The Sibylline Oracle (27 page)

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Authors: Delia Colvin

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: The Sibylline Oracle
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Uncertain what to do with himself, he wandered back to Valeria’s hospital room. Pulling the small box from his pocket, he flipped it open and stared at her engagement ring for several minutes. Camille had brought it down with his change of clothes, along with an outfit Valeria would have wanted to wear. Alex sunk into the bedside chair while holding the ring. He wondered if there would be a time when this ring would be back on her hand. Mani entered from the nurse’s station and sat on the bed, his eyes trained on Alex with sympathy.

“At least she’s alive. I couldn’t go on if she wasn’t,” Alex rasped.

“It is not over,” Mani said. “She
remember you if you stay near her. Some part of her always does.”

“Yes, you’re right. But do you believe for an instant that he isn’t going to take advantage of her weakness right now? I saw the look in his eyes. He just wants to win. He’s going to run off and marry her as quickly as possible.” Alex sunk further into his misery, rubbing his hand over the stubble on his face. “I’ve seen it before…she’s going to be a Diplomat’s wife and have his children.” Then, despite his heartbreak, Alex consoled himself with a new and very significant realization as he choked out, “But,
she’s alive!

“Let’s go home,” Mani said.

As they walked back into the hallway by the elevators, Alex watched the limo pull away. Just like that, she was out of his life. Mani’s phone buzzed and he looked at the message.

“The family is downstairs,” Mani reported.

As they walked into the lobby, Alex felt worn from weeks of accumulated anguish and exhaustion. He noticed a haze seemed to fill the room as he followed Mani toward reception. Leaning on the counter, while Mani signed some paperwork, Alex was afraid that if he sat down he would fall asleep.

“Alex?” The voice that he recognized from all others came from behind him, although it was softer than usual. He raised his head and turned; half-afraid he was hallucinating. Her fragile body sat in the wheelchair next to him. She hadn’t left yet! Alex wondered if he’d possibly heard recognition in the way that she’d said his name. Why was she still here?

Alex looked around for David. Then, sudden anger flooded him. Had David really left her alone? What was wrong with him! “Val, what are you doing here? Where’s David?”

Valeria grabbed Alex’s hand and pulled him down toward her. “Can you sit down? I’m sorry I can’t…” She held her hand on her throat. Alex pushed her to a nearby chair, where he could sit next to her and they could talk. He silently searched her extraordinary new eyes; though the color had changed, the depth of who she was remained.

Taking his hand and pulling it toward her, Valeria said, “I’m sorry about David. I wanted to explain to you before he arrived. But I didn’t get the chance.” She took a deep breath and gave a weak cough, followed by a slight wince.

God, how he loved her!
“Whatever is right for you. But whatever you do, you need to know that I am
here for you.” Alex could feel the tightness in his chest as his heart constricted. He closed his eyes tightly trying to maintain some degree of control of his emotions; he didn't want to give that satisfaction to David or make Valeria feel any worse.

“Alex, I needed to do things the right way,” she said hoarsely.

“I understand. I know it was all a bit fast.”

Confusion clouded her oracle blue eyes and then she laughed softly, followed by a suppressed cough. “Alex?” When he looked back at her, the pain was so transparent in his eyes. “Please, don’t be upset. It’s just that…well, I guess it was just vanity that wouldn’t permit me to break off an engagement in a hospital gown.” She smiled sheepishly. “
I hope you understand

Alex drew in a sharp, husky breath. “I understand. It was wrong of me to propose to you when you belonged to someone else.”

He wanted to challenge it. He wanted to suggest that they take things slower. He wanted to plead with her to give them a chance. Instead, he said, “I know you don’t remember, but what we have

Her face lit with understanding. She squeezed his hand.
“Alex, can you do something for me?”

“Anything.” He wouldn’t be able to hold back his tears for much longer, he feared.

“Can you lift me out of this wheelchair?” she whispered.

Alex wondered what she wanted. Was she in pain? Despite his exhaustion, he lifted her effortlessly. She swung her arm around his neck and leaned her head against his chest.

“Now, can you just sit down for a moment?” she rasped.

Alex sat back down in his seat with her still in his arms. What would David say when he came back, Alex wondered. He tried not to focus on the feel of her in his arms.

She leaned her face forward so it was inches from his. “Alex, I was talking about David.
I ended my engagement to David

Alex choked back a sob of gratitude and buried his face in her hair. He kept his eyes clamped shut, not trusting this shift in fate. “You ended your engagement to David?”

“Of course!” Valeria kissed his neck. “There is nothing I want more in life than to be with you.” Tears flowed down her cheeks when she whispered, “

After an eternity of waiting to hear that, he couldn’t quite grasp that the struggle was really over. Or that she was with him finally, alive and in love. “I…” He breathed out heavily. “I thought…”

Valeria gave Alex a moment as he succumbed to a crushing release of emotion. “Will you take me home?” she whispered.

A small chuckle of disbelief slipped from Alex as he nodded his head. “Which home? New York? Morgana?”

“I prefer our cottage,” she said, dreamily. “But my home is wherever you are.” Holding her tightly in his arms, Alex brushed his lips over her forehead and down her nose, finally finding her mouth; the bandages on her arms, neck, and chest a reminder of all they had been through.

He drew in a deep, shaky breath and whispered, “I believe I have something that belongs to you.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out the box. When she smiled, he slid the ring back to its rightful place on her finger.

This time it was her eyes that welled with tears. “I love you, Alex!” she said, as she brushed her hands over his face and kissed him deeply. His arms, moved around her, drawing her in even closer.



From the other side of the room the family stood watching. Ava pulled a tissue from her purse to wipe her tears and blow her nose.

Tavish looked at her. “Hah! Women and their bloody emotions.”

“Aw, put a sock in it,” Ava responded, then grinned. “Wait…Tav, what is that?” She pointed, seeing a hint of a tear on his face.

“That! That's nothing!” Tavish said, swatting her finger away. “Aw, shit,” he gruffed, taking the tissue from her outstretched hand.

They all burst out laughing, as the box of tissue was passed down the line to each family member.

Caleb piped up, “I saved her…and I got to touch a girl’s chest!”

Patting his back, Camille laughed. “You saved her life! And yes, you did.”

“Pretty cool, huh? Kind of like a super hero!” He stood taller than usual and then added with a joyful laugh, “And, she is pretty hot…
for an older woman

“You did well, Caleb.” Mani patted the boy on the back. “Tavish’s suit works well. I hardly felt any current!” Tavish had created a suit that resisted and channeled Caleb’s current. It
wasn’t a cure, but it definitely helped.

Watching Alex and Valeria kissing from across the room, Ava asked, “How do you think Daphne is going to handle this?”

“Oh, I’d say about the same as always,” Caleb answered.

“Let’s take her home!” Lars said as they headed toward Valeria and Alex.


The fall ended quickly at their cottage in
the woods. Recovering from the infection had weakened Valeria and it was many months of care until she began to feel strong again. But recovery was a blessing while cuddled against Alex by the fire, reading from classics, and receiving an occasional visit from the rest of the family, who were mostly trying to give them some time alone.

As the snow fell, Valeria rejoiced at getting to see her beloved cottage in winter, knowing that she’d now have the opportunity to see it in spring and summer as well.

As Christmas approached, Alex and Valeria sat at the main house sipping wine. Camille rushed in. “I have it all arranged! Steamboat Springs for our family Christmas!”

Alex laughed. “We’re in the Alps and you want to fly to the states for skiing?”

“I found a great lodge there that can house all of us, along with an executive chef!”

Valeria smiled. “Skiing? I’ve never tried it, but I’d like to.”

Alex rubbed Valeria’s shoulder. “I hate to be one of those overprotective fiancé’s; however, you’re still healing. I don’t think you’re up for it, beautiful.”

With all that he had been through, there was no way that Valeria would do anything to cause him another moment’s concern. Christmas with Alex would be a dream come true, no matter where they spent it. Still, somewhere inside, she had hoped they would fill the holidays with new traditions, with her new family and she hated to think that she would be holding them back from their plans.

“You should all go, Camille!”

Camille shook her head. “I want all of us to spend our first Christmas together!” Her face lit in a playful smile. “And, do I get to plan a winter wedding?”

When Alex had brought her home from the hospital, he told Valeria he wanted her to be healthy before they got married. He wanted her to have the strength to enjoy their wedding and, he added with a seductive wink, their wedding night. Valeria knew it would be some time before her body was back in that kind of shape.

Lars and Ava intended to return to the Caribbean after Christmas to continue their search for Jonah. They had a new lead that they were researching now that Valeria appeared to be safe.

Ava entered with a large glass of green liquid and handed it to Valeria. “Here you go!”

Taking the glass of green sludge, Valeria grimaced. “Uh…thanks?”

“It’s blended kale!” she said proudly, as Camille and Alex made faces of disgust.

“Uh...” Valeria stammered, looking to Alex for support. He shook his head. He wasn’t going to fight this one. Ava had made it her business to nurse Valeria back to health with all kinds of
nutritional supplements. But green sludge crossed the line.

“You know...nature’s super food!” Ava continued.

“So sorry, Ava. I don’t think I can do it.”

“Have it your way!” Ava took the glass and downed it. “Yum! You don’t know what you’re missing!”

The joyful laughter of the entire family filled the room...well almost the entire family. Daphne sat in a corner with her arms crossed, still pouting but obviously relieved that
Alex had survived.

Caleb swaggered over to the couch and dropped onto it next to Valeria, swinging his arm around her back. Although his suit made it possible for momentary exchanges, it also made him sweat profusely, so he rarely wore it in the house.

However, since the incident at sea, Valeria now seemed to be immune to Caleb’s electrical charge. It also appeared that Caleb now had a bit of a crush on Valeria. Alex thought that was a reasonable thing for any blue-blooded twelve-year-old boy to have. “Caleb, just remember…she is

“For now,” Caleb teased. Valeria messed up his hair affectionately.

Getting impatient, Camille said, “Focus people! We’re talking about a wedding! When is the big day?”

Valeria looked at Alex, her eyebrows raised. Then he chuckled and said, “Beautiful, you know I would marry you anywhere and anytime. But I thought you wanted an outdoor wedding?”

“I wouldn’t mind a Justice of the Peace…” she said softly, knowing this would ruffle Camille’s feathers, even though it was also the truth. “Maybe this afternoon?”

“No, no, no, no!” Camille interrupted. “We need a big wedding! And, Val, you don’t need to worry about a thing. I’m taking care of all of the plans.”

Even if they cared to, Alex and Valeria knew there was no sense arguing with Camille.

Raising his hand, Alex said, “Beautiful, I want this to be the wedding of your dreams! I know you really would like to have a garden wedding.”

Valeria curled into Alex. “Actually, I would just like to have it at home!”

Camille’s eyes narrowed, knowing that Alex was about to throw a hitch into her wedding planning. “It’ll be months before we can have an outdoor wedding here,” she said. “But we could have a candlelight ceremony in the main house.”

Shrugging, Valeria said, “The only people I need or want here are the family and Weege.”

Alex interjected, “I had another thought.” Camille did not want to hear
Justice of the Peace
again. “With all of the evidence we have of Val surviving the curse, including the change of your eye color—”

Interrupting, Camille announced, “Of course! That’s brilliant! I love it!”

Lars and Ava didn’t look as excited.

“I would like to have an immortal marriage,” Alex said. “Is that alright with you?”

“Anything, as long as we’re married!” Valeria narrowed her eyes, and asked, “But what exactly does that mean?”

Becoming suddenly animated, Camille jumped up. “It means a wedding in Greece! We can do an outdoor wedding in February. It’ll be beautiful! I’ll start planning it now.” Camille turned, saying, “Oh…and Christmas is here.”



Back at the cottage, Alex turned on Sinatra’s
All the Way
, as he pulled Valeria into his arms, gently rocking with her to the music. “Do you mind waiting until February?”

Valeria buried her face in Alex’s shoulder. “What is an immortal marriage?”

“It means that we’ll be together forever,” he murmured into her ear, creating that delightful heat that ran through her body.

“Then, count me in!”

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