The Smiths and Joneses (40 page)

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Authors: Ira Tabankin

BOOK: The Smiths and Joneses
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              “Mr. President, won’t this harm the country’s credit rating?”

              “We won’t need a credit rating if we control all of the banks and brokerage companies. We can issue whatever funds we need.”

              “Sir, won’t that cause massive inflation?”

              “The government, I, control all prices and wages, so there can’t be any inflation.”

              “Mr. President, is it legal for you to take over the assets of these companies? What about their shareholders?”

              “We’re going to give them shares in the new banking company.”

              “Mr. President, if the government owns the banks, then the shares you issue are really worthless, the shareholders won’t be able to trade them.”

              “However, they will own a small share of the new government own banking complex.”

              “Mr. President, won’t the shareholders sue the government? There are shareholders in the USA; they will most likely sue in USA courts who may try to block the takeover.”

              “They can’t do a thing; they’re in another country. A country that we don’t have binding contracts with for lawsuits.”

              “Mr. President, have you discussed this with President Paul?”

              “No, it’s my decision to make, I made it. She’ll arrive tomorrow; I’ve already signed the bills into law.”


Chapter 24

              Sean’s phone rings, the caller ID says, “classified” he thinks to himself, “crap” that has to be the White House. Sean gets up to move to the restroom, “Hello.”

              “Please hold for the President.”

              Perspiration breaks out across Sean’s forehead. It starts dripping and stinging his eyes. After a minute Sean hears a familiar voice, “Sean are you there?”

              “Yes Mr. President, I’m on the broadcast flight on the way to Oregon.”

              “Sean, I want to confide a few issues with you so you’re prepared for what may come up later today.”

              “Yes sir, I’m listening.”

              “We have evidence that the LSA was behind the poisoning of our children. The FBI, CDC and military all confirm that there are persons in each school cafeteria with ties to people in the LSA. Further, the CIA says the formula used is from the FSB. I plan to make an announcement tonight. I want you to be prepared so you can respond correctly.”

              “Mr. President are you saying the Russians supported the LSA to harm our children?”

              “Sean, that’s what the evidence is showing.”

              “Sir, are you going to take any action against Russia?”

              “Sean, that’s something I can’t discuss with you.”

              “I understand. What do you want me to say if, when I’m asked?”

              “Say what you know and how it makes you feel.”

              “Yes sir, is there anything else you think I should know?”

              “Just a few minutes ago President Bloomberg announced he’s appointed Elizabeth Wrannt to become his First Vice President with the role of nationalizing all of the LSA’s banking and investment industry.”

              “Sir, what does this do to the shareholders in our country?”

              “It appears he plans to give them shares in a new banking company owned by the LSA government.”

              “Many of our people and pensions are going to lose hundreds of millions. I thought part of the separation agreement was protection for shareholders of companies on both sides of the divide.”

              “Sean, you’re correct, however, it appears that President Bloomberg has decided to cancel this part of the agreement. We’re looking at the agreement to see if there are any sections we can cancel to strike back at him.”

              “Sir, if you do, will Russia come to his aid?”

              “Sean, there’s nothing concerning Russia I can discuss with you at this time.”

              “Sir, I understand. Thank you for giving me a heads up.”

              “Wolf, the program may come to an abrupt end when this blows up, keep your eyes and ears open.”

              “I will, thank you sir.”

              Sean returns to his seat using a paper towel to dry his forehead, Wolf looks at him saying, “Problem call? Looks serious.”

              “Might be, nothing I can talk about.”

              The two of them sit in silence for twenty minutes until the flight attendant bends down to quietly whisper to both of them. “The pilot received a message saying you’re to wait at the FBO terminal when we land. We’re not supposed to allow you and your crew to leave the terminal.”

              Wolf says, “This is very strange, any idea how long we’re supposed to wait at the FBO office?”

              “No sir, our instructions were to simply inform you. Further instructions will be waiting at the FBO office for you.”

              “Oh, thanks for giving us a heads up.”

              Wolf turns to Sean asking, “Does this have anything to do with that call you received?”

              “I can’t say. I don’t know why we’re being held or what instructions wait for us when we land.”

              “Something doesn’t smell right about this.”

              Sean smiles saying, “Not me; I showered before we boarded.”

              Wolf laughs saying, “Let’s have another drink.”

              “Thanks, but I want to keep my mind clear till we know what’s going on.”

              Wolf calls the flight attendant over, “Two Johnny Black Label with water, please.”

              Sean asks for, “Coffee with one sweetener and cream for me.”

              “Coming up.”

              Wolf nods saying, “Sean, can you tell me if the program has been pulled? Our ratings set new records every night. We made millions for our two broadcasters. I wonder what’s going on.”

              “Sit tight, we’ll know when we land. Another two hours.”




              President Bloomberg with his new first Vice President Wrannt standing next to him announce the LSA is nationalizing all of the banks and financial institutions located within the LSA. If the location is a branch office, all of its assets will be nationalized. Elizabeth Wrannt is named as the new CEO of the LSA Financial Services Corporation. President Bloomberg announces the interest rate on all loans and credit cards is fixed at 1% over the prime rate as set by the LSA Financial Services Corporation, effectively lowering the monthly cost to everyone in the LSA. The news is cheered within the LSA while at the same time upsetting everyone who held shares in these companies outside of the LSA. Wrannt says anyone holding shares in the old companies will be getting shares in the new LSA Financial Services Corporation. She refuses to say what percent of ownership the new shares are valued at. She refuses to say how or even if the new shareholders can sell their shares. President Bloomberg promises that every shareholder is being treated equally. Many shareholders in the USA say, they’re all be screwed equally. Ms. Wrannt smiles into the camera saying “The nationalization of the financial institutions is another step of total equality in the LSA. Everyone in the LSA will benefit from this move.” 

              Within minutes of the announcement, China, the EU and the USA cut off all credit to the LSA. All existing loans are called in as the world financial community doesn’t trust the value of the currency in countries that have nationalized their banks. Ms. Wrannt responds to the repayment demand with a smile saying, “Of course the LSA plans to honor all existing debt and loans. We will be making payments with the new LSA dollars which have begun to be printed. In order to be fair to everyone, starting in two weeks, the LSA is recalling all old LSA dollars and exchanging them for new dollars. She picks up samples of new bills showing them to the camera. “We in the LSA are proud to have a new currency. We will be accepting and using our new currency effective today. All old debts will be paid in the new currency.”

              The USA, who has contracts that specify repayment in precious metals, protests the move to repay all debts and loans only in the LSA’s new currency. Wrannt responds to the demand to honor the existing contracts by tossing copies of them into a fireplace. She says, “The world can either accept our new currency or not be paid at all; the choice is yours.”

              International credit to the LSA immediately ceases. Since the LSA doesn’t drill for oil or gas, and no one will accept their new currency, shortages appear within a day. What fuel is stored in the LSA is appropriated by the central government for their use. Long lines appear at every gas station that has gasoline. Any station that tries to increase the price per gallon because of the shortage is arrested for breaking the fixed price rules. The worst problem is in the North East section of the LSA where most homes are heated by fuel oil. Without imports and without permission to increase the price per gallon due to the shortages, fuel oil companies cease making deliveries, within a couple of weeks homes will start to run out of fuel oil panicking the homeowners.  In order to keep costs as low as possible, the LSA operates on a just in time delivery program. Without new deliveries, electrical power generating plants start to run short of fuel required to generate steam used to spin the turbines which generate electricity. President Bloomberg orders every LSA power generation plant to start rolling brown and black outs to stretch their existing fuel supplies as long as possible. At first the power goes off for two hours a day, within four days the electrical power is cut for five hours a day, within a week, there is power only three hours a day. People take to the streets protesting the lack of electricity and the lack of fuel oil. People are cold and tired of living in the dark. Crime, which the LSA boasted had been reduced, expanded quicker than at any time since records were kept. Gas is stolen from parked cars, gas stations find their underground tanks emptied. Generators are the newest ‘hot item’ to steal. Every existing generator is bolted to cement pads. The number of protesters grows daily. The LSA DepLIES increases the number of agents on the streets. People are arrested for talking about the problems in their own homes.




              The broadcasting crew is sitting in the FBO hanger at Portland, Oregon, airport waiting for instructions. The office manager motions to Wolf and Sean to come to her desk. They get up to meet with her. “Gentlemen, we’ve received word from the ‘Gray House’ that you can proceed to the Smith’s home to continue with the special program. We do have an issue; that being you are going to have to either supply fuel for your airplane to return to the USA after your broadcast this evening.”

              Wolf says, “Marsha that’s an illegal request in the LSA. If you don’t withdraw it, I’ll be forced to contact the DepLIES.”

              “Sir, you’re free to call whomever you’d like. Unless the DepLIES has Avgas you’re not going anywhere tonight or tomorrow, or anytime soon. Fuel is going to be worth more than gold very soon. Whatever amount we have or are getting is going to be used to bring us the most profit.”

              “Marsha, the DepLIES can make you fuel our airplane. You know changing prices isn’t allowed unless the Gray House approves it. You can’t raise the price of fuel or ask us to pay more for it.”

              “You can call anyone you would like to, the only way you’re going to be able to leave here is if whoever you call brings fuel. We didn’t get our delivery today. We don’t have enough fuel to fill your plane.”

              “That can’t be. You’re on the special delivery list. We need to get back to the USA tonight.”

              “Only if you have fuel.”

              Putting his phone back in his pocket, Wolf says, “We’ll see about that. The DepLIES will be here within twenty minutes.”

              Black armored SUVs pull into the FBO, five heavily armed agents dress in black exit the vehicles. “I’m DepLIES officer DeFranco, I understand you have refused
a legal request from the LSA media representative to refuel the special broadcast airplane.”

              “Officer DeFranco, I suggest you check our fuel tanks yourself, if you find the fuel to refill the airplane in question, we’d be happy to refuel it,
once we are paid for the fuel.”

              “Corporal Jackson, take four people with you and check the fuel tanks.”

              “Yes sir.” Five people jog towards the fuel tanks located at the south end of the FBO hanger. Minutes later the corporal is back, “Sir, the tanks are very low, there’s not enough fuel to fill the plane. In addition, the fuel that is left is very dirty.”

              “What happened here?”

              “Officer DeFranco, we didn’t get our delivery today. Unless the fuel is delivered we have nothing left to refuel any airplane with.”

              “Why didn’t the trucks arrive as usual?”

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