The Road to Berlin (181 page)

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Authors: John Erickson

Tags: #History, #Europe, #Former Soviet Republics, #Military, #World War II

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Paderin, I.,
Na glavnom napravlenii. Zapiski ofitsera
. (Novosibirsk: Zap.-Sib. Knizh. Izd. 1970).
Pavlov, D.V.,
Leningrad v blokade
(Moscow: Sovetskaya Rossiya 1969).
Peresypkin, I.T.,
Svyaz serdets boevykh
(Donetsk: Donbas 1974). Commander, Soviet Signals Troops.
Pern, L.
V vikhre voennykh let
. Vospominaniya (Tallin: Eesti Raamat, 2nd edn 1976). Commander, Estonian Rifle Corps.
Pliev, I.A.,
Pod gvardeiskim znamenem
(Ordzhonikidze: Ir 1976).
Popel, N.K.,
Geroi Kurskoi bitvy
(Moscow: Prosveshchenie 1971). Popel served with the Military Council, 1st Guards Tank Army.
Pukhov, N.P.,
Gody ispytanii
(Moscow: Voenizdat 1959). 13th Army commander.
Telegin, K.F.,
Ne otdali Moskvy!
(Moscow: Sov. Rossiya, 2nd edn 1975).
Vasilevskii, A.M.,
Delo vsei zhizni
(Moscow: Politizdat 1974; also 2nd edn 1975, with additional material on the General Staff).
Yeremenko, A.I.,
Stalingrad. Zapiski komanduyushchevo frontom
(Moscow: Voenizdat 1961, map supplement). Not wholly reliable and also credited Khrushchev with ‘thinking up’ the Stalingrad counter-offensive.
Yeremenko, A.I.,
V nachale voiny
(Moscow: Nauka 1964). Violently criticized by Soviet experts and the explanations offered discredited.
Yeremenko, A.I.,
Gody vozmezdiya. 1943–1945
(Moscow: Nauka 1969).
Yeremenko, A.I.,
Pomni voinu
, (Donetsk: Donbas 1971). Military career and wartime commands.
Zakharov, M.V. (ed.),
Final. Istoriko-memuarnyi ocherk o razgrome imperialisticheskoi Yaponii v 1945 gody
(Moscow: Nauka, 2nd edn 1969).
Zhukov, G.K.,
Vospominaniya i razmyshleniya
(Moscow: Novosti 1970). See also 2-vol. revised and enlarged edition, same title (Novosti 1975).

(b) Voennye Memuary

Several hundred volumes have now been published in this series, where quality tends to vary very considerably. Largely for this reason I have restricted this present list to substantive (and verifiable) accounts or to those making a specific contribution. Since all volumes have been published in Moscow by
, it is only necessary to indicate the year of publication.

Agafonov, V.P.,
Neman! Neman! Ya-Dunai!
(1967). Signals troops.
Azarov, I.I.
Osazhdennaya Odessa
(2nd edn 1966).
Bagramyan, I.Kh.,
Tak nachinalas’ voina
(1971). (Note: There is a further edition but published in Kiev, by Dnipro, in 1975.) And, same author,
Tak shli my k pobede
(1977). Two outstandingly important accounts by Marshal Bagramyan, dealing with 1941/SW Front operations and Soviet operations 1943–5, respectively.
Basistyi, N.E.,
More i bereg
(1970). Fleet commander, Black Sea.
Batov, P.I.,
V pokhodakh i boyakh
(1962, 2nd edn 1966).
Belov, P.A.,
Za nami Moskva
(1963). Distinguished cavalry commander, much important information on Soviet operations 1941–2.
Belyavskii, V.A.,
Strely skrestilis’ na Shpree
Biryuzov, S.S.,
Kogda gremeli pushki
(1962) and
Sovetskii Soldat na Balkanakh
(1963). These volumes are also combined in a single work,
Surovye gody
(Moscow: Nauka 1966).
Blazhei, A.K.,
V armeiskom shtabe
Boldin, I.V.,
Stranitsy zhizni
(1961). A frank and informative account by 50th Army commander, important for 1941.
Bychevskii, B.V.,
(1963). Defence of Leningrad.
Chuikov, V.I.,
Nachalo puti
(1959). Almost a classic in its own right; Chuikov’s account of the defence of Stalingrad is undoubtedly the best version.
Degtyarev, G.E.,
Taran i shchit
Dragunskii, D.A.,
Gody v brone
Efimov, A.N.,
Nad polem boya
(1976). Air Marshal Efimov, wartime fighter pilot.
Egorov, A.V.,
S veroi v pobedu
Eroshenko, V.N.,
Lider ‘Tashkent’
(1966). Soviet flotilla leader
, built in Italy and ‘mis-employed as a fast transport’ (see J. Meister,
Soviet Warships …
, p. 49).
Federov, V.G.,
V poiskakh oruzhiya
Fedyuninskii, I.I.,
Podnyatye po trevoge
(1964). Shock Army commander.
Galkin, F.I.,
Tanki vozvrashchayutsya v boi
(1964). Technical support/tank operations.
Gladkov, V.F.,
Desant na El’tigen
Golovko, A.G.,
Vmeste s flotom
Golushko, I.M.,
Tanki ozhivali vnov’
(1974). Armament production, Leningrad. Gorbatov, A.V.,
Gody i voiny
(1965). An illuminating and even dispirited account by a senior officer, erstwhile victim of the purges and ‘rehabilitated’.
Gorchakov, P.A.,
Vremya trevog i pobed
(1977). Party-political work.
Grushevoi, K.S.,
Togda, v sorok pervom
… (1974).
Gulyaeb, V.T.,
Chelovek v brone
(1964). Most informative on armoured operations, armoured support, political work.
Kabanov, P.A.,
Stal’nye peregony
(1973). Railway troops.
Kalinin, P.Z.,
Partizanskaya Respublika
(1964). An important and reputable account of partisan operations.
Katukov, M.E.,
Na ostrie glavnovo udara
(1974, 2nd edn 1976). Marshal Katukov on his command, 1st Guards Tank Army.
Kazakov, M.I.,
Nad kartoi bylykh srazhenii
(1965). An important and perceptive account, with much detail on Soviet operational planning and operations 1942–3.
Kazakov, V.I.,
Na perelome
(1962). Artillery commander, operations Moscow/Stalingrad.
Kharchenko, V.K., …
Spetsial’novo Naznacheniya
Khetagurov, G.I.,
Ispolnenie dolga
Khlebnikov, H.M.,
Pod grokhot soten batarei
Khudalov, Kh.A.,
U kromki kontinenta
Kilyshkin, I.A.,
V glubinakh polyarnykh morei
(1964). Submarine operations.
Kondratev, Z.I.,
Dorogi voiny
(1968). Road/motor transportation.
Koniev, I.S.,
Sorok pyatyi
(2nd edn 1970). Marshal Koniev, Berlin-Prague 1945.
Koshevoi, P.K.,
V gody voennye
(1978). Marshal Koshevoi, Leningrad/Stalingrad operations.
Kozhevnikov, A.L.,
Startuet muzhestvo
Krainyukov, K.V.,
Ot Dnepra do Visly
(1971) and
Oruzhie osobovo roda
(1977). Member of military soviet, 1st Ukrainian Front.
Krasovskii, S.A.,
Zhizn v aviatsii
(2nd edn 1968). SAF command/operations.
Krylov, A.I.,
Po prikazu Stavki
Krylov, N.I.,
Ne pomerknet nikogda
Kurochkin, P.M.,
Pozyvnye fronta
(1969). Signals troops.
Kuznetsov, N.G.,
(1966). Pre-June 1941 situation, pp. 229–343: German attack.
Kuznetsov,. P.G.,
Dni boevye
Lashchenko, P.N.,
Iz boya

v boi
Lebedenko, P.P.,
V izluchine Dona
(1965). 1st Tank Army operations, July-August 1942.
Lobachev, A.A.,
Trudnymi dorogami
(1960). One of the best of
, especially for 1941, defence of Moscow.
Lobanov, M.M.,

voennye inzhenery
(1977). An original and very significant first-hand account of Soviet radar development.
Lyudnikov, I.I.,
Doroga dlinoyu v zhizn’ (1969)
. Army commander, assault/breakthrough operations from Stalingrad to Königsberg.
Nadysev, G.S.,
Na sluzhbe shtabnoi
(2nd edn 1976). Role of staff officer, staff work.
Neustroyev, S.A.,
Put’ k Reikhstagu
(1961). Participant, storming of
Panteleev, Yu.A.,
Morskoi Front
(1965). Baltic fleet, command and operations.
Panteleev, Yu.A.,
Polveka na flote
(1974). Chief of Staff, Baltic Fleet.
Pokryshkin, A.I.,
Nebo voiny
Popel, N.K.,
V tyazhkuyu poru
(1959) and
Tanki povernuli na zapad
(1960). Much criticized in the Soviet press, but valuable for insights into Soviet tank operations, 1943 (at Kursk) and the spring of 1944.
Poplavskii, S.G.,
Tovarishchi v bor’be
(2nd edn 1974). Commander of 1st Polish Army.
Rokossovskii, K.K.,
Soldatskii dolg
Rudenko, S.I.,
Krylya pobedy
(1976). Air Marshal Rudenko, Soviet air operations.
Saburov, A.N.,
Sily neischislimye
(1967) and
Otvoevannaya vesna
(2 vols, 1968). Partisan operations/planning/command.
Sandalov, L.M.,
Trudnye rubezhi
(1965). 2nd Baltic Front operations, 1944.

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