Read The United States of Paranoia Online
Authors: Jesse Walker
Kelly, Michael, 222, 276
Kelly, Richard, 322
Kennedy, John F., 14, 165, 166, 173
assassination of, 9, 10, 13, 26, 167–68, 169, 171, 175–76, 228, 229, 232, 240, 241, 243, 248, 250, 254, 256, 257–59, 345, 346, 420
Kennedy, Joseph P., 176, 228
Kennedy, Robert F., 13–14, 165, 169, 200, 228, 246, 275
Kenny, Kevin, 103
Kerouac, Jack, 75, 359
Kesey, Ken,
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,
Kessler, Ronald,
In the President’s Secret Service,
Key, Wilson Bryan, 203
Kharoba, Sam, 303
Kilkenny, Allison, 310
King, Martin Luther, 162, 167, 169, 246
King, Rodney, 279, 286
King Philip’s War, 27–28, 29–30, 87
King William’s War, 51
Kinney, Jay, 246–48, 249–50, 283, 401
Killers from Space
(film), 70-71
KGB, 173
Knights Templar, 199, 325
Knopf, Terry Ann, 130
Koch, Charles and David, 132
Konkin, Samuel Edward III, 283
Kopkind, Andrew, 265
Korean War, 74–75, 165
Korzybski, Xandor (pseud.), 296–97, 409
Kotcheff, Ted, 263
Kramer, Stanley, 177
Krassner, Paul, 169, 227–29, 239, 254, 256–57, 337, 394, 401
Krugman, Paul, 308, 312
Ku Klux Klan, 13, 99, 100, 129, 158, 270, 286, 289, 366, 388
Kun, Bela, 198
Kunkin, Art, 240
Kutolowski, Kathleen Smith, 122–23
labor unions, 102–3
Lackomar, Mike, 314–15
LaHaye, Tim, 204
Landes, Richard, 302
Lane, Mark, 171, 175, 219, 220,382, 395
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider
(film), 330
LaRouche, Lyndon, 245, 281, 285, 322, 399
Larson, Cedric, 44
Lasky, Victor,
It Didn’t Start with Watergate,
165–66, 167, 381
Lavender Scare, 80–82, 229, 361
LaVey, Anton,
The Satanic Bible,
214, 215
Lawrence, Richard, 3–4,
Lawson, John Howard, 201
Lear, Norman, 181
Leary, Timothy, 327, 259, 383
Led Zeppelin, 204
Lee, Ann, 55–56
Lennon, John, 169
Leonardo da Vinci,
The Virgin and Child with St. Anne,
Lepore, Jill, 361-62
Lethem, Jonathan, 348
Levin, Ira,
The Stepford Wives
, 178–80
Levine, Robert S., 57, 356
Lewin, Leonard, 230
Lewis, David, 193, 196, 201, 205
Lewis, H. Spencer, 139, 142
libertarians, 236, 283, 304, 310, 398
Liberty Lobby, 200, 230, 285, 388, 395
Liddy, G. Gordon, 319
Lifton, David S., 258
Limbaugh, Rush, 308
Lincoln, Abraham, 5–8, 240, 344, 345
Lindsey, Hal,
The Late Great Planet Earth,
Linklater, Richard, 252, 322
Lippmann, Walter, 21
Little Bighorn, Battle of, 36
Livergood, Norman, 281, 406
Lone Gunmen, The
(TV), 294-95
Lords of the Dark Face, 140
Lords of the Flame, 145
Los Angeles Free Press,
Loughner, Jared Lee, 320–22, 323, 416
Louima, Abner, 279
Lovecraft, H. P., 185, 220, 221, 223, 331
Necronomicon, 192, 206
The Shadow Out of Time,
lucid dreaming, 322
Luebke, Frederick, 41
Luxemburg, Rosa, 198
MacDonald, Hope,
When Angels Appear,
MacDougall, Rob, 336–37
MacMurray, Fred, 180–81, 183
Madison County, Mississippi, 98–99
Mafia, 17, 168, 220, 246, 248, 383–84
magic bullet, wishing for, 318
Mailer, Norman, 238
Malcolm X, 162, 169
Manchester, William, 228
Manchurian Candidate, The
(film), 74–75, 170, 173
Mankind United, 141
Mann Act (1910), 12
Manson, Charles, 171, 172, 188, 201, 216, 229, 256–57, 337, 383
Marchand, Roland, 358-59
Marrs, Texe, 334
Marshall, Josh, 311
Martin, Jim, 284
Martin, Luther, 112
Marx, Karl, 198
Maryland, Catholics and Indians in, 31–32
Massachuset tribe, 25
Masters, Robert Augustus, 282
Mather, Cotton, 24, 28, 32, 52
Mather, Increase, 25, 31, 34
Matrix, The
(films), 322, 323–24, 417
Mattachine Society of Washington (MSW), 81
Mavrides, Paul, 246–47, 252
McAlpine, Peter, 244–46, 283
McCarthy, Joseph, 75, 167, 359, 361
McCarthyism, 69, 71, 74–75, 167, 237, 293, 361
McCartney, Paul, 204, 346
McGonigal, Jane, 325–26
McGovern, George, 194, 386
McLaughlin, James, 38–39
McLuhan, Marshall, 389
McParlan, James, 102, 103
McVeigh, Timothy, 277, 279–80, 292
Meagher, Sylvia, 258
Mechanic, The
(film), 383-84
Mede, Joseph, 28
investigative journalism, 166–68, 246–47, 278, 286
misinformation spread by, 45, 131, 211, 212–17, 270, 301, 306, 310–12, 316, 320–21
panic promoted by, 11, 39–40, 210–11, 307–8
Men in Black, 225, 296
Menzies, William Cameron, 359
Mercury Theatre on the Air, The,
mesmerism, 58, 61, 72
MetaFilter, 331–32
Michael, George, 45
Mickey One
(film), 172, 176
militia movement, 11, 270, 276, 277–80, 287, 288–92, 294, 304, 313–15, 316
Milius, John, 265
Milk, Harvey, 172
millenarians, 290
Miller, Arthur,
The Crucible,
Miller, David Wynn, 321, 416
mind control, 169–71, 255, 259, 284, 358, 385, 416
see also
mind control
Minutemen (anti-Communist), 14, 219, 220–21, 293, 317
Minutemen (anti-immigrant), 317, 415
Miracle, Lee, 315
(film), 173
MKULTRA, 164–65, 170
Mock, James R., 44
Molly Maguires, 102–3
Mondo 2000,
Monk, Maria,
Awful Disclosures,
35, 57
“Monsters Are Due on Maple Street, The” (TV), 77–79, 173
Moor, Michael, 287, 288
Moore, Alan, 243
Moorish Science Temple, 405
moral panics, 10–12, 101–2
More, Thomas,
Morgan, Darin, 295–96
Morgan, William, 121–22, 123
Mormons, 56, 59–67, 142, 190, 205, 270,352, 357, 372
Morrell, David, 262–65, 268, 271
Morris, Dick, 292–93, 408
Morrison, Grant, 219
Morrison, Jim 382-83
Morse, Jedidiah, 118, 201, 370
Morse, Samuel, 370
Moscone, George, 172
Moseley, James, 226, 394
Mothersbaugh, Mark, 252
Motion Picture Production Code, 172, 383
Moulitsas, Markos, 320, 415
Mountain Meadows, Utah, 65
Mount Shasta, 136, 142-43, 377
MOVE, 286
Muhammad, Khalid Abdul, 287
Murder by Decree
(film), 178
Murrell, John, 96–98, 104, 201, 363, 364
music, subliminal messages in, 160, 190–91, 203, 214, 240, 330, 335
Myers, Bill, 148–49
Mystic Clan, 97, 99
My Three Sons
(TV), 180–81, 183
Nathan, Debbie, 212
Nation of Islam, 286, 287, 377
nativists, 34
Navasky, Victor, 230
Nazis, 73, 76, 105, 141, 169, 176, 195, 208, 228, 267, 271, 307, 366, 388
Necronomicon, 192, 206
Neiwert, David, 278, 314
Nelson, John Young, 63
(film), 178
Neumann, Erich, 79
New Age, 138, 142, 282
New Avengers: Illuminati
(comic), 330
Newburgh Conspiracy, 111, 115
New England:
as New Jerusalem, 152–53
witch hunts in, 49–55
New England Confederation, 29
New Hollywood, 172–78
New Left, 159, 162, 163, 165, 171, 261
Newton, Isaac, 151
New World, utopia of, 152
New World Order, 275–76, 277, 286, 313, 329
New York City:
fires in, 85–86, 88–91, 93, 101
slave insurgencies in, 83–92
New York Times, The,
39, 104, 162, 168, 308
New-York Tribune,
7, 39
Nicaraguan Contras, 166, 268, 269, 270
Nichols, James, 279
Nichols, Terry, 279
Night of the Living Dead
(film), 99, 100
Night Moves
(film), 176
9/11, 9, 45, 152, 271, 294, 299–302, 307, 326, 327–28, 333–35, 409,
9/11 truth movement, 300, 318, 346, 409, 415
Nipmuc warriors, 30
Nissenbaum, Stephen,
Salem Possessed
, 52
Nixon, Richard M., 10, 161, 164, 165–67, 261–62, 386
enemies list, 163
and Watergate, 24, 163, 166, 172, 174, 254, 261, 319
Noble, Kerry, 208
Noriega, Manuel, 254
Norris, Chuck, 267-68, 403
North, Oliver, 269
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 313
North by Northwest
(film), 173
Notes to Mary, 331–32
Nye, Russel B., 8
Oath Keepers, 313–14
Obama, Barack, 307, 311, 312, 316, 317–20
Odum, Howard, 104
Oklahoma City bombing, 277–78, 279–80, 290, 292, 320
Oklahoma Constitutional Militia, 289
Old Man of the Mountains, 241–42
Oliver, Revilo, 200
Olmsted, Kathryn, 164, 175
Operation CHAOS, 161–62, 171
Operation Mindfuck, 239–48, 326, 398
Order, The, 278, 279
Order of Assassins, 297
Order of the Quest, 134–36, 140, 152
orgone, 236–37
Orwell, George, 221, 248
Osler, Zach, 321
Oswald, Lee Harvey, 168, 232, 254, 257–58, 346, 395
Packard, Vance,
The Hidden Persuaders,
71, 203
Paine, Thomas, 134
Paiute Indians, 37, 64–65
Pakula, Alan J., 173–74
Palin, Sarah, 320, 321, 415
Pappas, Tom, 169
Parallax View, The
(film), 174, 175, 176, 177, 262, 293
paranoia, 8–22
anticult agitation, 213
benevolence as antidote to, 152–53
conspiracy theories
critical-paranoiac method, 336
elite panic, 306–9
fusion, 222, 276, 280–81
Hofstadter’s style of, 9–10, 12–13, 14, 19, 44, 205, 222
imitation of the enemy in, 13, 44, 117
ironic style of, 17, 221–22, 229, 234, 243, 246–49, 254–56, 296–97, 326, 336–37
of minority movements, 9, 10
moral panics, 10–12
use of term, 18–19
, 283
Paranoid Style, The
(game), 336
pareidolia, 335–36
Paris Commune (1871), 103–4
Parker, William, 107, 108
Pasley, Jeffrey, 29
Patriot movement, 278, 313, 316
Patz, Etan, 211
Paul, Ron, 304, 419
Pedrone, Dino, 189, 385-86
Pegler, Westbrook, 75
Pelley, William Dudley, 141, 142, 144, 198, 377
Pendergast, Tom, 165
Penn, Arthur, 172, 176
Pentagon Papers, 163
Peoples Temple, 170–71
Pequot War, 29
Perliger, Arie, 315–17, 414-15
Perlstein, Rick,
Before the Storm,
Perot, Ross, 284, 406
Peroutka, Michael, 82
Perron, Steve, 169
Peters, Peter J., 278
PhenomiCon, 284, 328, 407
Philbrick, Herbert, 73–74
Philip, Wampanoag sachem, 25, 26, 29, 30, 32, 34, 36
King Philip’s War, 27–28, 29–30, 87
Phillips, Mark, 333–34
Pike, Otis, 165
“Pine Bluff Variant, The” (TV), 294
Pinkerton Detective Agency, 102
Pipes, Daniel, 131
Pius IX, Pope,
Plains Indians, 35–36
134, 140
Playboy Forum/Advisor, 239, 241–43
Plowman, Edward, 192–93, 194
Plot 49
(game), 325
Poindexter, George, 4
police brutality, 103, 105, 106, 108, 130, 264, 279, 286
Pollack, Sydney, 175
Populists, 12, 140, 199, 200–201, 270, 271, 277, 278–79, 376
Portis, Charles, 375
Posey, Tom, 270
Post, Ted, 267
Potok, Mark, 313, 321, 322
Pound, Ezra, 396
Powers, Tim, 337
POW/MIA rescue genre, 267, 268, 269
pranksters, 222, 227–31
President’s Analyst, The
(film), 173
Presley, Sharon, 398
Principia Discordia,
Prinze, Freddie, 169
Procter & Gamble, 203
Prodigy, 329–30, 419
pronoia, 136
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, The,
141, 197, 198, 208–9, 288, 291, 376
Pulling, Pat, 206–7
forsaking the fold, 31
and Indians, 24, 25, 31
and New Jerusalem, 152–53
and witch hunts, 53
Pynchon, Thomas,
The Crying of Lot 49
, 325, 397
Quaker conspiracy, 34
Quarantelli, E. L., 360
Quasi-War (1798–1800), 117
serials (TV), 71, 358
Queenborough, Lady (Miller), 199, 201, 408
Quitman, John, 5
Radio Free America
, 275
Radio Free World,
railroads, 124–25
Rambo series, 262–73