The Sweetest Revenge (The Pregnancy Affair Book 2) (4 page)

BOOK: The Sweetest Revenge (The Pregnancy Affair Book 2)
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“Give me your seed Zane I love you.”
My name on her lips, coupled with those words sent me over the edge and I
emptied inside her for the third time that night.

Sometime in the early hours of the
morning we finally pulled apart but only long enough to roll to our sides and
back into each other’s arms. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d felt this at
peace, this whole, this complete. Tomorrow I will find her a ring, and I might
as well get started looking for the perfect house, that’s when I had the most
evil thought, well one of them anyway.

There was this house in a
neighborhood not far from ours that Zola had always lusted after, I have to
admit it was a beaut, but I’d just never seen the sense in selling only to move
a few streets over that had been my argument each time she’d even hinted at it;
the truth is maybe subconsciously I’d not wanted to do that with her. The house
was arguably the nicest in the surrounding neighborhoods, it had acres and
acres of land and was situated in a way that made it seem as if it ruled over
the others, that’s why she’d wanted it, she’d wanted to lord it over her
friends. Tomorrow I was going to see about buying that house for Elena.

In the morning I remembered to give
her a soothing bath something I should’ve done to ease the soreness from her
little pussy the night before but had been too tired to do.

“Sit there while I go wrestle you up
something to eat; you do have food in the kitchen right?”

She nodded not really paying me too
much attention as she enjoyed the warm water on her sore muscles, funny, I felt
loose and relaxed and full of energy after the night we’d had.

In the small kitchen I found a couple
eggs in the fridge and a few slices of cheese and some bread, enough to make an
omelet but we were gonna need to go food shopping soon, I wanted her to eat
healthy starting now, my kid was going to have every chance in this world from
the womb till he made an appearance. My kid, the thought made me smile and made
my heart do the strangest things, it was so unbelievable to me that just a few
short months ago I had thought this would never be then after that phone call
I’d gone to a place of darkness that I wasn’t sure I’d be able to crawl out
from, now here I was looking forward to this amazing thing once more.

I pulled my cellphone from my pocket
to see if there’d been any missed messages. I’d turned it off before leaving my
car last night I hadn’t wanted her presence here in case she gave enough of a
shit to call when I didn’t show up. The screen showed a few missed calls but
they were all from the morning; huh. I checked them and listened to her find
excuses for my absence, like oh you must’ve gone in early this morning because
you weren’t here when I got up and hoping I got to the bottom of whatever the
issue was quickly. I guess when I’d lain on the bed last night while talking to
Elena it had left it looking as though I’d slept there and Zola knew due to my
military training I never left my bed unmade from habit. Dodged that bullet, I
wasn’t too much looking forward to lying no matter how much I hated her ass.
Now I really had to speed things up before they became more complicated, I’d
given myself six months to square everything away but I hadn’t factored in
meeting a hot young coed and falling for her, not so soon after being gutted by
the bitch. The buyer for the house was no problem he was so hot to buy he
wanted us gone yesterday I would just have to rearrange a few things was all.
The financial situation was under wraps she hadn’t gotten a whiff of anything,
every month I put a certain amount into checking to make it seem as if things
were still the same there but I made sure not to leave a penny more than was
absolutely necessary.

I felt arms go around my middle as I
stood in front the stove.

“Umm, I love waking up to you in the

I lifted one arm and pulled her
around in front of me. “You do
you why is that?” I
nuzzled her neck as she rested against my chest.

“It feels right waking up in your
arms, like it was meant to be you know.”

“Yeah I know beauty, you had a nice

“Yep my little kitty isn’t so sore

“She was that bad?”

I pusher her away slightly to look
down at her, make sure she was okay.

“Well you did batter her pretty good
last night and this morning.”

“Too much?” I picked her up her legs going
around me her naked pussy going right over my bulge.

“Nope, I liked it, I told you, I love
having you inside me.”

I used the fingers of one hand to
test her pussy’s wetness, she was wet and slick from her bath and still a
little swollen when I pushed two big fingers inside her but she moaned and
clung tighter to me before searching out my mouth with hers. I fumbled around
beneath her and pulled my zipper all the way down releasing my cock which
bounced up and hit her in the ass once before settling. I lifted her enough to
line my dick up with her sweet cunt and pulled her down on me standing right
there in the kitchen. Reaching over I turned the stove off I’ll just take her
to breakfast later. I walked to the closest wall and leaning her back against
it started to fuck her the only way I could. No matter how much I told myself
to take it easy to go slow, once I got inside her there was no control. Her
pussy fucking owned me.

“I love your fucking pussy baby,
she’s so hot and tight and perfect and mine, all mine no one else’s ever. Mine,
mine, mine, mine, mine.” I pounded out each word as she held on for dear life,
when I couldn’t get as deep as I wanted into her I took her to the floor and
pulling her legs up over my shoulders opened her up for my hammering cock that
just wanted to plunder. I didn’t care about the hard floor or the fact that she
was new to this all that mattered was cumming inside her over and over again. I
wanted her pregnant now right fucking now. My heart felt as if it would burst
as I pounded out my need in her.

“Please baby, please, please,
please.” I wasn’t quite sure what I was begging for, I just knew it was the
most important thing in my life at that moment to get her with child and when I
came buried deep beyond her cervix, my seed washing her womb, I sent up a
silent prayer that I had succeeded.

Chapter 5

I took her to the next town over for
breakfast and made sure she ate every bite, she seemed more relaxed than usual
and her beauty was even more pronounced than usual. I ordered for her which she
seemed to like, as well as the way I opened doors for her and strapped her into
the car. Little things that I love doing for my woman things that I now
realized I hadn’t really had much joy in in a long time. We held hands and
stole kisses while whispering softly to each other as we waited for our food to
We talked about her schooling
and how she would continue with that even after the pregnancy she still had a
few years left and I promised we’d work it out but I also let her know that she
would be raising our kids, the two of us together. I wasn’t having kids for
someone else to have the joy of raising no
wanted to be there for all their first. I was planning on taking leave for the
first six months of my kid’s life anyway but now I was thinking more and more
of moving my office to the house. Yes I’d still have the office in the city I
had almost thirty employees after all but there was no reason as owner and CEO
of my own business that I couldn’t work from home and I’d see about delegating
some more for those out of town jobs. Some of my younger guys loved to travel
and they were trained well enough that I could trust them to get the job done.

She ate a healthy breakfast and I
teased her about getting her caffeine intake now because she wasn’t going to be
touching the stuff once we knew she was pregnant. “Are you always going to be
this dictatorial?”

“Yes, problem?” It really didn’t
matter at this point if she had one or not I just thought I’d ask to get it out
in the open, deal with it once an for all.

“Nope no problem
just checking.”

“I’m an ex marine babe, giving orders
is in my blood, you’ll get used to it, so will our kids, I’m not exactly a
tyrant but I like things done my way; I’ll try not to take out what was done to
me in the past on you but you’re gonna have to learn how to live with a husband
who needs to control you.” I looked at her with my serious face so she knew I
meant every word, the way she looked back at me I knew she was getting what I
was saying which was all that mattered. After the hell I’d lived through for
the past few months knowing that my innocent children were slaughtered and that
the woman I’d loved and thought loved me in return was nothing but a two timing
troll I wasn’t about to take any chances not with my heart and not with the
lives of my sons and daughters. When she didn’t say anything I went back to my

“Eat your breakfast beauty, you have
classes this evening?”

“Yeah, two classes to be exact
starting at six.”

“Okay, I’m going to take the day off
and we’re going to pack your stuff is there anything in the apartment that you
can’t live without, do we need a moving truck?”

“No the place came already furnished
so I really just have my clothes and my books.”

“That’s good then we can probably
knock that out in one afternoon.”

We ate and discussed her move and how
we were going to work that, I noticed that every time talk of me having to go
back to the house came up she grew tense. It was totally understandable after
all it was one thing having phone conversations for a month and quite another
to lay beneath a man and give him your innocence only to have him go home to
his wife, a wife you knew nothing about really except for what this man had
told you. Taking her hand across the table I studied her as I kissed her fingers.

“Thanks for trusting me, I know how
hard that is to come by.” I made a decision then and there and hoped I was
doing the right thing.

“You done?”

She was down to picking at the food
on her plate so I guess she’d had her fill, I paid the bill and left a hefty
tip before leading her out the door, on the way back I decided to drive by the
coveted house to see what her reaction would be. Without saying a word or
giving her any hints of any kind I watched her as she craned her neck for a
better view as we went by. She didn’t say anything as she settled into her seat
but I saw the gleam in her eye. That settled it then, looks like we won’t be in
the penthouse for too long.

When we got back to her place I
excused myself to make a call in the living room while she packed her stuff in
the bedroom. “Greg hey it’s Zane listen something came up and I need to move
things ahead how long did you say it would take to get the divorce finalized in

“A few days sounds perfect I’ll have
the signed papers to you tomorrow the latest.” We threw around some ideas for a
minute or two before hanging up, I’d decided there was no way I was going to
hurt her by going back to the house where Zola lived, not after last night, why
the fuck would I hurt her for that bitch? There was no reason to really I had
everything in place and I had no fear about having her sign the papers under
false pretenses I had the photos of her escapades not to mention her boss’s,
I’m sure she wouldn’t want that getting around and she knows that I was a mean
bastard when crossed I’ll have that shit on the six o’clock news and as high
profile as they both were I was sure they wouldn’t want that. I could probably
use that knowledge to get her to sign the papers anyway but where was the fun
in that? I wanted her to be surprised when served with notice that the house
had been sold out from under her, I wanted her to be lost in the wind when she
realized that the husband she had fucked over had gotten over on her in the

I walked into the bedroom to see what
had now become my favorite ass sticking out of the closet, the soft jeans she
wore fit snug and showed off the round firmness of her cheeks. I walked over
and bent far enough to run my hands over her. “Don’t move.” I opened my pants
and got down behind her and reaching under her unzipped her and raised her top
and bra before pulling her pants and panties down to her thighs. I sniffed her
sweet smelling pussy before licking it getting her nice and ready for my cock.

“Umm…” She pushed back trying to get
more of my tongue which I gave to her, her juices were sweet on my tongue as I
lapped at her before nibbling her clit from behind and using two fingers to
open her up. She was still tight as fuck and so warm, I couldn’t wait to get
into her again.

I eased into her pulling her back
until her ass touched my groin then I started fucking her with long deep
strokes being sure to butt against her cervix every time, until I was sure she
was breeding all my seed was going directly into her womb, I knew fucking her
that deep all the time would make her sore eventually so I wouldn’t do it
forever, just until I was sure my baby was nestled inside her.

I played around in her ass with my
fingers making her squeeze down on my cock even harder. “Are you gonna fuck my

“Not yet beauty soon, very soon.” I
couldn’t wait to get into her ass but it will have to wait I’d waited too long
for my dream of being a father to be fulfilled I wasn’t taking any chances of
wasting sperm no way, not now when I was so close to the goal. I reached up and
under her taking her nipples between my fingers and pulling, she rotated her
hips around my cock.

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