The Sextet - Sharing [The Sextet Anthology, Volume 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (26 page)

BOOK: The Sextet - Sharing [The Sextet Anthology, Volume 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Put the panties on, Jennifer,” he ordered.

Her back toward them, Jen shimmied into the ass-framing scarlet

thong. Though how you could call that tiny bit of fabric and lace

“panties,” he didn’t know. She looked back over one shoulder,

obviously trying to guess which direction they watched her from.

With uncanny accuracy, she stared straight at them.

With a flick of her shoulder-length, auburn curls, she smacked her

hands against the hood of the truck, and then just as quick, bent

forward from the hip. There at the apex of her thighs, a flash of candy

apple red silk. But this pussy was no forbidden fruit. He and Wil

would delight in exposing the juicy flesh under the shiny coating.

While she leaned forward, they watched as she fastened on the

matching bra. Once she turned around, her breasts were held high on

display, sheer red lace barely covering her nipples.

“Enough, Jennifer.” Trey stepped back away from the window,

letting the binocs drop against his chest. “Get back in the truck. You

will find the cabin just around the curve ahead. Park and come

straight to the door.” He pulled the Bluetooth earpiece off and tossed

it onto the kitchen table.

Wil turned his own phone off. “We can still abort this mission if

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you want, T.”

“No way.” He walked over to the door. “We all three want this. It

might be our only chance.”

Before he could continue, Trey was interrupted by the sound of

crunching gravel out in front of the cabin. No little cutesy car for Jen.

No, the F-150 seemed to suit her perfectly, part of her no-nonsense

style that was at the root of the attraction both men felt.

The truck door slammed shut outside, followed by rhythmic

footfalls that got louder with each step. Then the crunch was replaced

by three quick, clipped taps of high heels on porch boards.

“Guys, you damned well better be in there.”

“Open the door and find out for sure.”

The screen door squeaked open. Even though he’d watched her

undress and don the fancy lingerie, Trey still felt his cock jump when

she walked in.

He swallowed hard before he stepped out into the middle of the

room. He pointed down to a spot in the center of the room. “Stand

right there, Jennifer.”

Without a second’s hesitation, she took a position right where

he’d indicated. Slow and deliberate, he eyed her up and down. She

might have obeyed his order, but she stood there and boldly returned

the gaze straight on.

“Very nice. You chose the lacy bits well.” Trey looked over at his

partner. “Guess she doesn’t need to be punished, does she, Wil?”

Wil rose from his observation point by the window and walked

slowly over to her. “Let me handle this reconnaissance.”

He slowly walked around once, and then twice before he stopped

behind her. “But it’s such a fine, spankable ass, Trey.”

A shiver raced down Jen’s spine as his open palm caressed her

backside in a lazy circle. It stopped, but just long enough for the tips

of his fingers to trace down the line of scarlet lace running down

between the cheeks. A low moan slipped past her lips before she

could pull it back.


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“Perhaps another time, Wil. Our Jennifer does appear to be

enjoying this.” Trey took a step closer to her. “Don’t you, Jenny


She knew better than to lie. Her traitorous nipples, rock-hard

under the lace, gave away how turned on she had become. “Umm-


Trey waggled a finger at her. “Ah, ah, ahhh, Jennifer. No

mumbling.” That same finger came down to trace the top curve of her

left breast. “Be careful how you answer, though. This is your final

chance to back out.” His finger looped down the underside and came

up in the valley between her breasts.

“We’ve teased and tormented you all week just so you’d be sure

when we got to this point. Shown you the side of us that so very few

even know exists.” The circles he traced on her breast grew smaller

and smaller until he skimmed the edges of her silk-covered areola.

“Do you still want us, Jenny?”

Heaven help her, but yes, she did. Even more so, it seemed,

knowing about this wicked side.

“Yes, Trey. Wil. I want you both tonight.” She bit back the rest.

These two would never agree to something like that. Could they?

She felt Wil’s warmth sidle up against her back just as she felt the

tickle of his afternoon beard stubble against her shoulder as his mouth

nibbled her skin. “Ummmm.” Jen leaned her head back against his.

She reached back and raked her fingers through his short blond hair.

While her eyes were closed, hands she knew belonged to Trey

kneaded both breasts. His thumbs rubbed over both nipples, bringing

them to rock-hard peaks.

“I have to see these now, Jenny.” He spoke just as she felt him lift

first one, then the other breast free of its lacy confines. “Such

suckable nipples.” He left them perched against the lace half cups of

the bra, the fabric supporting both breasts.

Jen forced her eyes open just in time to see Trey bend his dark

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head to her right breast, his lips latched onto the tightly puckered tip.

At first, the suction was barely discernable. She felt more of the warm

wetness of his lips and tongue.

“Please, Trey. More.”

She felt his wicked chuckle dissolve into firmer suction on her

nipple. “Oh, yes.”

Even as Trey’s lips pulled harder, she felt the caress of Wil’s

hands on her ass. His fingers stroked and squeezed. “I always knew

this ass would feel as good as it looked.” The warm breath of his

whisper sent a shudder down her spine. “You already proved you


“Actually, guys. I didn’t.” Jen giggled. “I got a wax.”

“The salon,” the men said in unison.

“But I think that these panties need to go away.” Wil pulled away

from her back, then quickly leaned back in. “Stand very still, and trust

me, Jenny.”

She heard the sharp click of…
no, it couldn’t be.
Jen clamped her eyes shut.

What the hell was Wil going to do?
Jen knew neither man would

ever hurt her, so she had to trust him. From the footsteps she heard,

she figured he’d moved to her front. Wil snickered. “You can look


He stood right where she’d thought, an open pocketknife in his

hand. “I figure we paid for ’em.” Wil carefully slid the blade under

the band of her thong. With a practiced flick of his wrist, the sharp

edge cut through the fabric.

Before she could protest, he’d moved the blade over her other hip

and sliced that fabric apart, too. A quick tug from Wil, and the thong

fell to the floor at her feet.

“I’m likin’ this better all the time.” Wil reached down and trailed

a finger over the smooth skin. “Oh, yeah. Just beautiful.”

Jen couldn’t stop the rush of heat to her face. Or other places, for

that matter. She’d just let a man use a knife to take her panties off.


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She should have been outraged, shouldn’t she? But damn, it just felt

so damned sexy, so deliciously primal.

She had no time to decide either way. Wil’s exploration had slid

across her mound to the slick divide between the lips. One finger

dipped inside, caressing the nub of her clit, spreading her wetness. Jen

arched her hips to his probing, and her knees began to buckle.

He brought the finger up to his mouth before swirling his tongue

around the tip. A wicked smile lifted the corners of his mouth. “And I

want more.”

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Chapter 3

Wil took her hand and tugged. “Let’s take this birthday party to

the bedroom.” Jen let him pull her down the short hall where Trey

gently nudged her through the door.

The room was as simply furnished as the living area they’d just

left, with a quilt-covered bed in the center. A small dresser,

nightstands, and a pinewood rocking chair were the sole pieces of

furniture. But then, she supposed this was someone’s weekend fishing

cabin. It didn’t need to be fancy. And somehow, it fit the three of

them perfectly.

Trey gave her another playful shove, this time toward the bed.

“Leave the stockings on. Though I guess you can kick off the heels.”

“Hey, how about you two? You’re both still severely overdressed

for the festivities.” She swung around up onto her knees and reached

out to the front of Trey’s shirt. Pulling hard against the fabric, it came untucked from his jeans. After making quick work of the buttons, Jen

pushed the chambray off his shoulders. Trey eased around her to the

other side of the bed.

“You’re next, Wil. I wanna unwrap my other birthday present.”

Wil had already toed off his boots when he turned his eyes back to

her. This time, there were no buttons to contend with. He’d worn a

khaki T-shirt that proclaimed him
Property of the US Army.

giggled. “Guess this weekend Big Green is gonna have to share you

with me.” She felt Trey’s lips on one shoulder. “Both of you.”

His shirt also surrendered to her tugging, and Wil lifted his arms

up so she could peel it off before tossing it to the floor. Using one

hand, she gently raked her nails down the hard, muscled plane of his


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chest as she drew in a deep breath.

It wasn’t like she’d never seen the guys shirtless before. They

swam or worked out together at least once a week. And she’d used

both of them as mock casualties in several training exercises she’d

coordinated for the medics on Fort Bragg. But here in this small

bedroom, it was all so different. They filled the space. As they were

going to fill her.

Wil reached out, grabbed her hips, and pulled, sending her

tumbling backward, right into Trey’s arms. “You can undo my jeans

in a bit. I want this hot, sweet pussy right now.”

His hands slid over and eased her thighs wider apart, his face so

close she felt the warmth of his breath against her flesh. She was

powerless to stop the gasp that escaped her lips as he parted her pussy

open with his thumbs. And where he’d probed earlier with his finger,

his tongue now explored.

At first, Wil drove her crazy with tiny butterfly flicks of his

tongue against her clit. Then teasing, circling it first one way and then the other. Jen couldn’t stop the low, throaty moan that escaped her


She let her head relax back against the solid muscle of Trey’s

shoulder. His arms wrapped around her as his hands cupped her

breasts. Fingertips tweaked her already puckered nipples as he rolled

them between his fingers, giving each a firm tug.

With the dual assault, Jen found it impossible to keep her whole

body from squirming. Hips rose and pushed against Wil’s mouth. She

arched, forcing her breasts harder into Trey’s hands.

“You’re driving me crazy, guys.”

Wil raised his head, looking right up at her. “And this is just the

beginning, Jenny dear.”

He dropped back down between her thighs, tongue swirling over

her clit. He flicked, sucked, and nibbled the hard little button.

Sometimes oh, so gentle, others rougher and more demanding. His

tongue stroked up and down between the inner lips, occasionally

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stopping its circuit to dip into her entrance.

But when first one and then a second strong finger slid inside her,

Jen almost came unglued. Her thighs shook. She smacked a hand

against the quilt, gripped the covering in her fist, and squeezed hard to keep from climaxing.

“Let it go, Jenny,” Trey whispered from right beside her ear, so

close she could smell the last vestiges of scent from the soap he’d

used in his morning shower. “I want to watch you come.”

His blatant sexual request all but did her in right there. “So close,”

she finally managed to gasp out.

“Do it.” One of his hands left her breast, reached up, and turned

her face to his. “Now,” he commanded before capturing her mouth

with his own.

The spasms erupted from deep inside. Muscles clenching,

gripping around Wil’s fingers over and over. She sucked hard against

Trey’s mouth, pulling his tongue inside. The fingers she’d fisted in

the quilt released their hold, only to latch on to Trey’s arm.

The climax ripped through her, sending her arching backward,

pushing both her and Trey down onto the bed. Her head slid south

along his chest until she found herself resting against his hip. And

right in front of her, the denim-covered ridge of where his cock

strained against the zipper. With fingers still shaking from the

adrenaline, she reached up and tugged the coppery tab down.

Access gained, Jen reached in to free his shaft. “Commando,


He gave her one of those wicked winks that had fueled many of

her midnight fantasies. “Always. But especially when I’m going to

see a lovely lady with a wicked fantasy.”

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