreen and baking away in the country sun. The guys are doing guy stuff. First they fished this morning. Now they're 'fixing' the boats motor. There was nothing wrong with that motor to begin with, but according to Tank it needs more speed. Some of the other guys are on the boats or out riding. So they're all off basically doing guy type things. A bunch of us girls are laying out enjoying the sunshine. Some of the girls are swimming with the kids. Through my aviators I can feel a shadow on me. Cracking an eye open I find two people I wasn't expecting. “Holy shit. Lilly Cruz?” Opening both eyes I see them clearly. Both standing over me. Cali shifts on her chair sitting up. Their faces I think I recognize, but their names aren't coming to me. “Oh, hey,” I try for friendly, but I'm sure I just sound confused. Because I'll be damned if I can remember these two. The larger blonde one squats down to eye level with me. Face friendly, but overtly checking me out. “It's Jamie. We went to high school together, remember?” He looks a little sad I didn't recognize him. Jamie? Still nothing. The other one smiles at Cali. Sadly he's missing a tooth or two. “California Bradford, you're lookin' great babe,” he nods at her clearly checking her out. Wow he used her real name. No ones used it in years. “Will,” she grumbles not sounding the least bit interested. I guess she knows them. “How are you girl? You're looking hot as fuck,” Jamie says staring right at my boobs. Well my boobs are great, thanks asshole. “Um … I'm, uh, good. You?” I've no idea what else to say. Can't remember him so I'm drawing a blank. “Good. Fuck what's it been nine years?” How should I know I don't even remember you? “Yeah something like that.” This is extremely awkward. “Fuck man you believe it? Lilly Cruz. Man, crazy shit right?” Jamie says to his short wide goon friend slapping his shoulder. The little goon looks my way. His eyes widen in shock and then proceed to wonder my entire body. He makes no effort at hiding his blatant stare either. “Shit. Gotta tell ya I had it bad for you in high school. You were fine in high school, but holy fuckin' shit, now, well shit,” he just busts right out and says that. I'm guessing Will has absolutely no filter. Jamie shakes his head on a chuckle. “Dibs man. Anyone gets in that, it's me.” Dibs? Gets in
? He isn't getting anywhere near any of my lady parts. Before I can correct him he pipes up. “Let me take you out tonight baby. Show you a good time.”

            A loud ass snicker and a snort of laughter comes from behind me. Here comes trouble. “Back the fuck off buddy,” Tank growls. His voice unfriendly and cold. A rough hand slides over my shoulder, down my chest between my tits, to my stomach. Resting his hand there showing his ownership. Good God. “Who the fuck are you?” Jamie asks his lips curled in disgust. Tank barks a sharp laugh. Looking behind me I see Gin next to him right along with Stitch and Rampage. Oh good my own goon squad. Tank shakes his head and looks at Stitch. “You believe this motherfucker?” Tank asks Stitch clearly amused at Jamie's sad attempt at picking me up. Stitch shakes his head in humor. “Sad ass,” Stitch chuckles. These two shit heads are about to fuck with this guy. “Won't tell ya again. Get the fuck outta here,” Tank instructs him evenly. Jamie doesn't look detoured. Oh come on. I just want to relax and enjoy the sun. “Don't see a ring on her finger
,” Jamie questions throwing out a challenge. This just makes Tank laugh more. I really wish he wouldn't egg Tank on. This is only going to get ugly. “Ya also don't see my dick in her either asshole, but don't mean it hasn't been.” Seriously? He had to go there. I think he won the pissing contest. Giving him a look he returns it with his signature smirk and a wink. “Don't even fuckin' look at her,” Tank adds when Jamie looks ready to say something to me. Jamie just ignores him. “Lilly?” James asks me anyways. Not sure what he wants from me? I hardly know him. “So what you her daddy or something?” the little goon laughs at Tank. Tank steps around me right up to the guy. He's got a good eighty pounds and nine inches on him. The little goon looks even smaller by Tank. “Only when I'm fuckin' her,” Tank retorts with a satisfied smile. I'm still shocked Tank hasn't hurt one of them yet. “Get the fuck outta here,” Gin bellows overtly through with this conversation. “Fuck off Caleb,” the little goon Will says. In one swift hit Tank lands him on his ass. Will hits the ground hard, blood dripping from his nose and mouth. “Keep the fuck away from my girl,” Tank gives one last warning. Looking at Jamie expectantly Tank waits for a smart ass remark from him so he can lay him out too. Jamie helps Will up both looking shocked and scared now. They take off without another word. Tank wins. With a guy victory dance they all laugh and high five. Men. Flopping back onto my lounger between my legs head on my stomach Tank gets comfortable on me acting like nothing just happened. Legs bent at the waist hanging off the chair he's about a hundred pounds and six inches too big for my lounger. “Enjoy yourself? I think you scared him,” I tell him. Squeezing my thighs Tank smirks up at me. Head titled back, upside down. “Yep,” he says popping the 'p'. Gin sets himself on the lounger next to a still sleeping Peaches and Stitch takes off for the water hollering, “It’s to God damn hot out here for this shit.” For a few minutes we all sit silently. Tanks thumbs rubbing circles on the inside of my thighs. My body tingles and shivers with his touch. Rough calloused fingers digging into the outside of my legs. His touch natural and easy. “You ready to go baby?” Tank finally asks me. Ready to go? We're not leaving for two days. “Go where?” Jumping up quickly Tank grabs both my hands hauling me to my feet with him. “On the boat,” he says with a cheery little chirp. Someone's in a good mood. With a smack on the ass he pushes me along. To the boat we go.

            “Seriously baby. Ain't that fuckin' hard,” Tank hollers at me. Easy for him to say, he's Mr. perfectly coordinated with extreme grace and athletic ability. He makes everything look easy. Standing on the back deck of the boat he looks a little annoyed with me. I can't help that I'm terrible at water sports. Foot tapping eagerly as he watches me. His red board shorts hanging low on his hips. Hard defined stomach flexing each time he hollers at me. A small dark dusting of hair trails from his navel down below his shorts. Big arms flexed behind his head look pretty exasperated. His tattoos even more defined in the sun. God he looks hot. Body tanned and toned. Damn this water. Tags is sitting in the seat behind him laughing and shaking his head. “It is that hard when you're goin' three hundred thousand miles an hour
,” I protest slapping my hands down in irritation. I'm bobbing up and down in the cold lake. Feet floating on the surface strapped to a wake board. Head and neck being strangled half to death by this tight ass life jacket Tank insisted I wear. Trying desperately not to swallow mouth fulls of water when I yell to him. Yeah I bet you're thinking the same thing I am. What in the hell am I doing in the middle of the lake strapped to a wake board? I've no clue either. Tank drug me on to the boat. I had three shots of tequila and now here I am. “That's impossible. Boat doesn’t go that fast angel,” he counters with an eye roll. Well if he wasn't driving the boat like a maniac and whipping it around I may be able to stand up longer than two seconds. “I'm done.” I give up. Yeah I'm a poor sport, I don't care. Unstrapping my feet I leave the board in the water and swim back. That wake board can go straight to hell. Grabbing my hands Tank pulls me up right into him. His warm skin on my cold soggy body. “You just left the board out there.” He shakes his head. “You always goin' to be a pain in the ass baby?” he grumbles into my neck. Yes I did and yes I am. As far as I'm concerned that board can fuck off on its little trip to hell. “More than likely,” I return with a sweet smile. Throwing his head back he barks a deep laugh. “I'm a lucky guy.” Throwing his hands in the air he dives into the water. Yeah he can go get it because I'm sure as shit not going too. “You suck sis,” Tags jokes. Eye brows raised I give him a look and then one to the board, “your turn.” Fifteen minutes later I get the pleasure of watching Tank give Tags one hell of a run. Tags is good and would probably be able to do some tricks if Tank and Crush would stop making sure he eats it every time he stands up.

            Tonight's our last night here. The idea of heading home leaves a bittersweet taste in my mouth. I love my home, but there's something special about the lake. Something special about spending the time up here with my family and friends. We've spent the last four days soaking up the sun and playing in the water. Watched and blew off fireworks a few hours ago. Now everyone is relaxing. It's been a much needed reprieve from the constant hustle and bustle of the club. Everyone seems relaxed and recharged. Fires blazing casting dancing shadows on the ground and surrounding woods. Family and friends lounging in chairs, on logs, and laid out on blankets around the fire pit. Sitting on a lounger, resting my back against Tanks chest, arms resting on his thighs. Sitting between his legs his hand snaked around my middle. Hand under my shirt, fingers spanning my stomach. He's leaned to the side talking with some brothers, absentmindedly playing with a piece of my hair with his free hand. I can feel the deep roughness of his voice against my back. There's a deep calm and restfulness settled in me. For the first time in a long time I'm truly at ease. There might be danger lurking around, but right now I'm safely tucked against Tank. And for the first time since meeting him Tank honestly seems happy and content. Simpleness in his deep voice. There is no edge in his words. No hidden anger in his tone. He truly seems happy. Looking around everyone is laughing and smiling, enjoying themselves. Looking through the fire Gin and Peaches are laughing quietly to one another. Cali and Stitch next to us. Both smiling and talking. Aunty Kiki is braiding Tiny's beard. The simple act makes me smile. My dad and Twinks cuddling, drinking beers. Somehow the lake has brought out the ease that's missing when we're all home. It's been a perfect trip. “Lilly?” Tank says with a little tug on my hair. Looking back at him he smiles at me. That heart breaking smile on his face. I'm falling. If and when I hit the ground it'll be hard. “Did you just call me Lilly?” He's never called me that before. Laughing he nods his head. “Tried getting' your attention. Wasn't workin', had to try somethin'.” Well it worked. Face buried in my hair, hands under my shirt sprawled on my stomach. Tank whispers in my ear, “I'm ready for bed. Ready for some naked Lil.”

Two weeks later …

            We've been back from the lake for a few weeks. Life's slowly getting back to normal. The recharged restfulness starting to fade into the dull hum-drum of life. Walking into the club house there's a few guys hanging around. Arms and Gin are playing pool. Leo sat on his usual stool nursing a beer. Tags in the corner hunched over a table. Tank said he'd be here in a few and I'm instructed to wait, so I'm waiting. Sitting myself on the stool next to Leo I bump my shoulder into his. “Hey old man.” With a soft chuckle he winks at me. “How ya doin' doll face?” he asks with his soft low drawl. His easy pale blue eyes twinkle. The laugh lines wrinkle more with a smile. “Pretty good. How 'bout yourself?” Holding up his beer he rattles it a little, “I'm survivin'.” A few of the boys walk in fallowed by Tank. He gives me the one minute signal and heads into my dad's office. King and Crush start giving Tags a hard time as soon as they spot him. The last few days Tags has seemed a little off. A little down and out, but no one seems to know why. Or if they know, they don't care. King snatches a paper off of the table in front Tags, “what the fucks your problem bud. Just fuckin' around,” King says with a condescending tease to his tone. Fucking bully. Crush laughs encouraging King. Snatching the paper back I hear Tags grumble, “Fuck off.” Looking annoyed they leave him be, but not before giving his head a little smack. Hitting the pool table King says loudly, “don't know what the ass holes problem is.” Apparently Gin asked what was going on. I can see Tags shake his head lightly. I really don't like King. The guy’s head outside so I decide to see his Tags needs anything. Sitting down next to him I smile when he looks up at me. There are papers scattered all over the table. A few books and files stacked at one side. “Need a hand?” I offer some help. Giving me a small smile he shakes his head no. “You sure? I did go to school for working with a whole shit loud of paper work,” I make a joke hopping to lighten his mood. Giving me a small curt laugh he looks at me again. Stress in his features. “Don't want to put my shit on ya, but thanks anyway Lil.” He clearly looks frustrated and a little lost. And just like that I'm stuck worrying about him. “It's no biggie. I really don't mind helpin'.” Shrugging a shoulder he hands me a piece of paper. Looking at it I can see it's a medical document from the Army. “Medical from the Army?” I ask him. Nodding he looks a little sick. I can see why, there's a ton of paper work here. “Yeah. They give me stacks 'a papers I can't fuckin' understand. Just need the medical that's owed to me. Gave eight years, least they can do with my injury n' shit.”

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