The Sextet - Sharing [The Sextet Anthology, Volume 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (30 page)

BOOK: The Sextet - Sharing [The Sextet Anthology, Volume 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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into the barn and into…” She jumped at the high-pitched yipping

sound coming from outside the barn and pointed. “That! That’s what I


Finally standing, Dallas reached down to pick up his hat before

turning to face her. “It’s just a damn coyote. It won’t hurt you. Hell, it won’t even come near you!” He brushed the dust off his hat, jerked it

back on his head, and glared at her.

Dallas’s angry tone surprised Samantha, even hurt her. But when

she noticed Greg laughing over to the side, the hurt and

embarrassment of finding David with another woman—feelings she’d

thought she left at home—suddenly surfaced.

glad you both find me entertaining.” She glared at both men. “We don’t have a lot of coyotes in St. Gabriel. Sorry if I’m not

measuring up to
standards. I’ll try to be less of a city girl from now on.” Closing her eyes, she turned on her heel and stomped to the

main house.

* * * *

Dallas stood silently as he watched Samantha disappear into the

house. His erection throbbed in want for her. He narrowed his eyes,

looking at where she once stood. Her clean, feminine scent lingered in

the air and on his shirt, causing him to flash back to her body, lying

on top of his.

“What just happened?” Greg sounded a bit surprised by Sam’s

reaction. “Seriously, what did we do?”

“Other than laughing at her and making fun of her?” Dallas

snorted. “You probably just messed up any chance ya had with her.”

At least I hope you did…

Greg kicked at the dirt. “Is that a challenge? We’ll see about that.”

He winked at Dallas and took off toward the house.


Niki Hayes

Dallas closed his eyes and bent over, taking in a few deep breaths,

hoping to control the situation between his legs. He recalled the

hungry look in Samantha’s eyes when she was on top of him, and

unwelcome heat consumed him, making his dick twitch. “Damn it!”

* * * *

Inside the house, Samantha leaned against the door and tried to

catch her breath. Shaking, she wasn’t sure if her panting was from

being upset at Greg and Dallas or from her own heated reaction to the

nearness of the men.

Oh, my God. How can I even think of being with any man after

David? Let alone two…I must be crazy.

She covered her eyes with her hands, remembering how it felt to

have Dallas beneath her. His musky scent. His strong hands. His hard

body. His hard…

“Did I…?” she whispered to herself, unable to finish her own


“Did you what?” Tammy Jo asked, walking into the foyer.

Too many thoughts and emotions running through her mind,

Samantha’s face grew warm as she dropped her hands and looked at

Tammy Jo.

“You okay, Samantha?”

“Yeah.” She nodded, forcing a smile. “I went out for a walk and

watched the sunrise but got scared by a coyote.”

Tammy Jo eyed her curiously. “They’re noisy creatures, but they

won’t hurt ya. Sure there isn’t anything else bothering you?”

“No, I’m good. Just hoping I don’t mess up on my riding lesson.”

Linking her arm with Samantha’s, Tammy Jo led her to the dining

room. “C’mon, honey, don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll do fine.” She

patted her arm. “Now, let’s eat breakfast and get some starch back in

that spine.”

Sitting down at the table next to Tammy Jo and Suzy, Samantha

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filled her cup with coffee and took a much-needed drink. She stared

over the rim of the cup when Greg walked in and took a seat at the

other end of the table. His smile didn’t fill his face like it had the

night before, but his deep blue eyes made her warm inside. But when

Dallas walked in, Sam found herself unable to breathe as their eyes

met briefly. She was grateful for the diversion when Tommy began

saying grace and everyone started to eat.

When breakfast was over, Samantha gave Tammy Jo a hand with

the dishes after agreeing to meet Greg in the barn when she was

finished. She was just about to head outside when Tammy Jo stopped


“Wait a sec, honey.” Tammy Jo nodded for Sam to follow her into

another room. “If you’re going to be outside in the sun, you’ll need

this to keep your brain from frying.” She reached into a cabinet and

pulled out a tan cowboy hat. “It’s a Stetson. Now you’ll be a real

cowgirl.” She chuckled as she handed the hat to Sam. “It’s yours to


“Tammy Jo, I don’t know what to say. Thank you.”

She waved her hand in dismissal. “It’s no big deal. Try it on.”

“How do I look?” Cocking her head to strike a pose, Sam grinned.

“Like you belong here,” Tammy Jo replied. “Now don’t take any

crap from Greg…or any of the other guys.”

With her new hat on her head, Sam slid her hands into her back

pockets and walked into the barn. She wasn’t sure how Greg would

act after what happened earlier with Dallas. As she watched him lead

a horse down the aisle toward her, his smile returned when their eyes

met, and she released her worry.

“Nice hat.” He tossed her a wink.

Feeling shy, Sam smiled and shrugged. “Tammy Jo said I needed

it if I was going to be riding in the sun.”

“She’s sure right ’bout that.” He rubbed the horse’s nose, and his

smile faded. “I’m sorry ’bout this morning. I didn’t mean to upset ya.”

“It’s okay.”


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Greg reached out, taking her hand. “Sam…”

Closing her eyes, she let out a long sigh. “I’m sorry

I…overreacted earlier.” She gazed into his eyes then down to where

his thumb was caressing the back of her hand. Her voice was low, just

above a whisper. “I guess I’m not over…” She felt him move closer,

instinctively pulled her hand free, and turned away, not wanting to

share her pain. Clearing her throat, her voice grew shaky. “So is this

the horse I’ll be riding?”

* * * *

Greg watched Sam change in that moment. Her body became

tense, and he could see pain in her eyes. Whatever she was about to

tell him, he’d probably never hear. But he knew there was more to her

being at the ranch than just the desire to write an article on cowboys.

Not wanting to push her, Greg patted the horse’s neck and smiled.

“Sam, let me introduce ya to your horse.” She put her hands back in

her pockets and moved closer to him. “This charming guy’s Bailey.

He’s a bit of a flirt.” He laughed as the horse nodded his head as if

agreeing with him. “Why don’t we get started?”

* * * *

After spending the better part of the day getting comfortable in the

saddle, Samantha was excited when Greg finally took her out of the

corral and on a real ride. He led the way through the vast property

over the dry fields toward the mountains. Samantha held on tight as

she galloped behind him, trying not to fall back too far. She noticed

his grin when she caught him looking back to check on her.

Why does he have to look so hot on that horse?

“Oh, shit!” Sam held her breath as her horse suddenly darted to

the left.
Mental note…stop staring at the hot cowboy and pay

Shifting her weight a bit, she found her balance and

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continued after Greg, who was climbing one of the hills in front of

her. Tightening her grip on the saddle horn, she took a deep,

reassuring breath and slowly made her way up the hill.

Once she reached the top, she exchanged a glance and a smile

with Greg. Sitting up tall, she looked out over the property. For as far

as she could see, there was nothing but open land with puffy white

clouds dotting the bright blue sky.

“There’s not a lot of shade around here, is there?” she asked while

adjusting her hat.

Greg chuckled, his eyes holding her captive. “Little bit under a

tree, but it doesn’t provide a lot of relief from the heat.” He pointed

toward the west. “Let’s head over to the river so the horses can get a


With a nod of her head, Sam followed Greg down the path, her

horse finding a leisurely trot. At the slower pace, she was able to

notice more of the surroundings—like the cacti that grew in patches

throughout the property. In addition to the tall tubular plants, she saw

some with prickly, flat, paddle-like stems. A few even had flowers,

which surprised her. “It’s beautiful out here.”

Greg smiled as he directed his horse casually around a patch of

brush. “When you’re out here day in, day out, you forget about the

beauty.” He gave a long gaze toward Sam. “Sometimes it takes an

outsider to remind me how lucky I am.”

That warm flutter returned to Sam’s stomach as she took in his

sincere smile and vivid blue eyes. She knew he was trouble, yet she

couldn’t deny the attraction she felt when he looked at her.
So much

for giving up men…

Reaching the river, Greg dismounted his horse with an effortless

motion. Holding the horn, she shifted her weight, swung her right leg

to the ground, and hopped a few times when her left foot got caught in

the stirrup. Just as she freed her foot, Greg was by her side with his

hand on her back, holding her arm for support. “So much for



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“You’ll get better with practice.”

She cocked her head, not believing him.

“What? You doubt your instructor?” He placed his hand on his

heart, feigning hurt, which caused her to smile. “Now that looks better

on ya.” He winked at her and led the horses to the river for a drink.

Sam headed to the shade under a tree, rubbing her abused backside.

“You know that’s going to hurt even more by morning.”

Embarrassed, Sam’s hand fell to her side as her face flushed.

“Great…another reason for everyone to make fun of me.”

“Why do you care?” He blocked her path when she tried to walk

away. “Seriously, Sam. You don’t know us. Why does it even matter

what we think?”

She crossed her arms over her chest and stared at the ground.

Deep down, she knew he was right. But with the twists and turns her

life had taken over the last few days, she needed to succeed at


“I don’t know, but it does.” She closed her eyes and let out a sigh.

“Look, I just broke up with my boyfriend, my job sucks, my life is…”

Silence reigned for a moment.
My life is such a mess.
Greg grinned, which only confused her more. “What?”

Taking a step closer, he bent his knees so he could see under the

brim of her hat and into her eyes. “Ya know, there
ways to get over that broken heart.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me.”

He laughed and took a step toward her. “Hey, when you fall off a

horse the best thing to do is get right back on.”

Sam shook her head, taking a step back. “And I suppose I should

get back on with you?”

“Well…” His grin reached his eyes as he gazed at her. “I know I

could help you deal with that tension in your body.”

“Oh, I’m sure you could.” She laughed nervously, taking another

step back and bumping into the tree.

He moved closer, invading her personal space when he placed his

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left hand on the tree next to her shoulder, trapping her. “Sometimes,”

he said, his voice low and sexy, “you just need to let loose and forget

your troubles.” His eyes locked on her as his right hand brushed her

cheek and ran along her jaw. “One thing I do know…is that I can help

you forget about the idiot who broke your heart.” Her eyes closed as

his finger swept across her lips then moved down her neck, tracing

her collarbone.

Sam’s entire body quivered at his touch. Taking in a shaky breath,

she inhaled his masculine scent. Want and need pulsed through her

body. Her heart pounded as she opened her eyes to stare into his and

saw a chance for some wicked fun. A moment to forget her troubles.

The anticipation was heady as she waited for him to make a move.

Greg reached up and removed her hat, tossing it to the side. In the

next moment, his left hand cupped her face as he leaned in and kissed

her. A simple kiss that ran through her body like a bolt of lightning.

Her lips parted, allowing him access as his tongue began a rhythmic

dance, darting in and out of her mouth. He pressed his body into hers

as they devoured one another. Her hands wrapped around his back

and shoulders for support as her legs weakened. The weight of his

body and his hard erection pressed against her. A soft moan escaped

her lips as he pulled away to take a shuddering breath.

“Don’t worry.” A devilish smile filled his face. “I’m not done

making you moan just yet.”

Biting her lower lip, she was barely able to breathe while

contemplating his words. While her common sense tried to put forth

reasons to stop, she watched his gaze sweep over her body. The

heated glint in his eyes caused all logic to disappear.

Greg leaned forward and kissed behind her ear, nibbled on her

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