The Road to Berlin (192 page)

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Authors: John Erickson

Tags: #History, #Europe, #Former Soviet Republics, #Military, #World War II

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Desroches, A.,
La Campagne de Russie d’Adolf Hitler (Juin 1941–Mai 1945)
(Paris: G.P. Maisonneuve and Larose 1964).
Guillaume, A.,
La guerre germano-soviétique (1941–1945)
(Paris: Payot 1949).


La campagna di Rossia
(2 vols), Grafica nazionale editrice (Rome: 1950–51).


Arbiol, G.A., and Sánchez, C.G.,
De Leningrado a Odesa
(Barcelona: Editorial AHR 1958).

Addendum to Bibliography

Mastny, V.,
Russia’s Road to the Cold War: Diplomacy, Warfare and the Politics of Communism 1941–45
(New York: Columbia U.P. 1979).
Millar, J.R., ‘Financing the Soviet effort in World War II’,
Soviet Studies
(Univ. Glasgow), XXXII(1), January 1980, pp. 106–23. A most important analysis of the Soviet war economy.

Soviet materials

Collective authorship,
Istoriografiya Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny
Sbornik statei (Moscow: Nauka 1980).
Kim, Academician M.P. (chief ed.),
Istoriografiya Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny
. Sbornik statei (Moscow: Nauka 1980). Historiographical essays: role of the Party, military operations, ‘the rear’.
Klemin, Lt.-Gen. A.S. (ed.),
Eshelon za eshelonom
(Moscow: Voenizdat 1981). Detailed study of operations of VOSO
(Voennye soobshchenie):
military traffic/traffic control and organization, railway troops, also river/coastal waterways movement.
Kovalev, I.V.,
Transport v Velikoi Otechestvennoi voine (1941–1945 gg.)
(Moscow: Nauka 1981).
Kumanev, G.A. (chief ed.),
Narodnyi podvig v bitve za Kavkaz
. Sbornik statei (Moscow: Nauka 1981).
Losik, Marshal of Tank Troops O.A. (ed.),
Stroitel’stvo i boevoe primenenie Sovetskikh tankovykh voisk v gody Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny
(Moscow: Voenizdat 1979).
Peredel’skii, Marshal (Artillery) G.Ye.
et al., Artilleriya v boyu i operatsii
(Moscow: Voenizdat 1980). Soviet artillery; wartime employment; statistical material, tabulations, deployment maps.
Popov, N.P. and Gorokhov, N.A.,
Sovetskaya voennaya pechat’ v gody Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny 1941–1945
(Moscow: Voenizdat 1981). Monograph on wartime Soviet military press.
Radzievskii, A.I.,
Proryv (Po opytu Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny 1941–1945 gg.)
(Moscow: Voenizdat 1979).
Samsonov, A.M. (editor in chief),
Krasnoznamennyi Flot v Velikoi Otechestvennoi voine 1941–1945
. Stat’i i ocherki (Moscow: Nauka 1981). Baltic Fleet, section on technical problems—anti-mine warfare, ship construction, modernization.
Samsonov, A.M.,
Krakh fashistskoi agressii 1939–1945
. Istoricheskii ocherk (Moscow: Nauka, 2nd edn 1980).
Shtemenko, Army General S.M.,
General’nyi shtab v gody voiny
(Moscow: Voenizdat (VM) 1981), vols 1–2. (Two-volume
Voennye Memuary
reprint of previous separate volumes.)
Shushkin, N.N. and Ulitin, S.D.,
Soyuz rabochikh i krest’yan v Velikoi Otechestvennoi voine
(Leningrad: Izd. Leningrad Universiteta 1977). Party-political work, northwestern regions of USSR.
Smirnov, E.I.,
Voina i voennaya meditsina 1939–1945 gody
(Moscow: Meditsina, 2nd edn 1979).
Svetlishin, V.A.,
Voiska PVO Strany v Velikoi Otechestvennoi voine. Voprosy operativnostrategicheskovo primeneniya
(Moscow: Nauka 1979).
Tkachenko, B.A.,
Istoriya razmagnichivaniya korablei Sovetskovo Voenno-morskovo flota
(Leningrad: Nauka 1981). History of Soviet degaussing, magnetic mine countermeasures.
Zvartsev, Col.-Gen. A.M. (ed.),
3-ya gvardeiskaya tankovaya. Boevoi put’ 3-i gvardeiskoi tankovoi armii
(Moscow: Voenizdat 1982). 3rd Guards Tank Army, wartime history.
Vasil’ev, A.F.,
Promyshlennost’ Urals v gody, VOV 1941–1945
(Moscow: Nauka 1982). The Urals war-production region.
Babin, A.I. (ed.),
Na volkhovskom fronte 1941–1944 gg
. (Moscow: Nauka 1982). Volkhov Front operations.

The reader’s attention is also drawn to
Records of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
(microfilm, University Publications of America), pt I:
1942–1945 (The Soviet Union)
. I have read this unique material but have not incorporated it directly in this present work. In particular, reel 2 of this collection includes the Bradley Mission/Bombers for the Far East (1943), Red Army action to facilitate
(3 April 1944), US-Soviet-British military co-ordination (1944), liaison of theatre commanders and ‘the Russian armies’ (1944), Russian strength winter 1942–3, US aid to Russia (1943), and Russian food situation (1942).

Author Biography

John Erickson was educated at St John’s College, Cambridge and served in British Army Intelligence from 1946 to 1949. He was Fellow in Soviet Military Affairs of St Anthony’s College, Oxford, and Lecturer at the University of St Andrew’s and the University of Manchester. He was Visiting Professor at Indiana University, Yale University, Texas A & M University and the US Army Russian Institute. He was latterly Professor and Director of the Centre for Defence Studies at the University of Edinburgh. He was the author of numerous books and articles about the Soviet Army. He contributed biographies of Soviet commanders to The Warlords (edited by Field Marshal Lord Carver) and
Stalin’s Generals
(edited by Harold Shukman).
The Road to Stalingrad
, the first volume in his authoritative history of the Soviet-German war, is also available as a W&N ebook.

By John Erickson

The Soviet High Command 1918–1941
Storia dello Stato Maggiore Sovietico
Möglichkeit und Absicht der Sowjetischen Militärpolitik
Soviet Military Power
Soviet Military Thought in the Nuclear Era
The Road to Stalingrad
The Road to Berlin

The Military-Technical Revolution
The Armed Services and Society
Soviet Military Power and Performance
Barbarossa: The Axis and the Allies

Deep Battle: The Brainchild of Marshal Tukhachevskii
The Soviet Ground Forces: An Operational Assessment
The Soviet Armed Forces, 1918–1992
A Research Guide to Soviet Sources


A Weidenfeld & Nicolson ebook

First published in Great Britain in 1983 by Weidenfeld & Nicolson
Ebook first published in 2015 by Weidenfeld & Nicolson

Copyright © John Erickson 1983

The right of John Erickson to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the publisher, nor to be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published without a similar condition, including this condition, being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

ISBN: 9781474602808

The Orion Publishing Group Ltd
Carmelite House
50 Victoria Embankment
London, EC4Y 0DZ

An Hachette UK company

Table of Contents

Title Page





1 ‘Surrender is Ruled Out’: The End at Stalingrad

2 The Duel in the South: February–March 1943

3 Breaking the Equilibrium: Kursk and its Aftermath

4 The Drive to the Western Frontiers: October 1943–March 1944

5 Breaking the Back of the Wehrmacht: April–August 1944

6 Soviet Liberation, Soviet Conquest: August–December 1944

7 The Assault on the Reich: January–March 1945

8 No Time to Die: April–May 1945

References and Sources


Author Biography

By John Erickson


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