The Trials of Gregg (10 page)

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Authors: Stephani Hecht

Tags: #GLBT, #Gay, #Paranormal, #Erotic Romance, #Shapeshifter

BOOK: The Trials of Gregg
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Daniel nodded. “I know. I talked this morning to her teachers at school, and they basically told me that she’s been acting the same way there, too. They’re really worried about her.”

Gregg leaned forward in his seat. “I’ve been doing everything I can for her. Please, don’t take her away from me.”

Daniel blinked a few times. “Who ever said anything about taking her away from you?”

Gregg pulled back, more confused than ever. “I thought you were calling us in here to tell us you were banning our father from the cast. He was already banned from our former cast for his drinking. That’s why he followed me here.”

“Oh, make no mistake about it. After that little performance your father put on this morning, he’s going to be banished. I’ve ignored his drinking for far too long. Plus, there’s proof he’s been dabbling in TAR.”

Gregg let out a gasp. Now that was news to him. TAR was a highly addictive and illegal form of shifter drug. It made the user violent, and if his father was using it, then it would lead to instant banishment. While most leaders would look the other way as far as the booze went, the same couldn’t be said about the drug. Not when it was so destructive. Shifters had been known to go homicidal on that stuff.

“TAR?” Gregg echoed. “I had no idea. Do you have any idea how long he’s been using it?”

“For the better part of a year,” Daniel said.

That would explain why things had been even worse than usual over the past several months. Gregg ran a shaking hand through his hair. He couldn’t believe they had been living with somebody who was on that stuff. That their father had been so reckless. What if he’d had a bad reaction and turned on Gregg or worse Tiffy? Gregg had just assumed she was safe all this time because his father ignored her, but what if he had harmed her in a TAR rage because she had looked like their mother? The thought of it terrified Gregg so much he was almost sick to his stomach.

“That’s okay, babe,” John soothed. “You didn’t know.”

“But I should have. There had to have been some signs I missed or something,” Gregg insisted. “And now he’s going to have Tiffy with him.”

“Again, I ask who said anything about Tiffy leaving here?” Daniel questioned.

Surprised, Gregg looked over at him. “Cast laws state if a member is exiled, their minor children go with them. It’s always been that way.”

“Screw the laws. If anybody thinks I’m going to send a poor little girl with a drug addict, they’re crazy,” Daniel said.

Gregg sucked in a breath. “So does that mean Tiffy gets to stay with me?”

“If your mate is willing, then yes,” Daniel said.

Joy and relief surged through Gregg, rendering him speechless. He was going to get to keep his sister, and they were going to be free of their father. It seemed too good to be true, yet there it was, actually happening. Gregg didn’t know whether to hug Daniel or fall down onto his knees in gratitude.

“Of course I’m willing,” John said. “In fact, I would consider it an honor.”

“You would have to move to this wing of the building. I think it’s best if we don’t uproot Tiffy from her current home. She’ll be going through enough changes as it is, and she’s in a fragile state,” Daniel said.

“That’ll be no problem,” John assured him.

“When will you be banishing my father?” Gregg asked.

“It’ll be by the end of the day. I’ll do it in private. I won’t make it a public one. You guys have already suffered enough humiliation on his behalf,” Daniel said.

Gregg had never considered himself luckier to have such a good leader. Turning to John, Gregg asked, “Are you sure you really want this?”

John leaned in and kissed Gregg. “Are you kidding? I finally have something I’ve always wanted—a real family and a man to love. I’m the happiest Lion in the world. Between the two of us, we’ll make sure that Tiffy gets better, and we’ll build a great future together.”

Gregg smiled. That sounded like what he had always dreamed of and never dared hope would come true, too. He did get his storybook ending after all. All thanks to his lost shifter.




“But it will hurt them,” she protested.

Gregg bit the inside of his cheek to stop from laughing. Especially when John got a
expression on his face. While John loved Tiffy to death and spoiled her to a fault, there were times when he had trouble relating to her as a girl. It looked like this would be one of those days.

It had been six months since his father was banished, and everybody seemed to have forgotten about it. Sure, there were still the occasional remarks thrown Gregg’s way, but they were getting fewer and farther apart.

He, John and Tiffy were at the park. John was teaching Tiffy to fish, or rather he was
to. Tiffy seemed to have a sentimental side when it came to putting live worms on hooks.

“The worm doesn’t feel it,” John told her.

She put one hand on her hip and gave him
the look
. The one that let them know they were in trouble. Gregg covered his mouth with his hand to hide the fact he was smiling. Over the past few months since their father left, Tiffy had blossomed. She was now a vivacious, beautiful girl who spoke her mind and was full of life. Her grades were also top-notch, and she had started to participate in school activities. She’d even had a sleepover the other night.

“How do you know the worm doesn’t feel it? Have you asked him?” Tiffy demanded. “Can’t I feed the ducks instead?”

John hung his head in defeat. “Fine, go feed the ducks.”

Tiffy scampered off, bag of bread in hand. Soon she had a circle of ducks around her as she giggled and tossed them crumbs. John came up behind and put his arms around Gregg, and together they watched her.

“Isn’t she amazing?” John said.

“Yeah, she is. You are, too. Have I told you how much I love you?”

Gregg meant it, too. He had never thought that he could be this happy, this content in life. He was proof that dreams do come true because he was living his fantasy every morning when he opened his eyes and saw John lying in bed next to him.



About the Author



Stephani Hecht is a happily married mother of two. Born and raised in Michigan, she loves all things about the state, from the frigid winters to the Detroit Red Wings hockey team. Go Wings! You can usually find her snuggled up to her laptop, creating her next book.

Contact her at: Email Address: [email protected] Twitter: FaceBook: tumblr:


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