The Road to The Dark Tower (59 page)

BOOK: The Road to The Dark Tower
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Part 1: Mid-World
  • (DT1). Roland, 11, hears Hax conspiring to aid the Good Man.
  • (DT1). Roland, 14, sees Marten with his mother, takes his test to become a gunslinger, and sleeps with a woman for the first time.
  • (DT4)+1 day. Roland is sent east by his father to avoid Marten’s treachery.
  • (DT4)+1 month. Roland meets Susan Delgado in Mejis.
  • (DT4)+1 day. Roland, Alain and Cuthbert present themselves to Sheriff Avery.
  • (DT4)+1 day. Dinner at the home of Thorin, the Mayor of Hambry. Showdown with the Big Coffin Hunters at the Travellers’ Rest.
  • (DT4)+1 week. Roland sends an apology to Susan via Sheemie.
  • (DT4)+1 day. Susan rejects Roland’s invitation to meet.
  • (DT4)+2 weeks. Susan and Cordelia fight. Susan meets up with “Will Dearborn.” Roy Depape learns about Stephen Deschain in Ritzy.
  • (DT4)+3 days. Roland, Alain and Cuthbert explore the thinny.
  • (DT4)+4 days. Thorin sends a second horse to Susan; Alain passes a message from Will to Susan.
  • (DT4)+1 day. Susan passes a note to Cuthbert refusing to meet Will.
  • (DT4)+1 day. Susan sends Will a packet of seeds and a note to meet her at moonrise.
  • (DT4)+2 weeks. Susan and Roland declare and consummate their love.
  • (DT4)+5 weeks. Roland and Susan succumb to the drug of true love.
  • (DT4)+3 days. The Affiliation brats announce their intention to count horses.
  • (DT4)+7 days. A week of bad weather. Cordelia tells Eldred Jonas of her suspicions about Susan. Eldred finds Cuthbert’s rook skull at Citgo.
  • (DT4)+1 day. Eldred Jonas visits the Bar K Ranch with a can of paint. Cuthbert hits Roland.
  • (DT4)+1 day. Roland and his ka-tet visit Rhea as gunslingers.
  • (DT4)+3 days. Susan meets with the ka-tet.
  • (DT4)+2 days. Susan and Sheemie send fireworks to the Bar K. Alain and Cuthbert bury gunpowder.
  • (DT4)+2 days. Susan discovers someone has cut pages from her father’s ledger, fights with Cordelia and leaves the house permanently.
  • (DT4)+1 day. Roland tells Susan what to do if he dies. They make love for the last time.
  • (DT4)+1 day. The Big Coffin Hunters murder Mayor Thorin and Rimer, the Chancellor of Mejis. Roland and his ka-tet are arrested. Susan and Sheemie free them.
  • (DT4)+1 day. Reaping Fair Day. Explosions at Citgo; Roland and Susan part. Jonas captures Susan. Sheemie and Olive Thorin free her. Roland and his ka-tet destroy the Big Coffin Hunters and their local help. Roland travels inside the Wizard’s Glass. Massacre at Eyebolt Canyon. Susan burns.
  • (DT4)+1 day. The gunslingers ride to Il Bosque, west of Mejis.
  • (DT4)+1 month (est.). Roland, Alain and Cuthbert return to Gilead.
  • (DT4)+3 days. Banquet to celebrate their return. Roland goes into the Wizard’s Glass again.
  • (DT4)+3 days. Roland shoots his mother to death.
  • (DT4)+2 years. The fall of Gilead. Cuthbert, Alain and Jamie die. Roland’s father dies.
  • (LS). Roland encounters the Little Sisters of Eluria.
  • (DT1). The man in black raises Nort from the dead.
  • (DT1). Roland buys a mule in Pricetown.
  • (DT1). Roland arrives in Tull.
  • (DT1)+7 days. Roland kills everyone in Tull.
  • (DT1)+1 day. Roland leaves Tull.
  • (DT1)+20 days. Roland meets Brown and Zoltan.
  • (DT1)+1 day. Roland leaves Brown.
  • (DT1)+15 days.
    The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.
  • (DT1)+1 day. Roland discovers Jake at the way station.
  • (DT1)+1 day. Roland and Jake leave the way station. Father Callahan enters Mid-World (DT5).
  • (DT1)+3 days. Roland thinks he sees the light of another fire.
  • (DT1)+1 day. Roland recalls the story of Hax.
  • (DT1)+2 days. Roland and Jake see the man in black for the first time.
  • (DT1)+1 day. They continue into the foothills.
  • (DT1)+1 day. Jake and Roland rest.
  • (DT1)+1 day. They encounter the oracle. Roland learns of the three.
  • (DT1)+1 day. Another day of travel for Jake and Roland.
  • (DT1)+1 day. Roland tells Jake of New Canaan and Gilead.
  • (DT1)+1 day. They climb the foothills.
  • (DT1)+1 day. Roland finds a footprint.
  • (DT1)+7 days. Roland and Jake speak with the man in black.
  • (DT1)+1 day. They go beneath the mountain.
  • (DT1)+3 days. They find the railway tracks.
  • (DT1)+4 days. Jake runs into a handcar in the darkness.
  • (DT1)+? Roland tells of his coming of age.
  • (DT1)+1 day. Roland and Jake encounter the Slow Mutants.
  • (DT1)+1 day. They travel without incident.
  • (DT1)+1 day. They enter the switching station.
  • (DT1)+3 days. Roland lets Jake fall from the trestle.
  • (DT1)+1 day. The long night palaver with the man in black.
  • (DT1)+10 years? Roland arrives at the Western Sea.
  • (DT2) Seven hours later; Roland versus the lobstrosities.
  • (DT2)+1 day. Roland cleans his guns.
  • (DT2)+1 day. The first door—the Prisoner. Welcome Eddie Dean.
  • (DT2)+1 week. Roland battles the fever with Keflex.
  • (DT2)+1 day. Eddie drags Roland north on a travois.
  • (DT2)+3 days. More travel north along the beach. Eddie talks about Henry.
  • (DT2)+1 day. The second door—the Lady of Shadows. Odetta Holmes comes through the doorway.
  • (DT2)+1 day. Detta Walker on the other side.
  • (DT2)+1 day. The threesome travels north.
  • (DT2)+1 day. Detta wakes them with screams. They cover three miles.
  • (DT2)+1 day. The threesome manages only two miles.
  • (DT2)+1 day. Odetta reappears. Eddie and Odetta look for the third door, make love.
  • (DT2)+1 day. The third door—the Pusher.
  • (DT2)+1 day. Eddie returns for Roland.
  • (DT2)+1 day. Eddie pushes Roland up the beach. Roland meets Jack Mort. Susannah Dean is born.
  • (DT2)+6 days. Everyone recovers.
  • (DT3)+2 months or more. Roland and Susannah destroy Shardik/Mir.
  • (DT3)+1 day. Eddie’s dream. The gunslingers follow Shardik’s back trail.
  • (DT3)+1 day. Shardik’s lair. The Path of the Beam.
  • (DT3)+1 day. Eddie dreams again. Roland has a nightmare and gives up his guns.
  • (DT3)+8 days. Jake telegraphs a message to Eddie about the key.
  • (DT3)+1 day. Jake crosses back to Mid-World. Susannah and the demon.
  • (DT3)+4 days. Oy joins the ka-tet.
  • (DT3)+1 day. The ka-tet visits Aunt Talitha at River Crossing.
  • (DT3)+3 days. The downed airplane.
  • (DT3)+3 days. Mutant honeybees and poisoned honey.
  • (DT3)+1 day. The ka-tet hears fighting from Lud.
  • (DT3)+1 day. Crossing the Send River, Gasher, Tick-Tock Man, Blaine the Mono.
  • (DT4) Later that same day. Blaine the Mono and Topeka.
  • (DT4)+1 day. The ka-tet takes the Interstate.
  • (DT4)+1 day. Eddie’s dream. They see the crystal palace in the distance.
  • (DT4)+1 day. Roland tells his story.
  • (DT4)+1 day? Inside the Emerald Palace.
  • (DT4)+? After the journey inside the pink Wizard’s ball. Time has slipped again, but no one knows how much.
  • (DT5)+7 weeks. The end of Full or Wide Earth (summer) in Calla Bryn Sturgis. Andy brings news of the Wolves. Jake finds muffin balls and notices they are being watched. The ka-tet goes todash to Jake’s New York. Mia forages for food.
  • (DT5)+1 day. Palaver about the trip todash. Father Callahan and the other representatives of the Calla approach.
  • (DT5)+1 day. Another trip todash trip to New York.
  • (DT5)+1 day. Riding to Calla Bryn Sturgis. Singing and dancing at the pavilion.
  • (DT5)+1 day. Father Callahan tells the first part of his story. Shows Roland Black Thirteen. The Tale of Gray Dick. The Orizas. Gran-Pere Jaffords tells of killing a Wolf.
  • (DT5)+1 day. Mia hunts again, followed by Jake. Father Callahan tells the end of his story. Susannah tells the others she might be pregnant.
  • (DT5)+1 day. The end of ritual and preparation. The beginning of the business. Roland says his confession to Callahan.
  • (DT5)+5 days. Roland and the others schmooze the Calla-folken.
  • (DT5)+2 days. Susannah displays her skills with the Orizas.
  • (DT5)+2 days. The Sisters of Oriza have a contest.
  • (DT5)+1 day. Eddie goes to New York and convinces Tower to leave town. Jake crosses the Whye and sees Andy and Ben Slightman the elder at the Dogan.
  • (DT5)+1 day. Jake tells about Slightman and Andy. Father Callahan goes to New York to get the zip code and date.
  • (DT5)+4 days. The town hall meeting.
  • (DT5)+1 day. Father Callahan goes to Maine. Eddie almost jumps to his death.
  • (DT5)+1 day. Susannah has contractions and a three-hour fugue.
  • (DT5)+1 day. Eddie and Tian Jaffords mislead Andy with news of heavy artillery.
  • (DT5)+2 days. Wolf’s Eve. Andy is decommissioned. The people of the Calla bring their children to town. The Big Feast.
  • (DT5)+1 day. The Day of the East Road Battle. Mia/Susannah escapes through the U
    door. The ka-tet discovers
    ’Salem’s Lot.
  • (DT6) The same day. Roland consults Henchick about reopening the door. The Calla experiences a Beamquake.
  • (DT6)+1 day. Henchick and his Manni open the doorway. Callahan, Jake and Oy follow Susannah; Roland and Eddie go to Maine to deal with Tower and meet Stephen King.
  • (DT7) The same day. The Dixie Pig. Bridgton. Mordred’s birth and Mia’s death. Eddie and Roland send Cullum to New York, then cross over to 1999 and into Fedic. Reunion.
  • (DT7)+1 day. Onward to Thunderclap. Walter o’Dim dies. The ka-tet meets Ted, Dinky and Sheemie. Plans for battle. Ka-shume. Ted’s tapes.
  • (DT7)+1 day. The attack on Algul Siento. Eddie is killed. Say sorry.
  • (DT7)+2 days. Roland returns to Fedic and rejoins Susannah. They spend the night in Fedic.
  • (DT7)+1 day. Beneath Fedic. Past Castle Discordia into the badlands.
  • (DT7)+weeks. Walking across the badlands. Roland, Susannah and Oy reach the outpost of the Crimson King’s castle.
  • (DT7)+3 days. They walk at night again.
  • (DT7)+1 day. They reach the village near the Crimson King’s castle.
  • (DT7)+1 day. The castle. Feemalo, Fimalo and Fumalo.
  • (DT7)+1 day. The first trees since Calla Bryn Sturgis.
  • (DT7)+3 days. The deer hunt. Preparing hides.
  • (DT7)+1 day. Dehairing the hides.
  • (DT7)+1 day. Tanning the hides.
  • (DT7)+1 day. Roland and Susannah make garments.
  • (DT7)+3 weeks. Roland, Susannah and Oy emerge from the forest. Joe Collins.
  • (DT7)+3 days. Roland, Susannah, Oy and Patrick Danville camp in the barn outside Dandelo’s cabin.
  • (DT7)+2 days. Stutterin’ Bill drops them off at Federal Outpost 19.
  • (DT7)+1 day. A herd of buffalo.
  • (DT7)+1 day. Susannah looks for an
  • (DT7)+1 day. Patrick draws the
    door. Susannah passes through. The first rose.
  • (DT7)+1 day. Mordred’s attack. Oy’s death. Mordred’s death. The Dark Tower.
  • (DT7)+1 day. Patrick walks back toward the Federal Outpost.

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