The Stargate Black Hole

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Authors: V Bertolaccini

Tags: #horror, #supernatural, #hard science fiction, #science fiction horror, #stargate, #particle accelerator, #new thrillers, #gateway to the stars, #classic adventure book, #movie sf

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The Stargate Black Hole


V Bertolaccini




edition published 2015 by CB

This is a
Smashwords edition 2015


Victor Bertolaccini




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characters in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance
to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental.




The Gateway


The black sphere in the Particle Accelerator
X3 chamber vanished behind Weaver as he hurtled out the

Startled cries
and last conversations of scientists swirled through his thoughts,
and taunted! Surely they had not used him deliberately! He could
not give a proper scientific account, if he survived, and a new
probe should be found!

Explosions of radiance of powerful stars
exploded through the wormhole stunning him, and he started
spinning, and a colossal whirlpool of lines of light magically
formed, and he studied it for a long time and realized that he had
no proper bodily presence, and he slowly lost consciousness.

He came to startled and realizing that he was
accelerating through the wormhole at hyper speed, and realized that
streaks of light shooting passed him were powerful outer suns!

It was a gateway but there was no exit point
and he could not guess what hideous place he could be thrown out!
Would he be smashed into particles or disintegrated into nothing by
being thrown out of something like a black hole?

How worse could the situation get? He could
be trapped there for eternity wishing he had died!

A black blur emerged ahead in a central
region of stars and drew his attention, and he started to recognize
detail in it, as it grew and he shifted into it, and when near it
he saw magnificent distant stars brightly shining in its

More powerful stars appeared near him and
spectacular white beams exploded out and he realized the tremendous
speed that he was traveling at!

The outer universe was appearing and
expanding all across his front, and he was shooting into it!

The stars were dazzling, which he could not
recognize! They filled space everywhere, and he was staggered that
they could even exist in their states!

A form like a black hole stretched out across
space all around his front and he wondered where he was being
thrown out, and something suddenly altered!

He sensed
something! Something of ancient origins existed there! Its
existence was all about him but he had no proper awareness of what!
He perceived that he was being transported to another destination,
and that
something was happening before he fully
entered the universe, where he would have taken human form and
would have suffocated in space, and he believed that he had entered
another gateway and that he was being transported away to another

The gateway had been advanced into something
else and he studied it shifting him around locations of space, and
an explosion of movement left him stunned but still firmly
believing in its safety, and he felt as though he was in something
this time, and that before he had been hurtling uncontrollably
through an uncontrolled gateway.

Again he felt something alter and that he had
reached another far more advanced gateway, which was not as ancient
and was far more advanced, and in vast leaps across the universe he
was instantaneously emerged and relocated, appearing in vast
strange and mind-bending star regions, emerging about him as though
he were floating through them, and he studied bright glowing star
constellations, and with mind-boggling powers, with an accuracy and
capacity inconceivable, it located a point in the universe, and he
sensed something strange, and it completed its voyage!


Part I


Particle Accelerator



Chapter 1


Moonbase X1


The explosion from the missile was tremendous
and smashed Lucas’s space vehicle to wreckage and sent it
somersaulting across the surface of the moon!

When he became conscious afterwards he was in
complete darkness and felt only metal and moondust beneath his
glove, and he realized that his spacesuit still had oxygen. Ever
bone in his body had to be smashed by the impact or the crash
afterwards and he was surely nearly dead!

The shattering tumble had surely smashed his
body beyond recovery and recognition!

Whoever fired the missile and smashed the
vehicle would soon check it and that he had been killed!

Whoever was after him had to be crazy beyond
anyone he had ever met and out for the kill, and surely stupid for
doing it at such a place! He could not visualize who was there and
just accepted that they might be trying to kill him for being a
leading scientist at Moonbase X1!

He remained confused at who could do it! He
had not even known that there was anyone else on the moon! Someone
had just destroyed an expensive American military space vehicle at
a confidential hidden American moonbase!

The lifeless sky through a gap in the remains
of the vehicle showed him stars and where he was trapped below the
wreckage, and the strange surrounding darkness was so peculiar and
empty that he was sure that death was due, and he imagined himself
at the outer limits of the universe, at the most distant point!

He moved and saw the Earth and was amazed
that it was actually there, at the only small gap and view of the
outer universe, as though there as a reminder that he should be
there instead of being on the moon, and he considered leaving there
if he survived!

The pain was now little and he started wonder
why, and he started to check his surroundings by feeling around him
and felt objects from all over the overturned vehicle about him,
and he started feeling his body and at the places where he had been
hit! The spacesuit had worked and had withstood taking any damage,
and there was no loss of air!

At first he thought it was exaggerated as
there had to be some damage to his body, but after a short while of
checking he realized that he had been lucky and had actually
avoided being another victim of the moon.

He felt around where he remembered there was
a small light, and he switched it on, and was surprised that the
interior about him looked far different now and he took a little
time examining objects about him, coming familiar with everything

It was odd he was alone on the moon himself
in darkness!

Once he started moving about he speeded up
checking his limbs for superficial damage and if he had damaged the
use of his legs, and realized his body was only sore.

His survey of the vehicle showed it to be
beyond repair, which he had known, but what left him staggered was
there was no way to communicate with the moonbase and all the
communication equipment was damaged!

Surely someone at the moonbase would check up
on him and realize that something had happened to his vehicle if
there was no response from it! Yet he knew what they were like
there and that they might do it days later! He was miles away from
the moonbase, with probably not enough oxygen left to make it

He had survived the impact! Yet was he better
off, and would he suffer a worse death later by suffocating an
agonizing death?

He quickly gathered all the stuff he needed,
found a way out of the vehicle, and stood outside it staring out
into the strange dark landscape, and at the planet Earth above and
its bright radiance over the landscape, thinking of the things that
he had intended to do if he returned home.

The sun was below the horizon and all he had
was the Earth and the stars!

He moved away as fast as he could towards the
moonbase and thought of it as another world! He realized that he
had not actually set foot on the moon’s surface and had only been
in space vehicles, and he was surprised at how different it was
from being in the moonbase, and the vehicle.

It was then that he spotted another vehicle
moving around and moved as fast as he could go over to some hills
to hide, and moved faster when he spotted missiles on the

A high-powered rifle blasted a rock in front
of him, with no sound, and he saw the impact and the danger, as it
smashed it to pieces, and he saw a rifle sticking out the

The surprise was it had more velocity and
impact there as there was no air or proper gravity, and he wondered
how far the bullet could actually travel.

He dived across mounds of moondust trying to
accelerate away, with the spacesuit and low gravity muddling his
perspective of movement, and he wondered if the spacesuit could be
made to stop a bullet. The strength of its materials was great!

He just managed to get behind a hill as the
next bullet arrived.

Whoever was there had to be crazy and
determined to kill him!

Surely it had to be someone from the moonbase

He did not recognize the vehicle and never
knew there were any missiles there, and wondered what use they
would be there!

Once he got behind other hills he started
finding different ways to use the low gravity and vast leaps to
move fast away.

The moonbase had to be located in the most
desolate place! Other countries had barely even put satellites in

He realized the deadly environment
surrounding him again as he studied it. The deadly cold was far
lower than anything on the Earth! It made him cringe and blindly
rush on through the mind-bending landscape, almost lost, still
trying to get back, even though he had to move behind hills to
avoid being seen.

He looked around a hill of rocks and saw that
they were moving away from him! But he knew that once they never
found him and any footprints that they would return to where he had
been and trace his movements in the moondust. So he deliberately
made it harder for them to trace him by rushing over rock areas and
changing his direction.

He knew he had finally hit the ultimate
deadly scenario! He never had enough air and was using up more and
more, and making it take longer to arrive at the moonbase! And
surely they would know where he was heading, and even find some
place to wait on him!

He could not even imagine having found a way
out of getting out of such a predicament! If he had remained in the
vehicle he would have ran out of air.

He increased the brightness of his spacesuit
light, avoiding the larger bright light, to see what there was
about him, and saw little that he never saw before!

What did these people want? Should he hand
himself over to them? Surely they might just keep him as a
prisoner? He could offer to give information about the confidential

Away behind him he saw some form of explosion
blast out from a missile, and knew that they had started following
his trail, and he decided to do a form of leaping and jogging to
accelerate him forward, as it was all he could do!

Once he started to get tired he started to
see the mistake in it, and thought of surrendering, and he suddenly
had an idea!

Why could he not attack their vehicle? He
knew where they would go and could ambush them! Yet he never had
any weapons or anything to do anything.

Yet he was sure he could get on the vehicle
without being seen, and there was no sound there!

He recalled a place further back where he had
seen two large hills with a small lane between them where he could
hide and make it onto the back of the vehicle. So he rushed away
over to his side where the other side of the hills was, where he
could rush there, and they would not see his prints returning

Just carrying it out and thinking of handling
the problem sent adrenalin rushing through his veins and he
increased his speed, and he was soon rushing along behind the
hills, over small rocks on the ground, and he started to examine
the rocks on the ground and realized that he had not left any
prints that showed where he was going there, and he entered the
canyon considering finding a hiding place on the hills.

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