The World Was Going Our Way (123 page)

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Authors: Christopher Andrew

Tags: #Biographies & Memoirs, #True Accounts, #Espionage, #History, #Europe, #Ireland, #Military, #Intelligence & Espionage, #Modern (16th-21st Centuries), #20th Century, #Russia, #World

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Ming Pao
(Hong Kong newspaper)
Mirage fighter aircaft
Misaq, Abdel Karim
MISHA (Japanese KGB agent)
al-Misri, Ahmad ‘Urabi (Egyptian Marxist pen-name)
Soviet bases in Cuba
Soviet SS-, in Far East
US cruise, in Europe
see also
SAM missiles; Scud-B; Stinger
MITOU (KGB agent in China)
MITRA (Bangladeshi KGB agent)
Mitrokhina, Nina
Mitrokhin, Vasili Nikitich
arrival in West
ideological motivation
life and career
quality and range of archive
Mobutu, Joseph ésiré
MODEST (KGB confidential contact in ZAPU)
Modin, Yuri
Mofutsanyana, Edwin
Mogadishu, hijacking to
Mogarebi, General Ahmad (MAN)
Mohieddin, Khaled (LYUBOMIR)
Mokgabudi, Motso (
. Obadi)
Mondlane, Eduardo
Mongolia, Inner
Mongolian People’s Republic
Montefiore, Simon Sebag
Moody, Piloo
Morales Bermúdez, General Francisco
Morse, Senator Wayne
Mortin, Fyodor Konstantinovich
Moscow Helsinki Group
Moscow Radio
Moscow State Circus
Mosolov, A. I.
Mossad (Israeli foreign intelligence service)
Mossadeq, Dr Muhammad
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick
post-independence war
security service
and South Africa
MPLA (Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola)
Mubarak, Hosni
Mufti, Grand
Mugabe, Robert
Muggeridge, Malcolm
Muhammad, Ali Nasir
Muhammad, Aziz (GLAVNY)
Muhammad, Niyaz
Muhammadi, Muhammad Nabi
Mujadihi yi Khalq (Holy Warriors), Iran
, Afghan
arms supplies
divisions amongst
KGB penetration
Pakistani support
US support
Mujahidin, Iranian
Mujibur Rahman, Sheikh (Mujib)
Mullik, B. N.
Munich; Olympic Games ()
Münzel, Johann
Münzenberg, Willi
MUNZIR (Rif’at al-Asad)
Muravyev, Vasili Mikhailovich
MURAVYI (codename for Chinese in Africa)
MURTARS (Egyptian KGB agent)
music; ideological control
Muslim Brotherhood
Mutiya, Muhammad Salih
Muzykin, I. I.
MVD (Soviet security and intelligence organization)
Mwambutsa, Mwami (King) of Burundi
NABAT (special forces exercise)
Nadir, Muhammad
NAGIB (Aziz Sidqi)
Nairobi; Norfolk Hotel
Najibullah, Muhammad (POTOMOK)
Non-Aligned Movement
Nanda, Gulzarilal
Nasher, Sarwari
NASHIT (KGB agent in Moscow)
NASIB (KGB agent in World Islamic League)
NASOS, operation
Nasr, Salah Muhammad
Nasser, Gamal Abdel
Soviet relations with
National Herald
, Indian (ZARYA)
national identity, Islam and
national liberation movements
KGB global grand strategy and
National Security Concept of Russian Federation
Haddad, Dr Wadi
NAUM (South Yemeni KGB agent)
navy, Soviet
in Indian Ocean
Pacific Fleet
Syria and
NAZAR (Japanese KGB agent)
Nazhestkin, Oleg Ivanovich
Nechiporenko, Oleg Maksimovich
NED (Zimbabwean KGB agent)
Nefedov, V. P.
Nehru, Jawaharlal
Nellin, Dr
Nepal; residency budget
Neto, Agostinho
Neto, António Delfim
NEVEROVA (KGB female agent)
New China News Agency
New Jewel Movement, Grenada
New Left, Western
New York Times
Ngendnadumwe, Pierre
Nguyen Ai Quac (Ho Chi-Minh)
and Costa Rica
and Cuba
and El Salvador
EPSD (Ejército Popular Sandinista)
Sandinistas ; gain power; régime ; decline
Somoza dynasty
Soviet and Cuban arms supplies
Soviet-Nicaraguan treaty ()
USA and
Nidal al-Sha’b
NIK (Syrian KGB contact)
al-Nimeiri, Gaafar Muhammad
NIRUZ (Muhammad Rafi)
Nixon, Richard Milhouse
and Chile
détente: with China; with USSR
and Sadat
NKGB (Soviet security and intelligence service)
Nkomati non-aggression agreement
Nkomo, Joshua
Nkrumah, Kwame
NKVD (People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs)
Nobel Peace Prize
NOK (Indian KGB agent)
NOMOTO (KGB illegal in Japan)
Non-Aligned Movement
Afghan membership
Bhutto attempts to undermine
Castro and
India and
votes with Soviet bloc in UN
‘non-capitalist path’
Noriega Morena, Manuel
Noulens, Hilaire (
. of Jakov Rudnik)
Novosti news agency
NPUP (National Progressive Unionist Party), Egypt
NSA (US National Security Agency)
nuclear weapons
supposed US first strike threat
see also
Nujoma, Sam

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