The Road to Berlin (189 page)

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Authors: John Erickson

Tags: #History, #Europe, #Former Soviet Republics, #Military, #World War II

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Kurze Beurteilung der Feindlage vom 26.8.1942–31.12.1942
. FHO. Important intelligence assessments/evaluations, daily FHO reports, maps. T-78/R467, 6447108–655.
Interrogation of Major-General Privalov
(commander 15th Rifle Corps). 22 December 1942
(Reichsführer SS
files). T-175/R66, 2582895–948.
. FHO(IIc). Soviet forces, deployed, in reserve, strategic reserves: March 1942-April 1945. T-78/R462, 6441660–1880.
Zahlenmässige Zusammenstellung der bekannten Verbände … Stand 11.7.43
. FHO(I). Soviet strength/Kursk. T-78/R483, 6468341–343. See also:
Stand 20.7.43
(GenStdH/Org. Abt.). Soviet-German strength (table). T-78/R343, 6406539–540.
Soviet forces in the Far East
. FHO(IIa) (1 April 1943). Also Red Army units transferred to Europe since June 1941. T-78/R486, 6470809–842.
Beurteilung der Feindabsichten vor der deutschen Ostfront im grossen …
(February 1943). FHO (IIa). Intelligence data/analysis, Soviet intentions. T-78/R488, 64743 51–365.
Gesamtbeurteilungen bis 3.6.43
. FHO(I). Intelligence analysis/reports/29 August 1942–8 May 1943; Soviet reserves, Stalingrad Feb. 1943, maps AGp Centre. T-78/R466, 6446239–340.
Unterlagen für grosse Kräftegegenüberstellg
. FHO (IIc). Comparison of Soviet-German forces (July 1943–October 1944): manpower, tanks, artillery. (Important data.) T-78/R463, 6441974–2027.
Beurteilung der Feindlage vor deutscher Ostfront. Stand: 7.10.44
. FHO(Ia). T-78/R497, 6485604–611.
Wichtigste Feindfeststellungen 30.7.44–19.2.45
. FHO (Chef). Daily appreciations/ evaluations, Soviet intentions against all German Army Group fronts. T-78/R466, 6445290–509.
Beurteilung im Grossen 30.3.1944
. FHO (Chef). Analysis with grave view of developments on Eastern front; data on Soviet OB/deployments/reserves/intentions/maps and graphs. T-78/R497, 6485491–602.
Beurteilung der Feindlage vor deutscher Ostfront
. FHO(I). 7 October 1944. T-78/R497, 6485605–610.
. FHO(I). Soviet intentions, OB, important map Agp N Ukraine, March–September 1944. T-78/R466, 6446341–423.
Vertragsnotizen Gruppe I …
FHO. Soviet strengths/intentions, beginning summer offensive 1944, important comparisons Soviet-German strength/tank strength (1944–5). T-78/R466, 6446425–514.
. FHO(IIc). Tables, daily estimates, Soviet forces deployed, in reserve, Far East, unknown locations: January–August 1944. T-78/R483, 6468345–589. See also: T-78/R484, 6468589–9842: same daily estimates for August 1944–January 1945; June–December 1943; July 1942–May 1943; July 1941–June 1942.
Personelle Ersatzzuführung vor Heeresgruppe Weichsel
(February 1945). FHO (IIa). Soviet reinforcement, facing AGp Vistula; noted for ‘Führer-Lagevortrag v. 27.2.45’. T-78/R479, 6463292–98.
. FHO(IIc). Daily issues, identifications Soviet forces, 19 February-15 April 1945. T-78/R496, 6484286–349.
Beurteilung …
FHO. Dated 19 February 1945. Appreciation of situation, Soviet intentions, Soviet manpower/armour/reserves. T-78/R494, 6480847–861.
Ersatzeinheiten und Offiziersschulen der R.A
. FHO(IIc). February 1945. Attached list of Soviet tank divisions destroyed/disbanded, 1941. T-78/R494, 6481666–688.
Anzeichen für sowjetrussische Durchbruchsangriffe … 25.2.45
. FHO. Indicators of Soviet breakthrough attack; diagram of method. T-78/R501, 6489647–658.
Gliederung des sow. russ. Feldheeres. Stand 25.2.45
. Detailed tables, with annotations: infantry, tank brigades, ‘Operative Panzertruppe u. Kavallerie’. T-78/R479, 6462166–176.
Gliederung des sow. russ. Feldheeres. Stand: 25.3.45
. FHO(IIc). Order-of-battle tables; important data. T-78/R486, 6470721–768.
Anti-Wlassow Propaganda Nr 8
. FHO. Soviet propaganda leaflets, anti-Vlasov, plans to kill/capture Vlasov, April–October 1943. T-78/R491, 6477761–889.
Führerstellenbesetzung der Roten Armee
(August 1943–December 1944). FHO(IIc). T-78/R463, 6442178–3155. (Alphabetic listing, biog. data, Red Army senior commanders: bi-monthly, monthly bulletins.)
Truppen-Übersicht und Kriegsgliederungen der Roten Armee
(Stand August 1944). FHO(IIc). T-78/R459, 6437543–end. (Booklet, organization/deployment, Red Army divisions and regiments, org. charts; previous issue December 1943.)
Grosses Orientierungsheft, Russland
. 1 February and 1 March 1939: ‘Gliederung, Dislokation und Stärke der Roten Armee’. Handbook (FHO?): Red Army organization. T-78/R496, 6483772–903 (also T-77/R794).
Der sowjetische Soldat
. Pamphlet:
Reichsführer SS
. T-78/R498, 6486044–095.
Rangliste des Oberkommandos der Roten Armee
… (20 May 1940). Gen. Köstring’s report, German Embassy, Moscow. T-78/R464, 6443403–443.
Die Wehrwirtschaft der UdSSR: Teil II
(Stand March 1941). (OKW printing) Soviet war industry; OKW study. T-78/R479, 6462177–292.
Orientierungsheft über die Deutscher Wehrmacht
. FHO(IIIc). Partial translation, Soviet intelligence document/assessment of
Wehrmacht, 1943
. T-78/R479, 6462892–3024.
Red Army weapons/equipment
. Folder/no title: diagrams, silhouettes. T-78/R502, 6490073–260.
Die politische Erziehung in der Roten Armee
. Booklet:
Reichsführer SS
. No date. On Red Army political education/administration. T-78/R493, 6479967–80042.
Gutachten russ. Kriegsgefangenen:
Luftgaukommando II. Interrogation/psychological examination, Soviet Air Force personnel, November–December 1941. T-78/R489, 6474650–665.
Russisches Militärschrifttum
. Bücherverzeichnis Nr 2/4: 1942–4. FHO(IIId). Lists of captured Soviet books, manuals, publications; invaluable bibliography. T-78/R479, 6463098–256.
Gefangene-erbeutete u. vernichtete Panzer-Geschütze-Waffen
(January 1942–March 1945). FHO(IId). Tables of PWs, Soviet losses weapons/equipment. T-78/R481, 6464699–953. Also:
Beute und Verluste …
Daily reports, PWs, Soviet losses in weapons, June 1941, 1942, June 1944. T-78/R489, 6474667–5088.
Kommandobehörden der Roten Armee
(Feldheer). October 1944. FHO(I/Bd). Handbook: Soviet OB, first appearances, present deployment of Front/Army/Corps; organization charts. T-78/R493, 6480508–667.
Soviet tank maintenance/replacement/Red Army logistics
(November 1941–April 1945). FHO(IId). Folder: intelligence reports, assessments of Soviet logistics, original Soviet orders. T-78/R481, 6465470–6023.
Soviet tanks/SP guns
. Folder: OKW/Feldwirtschaftsamt. Soviet tank production/development, maps, tables, photos, November 1943–April 1945. T-78/R477, 6460740–1092.
Soviet tanks/SP guns
. Technical drawings, technical evaluation, photos, March 1942–April 1945. Folder: reports to Chef der Heeresrüstung. FHO (IId). T-78/R478, 6461092–1520.
Materialsammlung Gliederungen Bd. 1
. FHO. Folder: PW interrogations, translation Soviet orders, on organization/equipment Soviet units, August 1943–March 1945. T-78/R460, 6438302–637.
Forschungsdienst Ost
. Bulletins (October 1944–January 1945). Political/military intelligence, on
, also Red Army political administration. T-78/R493, 6480045–396.
Übersicht über höhere Führer der Roten Armee, Stand August 1944 …
FHO(IIc). Lists of senior commanders, command appointments, photographs, biographies. T-78/ R490, 6476395–557.
Truppen-Übersicht und Kriegsgliederungen der Roten Armee. Stand: August 1944
. FHO(?). Lists of Soviet units, identification, previous history. T-78/R496, 6483278–560.
Kriegsgliederungen der Roten Armee (Stand: 1944)
. FHO(IIc). Organization/war strength Red Army formations/units. T-78/R496, 6483560–608.
Soviet tanks/SP guns
. Folder: 331116 Band 4. 16 May-31 October 1944. FHO(IId). Field intelligence reports/Soviet production tanks,
guns, factories and plants. T-78/R495, 6482278–546.
Soviet armaments industry:
‘33 III d Band 1: 1.1.42–30.11.44’ (Folder title). FHO. Soviet armaments industry, location/types of factories, artillery production (figures for 1929–44): 1942–4. T-78/R491, 6477156–334.
Generalleutnante (1942)
. FHO(II). Soviet commanders, promotions, biog. data. T-78/R464, 6443157–444.
. FHO(II). Folder, PW interrogations on Red Army special units (penal battalions, sabotage units …). T-78/R463, 6442029–086.
Gliederung von Stäben
. FHO(II). Organization army/corps/division staffs, Leningrad MD (1942, also 1944). T-78/R483, 6468025–104.
Gefechtsvorschrift für die Infanteria der Roten Armee
(Trans. of
Soviet FRS/
1942): Teil I/II. T-78/R498, 6485856–6042 and 6486530–730.
Kriegsgliederungen der Roten Armee (Materialsammlung)
(November 1942–March 1945). Organization/war strength Red Army units, also specialist troops (chemical,
. T-78/R461, 6439568–40167; also 6440169–0637.
Meldungen über die sowjetische Rüstungsindustrie
. FHO. Reports on Soviet war industry, 1944, tank/weapons’ production. T-78/R479, 6462341–450.
Vertragsnotiz über Instandsetzung abgeschossener Panzerkampfwagen… (1.10.43)
. FHO(IId). Soviet tank losses/replacements: Panzerverluste Ost/1943, German-Soviet. T-78/ R478, 6461202–220.
Feldpostbriefe Presseauszüge
(OKW/Feldwirtschaftsamt). Extracts from captured mail, various areas USSR: food, food rationing, morale. T-78/R477, 6460649–738.
General der Eisenbahntruppen files
. (OKH). Soviet railway construction, attempts to supply Leningrad. T-78/R119, 6044128–636. Also:
3 K 10: fremdländische Eisenbahnen, Russland
(1943–44). Soviet railway operations, WWII: captured Soviet documents, PW interrogations. T-78/R119, 6042527–998.
Führungsstäbe der Roten Armee
. FHO(III/II). October 1944. Booklet. Text/diagrams, field administration/Front, Army, Corps. T-78/R463, 6442161–176.

Handbuch der Partisanen
(July 1944). FHO(Bd). Translation, Soviet manual for partisans. T-78/R479, 6463026–096.
Bandenlage im Osten/Anlagen
. FHO(I Bd). Partisan warfare/anti-partisan operations. T-78/R489, 6475170–228 (with translated section from Partisan Handbook).
Nachrichten über Bandenkrieg
. FHO(I Bd). Partisan/anti-partisan operations: bulletins May 1943–June 1944. T-78/R493, 6480398–508.
Politische Angelegenheiten
(German ‘White Book’ on the war: 1945). Details of captured Allied orders,
. T-77/R859, 5605315–705.

3. Map collections

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