The Stargate Black Hole (9 page)

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Authors: V Bertolaccini

Tags: #horror, #supernatural, #hard science fiction, #science fiction horror, #stargate, #particle accelerator, #new thrillers, #gateway to the stars, #classic adventure book, #movie sf

BOOK: The Stargate Black Hole
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The air blowing up smelt strange and he could
not recognize what it was, and he wondered why they had so much air
and were blowing it out, and he wondered what could be below. The
depth had to be great as he could not even see the bottom and he
had shifted down a large distance.

It was strange thinking of what Lucas the
scientist had been like with the deadly pursuers outside, and being
almost trapped there. Surely he had foreseen them not climbing down
after him!

He was stunned at the dangers that he had
been through and realized that it could only happen on a place like
the moon, and he wondered what was there that they wanted him dead

They were too deadly! They had destroyed
entire space vehicles with powerful military missiles!

No matter how he tried to shake it off and
contemplate anything below he never formed any stable recognitions,
as he had not seen anything like it, and he continued downwards
wondering if he was finally making his first major mistake.

He wondered if there were moonquakes! And he
stopped to examine an area where part of the metal tunnel had been
damaged by something, and he wondered if that was another reason
why they had chosen that region because there was not.

Yet they had underground hot water available
to them, for water and air, and that meant there could be some! But
he was sure that they were not major quakes.

Clouds of dust blew upwards blasting through
the wind rushing up and it swirled around him and through beams of
light and his shadows shifting about as he continued rushing down,
edging down into the darkness at the bottom and to some unknown
destination and future event, seeking to discover what was below
and to solve the accumulated mysteries.

He wondered what his chances of survival were
now and of accomplishing his mission and solving all the mysteries
and problems, and wondered if he was going to be killed later by
something stupid.

He moved down faster and wondered if Lucas
was still alive and if he could bring him back to the moonbase,
realizing the mistake he could be making and what could be below,
and thought of the trouble he would have getting back to the
surface and trying to find the vehicle in the dark strange surface,
and wondered what Lucas was doing if he was still alive.

He examined how the tunnel had been built
with some interest in detail trying to grasp some aspect of the
builders of it, while glimpsing parts of the shaft overhead, and
was surprised again at the extensive detail and that everything was
built to perfection and he considered the expense of its

He had always wanted to investigate such
great mysteries and he could not believe that he was actually on
the moon! He had fantasized doing such things but he had never for
one moment thought that he would do it! They had actually been
building and staying in moonbases since the moon landings!
Incredible! He had not even heard a suggestion of it being carried
out, and the people that created fantasy situations of it had given
future scenarios and moonbases constructed out of building
materials fitted together on the surface and had not built
underground constructions that had water and air supplies, which
could easily be supplied with places to grow all the food, which he
had not been able to confirm existed in anyway, and was sure that
they had all the food and their other stuff just brought in. They
preferred professional Earth products than homegrown products.

He was exploring the unexplored and wondered
what unknown phenomena existed on the moon! The land available to
explore on the moon could well exceed the Earth, with most of the
Earth being underwater and ice! Look at all the discoveries found
on the Earth over centuries, and according to the information he
had seen they had hardly even explored any of the moon!

He had at one time wanted to be an explorer
but there was nothing really left on the Earth to explore! He
wanted to explore more and find some new major discovery! He had
wanted to explore and discover new things of value and

What treasures could be hidden away in such
regions of the moon, with it being so unexplored?

What was he dealing with here though? Why
were they trying to kill people out here? What the hell were these
scientists really working on? Were they just trying claim massive
research funds or something? Were they protecting something that
they had invented that they intended to use?

Something of unfathomable unidentifiable
nature was lurking there in darkness, and he could not grasp it no
matter how hard he tried! Nothing he knew of was good enough to
explain it!

As he lowered himself progressively he
started to realize the depth of it and wondered what the hell he
was letting himself in for! He had hardly been on the moon and had
found incredible occurrences everywhere! It was like lowering
himself into the depths of hell!

People being on other worlds fascinated him
and he wondered what it really would be like and all the things
that they had missed and what mysteries were hidden out there! They
had hardly explored anything of the moon and most of the scientists
acted like the whole place had been checked! Satellite scans and
probes could not show vast amounts of things! The probes barely
even checked a small region of miles! A human could check in a day
what they took years to check!

Weaver stopped and rested, realizing how
tired he had become, and took a drink and some food before

There was something not right! Something
secretively had been built there and he could not grasp what and
why it was being covered up, and he considered if it was the
Russians there. Had the Russians built a moonbase there like at Ice
Station X1?

He realized the implications of it and that
he could get trapped there, and wondered what was below. But he had
to check what was there, no matter what! He could not let it go,
and he had to survive and get the information back!

He wiped his forehead with a handkerchief and
shoved it back in his spacesuit, and continued.

The warm air seemed to get warmer as he got
lower and he kept thinking that he had arrived at his final
destination because of it, and he wondered what could produce so
much hot air and how much fuel would be wasted generating it, and
wondered how much fuel they would have to bring in to supply it if
it was, and realized that they could easily create hydrogen from

He realized that they could probably also use
atomic fuel to power it, but why did they need so much?

The tunnel was incredibly and uniquely
drilled and fitted with a metal pipe and made with incredible
precision, and he knew it had to belong something advanced. What he
could not work out was what would be built there and how they had
managed to build anything so low below the ground on the moon. Even
though the other moonbases were very deep, but the fact still
fascinated him, especially as he had not believed it possible or
possible for decades for them to be able to do anything!

A silent thud echoed up from below making him
jump and listen intensely and eventually he looked down trying to
find something, and considered putting his light up to see better,
if there was anything dimly lighted there, but he saw that it was a
freak air gust moving something below and he tried to guess the
distance to where if had come from, if it had come from the bottom
on the tunnel.

When the bottom finally appeared he stopped
and stared in wonder, and considered what was in the deep blackness
there and what he was putting himself into!

He was mainly left confused over what was
there, in the depths of the moon, out in deep space, and wondered
how long his spacesuit light lasted. Yet its radiance was about the
same and he realized that it could start going out quickly!

What would the outcome of his investigations
be? Would he even find anything? What could be there?

When he reached the bottom he was too busy
focusing on getting there fast to see anything other than a metal
floor, and he only looked around him when he had got off the

All around him he saw metal tunnels moving
air about, as part of a large ventilation system and he wondered
what it was all needed for, and he heard something nearby
powerfully blowing out air through one of the tunnels and he
immediately started crawling through the tunnel to see what was
there and he came across ventilation openings, and he looked for
people but never saw anyone or anything that he recognized!

He continued searching and eventually came to
where the noise came from and where the air was being produced from

He moved further along and came to a large
ventilation opening supplying an immense chamber, where he saw in
the dim light a large artificial black object resting in the
central region, which went out and vanished somewhere in the
distance, in darkness, and he examined what he could properly see
and tried to see the roof a hundred feet above, and it going higher
further in, and he gasped and wondered what hell he was looking

It surely was an alien voyager in the
chamber, and he wondered if they had found it there deep beneath
the surface of the moon!

He entered the chamber after removing the
ventilation cover and explored over to its side and discovered
immense amounts of highly advanced equipment and he examined the
controls and realized how new it was, and he traced cables from

It all seemed centered around and monitoring
the immense strange black voyager at the center!

He was staggered and yet it was strange and
it never fully resembled an alien voyager, and it even resembled an
immense black submarine! Yet it was like the voyager found at Ice
Station X1! It had the same material and everything! It had no
openings and was solid, and he believed it was some form of

He was staggered and exhausted and could not
understand any of it! They surely could not have put it there and
it had to have been found there!

How could anyone have been able to hide and
carry out such an operation there without being noticed?

He realized again that it could have been
built before the other moonbases had been constructed and that it
could well have been a hidden part of them! There could be an
underground connection! Whatever it was it had to have been even
more secretive than anything else!

He realized the danger that he was in and he
had to get out and have the thing investigated and find who was
behind it!

Yet he realized he should investigate it
further, and decided to check it further, and he quickly returned
to where he had been and did his best to remove all signs that he
had been there and got ready to make a quick exit, and he started
investigating everything he could find!

An eerie sensation gripped him after a while
and he examined computers, searching for answers, checking
everything! He sensed something weird was there, which he could not


Chapter 12


The Particle Accelerator


Weaver had hunted through complex computer
data on the origins of the voyager for what must have been hours
until they had detected his presence, and he was sure they had only
allowed him to live to explain how he had got there!

To his surprise he had been put in a cell at
the moonbase with Lucas, and he realized that he had completed the
mission of locating Lucas on the moon!

Lucas looked ragged and had been trapped in
the cell on his own for a long time! Grunts and sounds Lucas gave
took strange tones about the strange underground low gravity cell,
and Weaver could scarcely believe that he was the leading

Weaver had to strain his eyes to see him in
the dimness, while he considered what he had, and he decided to try
to solve his accumulated queries and he started by giving him
information on himself, and he finally asked what he had on the

Its origins are not an alien source!”
Lucas announced, biting his lower lip hard.

Weaver wondered if he was giving facts or
theorizing, and swiftly replied, “How did you find out?”

They questioned me and I gave them my
identity! They checked up on me! They trust me now and reveal
confidential information! But they are not letting me go as I know
too much!”

He clearly was not positive if they would
allow him to survive, and they were clearly waiting for something
to happen!

From what origins is the voyager?” he
asked firmly.

Its origins are you!”

Weaver gasped and immediately laughed out
loud, seeing he was being comical!


It originates from you!”

Weaver thought he had either gone mad or he
had after being hit on the head.

The material that object you call a
voyager is in fact the material that you discovered at Ice Station
X1. You gave them the alien sphere of the indestructible material,
which the alien voyager there was made of, which had a microfilm
in, and they managed to find out how to make it!”

Weaver gasped and recalled the alien sphere,
and him handing it over to his military intelligence agency, and
that it had been the only object that they had left from the alien

They discovered how to make it then!
But how did they manage to build a replica of the

They never! They used it for something

Weaver could not understand, and recalled
wondering if they could in fact use it and of what use it would

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