The Stargate Black Hole (11 page)

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Authors: V Bertolaccini

Tags: #horror, #supernatural, #hard science fiction, #science fiction horror, #stargate, #particle accelerator, #new thrillers, #gateway to the stars, #classic adventure book, #movie sf

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Explosions of radiance of powerful stars
exploded through the wormhole stunning him, and he started
spinning, and a colossal whirlpool of lines of light magically
formed, and he studied it for a long time and realized that he had
no proper bodily presence, and he slowly lost consciousness.

He came to startled and realizing that he was
accelerating through the wormhole at hyper speed, and realized that
streaks of light shooting passed him were powerful outer suns!

It was a gateway but there was no exit point
and he could not guess what hideous place he could be thrown out!
Would he be smashed into particles or disintegrated into nothing by
being thrown out of something like a black hole?

How worse could the situation get? He could
be trapped there for eternity wishing he had died!

A black blur emerged ahead in a central
region of stars and drew his attention, and he started to recognize
detail in it, as it grew and he shifted into it, and when near it
he saw magnificent distant stars brightly shining in its

More powerful stars appeared near him and
spectacular white beams exploded out and he realized the tremendous
speed that he was traveling at!

The outer universe was appearing and
expanding all across his front, and he was shooting into it!

The stars were dazzling, which he could not
recognize! They filled space everywhere, and he was staggered that
they could even exist in their states!

A form like a black hole stretched out across
space all around his front and he wondered where he was being
thrown out, and something suddenly altered!

He sensed
something! Something of ancient origins existed there! Its
existence was all about him but he had no proper awareness of what!
He perceived that he was being transported to another destination,
and that
something was happening before he fully
entered the universe, where he would have taken human form and
would have suffocated in space, and he believed that he had entered
another gateway and that he was being transported away to another

The gateway had been advanced into something
else and he studied it shifting him around locations of space, and
an explosion of movement left him stunned but still firmly
believing in its safety, and he felt as though he was in something
this time, and that before he had been hurtling uncontrollably
through an uncontrolled gateway.

Again he felt something alter and that he had
reached another far more advanced gateway, which was not as ancient
and was far more advanced, and in vast leaps across the universe he
was instantaneously emerged and relocated, appearing in vast
strange and mind-bending star regions, emerging about him as though
he were floating through them, and he studied bright glowing star
constellations, and with mind-boggling powers, with an accuracy and
capacity inconceivable, it located a point in the universe, and he
sensed something strange, and it completed its voyage!


Chapter 15


The Stars


For a moment he
had a weird sensation of something happening, as he came to, and he
opened his eyes and examined his body!

He had emerged
somewhere out of the gateway but he was in complete darkness! He
realized how little he remembered of anything! He could not recall
anything from some point in the gateway where he had lost
consciousness, and had no recall of anything after! It felt like an
incredible amount of time had passed, and he could not recall why,
and he realized that it could have been the time effects of the

He realized that he had actually survived,
and what must be the most dangerous mission and anything that he
had ever undertaken, and he realized that he could have actually
avoided the whole lot and the discovery of the gateway if he had
not given them the indestructible material, and he considered his
earlier thoughts of it at the ice station and what value it would
have if they recreated it!

In the surrounding blackness he thought he
saw something shift, which he examined, and as his eyes adjusted he
saw a faint blue radiance, which he considered as a star, but he
made a closer examination of his surroundings by feeling around him
and felt he was in something artificial, in some form of structure,
and he felt a hard floor and he stood up, in his weakened state,
and felt slightly sick, and dizziness, and held himself firmly

When he felt better he felt a faint vibration
from something running through a wall and touched it and tried to
realize what it was, and what material it was, but he was unable
to, and knew he had to have light to realize anything!

He returned to staring at where the faint
blue radiance was and finally realized that he was actually in some
form of room and looking at a crack in the structure.

He considered if he had been mistaken and if
it was some form of reflection, but now in a more alert state he
positively recognized it was what he had attained it to be.

He gently approached the crack, which went
into something, and watched it create a vague beam of blueness
along a black wall. He could not imagine what it could be! What
could be there?

For a second his emotions ran amok thinking
of the incredible experience and voyage through the universe he had
taken, virtually on the brink of existence, seeing the spectacular
view of the universe and what it really was!

In the darkness he felt an eerie sensation
that the place was stranger! He sensed a presence, as though
something was nearby, and he wondered if it was at the blueness
through the crack!

He slowly moved up to the crack and was
dreamily observing it when he started to realize that it was an
entrance to somewhere, and he realized that it was a door and he
gripped it and pushed its black shape, and it opened out, and
strange lights blasted out at him everywhere, giving flashes and
beams of radiance!

He staggered in, feeling how sore and tired
his legs were, trying to see the interior and it became more
perceptible and he saw a room full of beaming colored lights and

To his side he spotted speckles in the
darkness there, and he moved further over, and realized that he was
glaring out at the stars of deep space!

He actually was on a moon station in the
depths of the stars!

He realized that the gateway had locked onto
the nearest object and best place to situate him and that he was
out on some moon!

He searched through the blur of controls in
the dim room, only lighted by controls, looking for anything
familiar, daring not to touch anything.

He realized it was actually out in the
deepest depths of the stars! Galaxies away from where any human had
gone before!

It seemed to be desolate, left out in the
depths of space, endlessly trapped in time and space.

His thirst for knowledge was increasing and
he insisted in checking everything that he could and he suddenly
spotted the room that he had appeared there in and he realized that
it was strange and he attempted to examine it in the lights from
the controls, now that he could see it, and he realized that it had
to be some form of gateway, which used the wormhole, and that he
had appeared there as it had been open, and he knew there might be
a way to return through it!

Other locations were surely there! How could
he travel back to the moon? Then he spotted something at the side
of the doorway, and that there were forms of controls on the

On his approach he spotted a form of screen
and a line of dots going down its side and he pressed the first and
was amazed when the screen lit up and showed a view of a dark

He remained there, moving his head at
different angles trying to see what was there, and moved back to
see it better and he saw the room, which he had appeared there in,
had vanished and there was a gateway, and region of blackness
identical to the blackness at the center of the gateway at the

He put his hand into it and realized there
was no pull and it was far more advanced than the Moonbase X3

He leapt in it and rushed through a wormhole
and yellow globes became visible, and his vision adjusted and he
saw the place that had been on the screen further out and he
entered there and saw that it was a dimly lit narrow corridor, and
he turned around and saw that he had been in an identical room to
the one at the other place and that it had a screen and controls at
its side.

At a distant region of the corridor it
abruptly darkened, where the lights did not go any further, and he
saw that it was the corridor of something, and he moved away from
the gateway to it.

Corridors went out endlessly all along it,
and he examined everything, and he sensed the size of the structure
was colossal!

He walked into the darkness at the end of it
until an entrance finally appeared in front of him, and he opened
it, not seeing where he was going, and his side hit something!

In amazement he saw that he was no longer
just in darkness and that a large translucent dome surrounded him,
and he turned, and his entire sight filled with the stars of deep

It was an observation point of a starship,
and it was designed so it gave the observer a view that was
identical to being in space and being surrounded by stars. The
black floor and starship was barely visible behind him.

A distant sound startled him and he could not
realize what could create it, and it sounded like it was caused by
a living thing, and he realized how alone he was there. Perhaps
more alone than any human in history! He was in the deepest deep
space itself! Endless light years away from the solar system!

He was positive that it had been the noise of
something though, and he gently shifted himself away, making faint
moving sounds. And he moved towards where he heard it.

In the dim starlight he shifted into the
corridor and spotted a closed entrance on the wall, where he was
sure the sound came from, and he silently opened it revealing a
dark interior, with some lighted controls.

He examined them wondering how fast the
starship was traveling, and realized that it must travel at many
times the speed of light or the starship would be useless!

He returned to the wormhole gateway, and on
approaching it he spotted the form of screen and line of dots going
down its side, and he pressed the first that he saw and was amazed
when the screen lit up and showed a view of a bright place, and he
entered the wormhole, and the darkness swiftly turned to blinding
light and he could not see at first, until his eyes started
adjusting, and he saw he was in a type of tunnel about his size,
about him, made of translucent material, and below he suddenly saw
an incredible world covered in bright blue water, glowing in
intense brightness!

He was sure if the light had been more
powerful it could blind him, and he watched reflections of strange
objects in the water of the world below, and he watched distorted
shapes and a distorted sun, which seemed magnified.

He was on some form of colossal space
station, surrounded by other forms of space stations with
tremendous sizes, stretching out for miles all about him, with
networks of translucent tunnels, with large round and square

The sun there was of an incredible size and
he realized that the place might have been built an incredibly long
time ago and that the sun had increased in size for some

He entered a spherical bulge of transparent
material, connected to another translucent tunnel, which went on
into the distance.

Stars shone at his side intensely, as he
clumsily rested.

Another large world’s sphere was shining in
space, at his side. It was completely different, and he could
barely believe that it was a normal world.

Further along, he spotted a region, and he
stood staggered, where he spotted a region of the space station
with an even more colossal size, stretching out for hundreds of
miles all about it, in networks of translucent tunnels, with large
round and square bulges that had sizes that were in miles.

After a long time, of observing everything,
he returned to the wormhole gateway and made his way back to the

In the darkness of the starship he stood
shocked at what he had seen and he realized that he did not know
how to properly handle an alien encounter with a highly advanced
race! How could he communicate with them? Other locations surely
had them! The dangers were immense and he considered what would
happen if they found the gateway at Moonbase X3, and he was sure
they could not deal with such an advanced civilization! If they
were deadly it would be the end of everything!

On his approach to the screen and line of
dots going down its side he gasped, and gasped more every time he
pressed a button and saw a new location on the screen, and stood
amazed when he saw one with a view of a bright place, as he
recognized something, and amidst a blur he saw it was a view
through a rotating sphere form at the center of a chamber, and he
spotted the scientists at the moonbase faintly visible about its

The starship

s technology was incredible and he
somehow sensed there had to be something there on how it worked and
he returned to where all the controls in the room had been and
looked around until he found a hidden away screen.

He looked through information on it, which he
could not decipher, and searched for anything to do with the
starship and started photographing diagrams and drawings of it and
information with it, and photographed everything he could, using a
device he had, and for hours he continued on going, until he was
sure he had everything, and what he wanted, and returned to the
wormhole gateway, and decided to return!

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