The Trials of Gregg (8 page)

Read The Trials of Gregg Online

Authors: Stephani Hecht

Tags: #GLBT, #Gay, #Paranormal, #Erotic Romance, #Shapeshifter

BOOK: The Trials of Gregg
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John cupped Gregg’s cheek, his touch so soft, yet strong at the same time. “Oh, so, so much more.”

John then lowered his head and pressed their lips together in a kiss that was so hot, so carnal, so consuming that Gregg’s whole world was rocked and then some. At first, Gregg just took it, but when he felt John’s tongue pressing at the seam of his lips, begging for permission to enter, Gregg opened up and really got into it.

Moving his arms so they were around John’s neck, Gregg thrust his own tongue out so that they could slide together. Gregg let out a moan. Oh, this was so much nicer than the first kiss, and he thought that one had been terrific. This one was off the Richter scale.

Once they finally broke apart, Gregg asked, “Why didn’t you say anything sooner?”

“I was going to tell you the day of the battle, but the time didn’t seem right.”

“And now it does?”

John gave him a crooked smile. “Yeah, I guess so.”

“Are you sure you’re not just saying that because you feel sorry for the poor basket case with a dysfunctional family?” Gregg asked, hoping with all his heart that wasn’t the case.

“No, that’s not it at all. I’ve wanted you from the moment I saw you, and my feelings for you have only grown stronger the more I’ve gotten to know you.” John once again cupped Gregg’s face.

Gregg couldn’t help but rub his cheek against John’s hand. He’d gone without affection for so long that it felt great to finally get some. Add to that the affection was from John of all people, and it made it all the better.

“Would you believe me if I told you I felt the same way about you?” Gregg asked.

“Not only would I believe you, but I would be one of the happiest men in the world.”

Gregg felt a moment of joy before it came crashing down. Even if he and John did develop a relationship and it went somewhere, they could never be mates in the true sense. At least not until Tiffy was old enough to move out on her own.

John must have realized what Gregg was thinking, because he said, “Don’t worry about that. We’ll figure out a way that we can be together and still protect Tiffy.”

“But how?” Gregg asked, feeling more helpless as ever.

“I don’t know yet, but we’ll think of something. That, I can promise you.”

Gregg wanted to believe him so bad. That there was going to be a happy ending somewhere soon, but Gregg’s life had been full of so many roadblocks that he didn’t dare have hope.

“Why don’t we go get some breakfast, and we can talk about it?” John suggested.

Gregg smiled, some alone time with John was exactly what he needed at that moment. “That sounds perfect.”

They left the training area and were just walking through the main part of the building when they heard the laughter. Despite the early hour, a small group of people had gathered around somebody and were having a good time watching the show that they were putting one.

Gregg’s stomach clenched in dread, even though he had a sneaking suspicion who was the center of attention, he still needed to see for himself. Moving forward, he pushed his way through the crowd until he was at the front.

What he saw confirmed his suspicions. His father was there, full-out drunk, and he was putting on a performance that would make the best clown in the business proud. He was trying to walk, but he kept tipping forward. He would get up on all fours until his ass was in the air, balance for a few minutes, then try to stand. Once he was upright, he would windmill his hands several times as he tried to get his bearings before he would finally get stable enough to give the crowd a big victory smile. The crowd would then give him a round of applause. Then Gregg’s dad would take another step forward, fall over, and the whole process would start again.

Gregg felt sick to his stomach. This was his father. The man that he was supposed to be able to look up to. The one that he was supposed to go to when he had problems. The one who should guide him through life. He sure as hell wasn’t supposed to be the butt of the coalition’s joke.

Finally, Gregg couldn’t take it anymore, and he took a step forward. “Here, Dad. Let me help you.”

His father shrugged off Gregg’s touch. “I got it. I don’t need help from the likes of you. I’m a real man. I know how to walk, damn it.”

“You could have fooled me,” John said.

Gregg’s father squinted at John, then let out a snort. “Who is this? Your latest boyfriend? Or is he just a fuck buddy?”

At that moment, Gregg could have curled up into a tiny ball and died. The crowd had stayed put, but they had all fallen silent, shocked by the hateful words that were being thrown around, no doubt. Gregg just wanted to yell at all of them to go away and leave him alone. It was a private matter. A family matter that was supposed to be left behind closed doors. Now that it had leaked to the outside, all Gregg wanted to do was slam the lid shut on it again.

“He’s a friend, Dad. Now can we get you home?” Gregg said, reaching out for his father again.

His dad jerked away so hard that he fell flat onto his ass. A few titters of laughter could be heard from the crowd. Gregg could feel his face burning with embarrassment. Then, to his horror, he glanced up and saw that Daniel and Mitchell were there, watching the whole thing going down.

Shit! Gregg needed to do some major damage control, and he needed to do it now. The leaders had already seen enough that if they wanted to, by all rights, they could banish Gregg’s father. Anymore, and they wouldn’t have a choice but to send the guy packing.

“Please, Dad, don’t do this. Not here. Not now,” Gregg begged, his voice trembling just a bit.

“Why should I listen to a fairy like you? You have been nothing but a disappointment to me since the day you were born. You know you were the whole reason that she left us!” his father yelled so loudly that spit flew from his mouth and hit Gregg in the face.

Normally, Gregg would have yelled back that it wasn’t the truth. That their mother had left because of their father’s drinking and her own selfishness. But he knew that would only make things worse. So he just kept his trap shut and tried to grab his father again. Once more, his father dodged his efforts.

Finally, Daniel stepped forward. “Oh, I don’t know about you guys, but I am so sick of this shit.”

He then punched Gregg’s father in the jaw, knocking him out cold. Throwing him over his shoulder, Daniel turned to Gregg. “Can you lead us back to your living quarters?”

Gregg was so mortified that all he could do was nod. Then he felt strong arms wrap around him, and he inhaled and recognized the scent of John. All of the sudden, Gregg felt ten times better. He wasn’t facing this on his own anymore. He had John by his side, and even after the horrible show he’d just witnessed, he was still on Gregg’s side.

“Follow us, and we’ll lead the way,” John said.

Daniel cocked a brow but otherwise didn’t comment on their united front. They made their way to Gregg’s family’s quarters. Once there, Daniel dumped Gregg’s dad on his bed, then gave him a look of disgust.

“Does he always talk to you that way?” Daniel asked.

When Gregg began to hedge, Daniel interrupted him. “I want the truth.”

How Gregg wanted to lie, but he knew there was no getting around it anymore. The can had been opened, and the worms were out in all their gory glory. Putting a hand over his mouth, Daniel nodded.

“Does he talk to Tiffy this way?” Daniel pressed.

“No, he just ignores her. If it weren’t for me, she wouldn’t get food, clothing, or proper care. That’s why I didn’t come to you sooner. I was afraid you would banish him, and I know cast law always has been that the minor children go with the parent. I couldn’t risk Tiffy going with him, knowing that he wouldn’t care for her,” Gregg admitted.

Daniel studied Gregg for the longest time, the leader’s face an unreadable mask. Gregg held his breath, waiting for what Daniel would say. For all he knew, he would very well banish the whole family. After all, Gregg had been summarily lying to him all this time.

Finally, Daniel said, “Do you have someplace else where you and Tiffy can crash? I don’t feel safe leaving you two with him.”

John stepped forward. “They can come to my place. Tiffy can sleep on my couch.”

Daniel nodded. “That sounds perfect. We can talk more later today.”

With those parting words, Daniel left. Gregg put a hand on his stomach. For good or bad, his secret was finally out. Now he just had to see where all the pieces landed.

Chapter Nine



Gregg carried Tiffy with great care and gently placed her on John’s couch. The fact she barely stirred the entire time worried him. Going by the look on John’s face, it concerned him, too. John’s brows were furrowed, and he had a frown on his face. He even bent over and brushed an errant curl away from Tiffy’s way-too-pale face.

“There’s no way that they can let your father take her away with him. She’ll never survive under his care,” John said.

“I know. Now you can see why I’ve kept silent for so long,” Gregg said, his stomach a bundle of nerves.

John grabbed Gregg’s hand and pulled him into the kitchen. Once there, he embraced Gregg. Gregg sank into John’s hold. After everything that had happened that morning, it was nice to be in a place that felt safe.

“Don’t worry. I saw the way Daniel was looking at your father. I have a feeling he’s not going to let Tiffy go into his care,” John said.

“But old cast rules—”

John interrupted Gregg. “I know what the old rules say, but they also say that Daniel should be mated to a Hawk, yet he’s with a feline. Plus, his brother is with an Eagle. So I think Daniel is one who doesn’t always go by the rules.”

Gregg thought about that one for a moment. Now that John put it that way, it did make sense. It also gave Gregg his first sense of hope. Maybe later on when he went to see Daniel, if Gregg played his cards just right and pleaded his case, Daniel might grant him custody of Tiffy. Stranger things have happened.

As the despair was lifted from Gregg’s shoulders, he suddenly became aware that he was oh-so-close to the man that he was attracted to above all others. Gregg stood on tiptoe and gave John a scorching kiss.

Once they broke apart, Gregg said, “Make love to me.”

“Are you sure? Because once we do, I’m not giving you up,” John said.

“And I’m not giving you up, either.”

Gregg meant it, too. No matter what happened over the next twenty-four hours, there was one thing that he knew was going to be for certain. John was going to claim him, and Gregg was going to love every moment of it, too.

John took Gregg by the hand once again, only this time he led him back to the bedroom. Once there, he quietly closed the door, then turned to Gregg. He then ever-so-slowly peeled off Gregg’s shirt.

Gregg lifted his arms to help John take it off. Once the garment was free, John tossed it to the side. Somewhere along the way, John had put on a t-shirt. Gregg quickly got rid of that so they were soon both naked from the chest up.

Now free to touch, Gregg couldn’t resist running his hands up and down John’s firm pecs. He even leaned down and peppered a few kisses on them. After all, they were so perfect they deserved only the best treatment. John urged him on by threading his hands through Gregg’s hair and letting out a moan of approval.

Gregg moved on to John’s nipples, sucking and nibbling on each one in turn. Gregg couldn’t help but smile to himself when John threw back his head and let out a little hiss. He loved to know that he was able to garner that kind of reaction from the soldier who was usually so in control of himself.

When Gregg dropped to his knees and John let out an, “Oh God, yes,” Gregg couldn’t help but chuckle. While John might be the bigger and stronger of the two of them, at the moment, Gregg was the one who was completely in charge of the situation. He loved every single moment of it, too.

With steady fingers, Gregg reached out and undid John’s fly. Slowly undoing it, he freed John’s cock. Once he had it in his hands, Gregg could only stare at it for a moment in awe. It was thick, cut, and long. In other words, it was perfect, and Gregg couldn’t wait to have it inside him.

But first, he was going to play with it. Sticking out his tongue, he ran it up the tender underside, making John jerk in reaction. Liking those results, Gregg did it a second, then a third time. Once he was done with that, he lapped at the tip of John’s dick, gathering up some of the pre-cum that had gathered there.

Gregg hummed in approval. John tasted musky and salty and oh-so-good. So much so, that Gregg had to go in for a second helping and then a third, this time spearing his tongue into the slit so he could get every drop that he could. Gregg didn’t want to miss a drop.

“Take me all in. Please?” John begged.

Well, since John had asked so nicely, who was Gregg to deny him? Gregg opened his mouth and took in the entire length of John’s cock. Near the end, it got a bit difficult because John was so big, but Gregg managed by relaxing his throat and breathing through his nose.

Once he had all of John in, Gregg only paused a second before he sealed his lips around the base of John’s erection, creating the perfect vacuum. Hollowing out his cheeks, he let John’s cock slide out until only the tip remained inside. Then just as quickly, Gregg swallowed him down again.

John cupped the back of Gregg’s head and urged him on. “Damn, babe. You’re so good at that.”

Gregg made a humming noise, knowing that it would send vibrations up John’s cock. At the same time, he reached over and began to massage John’s balls. Gregg then set up a slow but steady rhythm. One that would drive John to the edge, but not send him over it. After all, Gregg still wanted John to fuck him senseless.

John must have had the same thought in mind, because he only let Gregg suck him off for a few moments before he pulled back. Gregg stumbled forward a bit before John grabbed him by the arms and hauled him to his feet.

“Get the rest of your clothes off…now,” John ordered.

Like Gregg had any intentions of disobeying that command. He fumbled out of his boots, then shucked off his pants and underwear. John was much quicker. By the time Gregg was naked, John was already nude, had the lube in hand and was standing next to the bed.

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