The Rozabal Line (27 page)

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Authors: Ashwin Sanghi

BOOK: The Rozabal Line
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'Do go on.'

'Among the repressed memories were those of my mother's death; as well as memories of my father. I now remember the man who used to visit our house often.

My mother used to say that I was descended from a long line of high priestesses . . .

my father would laugh and say that he would prove her wrong.'


'He had her killed. He made it look like a gas leak. He had me orphaned to teach the protectors of the divine feminine a lesson.'

'What is his name?'

'Alberto Valerio.'

'And yours?'

'Swakilki. It's derived from Sara Kali.'

'How do you know this?'

'I had forgotten that my lineage was far older than that of the Church. In Goa, I secretly met a Hindu priest, Pandit Ramgopal Prasad Sharma. He is a proponent of the Bhrigu Samhita. By merely looking at me, he told me of a little girl born in Kashmir. She was bestowed great power by the divine Goddess and her mother, Mary Magdalene.

She left India when she was twelve.'

'So how is this connected to you?'

'Her name was La Sara Kali.'


Les Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, France, A.D. 42

In the town of Les Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer in France, each 23-to-25 May is celebrated in honour of St Sarah, also known as La Sara Kali.193 The festival has its roots in an event that had happened here in A.D. 42. A boat had arrived here carrying Mary Magdalene along with a twelve-year-old, dark-skinned child. The name 'Sarah'

was the equivalent of 'princess' in Hebrew. Joseph of Arimathea was the protector of the Sangraal, the royal bloodline of Jesus and Mary. The chalice that carried this bloodline was the 'Holy Grail', the womb of Mary Magdalene.

Hence the festival for La Sara Kali.

Mary Magdalene was the bearer of the sangraal, the old French word that translates into the commonly accepted holy grail. But when the word sangraal was broken into two words, sang and raal, the phrase now meant blood royal in old French.

Mary Magdalene had brought this royal blood to the coast of France in A.D. 42.

The marriage between Jesus and Mary Magdalene had resulted in the fusion of two royal Jewish bloodlines. Jesus was of the House of David and descended from King Solomon, king of the Jews. Mary Magdalene was of the royal House of Benjamin. The political implication of such a union was undeniable, since it meant the very real potential threat of political upheaval if ever an attempt was made to restore the lineage of Jewish kings.

The arrival of La Sara Kali in France did precisely that. The Jesus-Mary bloodline was carried forward in the form of the Merovingian dynasty, which remained perpetually at odds with the papacy. From the fifth to the eighth centuries, the Merovingian dynasty of kings ruled Europe and, from the Middle Ages until the present day, most of Europe's monarchs were Merovingians.

In A.D. 679, the Roman Catholic Church collaborated with the Carolingian dynasty to assassinate and remove the Merovingian King Dagobert II.194 Having Mary Magdalene's bloodline as rulers was heresy!

The removal of the Merovingian kings ended with the coronation of Charlemagne, who became the Holy Roman Emperor in A.D. 800. Shrewdly enough, Charlemagne and the Carolingians married Merovingian wives in order to ensure the continuation of their dynasty. This resulted in the continuation of the Merovingian bloodline among the royalty of Europe.

The Merovingian dynasty also continued to perpetuate itself in a direct line from Dagobert II through his son Sigisbert IV. From this bloodline came Godfroi de Bouillon, who formed the Knights Templar, as well as the Prieure de Sion with a view to recapturing Jerusalem and restoring the royal bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdalene to the throne in 1099.

The bloodline continued down to Marie de Saint-Claire who became Grand Master of the Priory in 1220. The Saint-Clair surname was derived from the locality, Saint-Clair-sur-Elle in Normandy. A branch of this family would eventually reach Scotland many years later, along with William the Conqueror. Many centuries later, some of them would emigrate to America. Their family name would be Sinclair.


Chapter Twenty-Nine

Camp David, Maryland, USA, 2012

The President was at the official 125-acre retreat in the centre of Catoctin Mountain Park in Frederick County. Seated on an oversized leather Lazy-Boy in front of a roaring fire, the President was listening angrily to a briefing from Stephen Elliot. 'We never knew that the truck that was transported to Priobskoye aboard the CH-54

contained a dummy. The dummy had been radiated to ensure that it gave off the same nuclear signature. The bastard had already removed and placed the real one near Waziristan.'

'We needed Osama-bin-Laden to remain alive. His presence justified many other actions on our part, including the continued American presence in Pakistan,' said the President.

'The immediate problem that we now have to deal with is Ghalib. If he starts singing to the world about how the Illuminati controlled his puppet-strings all these years, the repercussions would be severe . . . particularly in view of the elections . . .'

added Stephen, rather unnecessarily.

The President adjusted the Cartier wristwatch that covered the little tattoo on her wrist.

'There are only two possible actions. Illuminate or Eliminate! Tell Zvi to handle it!' said President Alissa Elliot, the forty-fourth President of the United States of America, and the very first woman to hold the position.

President Alissa Elliot remembered her years as a Rhodes Scholar in Oxford as well as the chance meeting with Stephen Elliot who had happened to be Terry Acton's best friend. It had been natural for her to find common ground with Stephen. The secret society of Rhodes and Yale's Skull & Bones were cousins, in a sense. Both wanted to control and rule the world secretly.

Alissa Elliot had been born Alissa Kaetzel in 1964, just a year before Terry Acton.

Her childhood in Illinois had been a happy one. She had excelled at sports, remained active in her local church, and been a member of the National Honor Society. Her mother encouraged and motivated her to push herself hard and to make her own choice of career.

As an undergraduate at Yale, Alissa managed to mix academic excellence with school government. In 1993, she was selected as a Rhodes Scholar to study politics and government at Oxford. The first few months resulted in an enduring friendship with Terry. Terry moved on to Yale while Alissa had stayed on at Oxford to complete her M.Phil.

While on a visit to New Haven to meet Terry, Alissa had been introduced to Stephen and the connection was instantaneous. They had married just a year after Terry lost his wife Susan in a tragic car accident.


Alissa had always been interested in public service and politics. She would go on to serve two terms as a representative to Congress from Illinois. She would then be appointed to a series of high-level positions: ambassador to the United Nations, chief of the US Liaison Office in the People's Republic of China and director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Along the way, Alissa succeeded in building up terrific relationships with the rich and famous. By the time she entered the presidential race she had already created a campaign war chest exceeding $340 million.

Stephen Elliot had followed her dutifully while he built his own career within the SAS.

North America, A.D. 34

In present-day India stands the country's smallest state, Nagaland. The state derives its name from the original ancient rulers of India, the Nagas. The word naga, literally means 'snake'. The Nagas were rulers who wore a serpent crown on their foreheads. They became extremely powerful because of their ability to build ships that could travel long distances. These rulers worshipped the Hindu God Vishnu, who was depicted as travelling on an eagle, Garuda. Garuda was always shown holding a snake in its beak.

When the Spaniards first reached the Americas, they noticed that most American Indians worshipped a deity called Quetzalcoatl.195 The Aztecs told the arriving Spaniards that, many centuries earlier, a divine priest by the name of Quetzalcoatl had visited them from a foreign land very far away. He was described as a bearded white man, wearing a robe with cross symbols embroidered on the front. Had the Spaniards dug a little deeper they would have realised that the name Quetzalcoatl was actually a combination of quetzalli, a brightly-coloured Mesoamerican bird, and coatl, meaning serpent. Garuda with the snake in

its beak!196

The ancient visit of Quetzalcoatl would subsequently be recorded by the Book of Mormon which took this story as proof of Jesus having visited America. It was partly correct. The descendants of Quetzalcoatl in America were actually descendants of the Nagas, a ruling clan that had also held sway over one of India's most important kingdoms, the kingdom of Maghada, the spiritual home of Mary Magdalene.

Over the years these descendants would merge into the American population.

The name Quetzalcoatl would get corrupted to Kate-Zahl and eventually to Kaetzel.

Alissa Kaetzel.

Tel Megiddo, Israel, 2012

Sometime in 2005, Israeli archaeologist Yotam Tepper had excavated the ruins of a church dating back to the third century, a period of history when Christians were still being persecuted by Rome.197 Yotam Tepper would find a large mosaic with a Greek inscription consecrating the church to Jesus Christ. The mosaic was in surprisingly good condition. The mosaic had images of fish, an ancient Christian symbol.

Experts seemed to be inclined to believe that the site could possibly be the oldest Christian church in Israel.

The ruins were located within the boundaries of the military prison in which 173

Ghalib was being held. An inscription inside the church ruins spoke of a Roman soldier, Gaianus, who had contributed money to have the mosaic executed.

Just under the inscription lay the lifeless body of Ghalib-bin-Isar.Gaianus from another lifetime. His hands were outstretched on either side and his feet were tied together. He had been crucified. Paradise awaited. Actually, a coffin and an international flight waited to take his body to its final resting place.

New Delhi, India, 2012

The judicial process in India was notorious for delays. Swakilki was awaiting trial before the Tis Hazari Courts of Delhi. Bittu Singh, her jailer, had been easy to bribe.

Bittu had found out that she was to be taken to court in an armoured van at 11am. The walk from her cell to the van was approximately 200 metres and involved going through two security gates at varying intervals.

She felt the sharp two-inch miniature Nozaki knife inside her clenched fist that was now bleeding from holding it. The knife had been helpfully procured by Bittu.

Swakilki was just ten feet away from the van, duly cuffed and chained to her handlers.

Suddenly, she lunged for the guard on the left and deftly brought the Nozaki to his throat. Swakilki held the knife to her handler's throat and hissed, 'I will not hesitate to kill you if anyone moves!'

Still holding the knife to his throat, she deftly bent down and with her free hand reached for the keys that dangled from his belt as the other handler looked on helplessly. She pulled off the entire ring and expertly unlocked the chains that were holding her in captivity. She threw the keys to the ground and held the guard in a vice-like grip from behind, all the while keeping the knife firmly in contact with the skin of his neck.

The sirens were blaring; the alarm had been sounded. All inmates were automatically locked into whichever sectors they were currently in. The perimeter gate had also been locked auto-matically. Guard reinforcements were running to the spot to secure the area, but they were hesitant to take a shot, given that their colleague was still in her captivity.

Swakilki quickly shoved him into the passenger seat of the van and clambered into the driver's seat. She picked up the 9-mm pistol that had fallen on the ground from the guard's holster and held it to her handler's head with her right hand as she revved the engine.

The vehicle was a Tata diesel right-hand drive vehicle, tough, sturdy and ideal for Indian roads. She pressed her foot on the clutch, shifted the manual gearshift with her left hand, and slammed her foot on the accelerator. The truck lunged forward towards the outer perimeter gate.

One of the guards stood his ground in front of the gate and pointed his rifle at her, but it was too late. The truck knocked him down and ran him over before the gate came crashing down. Instant karma.

Vatican City, 2012

His Eminence Alberto Cardinal Valerio was uncharacteristically worried. He paced up and down the marble floors of his office. Brother Thomas Manning watched him as 174

he shuffled along, hands clenched together behind his back.

'Why haven't we heard from Swakilki yet?' he asked as he sat down behind his desk. Almost immediately, he began tapping the dark wood irritably. His patience was running out.

The last few days had been very tiring. The capture of Swakilki was not good news. It left Father Vincent Sinclair free to nose around. Moreover, who knew what she herself might reveal in captivity? The news of the death of Ghalib, however, had come as welcome relief. Damn the Illuminati! Creating an Islamic Jesus to appear as an anti-Christ! Jesus!

While Valerio had not really been happy to stitch together the nuclear deal for the Sheikh's Master, he had later realised that the location of the proposed destruction worked to his advantage. A nuclear explosion in Megiddo would prove the literal truth behind the words of the Bible. Continued success for Ghalib would mean increased Islamic terror around the world. Valerio was quite happy if there was stepped-up Islamic radicalism all over the world. It would only make Christians much more vulnerable, making them infinitely more devout. In fact, history recorded the Christian crusades as being an outcome of early Islamic victories.

Now, however, Valerio was justifiably furious. He did not know that Swakilki had escaped. He felt that his objectives were coming unstuck. Instead of getting their target, their agent Swakilki was now in custody. The complications and their repercussions were just too hideous to contemplate, particularly if she began talking about the Crux Decussata Permuta.

'So . . .' he continued. Thomas Manning looked up from the deep burgundy armchair that he was ensconced in. 'So, you mean to tell me that we do not have the ability to get her out? Nor do we have the means of shutting up Vincent Sinclair?' asked His Eminence.

'We do have the means, Your Eminence. Unfortunately, this has now become a battle between the Crux Decussata Permuta and the Illuminati.'

'What power do the Illuminati have in that region?'

'Well, India presently has excellent relations with the current administration in the White House . . . and we all know that the White House is dominated by the Illuminati.'

'But why? What can they possibly want with Vincent Sinclair?'

'Your Eminence! How can you even ask a question like that? It should be abundantly clear that the primary goal of the Illuminati over so many centuries has been to discredit the Church. They would use Vincent Sinclair to do precisely that!'

'The American President's public image is that of a God-fearing Christian--a born-again.'

'Born again as an Illuminati. Not as a Christian!'

'The Church is an institution that has been built over 2,000 years. We cannot let it be destroyed. The Illuminati be damned! Now they have got their illegitimate offspring, those Satan-worshippers, Rhodes and Skull & Bones to do their evil work!'

shouted His Eminence.


He got up abruptly and walked out of the room. He was on his way to the Archivio Segreto Vaticano, the Secret Archives of the Vatican. Thomas Manning hastily got up to follow him.They quickly reached the entrance to the archives through the Porta S. Anna in via di Porta Angelica. They hurried inside and their conversation became hushed. 'What exactly are we looking for, Your Eminence?' whispered Manning.

His Eminence Alberto Cardinal Valerio looked Thomas Manning straight in the eye and said softly, 'Damage control. In the event that anything comes to light from the Bom Jesus papers, it is vital that it be discredited immediately.'

'And how would we do that?' asked Manning.

'Vincent and others will try to poke holes in the fundamental pillars of the Roman Catholic Church. Jesus did not die on the cross. There was no resurrection. He married Mary Magdalene. Mary had children.'


'Our archives contain a family tree. A tree that talks about Mary Magdalene and her lineage till the present day. And just as the Priory of Sion has been attempting to protect Mary's bloodline, our group has been doing everything possible to destroy it, discredit it, discard it! That's how I came into contact with Aki Herai,' said Valerio.

'Who?' asked Manning.

'Swakilki's mother. She was descended from one of Mary Magdalene's daughters.

I impregnated her--I broke my vows for the greater good,' explained Valerio.

'Why?' asked a bewildered Manning.

Valerio thought for a moment before replying. 'I thought that if I could get Mary Magdalene's bloodline to become staunchly Roman Catholic, discarding its beliefs in the sacred feminine, I would have achieved the greatest victory ever for our glorious Church. Swakilki does not know this.'

'But what about the theory that Mary and her child were taken to France by Joseph of Arimathea? Isn't this at odds with the official position that there were no children?' asked Manning.

'Officially speaking, there was no offspring. Off the record, yes, there was a bloodline. The problem with acknowledging the bloodline was that one would have to accept that Jesus had married Mary Magdalene. If one accepted that, then one might also have to accept that the crucifixion was nothing else but a pagan rite, part of the sacred marriage ritual, Hieros Gamos.'

'So the bloodline continued in France?'

'No. The sacred powers of the divine feminine could only be passed down from one female member to another. Mary Magdalene herself had derived these powers from a long lineage that could be traced back to the empire of Ashoka the Great, who had sent his missionaries to Egypt. Do you know the name of Ashoka's empire in India?'

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