The Trouble with Marrying a Movie Star (10 page)

BOOK: The Trouble with Marrying a Movie Star
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Owen walked over and asked if they could get some shots of Andrew by himself. I was happy to step aside, and Andrew said that this was a standard request. I didn't care, as long as I could get out of the line of fire. I stood next to Keira and watched Andrew posing patiently while being photographed. Andrew then looked over at Owen, who came in the shot and raised his hand up. He then walked with Andrew over to the line of reporters. Andrew did everything with ease and grace, as I watched him speaking to each reporter. "Owen is in his element, Keira."

"He is," she said with a proud smile. "He loves working for Andrew."

"He's a natural, and Andrew loves having him."

While waiting for Andrew to finish, I looked around at the crowd of people on the red carpet. Somehow, it was an organized mess. People with radios were running around while directing everyone to one area or the other. It was interesting to see everything up close.

"Welcome to LA, Andria."

I turned my head to see the last person that I ever expected. I stared at her in amazement. I promised myself that the next time that I saw her; I would pluck her eyes out. Here she stood grinning and waving to the crowd in front of us. "Don't think I won't cut you in front of these people, Brittney," I said in a low voice.

"Oh, I'm sure you would, but you would never do anything to embarrass Andrew."

I looked over at him. He hadn't turned to look back at me yet. "What do you want?"

"Only to say hello. I'm
glad that you and Andy were able to overcome our little misunderstanding."

"There was no misunderstanding. You made a pathetic play for my boyfriend, and he turned you down."

"For now," she mumbled under her voice.

I turned my body, pressing into her. Everyone around me faded away as I said,

"Desperation is a trait not becoming a lady, but for the stupid whore that you are, I may need to dumb this done a bit. Andrew loves me. I
believe that he told you that."

She laughed, waving to the crowd before whispering in my ear. "Andy and I have an unbreakable bond. You're not the first one that tried to come between us, and you won't be the last. He always returns." She moved in closer. "Ahh, how does it feel to know that Andy always comes back to me? Whatever spell you may have over him will break, and I promise you, I will be there waiting for his return."

"Is everything alright?" Andrew stood beside me.

"I was just saying hello. I didn't know that you would be here." Her entire demeanor sweetened up.

"I told you to stay away from her!" He growled under his breath. "This is not the place."

"I was just saying
." She smiled big and waved to someone behind us. Andrew placed a fake grin back on his face and said. "Stay away from her."

"Andy, it was a while ago, and you're not taking any of my calls. All I wanted to do was to see how you two were doing."

"Brittney…" He shook his head, and then turned around at the group of photographers that started to yell out their names.

"Can we get a picture of you three?" One asked.

Hell no!

"Brittney, Andrew, can we get a picture." Another one asked. Andrew waved at them smiling while shaking his head.

One guy yelled out. "Trouble in paradise, Drew?"

Andrew took in a drawn breath, and that was the first time I ever saw one of them affect him. Then a bleached blonde lady, with fishy looking eyes, walked over and spoke directly to him. "Andrew, take the picture. You wanted positive publicity from our end, so take the damn picture."

His grin faltered. "Hailey, I wanted you to squash the rumors, not cause more."

"You're causing more by creating a scene. Do the photos."

He looked down at me, "I'm fine. Go ahead and take them."

He looked directly at her. "
are taking them. Come on."

Andrew took my hand, and we all walked over to the photographers. Andrew and Brittney waved to their fans, and I plastered on a fake smile. We stood where directed, Brittney, Andrew and me. Until Andrew suddenly shifted me to stand next to Brittney, as he wrapped his arms protectively around my waist. She huffed at him, as her smile wavered. The snub was apparent, and the camera flashes started flying as we stood there smiling.

Andrew said, "Enough," under his breath, and Owen was at our side ushering us away. Brittney followed behind, but before we continued through the line, Andrew turned back to her, not breaking his smile and said. "If you pull that damn crap again, I will embarrass the hell out of you." The smile on her face didn't falter, but her eyes squinted as they turned towards me.

Owen quickly moved us to the next set of reporters, while I stood back as Andrew answered their questions. He dodged the personal ones and wouldn't respond if they kept pushing. Sometimes, he stood there and smiled until Owen moved him away.

Now and then, Andrew looked over at me, always keeping an eye out. He would be in the middle of speaking, and he would glance over to me. It was those little glances that helped with the brick that was sitting in my stomach. I didn't want what Brittney said to affect me, but her words were on repeat in my head; you're not the only one—he always comes back to me—and she wasn't the only contender. How would you feel if your boyfriend is wanted by thousands of women—hundreds of thousands—who would replace you in a heartbeat? I wasn't talking about just average looking women here. These women included drop-dead model types, who seem to have incredible personalities. They bat their eyes, flash their killer smiles, and poke out their ridiculously perky breasts all for my boyfriend's attention.

What woman wouldn't be self-conscious?

I wasn't saying that I was an ugly duckling, but come on! It was hard enough dating the average guy. They had maybe one or two women looking in their direction, but to have thousands all over the world…

In-between talking to the reporters, I watched as Andrew would sign fan autographs. These women looked at him as if they were going to tear him apart. I watched as some hands reached out to him, but Wade was there to say, "Please, don't touch," for which I was grateful. Why, I don't know. But the growing feeling of insecurity was causing my brain to have scattered thoughts.

Andrew was always gracious to his fans, and he tried to sign as many autographs as he could. He would pose for pictures, or took them himself from their camera phones. The man loved his fans, and it showed his true character. Most were always friendly and kind to me, but it didn't go unnoticed that a few glared in my direction. Hoping that I would get struck down, I was sure.

Keira and I watched as the guys continued to go through the line of reporters as we followed behind them. There were a lot of other famous stars going through the same routine as Andrew. It was weird to watch this up close, and it seemed like second nature for all that walked on the red carpet. Yet, seeing these famous people in person was fun. Some looked better in person, while others shocked the hell out of me. They can do
a lot
with make-up.

"Andria?" I turned, hearing my name out of Andrew's mouth. I walked over to him, and there was a very large television camera pointed directly at me.

"Andrew?" I tried to use that, "what are you doing" tone.

"I want you to meet Evie."

I shook the familiar woman's hand, and she was more beautiful in person. I had seen the tall dark-haired woman, many times on a prime time entertainment show. I also had caught several of her and Andrew's interviews. They were always laughing and joking in them. "A. P. Moore, so nice to meet you."

"Andria, please. I love your work."

"I like her already," she smiled looking at him.

"Evie wanted to ask us a few questions." He turned around to whisper in my ear. "I trust her. She's the one who should do our first interview."

"It will be simple and quick. If you need time to think about the question, you have it. This interview is not going out live, so we can splice and edit."

My heart started to pound through my chest as my body went into panic mode. I looked into Andrew's eyes. "Baby, you don't have to do this if you don't want to."

Instinctively, I kissed him. I had needed that contact before I turned to Evie nodding my head. "I'm ready when you are."

"Great. We will make this quick."

Evie turned to her cameraman, did some signal thing with her hand, and started to speak into the camera. "This man has always been the talk of the town, but it's his beautiful, best-selling author and girlfriend, A.P. Moore, who has stolen the show. We have both Andrew Hughes and the beautiful, talented Andria Moore with us tonight."

She turned the mic to Andrew. "Thank you both for talking to us."

"It's always a pleasure," Andrew responded.

She looked back into the camera. "Andrew and I have a history," she laughed. "If I go easy on him, he buys me Kit Kats," she said laughing, turning the mic now towards me.

"Andria, I read
, and girl, it is hot!" She laughed as I grinned nervously. "Andrew is one lucky man."

I giggled out, embarrassed. Andrew jumped in with a resounding, "I'm one
lucky man!"

He wrapped his arm around my waist. "I'm pretty lucky myself, Evie." I added.

"Oh, yes you are. There are quite a few women who wouldn't mind taking your place, but ladies, I'm standing in front of this gorgeous couple and the love radiates off of them. This bachelor is spoken for, and shall I add those fans of A.P. Moore? I know there are a bunch of guys hoping that Andrew here will mess up so that they can hone in on Andria." I huffed shaking my head. Andrew pulled me in closer and kissed my forehead. "See what I mean, looks as if Andrew's not letting go of this lady. Pretty soon we may be preparing for a celebrity wedding?"

My mouth dropped. I couldn't help it. Andrew shocked the hell out of me when he answered, "We will see."

"Well, you heard it straight from the horse's mouth. A maybe." Evie started laughing, and Andrew joined in. I stood there, quiet and still in shock. "That's a wrap guys, thank you both for stopping by. Andria it was a pleasure and I better get an invitation.
my ass, Andrew. You better marry this girl!"

They laughed some more, and again I stood there in shock.

"Andrew, I keep telling Tom that we need to get together."

"It's hard enough for him to meet with me." They both laughed.

I didn't realize that she and Andrew's agent were dating. I knew of him, but we hadn't officially met.

"I hear that you're bringing on Maisie?" Evie asked.

"I think she's ready."

"She was taught by the best."

"Buck loved her so much."

"He loved you," she said tenderly. "I think about him all of the time."

You could see a hint of sadness in both of their eyes as they spoke about Andrew's deceased manager. Rebeca said that he had been like a grandfather to Andrew.

"Dad would be so proud of you, Andrew."

He didn't respond. He just smiled at her.

"I won't keep you two. See you inside."

We both gave her a hug as we walked away.

"It wasn't too bad was it, baby?"

"No. It was fine."

"See, I told you. You did great."

Then Owen and Keira walked over, and Andrew said that he was done, so we all entered the building.

Three hours later, we were back at Andrew's. I loved wearing my Louboutins, but they sure do hurt your feet. It was worth it to have Andrew massage them before we all ate dinner. I had made a pan of lasagne, which the guys had scarfed down. By the time Keira and I had sat down to eat; only scraps were left. I swear; Owen eats as much as Connor and Wade.

Afterwards, as we watched some boxing film that I had no interest in, the day's activities flooded my mind. The uneasiness that was in the pit of my stomach was not going away.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Andrew asked as his fingers stroked my hair.

We were lying together on the couch while the others were spread out on the floor.

"I'm fine." I said as I turned my face to the side to look at him.

His eyes scanned over my face. "Is it still Brittney?"

"No. I told you, and I'm not letting that bitch get to me."

Well…trying not to let her get to me.

"Okay, then is it the interview?"

"I think it's everything. I've been so busy that I haven’t taken the time just to relax. I think that I'm going to go to Baltimore for a few days."

"Do you want company?"

I smiled to myself. He hasn't thought it through. "If you want to go." Dad was going to love this one.

"Hey, Owen. Andria and I are going to Baltimore for a few days, could you make that happen?"

Keira looked over at me, "You're free for a few days next week. Owen and I will take care of everything. Do you want me to come?"

I shook my head. "Take the days off. I'm not going to do anything but rest."

"Great," Owen chimed in.

"What are you excited about, you still have to work." Andrew gruffed out.

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