The Satanist (6 page)

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Authors: Dennis Wheatley

BOOK: The Satanist
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Of course, he was not such a fool as to say so openly, but he obtained exemption from continuing his lectures at the University on the excuse that he intended to join the U.S. Air Force, and shortly afterwards disappeared from Chicago.

The telepathic tie that united us kept me to some extent informed about him as, from time to time when I happened to think of him, I had visual images of his surroundings and people he was with. I felt certain that he had gone to South America and from there, via North Africa and Italy, succeeded in reaching Germany.

Then I saw him working on graphs and scientific data in one of many cubicles that formed a concrete warren underground. One night when I had just got off to sleep, I woke with a start to find myself actually with him. At least that is what it seemed like. He, or I, for I suddenly realised that my ego had got into his body, was lying flat on the ground in pitch darkness. But the darkness lasted only a second, then I was aware of a hideous din and blinding flashes momentarily lighting up the scene all round. I knew then that I was in the middle of an appalling air-raid and that he had been knocked out by blast. The flashes showed a flat countryside, broken only by some groups of hutments and several long mounds with concrete entrances. I was absolutely terrified, but I picked myself up, ran like a hare for the nearest bunker and threw myself inside. In my panic I tripped, went head over heels down the steep stairs and knocked myself out at the bottom.

When I came to I was back in bed in Chicago, feeling like death and with frightful bruises on my head and body. Next day I heard over the radio about the great air-raid on the German Research Works at Peenemünde, and I had no doubt at all that it was there that I had been. I can only imagine that in the instant Lothar passed out he sent a
spiritual SOS to me, and that on finding his body empty I entered and saved it.

On another night during the final phase of the war, Lothar called me to him. By then, of course, I had long-since realised that he was one of the scientists working on Long Range Rockets, as at times I had had brief visions of him both at work and taking his pleasure with several different German girls who had jobs at the Establishment. Owing to his hypnotic powers, few women could resist him; but his mind was always too much occupied with serious matters for him to become a slave to that sort of thing, and it has no bearing on what followed.

I think it was again fear that had caused him to call for me, but there was nothing I could have done to help him on this occasion, for he was fully conscious and I remained only an invisible presence by his side, sharing his desperate anxiety. The Russians had just surrounded the Station and entered it, and he was terrified that they would shoot him. But they didn’t. They marched him off with a number of other scientists to a railway siding and they were all locked into cattle-trucks.

This experience had no more immediate effect on me than others when I had had mental pictures of Lothar in all sorts of situations, pleasant and unpleasant; but during the next few weeks I became unaccountably ill and suffered from bouts of acute depression. Normal grounds for depression I had none. On the contrary, I had every reason to be extremely happy as, only a few months earlier, I had married Dinah Charnwell, a lovely English girl with whom I was passionately in love, and I had no financial or other worries. The reason for my wretched state was undoubtedly my picking up Lothar’s vibrations while, half-starved and desperately uncertain about his future, he was being transported as a prisoner by slow stages into Russia.

By midsummer I began to recover. Subconsciously I was aware that he was receiving better treatment, and not long afterwards, in a dream in which we met, he told me that he had become completely reconciled to putting his knowledge
and abilities at the service of the Soviet Union.

I should make it plain that during all this time neither I, my family, nor anyone else with whom we were acquainted had heard from Lothar direct, or through any other source. Yet, when I did meet him again, on his coming to London in 1950, he confirmed that all I had learned of his activities through our psychic tie-up was substantially correct, and I found that in a like manner he had followed the general outline of what had been happening to me.

Of that visit of his to London I will postpone writing for the time being, as I am too tired to write much more for the moment. In due course I will include an account of it in a further passage of this document, since I intend to continue it as a record of the mental disturbances with which I have recently become afflicted. I will confine myself now to stating that I feel certain that Lothar is again in England, and that for some sinister purpose of his own he is endeavouring to dominate my mentality. But I will not allow him to succeed. I will not.

‘Extraordinary story,’ C.B. commented as he laid the document down. ‘D’you think there’s any truth in it, or that he’s just got bats in the belfry?’

‘It’s true as far as I’ve been able to check up,’ replied Forsby. ‘I looked in at the Ministry of Supply before coming here and got them to show me the confidential report that was compiled on Khune when he applied to be taken on for the sort of hush-hush work he’s still doing. Most of it was from American sources. It confirms what he says of his family and early life in Chicago, and that he had an identical twin named Lothar. It also confirms that Lothar disappeared from Chicago early in 1942, and states that as he was known to be a rabid Nazi it was suspected that he had left the U.S. with the intention of joining the enemy. The close association of the twins up to that time led the F.B.I. to keep our man under careful observation for a while, but they satisfied themselves that he and his family had lost touch with Lothar; so he was written off as
a security risk and O.K’d for employment in a Goverment Research Establishment. By the time our Ministry of Supply came into the picture he was married to an English girl, had taken British nationality, and the war with Germany was over; so, without hesitation, he was accepted for secret work.’

‘Then it’s on the cards that the rest of his story may be true. Telepathy has been scientifically proved beyond question, and it’s common knowledge that twins are apt to develop that faculty between themselves much more readily than other people.’

‘That’s so; but this business of one showing the physical marks of injuries received by the other takes a bit of believing.’

C.B. pulled thoughtfully on his thin-stemmed pipe. ‘I think one must admit that it is possible. Mental disturbances can certainly produce physical results. There have been plenty of cases in which neurotic young women have believed themselves pregnant and shown all the symptoms, until a doctor has been called in and examination shown that their swollen tummies contained nothing but a bubble of air. One can’t laugh off the religious fanatics, either. There are numerous well-authenticated accounts of nuns who from intense concentration on our Lord’s crucifixion have developed stigmata – actual wounds in the palms of their hands and on their insteps, similar to those suffered by Jesus when he was nailed to the cross.’

‘Yes, I hadn’t thought of that; and, of course, you are right. That certainly makes Khune’s story more plausible. Anyhow, we must play for safety by assuming that his brother is trying to get at him, and that makes him a security risk. How do you suggest that I should handle the matter?’

‘I don’t see that there is much we can do at the moment.’

Forsby smiled. ‘Neither do I. That’s why I came to you. The work he is doing is too important for me to persuade the Director to take him off it without a much more down-to-earth case than this.’

‘I wouldn’t advise that, anyway, for the moment. “Satan
still finds evil work for idle hands”, etc. Much better to keep his mind occupied as much as possible. Naturally you’ll keep him under observation. If you think he is likely to give us real trouble you could use these dual personality fits of his as an excuse to have him vetted by the medicos, and get them to lay him off. But if he only continues to simmer, take no action except to try to get hold of the next chunk of this statement that he is writing. From it we might get a bit more data on this Nazi-cum-Bolshie twin of his, Lothar. He sounds a dangerous type, and if he really has come to England the odds are that he’s up to no good; so we must do our best to locate and keep an eye on him.’

‘Right-o!’ Forsby stood up. ‘I’ll be off now, then, C.B. I’ve made an early drinks date as well as a dinner date with old friends for this evening, as I so seldom get up from Wales.’

On the following afternoon Verney had a talk with Barney Sullivan. The latter had already put in three progress reports and C.B. had sent for him to discuss the latest. Together they went through it.

Provided as he had been by the office with Union cards and a suitable identity, Barney had met with no difficulty in attending a number of branch meetings, presenting himself in each case as having just moved into the district and wishing to make his number before actually taking a job; and the Communist Party ticket he carried had enabled him to get acquainted with several Union officials who were known Reds. Ample money to stand rounds of drinks to such gentry after the meetings, and his vital personality, were now leading them to treat this new Comrade from Ireland as one of themselves and to talk fairly freely about Party matters with him.

His principal discovery so far had been that the Communists were far from happy about the way their affairs were going. The savage suppression by the Russians of the Hungarian uprising had proved a serious blow to them and cost them several thousand members. During the many months that had since elapsed, although they had worked
extremely hard, they had not yet succeeded in making up the loss. For this they, were able to take some consolation from the fact that they had engineered many unofficial strikes and that their plans for infiltrating into Union offices had gone better than might have been expected; but now, suddenly, this latter most important item on their programme had become subject to a serious threat.

For many years past the post of General Secretary to the great C.G.T. had been held by a Communist. In a month’s time he was due to stand for re-election and a vigorous labour leader named Tom Ruddy, who held strong anti-Communist views, had been nominated to stand against him. Ruddy was far from being a newcomer to labour politics of a nonentity. Although, in 1939 past his first youth, instead of remaining at home in protected employment he had wangled his way into the Army, become a sergeant-major and been decorated with the D.C.M. for knocking out one of Rommel’s tanks in Africa. After the war he had stood for Parliament, got in, and made quite a name for himself as a Socialist with plenty of sound common sense; then, on losing his seat in the 1951 election, he had resumed his work as a Union official and steadily mounted in the esteem of his more responsible colleagues. His war record guaranteed him the support of the greater part of the old soldiers in his union; he was a good speaker, had a bluff, forthright manner, and a sense of humour.

All this added up to make him such a popular figure that the Communists were beginning to fear that, in spite of all the secret machinations they might employ, by mid-May it was highly possible that he would have ousted their own man from the key post in the G.G.T. And their anxiety did not end there; for they were afraid that, if Ruddy proved victorious, it would have widespread repercussions throughout the whole Labour movement, leading to many other Communists losing future elections to their opponents.

Verney naturally knew of Tom Ruddy and the forthcoming election, but he was surprised and pleased to hear
that Ruddy’s prospects seemed so good, and he urged Barney to keep his ears well open for any plot that might be brewing to sabotage Ruddy’s chances.

They spent the next half-hour going through a list of the Communists with whom Barney had got into touch at branches of other Unions. In some cases he had been able to pick up small items of information about their private lives which would be added to their dossiers; about others C.B. was able to pass on to him further particulars that might be helpful which had been brought in by the department’s network since Barney had started on his mission. Both of them knew that it was this careful collation of a mass of detail, rather than some spectacular break, that usually brought results in the long run.

When they had finished, the Colonel leant back and said: ‘I take it you haven’t tumbled on anything which might give us a line on poor Morden’s killers?’

‘Well…’ Barney hesitated. ‘Not exactly.’

‘Come young feller!’ For once C.B.’s voice held a suggestion of asperity. ‘That’s no reply. Yes or no?’

Barney pulled a face. ‘Sorry, Sir. I ought to have known better than to hedge with you. But it’s such an unlikely bet that I thought you might think I’d gone a bit goofy and was wasting my time.’

‘Nothing’s unlikely in this business. Let’s have it.’

‘Well, last week I thought I’d go down to Wimbledon and call on Mrs. Morden. I’ve never met her, but I intended to introduce myself as a member of the firm and say that I’d been sent along to enquire how she was bearing up, and if there was any way in which we could be of help to her. My idea was that now five weeks have elapsed since her husband’s death she might be sufficiently recovered from the shock not to mind talking about him, and she might say something about him that hadn’t seemed to her to have any bearing on the case, but would to me.’

Verney nodded. ‘Good idea. What came of it?’

‘She wasn’t there. I got it from her neighbours on the other side of the landing that nearly three weeks ago she
shut up her flat and went off to Ireland without leaving an address.’

‘I see.’ To himself, C.B. was thinking, ‘So my warning about what she’d be up against didn’t shake her, and she’s probably putting her lovely head into some hornets’ nest by now. Anyhow, it’s some comfort that she’s taken my advice about going somewhere else to live and severed the ties by which she could be connected with Morden.’ Aloud, he added: ‘It was from her neighbours you picked up a lead, then?’

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