The Truth in Lies (The Truth in Lies Saga) (17 page)

BOOK: The Truth in Lies (The Truth in Lies Saga)
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“I’m sorry,” I whispered to Olivia as Drew marched passed her.  She waved me off as if dismissing me.  I released a deep sigh as I collected my purse and phone, before following Drew and Jared out the door.

“I’m driving,” Drew announced. 

The elevator ride to the garage was stifling.  Jared and Drew both stood in the same pose; their backs straight as a board with their arms crossed over their chests and a vehement scowl on each of their faces.  I stood between them wishing I could slug them both in the stomach.

Once off the elevator, my aggravation toward them got even worse.  They both walked briskly ahead of me, trying to reach the vehicle first.  Drew succeeded, only due to his knowledge of where his car was parked.  By the time I approached the Range Rover, Drew had the front passenger side door open.  “Mickie, I thought you might like to sit up front with me.”  His eyes cut to Jared. 

“Um, thanks,” I muttered, as I accepted the seat.  Drew closed the door behind me and walked around the front of the vehicle, avoiding Jared.

Once inside the car, the engine roared to life, filling the awkward silence around us.  We drove in silence to the first apartment complex.  Drew parked the Range Rover in front of the main office and was at my door before Jared could get out.

He extended his hand, helping me out of the car.  Again, I caught him giving Jared a snarled glance.  “I did some research this week on all of the places I’ll be taking you to today.  I wasn’t sure when you wanted to go, and now I’m glad I was proactive,” Drew advised.  Bitter disappointment dripped from his tongue.

He pulled my hand into the crook of his arm and towed me into the building, leaving Jared behind.

My mouth nearly hit the floor by the look of the place.  Crystal chandeliers dangled from the ceiling, fine tapestries shrouded the floor and windows, and the smell of jasmine filled the air.

Jared whistled.  “Swank,” he crooned in amazement.

“May I help you,” a professionally dressed woman addressed us.

Drew took over the conversation without haste.  My eyes wandered the area seeing nothing but dollar signs.  The property manager didn’t hesitate to give us a full tour, and was ready with a precise answer for any question Drew had.

For the most part, I remained silent.  Half of the questions Drew thought to ask would never have entered my mind.  When we were alone in one of the bedrooms, Drew leaned in and whispered, “So, what do you think?  It’s close to Olivia and your job.”

“It’s lovely, Andy, it really is.”

“But?” He smiled at me, making me feel comfortable to tell him my woes.  “I know there’s a
in there.”

I laughed, leaning into his side.  He wrapped his arm around my shoulders, as we stared out at the extravagant view from the bedroom.

“I think it might be a little overpriced for me,” I admitted, my eyes dropping in shame.

tilted my face up to meet his eyes.  A kind smile exposing his deep dimples.  “It might help if you told me how much you could afford.”  I wasn’t in an industry that profited a lot.  I knew he and Olivia were used to making six figures where I barely brought home sixty-five thousand a year.  Sure, I could make more if I quit the school and took on private sessions, but I enjoyed working with my kids and their teachers.  Money couldn’t buy that kind of happiness for me.  “Around eight to nine hundred a month is what I’m looking for.”

Drew brushed my hair back from my shoulder. His demeanor was calm and peaceful. “I have a few places in mind that will fit right in with your budget.  Let’s get out of here.”

Several properties later, I was still undecided on anything.  I had certain criteria such as a spacious kitchen, and Drew had certain precautions, such as hurricane preparations.  Many times we butted heads over a place.  We quarreled liked an old married couple.  Jared stood back and watched us.

After the last property, I was about ready to give up.  “This is hopeless,” I stated exasperated.

“Mickie, it’s not hopeless,” Jared consoled me.  “We’ll find one that
like.  It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks,” his words directed to Drew.

Drew licked his lips leading him to rake his teeth over his bottom lip.  His lips curled into a crooked smile.  “Mickie, Jared’s right.  You’re the only one that really matters here.  But if you’ll have a little more patience with me, I have one more place in mind.  I really think you’ll love this one.”

I nodded in discouragement.  Drew patted my hand and completed a U-turn, taking us south down Medici Court.  “Okay, I have to ask,” Drew began.  “What’s going on between you two?  Olivia said something about you dating?”

Drew’s eyes cut to me then returned back to the road. 

I turned on my hip staring at both men incredulously.  “God, no!” I exclaimed.

Jared’s smile faltered while Drew sighed in what almost appeared to be in relief. 

“That sounds like something the Ice Queen would concoct in her pretty little mind,” Jared snarled.

“Jared,” I hissed.

“Ice Queen?” Drew inquired.  His lips quirked into a half grin.

“Jared’s nickname for Liv today.  It’ll change tomorrow.”

Drew glanced at Jared in his rearview mirror.  “Does Olivia know you call her this?”

“She suspects, but I’m extremely careful not to get caught,” Jared bragged.  “I rather enjoy my twig and berries.  One look from the Ice Queen and they’d surely shrivel up and die.”

Drew’s laughter filled the car.  “I can speak from personal experience that wouldn’t happen.”

Jared leaned forward, planting his face between Drew and me.  “You’re a rare survivor, my friend.  Most men, who’ve dared to tread those waters, never return to tell the tale.” 

“Oh my God.  Melodramatic much,” I laughed.  “You’d crush Liv if she ever heard you talk like that.  She’s a good person deep down inside.  She took care of me all through college.  Had she not been there for me, Heaven only knows what kind of trouble I would’ve found myself in.”

During our sophomore year in college, Olivia rescued me from what could’ve been a horrific event.  One that would’ve scarred me for life.   Olivia and I, from day one, were like night and day.  She was always the party girl, out to have a load of fun, while I was the studier with my nose in a book.  Yet, that didn’t stop her from trying to break me out of my shell. 

Olivia begged me to join her at all of the parties she was invited too.  It wasn’t until one night she came home so drunk, I thought I’d have to take her to the ER for alcohol poisoning that I decided to join her as the designated driver. 

After that, I went to every party she did.  Olivia was notorious for screwing the first guy she met, but me; I didn’t enjoy the random pickup.  I usually sipped on a beer and mingled.

That night was no different, except several of the frat boys decided I’d turned enough of their brothers down that they were going to extract ‘the prude’ out of me.  Kyle Turner offered to get me a soda, and I gladly accepted.  What I didn’t know was he slipped something into my drink.  If Olivia hadn’t learned of their plot and got me out of the building before they could finish with their plan, I would’ve been raped repeatedly.

Jared stared me in the eyes and stated very plainly, “Olivia Hamilton’s the most selfish person I’ve ever met.  She has no qualms in using you to get what she wants.  I’ve watched her guilt-trip you into doing something for her countless times, giving you nothing but heartache in return.”

Drew’s body stiffened next to us.  The thought occurred to me that he was growing angry at Jared’s battering of his girlfriend. 

“Jared, please,” I pleaded.  It pained me to see Drew so uncomfortable.

“Sorry, Drew,” Jared grumbled.  “It’s just, I’ve known them longer than you, and trust me, I speak the truth.”

Drew kept his eyes on the road.  His shoulders lifted and lowered several times before he spoke.  “I may not have known them as long as you have, but I see a
lot.  More so than either of them realize.” 

“I’m sure you have.” Jared sat back in his seat.  “And I’m not going to pretend that I know you, but I’ll warn you, Olivia is incapable of loving anyone but herself.”

I covered my face with my hands.  “She has a big heart, Jared.  She really does.  She’s had to work hard to get where she’s at, so she tends to come off as a little demanding,” I defended Olivia. 

Jared chuckled.  “That’s why I adore you, McKenzie.  Even with it staring you in the face, you still strive to see the best in people.  It’s a naïve notion, but I wouldn’t change that about you.”

I reached behind me and patted Jared’s knee awkwardly.  “Thanks, Jared,” I whispered.

The remainder of the trip, we rode in silence.  When we arrived at the Tuscany apartments
, Drew took my hand, giving it a light squeeze.  He smiled and jumped out of the SUV to open my door.  Jared climbed out of the car and waited for us by the door of the building.  Drew wrapped my hand into the cusp of his elbow and escorted me to the office.

“I hope you like this one,” Drew said, as he opened the front door.

The smell of cinnamon filled the air as we entered the building.  It was a modern looking space with a computer center and offices outlining an enormous sitting area.  A beautiful Hispanic woman approached us dressed in a billowy multicolor dress.  “Mr. Wise?” she asked with her hand extended toward Drew.  He accepted her handshake.  “Marcie Sanchez.”

Drew smiled.  “Ms. Sanchez, it’s a pleasure to meet you, and thank you for seeing us today.”

“Absolutely.  Your secretary said you were looking for a certain view and price range.  Is that correct?”

“Drew?” I asked uncertain. 

He looked down at me with a tender smile.  “I sent Holly a text earlier while you and Jared were talking at the last place.  I could tell you weren’t happy, and I had a strange feeling you might like this one.”

Marcie smiled at the two men flanking me.  “Would you like to look around?  We have a couple units open.  I do believe one fits the exact description that you’re interested in.”

I nodded.  “Thank you.  That would be wonderful.”

She led us outside through a gorgeous courtyard.  Trees hung low, casting a cool shade over the stucco.  A beautiful fountain flowed in the center of the square.  Marcie pointed to the left.  “We have a twenty-four hour fitness facility onsite
, as well as a beautiful swimming pool,” she pointed ahead of us.

“Very nice,” Drew commented. 

“Indeed,” Jared agreed.

Marcie directed us around the side of the building.  “Mr. Wise, I do believe this will meet the requirements your administrator set forth.  It’s located on the first floor, but we have all available hurricane precautions in place.  There’s ample parking, as well as an assigned covered parking space.”

She opened the door and the warm air brushed over my face.   I couldn’t contain my smile.  The floor plan was perfect with its brightness and open spaces.  The walls were painted festively in sea blue and sun yellow.  Beautiful crown molding lined the walls.  The kitchen was huge for such a small apartment.  The connecting living and dining rooms made the space appear larger than it was.

Drew ushered me to the master bedroom.  “It’s only a one bedroom, one bath, but the location is perfect, and so is the price,” he quipped in a low voice close to my ear.

“It’s perfect.  I don’t need anything bigger than this,” I mused.

“I knew you’d like this one.  I just knew it.”

A sliding door led out to the patio from the master bedroom.  I looked out the door to see the beautiful swimming pool laid out before me. 

“It has a gorgeous view,” I murmured.

Drew stepped up behind me.  His hands rested on my shoulders.  “I’ve never seen anything more beautiful,” he whispered against my hair.

I swallowed, terrified by how good I felt with him near me, but thrilled by his closeness.  My whole body was in chaos.  Electricity buzzed all around us.  I could barely breathe.  All I could feel was Drew.

The sound of Jared clearing his throat pulled us apart.  Drew quickly released my shoulders and stepped away from me.  I caught Jared’s watchful eye in the reflection of the door.  “I think it’s perfect, McKenzie, but this is up to you.  We can look at other places still.”

I faced Jared with a smile.  “I think this is it.  I want this one.”

“Excellent.  Let’s start the paperwork and see about getting you approved,” Marcie exclaimed, clapping her hands together.  She and Jared headed out of the bedroom together.

I started walking away from the patio door, and suddenly felt Drew’s hand pressed at the nape of my back.  He leaned down and whispered in my ear, “Don’t worry.  You’ll be approved.”

I laughed.  “With you around, Andy, I have no doubt.  Thank you once again for all of this.  I don’t know how to repay you.”

“Your smile is payment enough.  That’s all I ever want in return is to see you smile.”

Drew and I followed behind Jared and Marcie.  No words spoken, just smiles given, and a feeling of knowing that I had made the right decision.

Chapter Fifteen

One week.  That’s all it took for me to get approved for my new place and to be practically moved in.  The whole process went smoother than I could have imagined.  Yet, I nearly drove Drew and Jared bonkers with my constant worrying.  Even with the continued reassurance from my entourage and Marcie, I fretted over every minor detail.  C’mon, that was to be expected.  This was a
first for me.

After Marcie called me with the approval, I wasted no time in hightailing it over to sign the leasing papers.  As Marcie went over the lease with me, she bypassed the section regarding my security deposit.  When I asked how much I should make the deposit check out for, she informed me that my security deposit was waved and my first two months of rent were free. 

To say I was shocked by this information was an understatement.  Later that night, I returned back to Olivia’s condo to begin packing, but the lack of funds required to secure my apartment bothered me.  I pulled the lease out of my satchel and began reading through the legal jargon.  When I reached the section pertaining to my deposit and rent, it indicated that they had been paid.

I shook my head, chuckling, as I read the same lines over and over again.  Drew had been so upset with me spending money on his suit that he must have taken the one opportunity he could to repay me.  There wasn’t a doubt in my mind he had his hand in this.  My gut told me to leave things alone.  Drew meant well.

When I was given the green light, I wasted no time in taking little odds and ends into my new place.  By the weekend, I was completely moved in.   Jared was a lifesaver.  Anything I asked of him, he did without fail.  He even accompanied me in furniture shopping, seeing as I had none.  I had to buy a new bed, which I completely splurged on.  Maybe it was unwise of me, but I couldn’t help myself.  I wanted a king-sized, pillow-top mattress.

During my move, I received numerous calls and texts from Drew.  He was disappointed that he wasn’t able to assist me with the move, and wanted constant updates on how I was doing. 

The high-profiled case he had taken on blew up the moment it went viral.  Everyone around the world knew about the Victoria’s Secret model who was suing her major league baseball player husband for six accounts of infidelity.

Drew had been assigned the case with two others in his firm backing him up.  Even with all the assistance, he was piled under mounds of paperwork that could avalanche on him at any given moment.

To tell the truth, I was worried about him.  Every time we spoke, he sounded exhausted.  Even his text messages were slower and choppier.  The only time I had seen him since our day apartment hunting was on television.  He was representing the model, and there were countless interviews, both locally and nationally, in which he appeared next to her.  Drew had the perfect profile for television, and for a moment, I was able to catch a glimpse of his professional life. 

Another week had come and gone, and I had to admit, I missed him. 

I wasn’t the only one feeling the backlash of Drew’s absence.  Olivia called me every night, complaining how he rarely stopped by or called anymore.  Afterward, she’d comment on how quiet it was without me there, and how she missed me being around; which left me feeling guilty for abandoning her.  But no matter how guilty I felt, I was happy in my decision to make it on my own.

Sitting comfortably in front of my own television, in my own apartment, was pretty much Heaven on Earth to me.  There was no better way, in my mind, to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon than lying on my new canary-yellow upholstered couch, watching television. 

Once I was settled in, Olivia offered to host a housewarming/birthday party for me, and I instantly declined.  If it hadn’t been for the Harry Potter calendar, hanging on my refrigerator, reminding me that it was March eleventh; I would’ve gladly forgotten that it was my thirty-second birthday.

While I love my friends and family, I found myself enjoying the solace on my birthday.  It wasn’t like this was a special birthday anyway.  I had already passed the ‘thirty’ milestone.  The next big one wasn’t until I turned fifty.  God, I dreaded that one. 

Olivia was furious when I told her I didn’t want a birthday party this year.  She fought me tooth and nail over my decision, and just when I thought I’d have to concede, I played the ace up my sleeve.  I suggested that we waited until after Drew was done with his case, so she didn’t have to attend a party she hosted alone.  That won my isolation for the day.

My phone vibrated on the faux-
wood coffee table.  It made a horrendous noise as it shuffled across the surface trying to obtain my attention.  Since Olivia and Jared had already wished me a happy birthday, I deduced that it was my mother doing the same.  I rolled over, thrusting my arm between the divide of the couch and table. With a loud grunt, I lifted the phone and glanced at the screen.

You busy?
Drew’s message read.

Giddy, I rolled onto my back and held the phone over my face as I responded,
Just watching some sexy guy on TV.  What’s up?
  I smiled as I pressed send, looking back at the television to see Drew talking to a reporter on the news.




I jumped out of my skin at the fast repetition of knocks against my front door.  I sat up straight, and glanced at the door, as if I could see through it.

“Mickie,” Drew’s voice resounded through the wood.

I stared at the door, certain I was hearing things.




“Mickie,” he called out in a nasal tone.





I jumped off the couch, staring at the door with a vacant expression.  “Drew, is that you?” I hollered, taking a calculated step toward the door.

“No, it’s Dr. Sheldon Cooper.  Now open the door.”

I covered my mouth, stifling a laugh.  Moments passed, and I continued to stare at the door, as if I were dreaming.

“Mickie?” his voice rang true, singing my name.

“Just a second,” I called back, snapping out of my trance.

My body went into immediate overdrive.  Springing up off my sofa, I fluffed the pillows and slung my afghan over the top.  I scurried around my apartment collecting any loose items, and tucking them away for proper cleaning later.  There was no way he was going to see my place a mess.

, God, Mickie, please don’t tell me you just ran into your room to change your clothes.  I’ll kill you.  I swear.”

All at once, I stopped dead in my tracks.  My eyes drifted down to what I was wearing.  Donning my favorite hot pink track shorts and a white tank top, without a smidgen of makeup on, I was in no way dressed for company.  My hair was piled in a messy bun on my head, and of all things, I was wearing my glasses.  No one ever saw me in my glasses.  That had been my rule since I was sixteen and could wear contacts.

Breathless, I adjusted my shirt, flattening it over my stomach.  I pushed the stray hairs that had escaped my bun behind my ears, and pushed my glasses up my nose.  There was no way to fix this now.  Drew was about to see the side of me that I tried to hide.  Blowing out a heavy sigh, I threw open the door, and there stood Drew. 

His hands were flattened against the doorframe and his head was down so, at first, all I could see was his hair crowned by a bright yellow sun visor.  He lifted his head, and his eyes drifted over me.  The tip of his tongue slid over his full lips, followed by him pulling his bottom lip between his perfect, white teeth. 

My heart skipped a beat and a half just by the sight of him.  He wore a pair of khaki shorts frayed along the hems, an olive colored t-shirt, and flip-flops.  His sunglasses perched on the brim of his hat.  I had never seen him dressed so comfortably before.  I liked it.

“Much sexier in real life.”  The words tumbled out of my mouth.

“I beg your pardon?”  His lips tilted into a crooked smile.  My already failing heart gave its last hoorah as it petered out of the building.  That smile could kill any woman or man if he swung that way.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, exasperated. 

He shook his head.  “Oh, no.  What did you mean by that?”

My head fell back and I stared at the ceiling praying for a divine answer.  When one didn’t come, I stepped back and opened the door, allowing Drew into my apartment.  I pointed to the television.  “I was watching the news just now.  They were showing one of your interviews.”

His stride was wide as he walked inside.  I closed the door behind him.  Drew stopped in front of me, his lips twitching as he struggled to maintain a straight face.  “So, you think I’m sexier in person than on TV?  Did I catch that right?”

I covered my face to hide the massive amount of color flooding my cheeks.  “Oh, God, smite me now.  I beg of thee.”

Drew laughed, pulling my hands away from my face.  “It’s good to know that you think I’m sexy.”  He placed a sweet kiss on my forehead and released my hands.  “And might I say, you look smokin’ hot in those glasses.”  He wiggled his full eyebrows.

“Oh, hush,” I protested, cracking my hand over his firm chest with a loud smack. 

Drew rubbed his hand across his chest, laughing.  “I’m serious.  I like them.  There’s nothing sexier than a woman in glasses.”

His eyes moved over my body inch by inch, feeling like a physical touch.  I gasped at the sensation left in his wake.  Licking his lips, he li
fted his hand to remove his sun-visor, allowing me a momentary glimpse of his taut stomach.  I diverted my eyes, afraid he might notice me ogling him.

“Whatever,” I dead-panned.  “So, what on earth are you doing here?”

He shrugged, glancing around my apartment.  “I just happened to be in the neighborhood, and thought I’d stop by.”

“You just
to be in the neighborhood?” I quipped.

I waved him on, leading him to the couch.  Bouncing back into my seat, I pulled my legs to my chest, and patted the seat beside me, offering it to him.  He rested his hands on the back of the sofa, and hopped over the back of my couch landing beside me.  He seemed relaxed, more so than I had ever seen him before.

“Okay, you caught me.  I had a rare day off and I wanted to see your new place.  Sue me.”  A light pink flush appeared over his cheeks.  He tossed his hat and sunglasses on the coffee table. 

“And go up against the great Andrew Wise?  I wouldn’t stand a chance.”

His laugh was like sweet music to my ears.  “My dear, I do believe you’ve finally caught on that I always win.  Good for you.  You’ll go far with that knowledge.”

I twisted my lips in to a wicked little smirk.  “Or use your arrogance against you.  I have a knack for bringing a big boy down.”

His eyebrows lifted with curiosity.  “Who’s being arrogant now?”

“Women aren’t arrogant, Mr. Wise,” I toyed with him.

“Sounds like arrogance to me, Miss Evans,” he argued. 

I patted his knee, fighting the urge to wither into a puddle as our bare skin met.  “It’s vanity for a woman.”

“Oh,” the word lingered on his tongue.  “I see.  Vanity.  That makes perfect sense.”  He leaned in and breathed into my ear, “How about confidence?  I think a confident woman is very sexy.”

Air rushed from my lungs as the heat of his breath washed over my face.  “Confidence would work as well,” I croaked.

He shifted his position examining my apartment.  “I really like what you’ve done here.  It’s very cozy.”

My heart found its way back to life, only to embarrass the blazes out of me, by thundering in my chest.  “Thanks.  You want the dime tour?”

His face lit up.  “Absolutely.”

I slinked back off the couch and did a full three-hundred-and-sixty-degree turn.  “This is the living room, dining room and kitchen.”  Drew laughed, standing back up.  He stood so close, that I could feel the waves of heat pouring off of his body. 

He remained close as he followed me to my bedroom.  I stood in front of the door, blocking his entrance.  “This is my bedroom.  To the right is my bathroom and right next to it is the closet.  This now completes our tour.  The next one is scheduled to start in thirty minutes,” I said, sounding like a museum director.

Drew nudged me, as he slid past me into the bedroom.  “This looks good.  You went with curtains on the door instead of blinds.”  He pointed toward my billowy blue-gray curtains streaming over the patio door.

“Yeah.  I like the way they flow.” 

He meandered over to the doors, running his fingers over the silky fabric of my drapes.  “Soothing,” he whispered.  Moving to the center of the room, his hand landed on the foot o
f my pillow-top bed.  He pressed down.  “This is very soft.  I bet you sleep great on this mattress.”

“Sleep rarely is my friend, but it’s very
cozy.”  I shifted my weight uncomfortably. 

Disappointment reflected in Drew’s eyes.  “Sleep isn’t my friend either,” he admitted.  He swallowed hard, but continued his exploration of my room.  His fingers glided over the gray duvet.  “I bet the comforter is warm at night.” 

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