Their Twisted Love (The Twisted Mosaic - Book 2)

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Their Twisted Love

(The Twisted Mosaic –
Book 2)




Amelia James


Copyright © 2013 Amelia James

Cover Art Copyright © 2013 Mallory Rock


Edited by Stevie Mikayne


eBook License Notes:

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part of this book without written permission, except in the case of brief
quotations used in critical articles and reviews, or in accordance with federal
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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and
incidents are products of the author's imagination, or the author has used them

I write fiction. I give my readers the benefit of the doubt
and assume they know erotic fiction sex is fantasy sex, and in fantasies, we're
allowed to break the rules. I believe in practicing safe sex, but my characters
do not use condoms because this is a fantasy, an escape from the harsh
realities of everyday life. My readers are smart enough to know the difference.




This book is dedicated to everyone who read
Twisted Pleasures
. This story is for your pleasure.

Table of Contents



The Same

Once and Done

The Wrong

Still Can't Say


Just Once More

Playing Nice

Playing Dirty

His Mistake

Not That Woman


The Open Door

Proceed with


Their Twisted



the Author

What's Next?

from Amelia James

Also from Evolved Publishing



"I want you to fuck me like an Olympic gymnast tonight,
Alex." Joan Turner, District Attorney, leaned over her desk and let her
blouse fall open to give me a peek at her magnificent breasts. Not that I
needed any motivation. I'd been fucking her for a couple of months, and she
always came back for more.

"I'll fuck you like I always do, babe."

She cringed at the nickname. Ms. Big-shot DA hated being
called babe, sweetheart, girl, or any term that belittled her position, but she
needed to be reminded that she was only my boss in the office—not in the

"And you'll like it." I slipped my hand inside her
shirt and caressed her silky skin.

She purred and squirmed, trying to force her nipple from her
bra, and almost succeeded when someone knocked on the door. "Damn
it!" She jumped and pulled her blouse closed. "Come in."

My paralegal, Claire, peeked in. "Sorry, ma'am. You
asked me to join you?" She held the doorknob and waited for confirmation.

"Yes. Sit down."

Claire scurried over to the desk, smoothing her skirt under
her round ass as she sat down beside me. She laid a file on top of her thighs
and crossed her ankles like a good girl. Her mousy brown bangs fell across her
eyes, and she tucked them behind her ear. I'd wanted to screw that seemingly
innocent young lady to the wall, but I'd worked hard to get this lead
prosecutor position. Would've been a shame to lose it in a sex scandal.

But no sooner had I unpacked my office, than Joan made her
intentions toward me perfectly clear. She wanted me for her boy toy, her after
hours—and sometimes during—plaything. That lasted through our first romp in the
sack, and then I took over. And she loved it.

Joan beckoned for the file on Claire's lap. "What's
happening with the McCloskey case?"

Claire bit her lip and I scratched my head. "We can't
prove he hired Caine to kill Mrs. McCloskey until we find the payment."

"Do you have people looking for it?"

"Forensic accounting is working on it, but they're
backed up. The trial could be over before they find anything. The judge won't
give me another continuance."

Joan sat back in her chair, tapping her fingers together.
"Then hire someone else to find it."

Claire squirmed in her seat. "I know...." She
cleared her throat and started again. "I know a girl... she's a computer
genius. I met her at a paralegal conference last fall."

"Get me her contact information."

"Yes ma'am." Claire left the file and hurried back
to my office.

Joan watched her close the door. "She's still clueless,

"That girl is the smartest assistant I've ever

"About us."

"Oh. Right. Doesn't know a thing."

"Good. I have a lunch appointment in ten minutes."
She handed me the McCloskey file, effectively dismissing me. "Dinner at
six tonight."

"Make it seven." I didn't explain why. No reason
than to keep her at my command, but she didn't need to know that.

"All right." She turned to her computer and
started typing.

I slid my hand across her shoulder and grabbed a fistful of
hair at the back of her neck. Her spine went rigid as I pulled her close.
"No underwear allowed."

Her eyes flashed and she argued, "I can't go without a

"But you will."

Her phone buzzed and a female voice echoed over the
intercom. "Judge Hamilton is here to see you."

"Thank you. I'll be right out." She tried to shrug
me off, but I yanked her head back and gave her a quick hard kiss.

"You'll get more of this after dinner."

"I hope so."

"Have I ever disappointed you?"

"Never." She blushed as her phone buzzed again.
"Now get out."

"Yes, boss." I let her enjoy that moment and then
made a show of adjusting my pants, and re-positioning my suit jacket over my
stiff crotch before opening the door.


Claire handled all the contact with the forensic accountant
so I had no idea we'd hired her until Joan informed us at our staff meeting a
week later.

"Her? What the fucking hell! We hired
help with this case?"

"Who?" Claire scrambled after me, barely slipping
through Joan's door before I slammed it shut.

My heart hammered as I stomped down the hall to my office.
"Jesus Christ."
A year and a half spent getting over what she did
to me... what I did to her... shot to hell.

"Am I missing something?"

I plunked down in my chair and searched my calendar.
2:30, Meeting with FA.
"Shit, why didn't you put her name on

"Sorry, I was in a hurry."

The appointment reminder popped up on my screen.
In five minutes, the woman I'd screwed over and fallen in love with
would walk back into my life.
Love. What a crock.
I wasn't supposed to
get attached. That was our—my—most important rule. But that slut—
don't call
her that
—that beautiful, smart, stubborn-as-fucking-hell wildcat in the sack
had sunk her claws into me and ripped my heart to shreds. The scars still

My assistant drummed her fingers on my desk. I took a deep
breath and tried to say something that made sense. "What's on the

Claire handed me a spreadsheet. "I gave her copies of
all the information our accountants dug up on McCloskey's money. She said she'd
look it over, but you two would need to strategize how to find it."

I'd like her to find the money she took from me.
the hell does she need me for?"

"Do you two know each other? She didn't speak for a
full minute when I said your name on the phone."

So... she's still bent out of shape over me. Good.
re-lived bending her over that pool table and almost came in my pants.
"We've met." Any further information would spin out of control faster
than a rookie skier on a black diamond slope.

"Uh-huh." She looked at me with a skeptical eye,
probing questions brewing in her analytical brain. I'd trained her well.

"Bring me her résumé." All the information looked
familiar until about eighteen months ago.
After I left her....
My tie
suddenly constricted, and I pulled it loose. She'd earned a certificate in
forensic accounting, and worked on several high-profile cases. A quick read of
her recommendation letters told me if anyone could find McCloskey's hit
payment, it was her. "Looks like she's the best person for the job. Damn

"She's going to be here any minute, so pull yourself

I caught my reflection in the computer monitor, straightened
my tie and tried to make my hair look less "mad scientist" and more
"determined lawyer." I settled for "desperate prosecutor."

A knock rattled the door and my nerves. I nodded at Claire.
"Answer it."

My assistant crossed the room and let Talia Stone back into
my life.

"Hello, Alex. You look... just as I expected." Her
eyes lit up and a smirk twisted her lips as her gaze travelled down my chest.

What the hell is so funny?
I glanced down and noticed
my shirt buttoned up crooked. I'd gotten dressed in a hurry after fucking Joan
this morning. Had it been off-center all day?

"Talia. Good to see you."
My God.
looked even more beautiful the last time I saw her... sweaty and naked on the
floor in Will's arms.

Her eyes narrowed and she snarled. "Is it?"

"You're here to work."
Tell that to my dick.

"I think I hear my phone ringing." Claire grabbed
her legal pad and scurried out of my office.

Talia waited until the door clicked shut before tearing into
me. "You're supposed to be in Charleston. What the hell are you doing

Working with her would be fucking impossible, but I resisted
the urge to screw her into submission. "Trying to win a case. Can you help
me or not?"

"I can.... The question is whether or not I will."
She crossed her arms over her chest.

Damn, I miss those tits.
"Don't fuck with

Red fury colored her face. "Don't even...! If I'd known
I'd be working with
, I never would've come."

"Oh, you'd come." Images of all the times and all
the ways I'd made her come invaded my head.
Goddamn it!
My restraint
slipped and I stalked her, backing her up against the wall. We'd done this
before—and she remembered how that ended as well as I did.

"Stop. Stop it now."

I fingered the buttons on her blouse. Her lacy bra peeked at
me through the thin silk. "Still can't say no, can you?"

She didn't stop me. "No, damn it. I have a
boyfriend." Her voice faltered as she said the words.

I laughed so hard tears rolled down my cheeks. "Really?
You think a boyfriend would stop me? Or you?" My cock hardened as more
memories battered my defenses. Her naked on that fancy bathroom floor. Me tied
to her bed. Him watching us fuck on his couch.

She grabbed my tie and pulled me close. "Nothing ever
stopped us."

Oh shit.
This was not what I wanted. But maybe I
needed to fuck her and get it out of the way. My thumb brushed her nipple, and
her breath tickled my lips as she moaned.
Don't kiss her. Don't....

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