The Wrong Girl (25 page)

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Authors: Zoe Foster

BOOK: The Wrong Girl
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In the glossy world of footballers' wives, love is the toughest game of all.

‘I turned from the bar and prepared to navigate my way through the mass of heaving, loud, beautiful people to our seats in the courtyard. I was doing a brilliant job, nursing the drinks to my chest and caving my shoulders to protect them, until I was knocked from behind. Half of each drink went flying onto the back of the guy unlucky enough to be standing in front of me. He turned slowly around. With my hands full and covered in vodka, I was unable to do anything but offer what I hoped was a sincere apology via my eyes. His mouth was open and his fingers were pulling his shirt out from his substantially wet back. And somewhere high above, God was high-fiving someone on his incredible handiwork.'

‘Pick it up and read it . . . a few pages in and you will be hooked. Guaranteed.'

‘Fabulously wry wit.'

He was only supposed to be a bit of fun . . .

When Abby enjoys a memorable night with a delicious 22-year-old, she easily waves him out of her life the next morning. She doesn't have time for these sorts of distractions. And he's only 22, after all! A child. But the charming young Marcus isn't going to let her get away that easily. He knows what he wants and takes it upon himself to prove that age is irrelevant where the heart is concerned. Abby, though, isn't convinced. She feels certain she should be with someone her own age, someone more impressive, someone more . . . settled. Surely nothing can ever come of this relationship?

‘Charming, witty and oh-so addictive . . . A great read that will have you yelling, “I know exactly what she means!” over and over.'


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Text copyright © Zoë Foster 2014

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ISBN: 978-1-74253-573-9


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