The Vampires' Last Lover (Dying of the Dark Vampires Book 1) (31 page)

BOOK: The Vampires' Last Lover (Dying of the Dark Vampires Book 1)
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Surely, her exaggerated French accent didn’t hurt matters. Something told me that if he and I did survive this misadventure romantically, dressing up like a naughty French chambermaid might be a regular requirement to appease his sexual appetite.

Excitement danced in his eyes. Without further delay, he clambered upon the bed. I prepared to receive him inside me, allowing him to push my legs open. Before I actually felt his penetration, Chanson buried her fangs in my throat.

After the initial sting from her bite, an incredible rush of adrenaline flowed through me, encompassing my entire being. I felt an odd tingling sensation along the top of my head that quickly traveled to the soles of my feet. My heart pounded heavily, pumping my blood out of my body and into Chanson’s mouth. Along with this, Peter’s steady thrusts inside me began to bring me to orgasm, although his climax had yet to come.

Suddenly, an incredibly sharp stabbing pain erupted inside my abdomen, from the ovary on my left side. The pain was excruciating—the worst thing I had ever encountered in my life up until then. No doubt, an ovum had been forced from dormancy down into my uterus. My ecstasy abruptly cut short, I felt the explosion of Peter’s orgasm, just as the world around me began to go black.

One of the last things I recalled was Chanson’s voice calling to me from somewhere above, urging me to drink. An acrid taste that was metallic filled my mouth, as liquid poured down my throat. I almost choked and coughed up some of it.

While losing consciousness, cheers of joy erupted around me. The ritual was a success. Garvan and Armando congratulated Peter, and I heard Nora tell Chanson that my color was good and that I’d be ‘fine in no time.’ Hearing these things as my awareness faded gave me a sense of satisfaction. At least there was hope of better days ahead. Maybe things would work out for all of us.

But, the last thing I heard before everything went blank was Gustav’s panicked shouts, followed by an escalating murmur from the group. Something about the castle gates being stormed and an invasion on the main floor. Vampires. Bad ones with a single mission.

To find and kill me.

woke alone.

My hands went first to my lower abdomen, where I had felt such excruciating pain. I am not sure what I expected to find, but it was smooth to the touch and the pain was gone. I ran them up my body to my neck. It was also smooth, though I could imagine a redness there, as happened before.

The door to my room opened and Maria entered, carrying a silver serving tray with a pitcher of water and a small glass. My tongue was virtually stuck to the roof of my mouth, I was so thirsty. I sat up suddenly and reached out toward her.

She jumped back and dropped the tray, shattering the glass and spilling water all over the floor.

A stream of profanity flowed from her. Words, images, all of them crashed into me like a wave. The nonstop stream threatened to overwhelm me.

“I’m sorry,” she said timidly. ‘Stupide! Stupide! Stupide!’

“It’s okay, I am sorry that I scared you.” Was she calling me stupid? Herself? The shouting confused me. It was so opposite to her previous phrase.

‘J’espère que cette eau ne ruine pas ces chaussures. Racco loves them.’

“Excuse me?” I was confused and tired and starting to get really pissed off.

Another wave of French, too fast for me to understand or remember. Also a feeling of envy? Jealousy? Frustration? All of it at the same time.

That was when I realized that somehow, I was hearing her thoughts.

I felt nauseous. I couldn’t tell if it was the disorientation of having another’s thoughts in my head or dehydration or―could it be morning sickness already?

I ran into the adjacent bathroom and was loudly and violently ill.

I felt Maria’s disgust behind me.

“Just go, please,” I said between retches. She was as grateful to be dismissed as I was to be alone. As she retreated her internal musings became quieter and quieter until finally they vanished, leaving me in silence. After a few moments of peace I stood up and rinsed my mouth out, and then splashed cold water on my face.

I looked into the mirror and felt that I looked paler than normal. I pulled my hair back to take a look at my neck. Not surprisingly, the wounds had already healed, though the teardrops on my neck were slightly swollen still, providing further confirmation of what had happened to me in the hours just before dawn. More mental images from the event began to flood my awareness, and I could taste the blood being poured down my throat once more.

That’s when incredible nausea overcame me, forcing me back down onto my knees as I retched for damn near twenty minutes.

I eventually felt brave enough to leave the bathroom and when I did, I noticed a set of clean clothes laid out on the bed. Maria must have returned while I was being sick. As I dressed I noticed a susurration of French coming through the door. Maria was waiting for me, I could tell this without opening the door. I closed my eyes and tried to guess which side of the doorway she was on, but it didn’t really work. I could tell she was over there somewhere, but it was far from precise.

I stepped through the door (she was on the left) and forced a smile at her, which she returned.

“I am ready to see Racco,” I said to her with more than a little spite.

“He is not here, though Mercel asked that I escort you to him when you awoke.”

I felt her smugness. I might have just imagined it. How was I to know when I was reading someone else’s thoughts or if I was just projecting my own expectations?

Unwilling to say anything else, I just nodded at her, and she led me to Racco’s major domo.

Mercel greeted me with his typically polite exuberance but I wasn’t in the mood for small talk.

“Where is Racco?” I asked.

“I cannot tell you any more precisely than to just say that you will see him again, and soon.”

“There was an attack as I passed out. At least I think there was…” I trailed off and left a silence for him to fill.

“There was. Ralu was at the forefront of a veritable horde of monsters.” He clucked his tongue and shook his head. “I am sure that Racco will fill you in once we get to China.”


“Oh, how careless of me to let that slip.” He winked at me. “There were a great many casualties on both sides, but more than that I cannot say. I know this is not what you want to hear, Mademoiselle Ybarra, but I have my orders to follow, and it is likely that I have already said too much. Ask me anything other than that, and if I know the answer, I will tell you.”

Well, he refused to answer my next question as to
Racco would be coming to this new secret hideout—which I assumed would be another castle. Also, I discovered that he must have learned the ability to cloak his thoughts, as I picked up nothing from him. I’d have to ask him to teach me that some time.

Other details Mercel did know, and could tell me, were these: we would be boarding the plane around 3:00 p.m., and joining us would be more than one hundred vampires, still asleep in their coffins. This was as much for my continued protection as companionship, he said. An additional cargo plane would also make the trip, carrying most of the heavier caskets and other treasured items already packed by Gustav’s servants. It lightened my heart to learn that my vampire friends were among those selected to accompany me.

Peter had already been forced to return to America. There was so much left unresolved and I had hoped for an opportunity to speak with him, in order to gauge where our relationship stood after the ceremony. I doubted that it could be salvaged, based on what I knew of his sheltered upbringing.

I fully intend to meet up with him when I’m allowed to visit my family in Virginia; after all, he is the father of the child already growing inside of me.

My baby girl.


I have been told that the normal gestation period following the relance de sang is just five to seven months. I can hardly wait to introduce the world to the latest blood princess. I am not sure how I know, but there is no doubt at all that the child inside me is a girl. I have a name already, one suggested by Gustav just a few hours ago, though it has grown on me. I like this name but can’t share it. Not yet.

I know nothing of the estate we’re heading to, but after experiencing the wealth of my vampire protectors and their alchemist sponsor, I assume it will be grand. Perhaps even another palace of some sort.

Now, I have one last surprise to share before I bring this chronicle to a close. My vampire friends wanted to add one last element to ensure I didn’t get too bored or lonely in our new home. So, they brought someone else along. Someone I never believed I’d ever see again in this world. Someone whose brilliant smile and big green eyes could rival many a vampire’s shimmering countenance while alive.

This person entered the passenger cabin less than half an hour ago, dressed in a stunning coral Valentino cocktail dress and is sitting across from me, pressing me to finish.


Tyreen the vampire—or I should say beautiful vampire. Still gorgeous and voluptuous, and already at home with extravagant vampire fashion!

I have only one worry with her. Since she’s new to the undead world, and from what I hear the nubile vamps are always hungry, how will she handle her bloodlust?

And, the way she’s looking at me now…

Wish me luck.

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