The Sextet - Sharing [The Sextet Anthology, Volume 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (33 page)

BOOK: The Sextet - Sharing [The Sextet Anthology, Volume 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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to leave.

“Sam, wait…” Greg stepped closer and exchanged a glance with


But before anyone could say another word, Tommy hollered at the

two men as he walked across the yard. “You two still plannin’ on

handlin’ the barn today?”

Dallas nodded. “Yeah, that’s the plan.”

“Maybe Sam can give ya a hand while we’re gone?” Tommy


“Are you going somewhere?” The nervous tone to her voice had

to be obvious to everyone, but she needed to get away from their

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penetrating stares.

“You’ve not talked with Tammy Jo yet this morning, have ya?”

Tommy laughed. “I’m taking my lovely wife into town for the whole

weekend for our anniversary. Charlie and Suzy are coming with us.

We’re leaving right after breakfast. Tammy figured you’d run the

kitchen while we’re gone.” He turned back to the men. “I need to talk

with you two ’bout the supplies we need before I leave.”

Sam watched them all walk over to the barn, knowing she was

good and stuck. Tammy Jo had been so kind, there was no way Sam

would ruin her weekend. Shaking her head, she looked up at the

clouded sky.
Did I kick a puppy or something? Is that why this is

happening to me?
She sighed and headed inside for breakfast,

wondering if her life could get any more messed up.

* * * *

Tommy had the truck loaded with their bags as Tammy Jo was

giving out final instructions. “Sam, darlin’, don’t take any crap from

the boys. There’s plenty of food in the fridge. If you let them cook,

they’ll burn the place to the ground, so keep ’em away from the stove.

Help out in the barn, too. God knows, they’ll need it.”

Laughing, Sam gave her a big hug, then waved goodbye as the

group headed out. Her gaze darted over to the barn, where Greg and

Dallas stood talking with Chris and Bobby Joe. She could only

imagine how bad this weekend would be once the three of them were

alone. She really only had two choices. Dodge them all weekend

hoping to avoid embarrassment, or face the situation head-on.

Knowing avoidance would just eat away at her, she shrugged and

walked across the yard, determined to get the awkwardness out of the


“So what do you need me to do?” she asked, standing in front of

Greg and Dallas.

“We need to muck out the stalls, take care of the horses, and


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organize the barn,” Greg replied with a smile. “Why don’t you give

me a hand with the stalls?”

Greg led her to the first stall and grabbed a pitchfork. “Today

we’re takin’ all the straw out of the stalls, making sure we thoroughly

clean them. Dallas is bringing in the fresh straw and stacking it over

to the side. As we get the stalls done, he’ll bring over fresh straw to

cover the ground before bringing the horses back in. Any questions?”

With a shake of her head, she took the pitchfork from Greg and

got to work. After a few hours, she realized Chris and Bobby Joe were

nowhere to be seen. “Where are the others?” she asked when Dallas

brought a bale of straw to her.

“One of their friends is getting married next month. They headed

to town for the bachelor party this weekend. By the time they get over

their hangovers…It’ll be Monday.”

“So it’s just us…” She gulped.

“That’d be right,” he replied with a sexy smile.

* * * *

Thunder rumbled as Sam brought in the final horse. She was

exhausted and covered with sweat and dirt. Hearing the raindrops

hitting the dry ground, she turned and looked out the barn door.

“Looks like the storms finally got here,” Dallas commented,

coming to stand next to her.

“I’m so hot, I’d stand out in the rain if I wasn’t worried about

being hit by lightning.”

He laughed. “Take it you’re afraid of storms?”

“Been a little too close to a tornado or two, so I get a little jumpy

when it gets like this.” She saw a flash of lightning as the thunder

rumbled again. “If we’re done, I’m gonna go inside and take a shower

before the storm hits.”

“Greg and I’ll finish up here. We’ll give you a hand with dinner

once we clean up.”

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“I’m not supposed to let you cook.”

“Fine. But I toss a mean salad.”

* * * *

Stripping out of her clothes, Sam turned on the shower and

stepped into the hot water. She watched the dirt flow down the drain

and let the water massage her aching muscles. She wiped away the

water from her face and looked up when the lights flickered, then

breathed a sigh of relief when they didn’t go out. But only moments

later, the room plunged into darkness. “Great!”

Searching in the dark for her robe, she opened the bathroom door,

hoping for some light from the windows in her room. Unfortunately,

the dark storm clouds blocked whatever sun had remained.

Hearing something or someone in the hall outside her room, Sam

pulled her robe tight and grabbed her cell phone, hoping to use it as a

flashlight as she walked through the dark house. “Dallas? Greg? Is

anyone here?”

With no reply after checking the kitchen and the rest of the house,

she figured she was just hearing things. Sam turned to head back to

her bedroom, only to find a strange figure standing in front of her, which caused her to scream.

“Sam, stop. It’s me.” Dallas walked up to her. “When the power

went out, I thought I’d better check on you.”

Breathing hard, Sam held her hand over her chest. “You scared

me to death!” Before she could calm herself, the front door flew, open

causing her to jump again as Greg ran inside.

“Sam? What’s wrong?” Greg looked from Sam to Dallas as he

frowned. “I heard you scream.”

“Sorry about that. I didn’t realize Dallas was in the house. Ran

right into him.” Catching Greg’s heated gaze upon her, she self-

consciously tugged her robe tighter.

Dallas pointed over his shoulder at the fireplace. “I’ll get some


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wood and start a fire before it gets too dark in here to see what we’re

doing. Why don’t you two light some candles?”

Once Dallas disappeared outside, Greg grabbed the lighter and

gave his attention to the candles on the mantel. Turning back to Sam,

he laughed when a crack of thunder shook the house, making her

jump. “I think you could use a drink. Actually…I think we could

use one.” With his hand on her lower back, he steered her to the bar,

where he poured a couple of shots of Patron. With a clink of their

glasses, they downed the clear liquid in one swallow. Sam took a big

swig, then coughed as the liquid burned her throat. “You okay?” he

asked, patting her on the back.

Nodding, she pointed for Greg to pour another round while she

tried to stifle her cough.

Dallas started the fire and then finally joined them. The three

downed a few more shots until the tension began to ease.

“How’s the article coming?” Dallas asked while Greg poured yet

another round.

Clearing her throat, Sam said, “It’s almost done. I’ve just got to

figure out the ending.” She clinked her glass with the men and

downed the shot.
The ending. You know, the part where the author

falls for two men only to have her heart broken yet again.
Feeling both men’s gazes upon her again, Sam tugged on her robe. “Maybe I

should get dressed…”

Dallas downed another shot and reached out to stop Sam from

leaving. “Sam, wait…”

A wave of nervous flutters ran through her body as she looked at

him, then Greg—both appeared too serious.

“You said you couldn’t choose between us…” Dallas paused.

“What if…you don’t have to?”

“What if

“What if you don’t have to choose?”

Greg walked around to the other side of the bar and put himself in

front of her. “We like you, Sam…a lot,” he said with a smile. “And

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Dallas and I decided we’d rather share you than lose you.”

“Oh, no. No, no, no…” She backpedaled right into Dallas, who

wrapped his arms around her from behind and lowered his head to

whisper in her ear.

“You said yourself we got to you. Well, you got to us, too.” He

kissed behind her ear, still holding her against him, the evidence of

his arousal hard against her buttocks. “We want to show you just how

much you got to us…” His hand slipped into the opening of her robe,

the pads of his fingers roaming over her skin. Her stomach muscles

tightened. With each caress of his hands, her robe fell more open,

exposing her nearly nude body.

Sam closed her eyes and leaned back into Dallas while his hands

moved over her skin. His lips kissed the place where shoulder met

neck, and she found herself unable to think as she bit her lower lip.

Too much to drink. I had too much to drink!

No, it was more than that. She wasn’t intoxicated with tequila—

she was intoxicated with Greg and Dallas.

Feeling another set of hands on her body, she opened her eyes and

saw Greg still standing in front of her. A wicked smile spread over his

face as he took in every inch of her, his eyes raking her from head to

toe. His gaze stopped at her panties.

“I like the daisies.” He raised his brows playfully as his finger

traced the outline of the material on her hip. His eyes locked on hers.

“You are
incredibly beautiful.”

Dallas’s hand was now resting just below Sam’s breast with his

thumb brushing against its curves. “He’s right. You’re beautiful,” he

whispered in her ear. “And sexy as hell.”

Unable to swallow or even breathe, heat pooled between her

thighs, fluids rushing from between her folds. Part of her was terrified

at what might happen with these two men. But part of her—a part of

herself she barely recognized—wanted them both so badly.

Everything inside her began to tingle with anticipation.

Greg pressed his body into Sam…and into Dallas, the three of


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them acting as one. His lips brushed against the outline of her jaw and

chin. “We plan on showing you just how sexy you are to us,” he

whispered. “To take you to the edge and back while you cry out our

names all night long.”

She thought he would kiss her—actually she
it. So when

Greg stepped back, grinning, Sam was more than a little puzzled. But

then Dallas’s large hand palmed her breast. His fingers played with

her taut nipples, causing her to shiver and press her body into his. She

turned her head to the side and caught his heated gaze just before he

captured her lips in a hungry kiss. She tried to turn in his arms, but he splayed his hand over her stomach to keep her back pressed against

his front as he kissed her with needy purpose that caused her toes to

curl and her pulse to race.

Lost in her kiss with Dallas, Sam had no idea that Greg was now

kneeling in front of her until she felt him tug on her panties. She

started to pull away from her kiss, but Dallas moved the hand that was

on her breast to her jaw, keeping her right where she was.

Panties around her ankles, Sam gasped into Dallas’s mouth when

Greg’s finger ran between her legs. He stroked between her folds,

obviously concentrating on the sensitive clit. Her body reacted to his

touch as he teasingly traced around her opening with another finger

until finally pushing inside of her.

Heart pounding, Sam froze in Dallas’s arms. She tried to look

down at Greg, but when his lips and tongue began to feast upon her,

she closed her eyes and rolled her head back onto Dallas’s shoulder.

“Oh, God,” she cried softly as her legs began to tremble.

Dallas wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her neck and

shoulder. “Do you want him to stop? Tell us what you want, Sam…”

Feeling Greg’s tongue and fingers move with more force, Sam

was ready to explode. She pressed her body against Dallas and

grabbed his arm with both hands—fingers digging into his muscles.

“Don’t stop…Greg, please don’t stop…”

With a chuckle, Greg attached his lips to Sam’s clit and sucked

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while his fingers delved deeper into her canal. Her body bucked as

she gasped, her muscles tightening around his fingers with waves of

ecstasy crashing through her body.

Dallas held Sam tightly to him as she shook in orgasmic bliss.

When she was finally able to open her eyes and focus, she saw Greg

standing in front of her. She turned in Dallas’s arms and looked at

him, then back to Greg. “You asked what I wanted before…”

“We meant it, Sam,” Greg replied in a serious tone. “Tells us what

you want.”

She spoke softly, but with a new confidence. “I want you both. I

want you
inside of me. I want to make you cry out

She stopped leaning against Dallas and stood while pulling the robe

that was hanging on her arms up to her shoulder.

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