The Sparrowhawk Companion (9 page)

BOOK: The Sparrowhawk Companion
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Kenrick, Effney
Baroness of Danvers, mother of Hugh—Books 2-6
Kenrick, Garnet
Baron of Danvers, father of Hugh, brother of Basil—
Books 2-6
Kenrick, Guy
14th Earl of Danvers—Books 2-4
Kenrick, Hugh
Son of Garnet—Books 2-6
Kenrick, Sir Bowler
Ancestor—Book 2
Kenrick, Sir Stanier
Ancestor—Book 2
Knowlton, Samuel
Captain, Connecticut militia—Book 6
Lapworth, Mr.
Kidnapper—Book 1
Leggate, John
Actor/prop master—Book 1
LeGrand, Winslow
Dogmael Jones’s secretary—Book 5
Leigh, Major Adam
Middlesex Brigade—Book 1
Leith, Isham
Innkeeper, murderer—Book 1
Lennox, Charles
3rd Duke of Richmond—Book 4
Levesque, Paul
Brother of Madeline McRae—Book 3
Lumley, Ideona
Play character—Book 1
Manners, William
Lieutenant, Captain Tallmadge’s aide—Book 6
Marrable, Baron
Guest at Pumphrett concert—Book 2
Marriott, James
King’s advocate, pamphleteer—Book 5
Marsh, Romney
A.K.A. Redmagne, as author of
—Books 2-
3 Massie, Capt. John
Planter, Morland Hall—Book 3
Maupin, Gabriel
Silversmith, cabinet maker—Books 3-5
McDougal, Alex
Scottish trader—Book 2
McDougal, Duncan
Father of Alex—Book 2
McLeod & McDougal
Scottish trading partnership —Book 3
McLeod, James
Partner of McDougal—Book 2
McRae, Etáin
Daughter of Ian—All Books
McRae, Ian
Father of Etáin, Scottish factor—Book 3
McRae, Madeline
Mother of Etáin—Books 1-3
Mendoza, Jacob
Pippin: Abraham/Alcyone—Book 2
Mercer, George
Burgess for Frederick, stamp distributor—Book 5
Meredith, William
MP for Liverpool—Books 4-5
Meservy, Robert
Pippin: Tobius/Tayete—Book 2
Milgram House
Dorset, Kenrick residence—Books 2-3
Moffet, Dorothy
Wife of James, Morland Hall—Books 3-4
Moffet, James
Tenant, Morland Hall—Books 3-4
Molyneux, Thomas
MP for Haslemere —Book 5
Montagu, John
4th Earl of Sandwich —Book 5
Morley, Millicent
Redmagne’s mistress, Etáin’s governess—Book 1
Cooper, slave, Morland Hall—Book 3
Munford, Robert
Burgess, Mecklenburg, General Assembly—Book 4
Murray, John
Earl Dunmore, Governor of Virginia—Book 6
Murray, William
Baron Mansfield, Chief Justice, King’s Bench—Books 4-5
Musto, Charles
—Book 2
MP for Bristol—Book 2
MP for Craddock—Book 2
MP for Norwich—Book 2
MP for Nottingham—Book 2
MP for Oxford—Book 2
Junior Attorney-General—Book 2
Junior Solicitor-General—Book 2
Vicar of St. Brea’s, Gwynnford—Book 1
Sergeant, Sea Siren Tavern—Book 1
Nault, Henry
Warehouseman, Caxton—Book 5
Neaves, Mrs.
Wife of Spencer—Book 1
Neaves, Spencer
Merchant—Book 1
Nicholas, Robert C.
Burgess, York City, General Assembly—Books 4-6
Norris, Mr.
Easley’s clerk—Book 3
North, Frederick “Lord”
MP for Banbury—Books 4-5
Nugent, Robert
MP for Bristol—Book 4
O’Such, Rory
A.K.A. Redmagne—Book 1
Ockhyser, John
Overseer, Meum Hall—Book 3
Olland, Will
Warship—Book 5
Onslow, Arthur
MP for Surrey, Speaker for Commons—Book 2
Ornsby, Lady
Guest at Pumphrett House—Book 2
Otway, Henry
Planter, Caxton—Books 3-4
Otway, Maura
Wife of Henry—Books 3-4
Otway, Morris
Son of Henry—Books 3-5
Oyston, Mr.
Kidnapper—Book 1
Paine, Thomas
Excise man, Lincolnshire—Book 4
Pannell, Sir Henoch
MP for Canovan, Revenue man—Books 1-6
Parmley, Robert
Pastor, Trelow—Book 1
Parrot, Sir James
King’s Counsel, King’s Bench, Pippin Trial—Books 3-5
Passmore, George
Tenant, Morland Hall—Books 3-4
Pendleton, Edmund
Burgess, Caroline County, General Assembly—Book 4
Petty, Agnes
Daughter of Mabel—Book 2
Petty, Mabel
Owner, Fruit Wench tavern, London—Book 2
Pitt, George
MP for Dorset—Book 5
Pitt, William
MP for Bath—Book 5
Plume, Chester
Skelly Gang—Book 1
Slave, Meum Hall—Books 3-6
Pratt, Charles
Baron Camden, Chief Justice, Common Pleas—Book 5
Preeble, Mr.
Constable, Gwynnford—Book 1
Prescott, Col. Wm.
Massachusetts, Breed’s Hill—Book 6
Slave/Overseer, Meum Hall—Book 3-4
Proudlocks, John
Tenant, Oneidan Indian, Morland Hall—Book 3-6
Pumphrett, Warren
Brother of Chloe—Books 1-2
(Chloe) Wife of Henoch—Books 2-4
Pursehouse, James
Kenrick banking partner—Book 3
Putnam, Israel
Brig. General, Massachusetts—Book 6
Rachel, Miss
Servant girl, Talbot household—Book 3
Ragsdale, Eyre
Major, commander of 6th Marine Battalion—Book 6
Ramsey, Michael
Ensign, Battle of Minden—Book 3
Ramshaw, John
—Books 1-5
Randolph, John
Chief Clerk, General Assembly—Book 4
Randolph, Peter
Governor’s Council—General Assembly—Book 4
Randolph, Peyton
Attorney-General, Burgess, Williamsburg (brother of Peter and John, General Assembly)—Books 4-6
(Methuselah) A.K.A. Rory O’Such, et al.—Book 1
Reisdale, Thomas
Lawyer, Caxton—Books 3-5
Requardt, George
Captain, the
—Book 5
Rickerby, Nathan
Solicitor/landlord—Book 2
Rittles, Louise
Innkeeper, wife of Lucas—Book 3-4
Rittles, Lucas
Grocer, husband of Louise—Book 3-4
Rittles, Mr.
Hugh’s tutor—Book 2
Roane, George
Under-sheriff, Caxton—Book 3-4
Robichaux, Paul
Captain, French privateer—Book 1
Robins, Obedience
Business agent, Morland Hall—Books 3-6
Robinson, John
Speaker, Burgess, King & Queen—Books 4-6
Robinson, William
Rev., Commissary of Virginia—Book 4
Rowland, Thomas
Captain, The
—Books 2-4
Rudge, Mr.
Gwynnford merchant—Book 1
Runcorn, Owen
Hugh’s valet—Books 2-3
Russell, John
4th Duke of Bedford—Book 4
Sackville, Charles
MP for East Grimstead—Book 4
Sackville, George
MP for Hythe—Book 4
Safford, Steven
Proprietor, King’s Arms Tavern, Caxton—Books 3-6
Slave, Meum Hall—Book 3
Sargent, John
MP for West Looe—Book 5
Selwyn, James
Captain, 6th Marine Battalion—Book 6
Settle, William
Overlooker, Meum Hall—Book 3
Seymour, Henry
MP for Totnes—Book 5
Shakelady, Aubrey
Skelly Gang—Book 1
Shearl, Joseph
Carpenter, Meum Hall—Book 3
Shrubb, Richard
London alderman—Book 2
Skeats, Jubel
Sheriff, Gwynnford—Book 1
Skelly, Osbert
Augustus Magnus, gang leader, smuggler—Book 1
Smith, Champion
Slave—Book 3
Smith, John
A.K.A. Redmagne, original name—Book 1
Spears, Radulphus
Hugh’s valet, Meum Hall—Books 3-6
Spranger, Mr.
Philadelphia merchant—Book 2
Stanhope, Philip D.
4th Earl of Chesterfield—Books 4-5
Stanley, Hans
MP for Southampton Borough—Book 5
Stannard, Arthur
British tobacco agent, Caxton—Books 3-5
Stannard, Joseph
Son of Arthur—Books 3-6
Stannard, Winifred
Wife of Arthur—Books 3-6
Stark, Col. John
New Hampshire regiments, Breed’s Hill—Book 6
Sterling, Walter
, Hampton Roads—Book 5
Stobb, Mr.
Constable, Danvers—Book 2
Stodwell, Mr.
Bookseller—Book 2
Sutherland & Bain
Scottish tobacco importers, McRae’s firm—Books 3-6
Swain, Glorious
Pippin: Muir/Maia—Book 2
Swart, Amos
Planter, Brougham Hall—Book 3
Swart, Felise
Wife of Amos—Book 3
Sweeney, Daniel
Pippin: Claude/Celaeno—Book 2
Swire, John
Kenrick banking partner—Book 2
Talbot & Spicer
Merchants, Philadelphia—Books 2-4
Talbot, Otis
Merchant, Kenrick colonial agent—Books 2-5
Taller & Wyshe
Printers, London—Book 2
Tallmadge, Drew
Father of Roger—Books 2-3
Tallmadge, Francis
Brother of Roger—Book 2
Tallmadge, Roger
Hugh’s friend, officer, MP for Bromhead—Books 2-6
Threap, Caleb
Tenant, Morland Hall—Books 3-4
Tippet, Cabal
Sheriff, Caxton—Books 2-6
Tippet, Muriel
Wife of Cabal—Books 3-6
Topham, Moses
Carpenter, Morland Hall—Books 2-6
Townshend, Charles
MP for Harwich, Board of Trade—Books 4-5
Townshend, Thomas
MP for Whitchurch—Book 4
Tragle, Buell
Master of seized
—Book 6
Trantham, Drury
Hero of
—All Books
Treverlyn, Fulke
Prosecutor, Falmouth trial, MP for Old Boothby—Books 1-5
Trigg, John
A.K.A. Redmagne/“London” alias—Book 1
Trist, Toby
Play character—Book 1
Trott, Agnes
Daughter of Hiram—Book 1
Trott, Hiram
Owner, Sea Siren tavern—Book 1
Trott, Jim
Son of Hiram—Book 1
Tuck, Elmo
Cook, Skelly Gang—Book 1
Tucker, John
Kenricks’ coachman—Book 2
Turley, Jared
Bastard son of Earl (aka “Mr. Hunt”)—Books 4-6
Twycross, Hugo
Justice—presiding judge, Falmouth trial—Book 1
Vere, Ann
Housekeeper, Meum Hall—Books 3-6
Vishonn, Annyce
Daughter of Reece, marries Morris Otway—Books 3-4
Vishonn, Barbara
Wife of Reece—Books 3-6
Vishonn, James
Son of Reece—Books 3-6
Vishonn, Reece
Planter, Caxton—Books 3-6
Walthoe, Nathaniel
Clerk of the Virginia Council—Book 5
Ward, Artemas
Commander, Breed’s (Bunker) Hill—Book 6
Warren, Dr. Joseph
Massachusetts patriot—Book 6
Washington, George
Burgess, Frederick, General Assembly—Book 4
Weddle, Umphlett & Co.
London tobacco importers, Stannard’s firm—Book 2
Westcott, Emery
Portrait painter—Books 2-4
Whately, Thomas
MP for Ludgershall, Grenville’s secretary—Books 4-5
Wicker, James
Justice, Falmouth—Book 1

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