They Say Love Is Blind (14 page)

Read They Say Love Is Blind Online

Authors: Pepper Pace

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction

BOOK: They Say Love Is Blind
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The couple moved to the bedroom and Tory learned that there was a reason that the doggy style was one of the most popular sexual positions. Afterwards, they lay in the spoon position and Tory murmured to him.

"I don't see how it's possible but today was even more fun than yesterday."

"Mmm." He placed a light kiss on the back of her neck. "I agree. She felt him prop himself up on his elbow. "Tory?"

He hesitated. "Yesterday you mentioned that you weren't a virgin. the distinct impression that the loss of your virginity was against your will." She turned in bed
to face him
. "If I'm being too nosey then please forgiv-" She placed her finger on his lip

"It's okay." This was something she had never shared with anyone other than her parents and only because they had a need to know. "I went to college to be a pharmacist." She grimaced. "I can't even imagine why I wanted to be a pharmacist seems like so long ago." She sighed.

"I was kind of outgoing back then. I used to go to parties and drink too much with my friends. But I wasn't..." She cleared her throat trying not to allow her voice to shake so. "I wasn't a fast girl, I was just an eighteen year old girl that had left home for the first time. My friends and I went to a bar and I wasn't all that drunk. But I met a guy. He didn't go to my University and he was a little older. He seemed kinda cool and I...well I told him I'd go to another club with him." Her breath was coming faster and she didn't like that after
so many years
, thinking about that night still did that.
"I...we never got to the club. He pulled down a dead end street and he raped me. I suppose that there are a lot of things that I could have done had I not been drunk-"

She stopped talking and looked up, trying to read his tight expression. "Yes?"

"It wasn't your fault."

"I got into a car with a guy I didn't know..."

, you are so sweet and trusting. Those are two qualities that you never lost." He sighed and his voice grew tight. "What happened to that guy?"


"Nothing. The cops never found him and I dropped out of school because I was simply too scared to stay there."

His brow knit. "The guy that did that to you is still out on the streets?"

She nodded. "I believe so."

He gripped her hand and pulled it to his lips. He kissed her fingers lightly. "I'm so sorry. I wish that there was something that I could do-"

"You already have, honey. Just me feeling loved by you-"

"No. I mean, I wish that I could kill him for you."

She was silent for a moment. "I have killed him a million times in my head."

He paused. "How? Tell me how you've killed him."

Slowly she described the slow torture and castration of her attacker. Lee listened intently, nodding his full acceptance of her punishment and at times adding his own descriptions where hers were lacking. Somehow, after doing that she felt almost good. He pulled her into his arms and held her against his chest, and she slept listening to the beating of his heart.


The next day she could have lingered but she got up, dressed and afte
r kissing and hugging Lee
goodbye, Tory went to the bus stop so that she could go home. That evening after she'd finished cleaning her apartment and doing the laundry her phone rang and it was Lee explaining how much he missed her. He'd gone to the grocers with one of his sisters and had gotten his shopping done and now he was thinking about her dancing.

"Oh. I got you a present. I'll give it to you tomorrow on the bus." He said.

"A present? You found something for the mantle?"

"No. This present you aren't going to want to keep on the mantle...maybe a little closer to your person."
"So...are you going to give it to me on the bus?"

He sighed. "Tory, you know what you do to me when you talk dirty...But if I could give IT to you on the bus, I most certainly would. But
the present I have for you
—now that I can manage on the bus."

They talked for almost an hour and then she showered and put on pajama bottoms and a tee shirt. She tugged at the loose waistband and then at the seat of the pants. They were usually so tight...Tory went to the restroom and stepped on the scale.

Oh my G
od...she'd lost nine pounds. She'd lost nine pounds in less than a week! It had once taken her three months to lose nine pounds, and she'd just now done it in five days! She squealed and jumped up and down. Walking, dancing...making love, not to mention eating lighter; of course she would lose weight! She gripped her butt. She didn't want to lose too much, though. Her man liked her with some substance.

The next morning she took special care in her appearance, wearing a nice pantsuit and blouse as well as running shoes. Her heels she tucked into a briefcase along with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich that she'd thrown together for her lunch. And then right when she thought that the bus would be nearing its destination she took off sprinting down the street. Sure enough the thing was speeding to the stop, just as she was. If she didn't get there first it would just keep going even though the bus driver would clearly see her running for it.

Her hands pumped as she sprinted and she beat the bus! When the doors opened she was panting and sweating, but she had her change tucked securely in her suit jacket. She climbed up the stairs triumphantly and smirked at the bus driver. Lee was sitting in his usual seat and his back straightened
and his eyes widened. He held out his hand palm up
and she placed the change in it, then she sat down in the empty seat next to his while he fed her change in for her.
When he sat back down he had two bright red spots on his cheek. She leaned in towards him and whispered.
"Hi honey, what's wrong?"

"Your breathing...that's the sound! It is the sound you make when you've been ma
de love to very thoroughly..." h
e whispered back. Tory swallowed back her giggles. It was the effect she had been going for.

The other commuters on the bus watched them curiously and maybe in some cases, incredulously as the two lovers whispered back and forth, chuckling and holding hands. Lee reached into his pocket and pulled out
an object and handed it to her

It was a key. She gave him a

"I had it made yesterday. I want you to feel free to come by whenever you want,
." Despite the other commuters she leaned forward and kissed him lightly. Someone made a low wolf whistle and others giggled. Yikes, she hadn't intended to put on a show. He reached for his duffel bag and pulled the rope to indicate his stop.

"May I come
and visit you tonight?"

"Yes," s
he grinned.

"Okay, see you after work.

He was
gone and she
missed him.




After work she called him on his cell phone. She was quickly searching for something casual to wear. "I'm going to meet you at the bus stop."

He chuckled. "You won't need to do that."

"Well I just don't want you to get
turned around
or anything-"

"I can't get lost in a five
minute walk from the bus stop to your apartment. Hold on." Tory heard her doorbell ring.
"Honey, I have to hang up now, I'm at my girlfriend's house."

"What?!" She cried out happily. She sprinted to the front door and opened it and there he was looking sexy in Dockers and a crisp white button up shirt. She moved quickly into his arms and they spent a few moments kissing right there in the entrance.

Eu falto-o
" She spoke in Portuguese; I miss you. "
Eu quero-o
." I want you...

"How-?" He began in surprise.

"Babel fish." He laughed out loud. "I practiced all morning."
was very proud of her
and didn’t have the heart to tell her that the online translation was definitely not right. He just enjoyed the fact that she would try. Lee decided in that second that he would be in charge of her lessons and that before long she would be speaking Portuguese just like a native of the Azores.

She led him into the apartment.

"Honey, show me how to position the rooms so that it's easy for you to navigate."

He looked around. "Just don't change the position of the furniture without warning me. Even a few inches throws me off. Other than that, I'll learn the layout. He was carrying his duffel bag and he reached into one of the zipper portions.

"Oh, I found something for the mantle."

"Something to remind me of you?"

He nodded and withdrew his cane that was folded into a small bundle.

"Your cane? You're going to still need this..."

"My old cane. They g
et bent or the tip

comes off. I haven't used this one in years." She took it and smiled. She unfolded it and ran her fingers down the sections.

"Baby...this is PERFECT! I love it!" She placed it on the mantle next to the tarnished bell and it fit wonderfully.
"Come see it." He moved forward carefully and reached out with a light touch, his fingers moving over the items until they stopped at the cane.

"It looks good here."



3 months later


She felt a gently tug on her nipple, the warm flick of a tongue and then the sound of soft sighs. Tory’s eyes remained closed as she snuggled closer to Lee, her legs going around his lower body, capturing him
thick thighs.


He struggled, not to get away
but to seek her warm inviting core. While continuing to lap at her breast, he thrust forward, slipping into her yielding opening and hearing her gasp of pleasure. She always wondered how one could be so hard so early in the morning. Lee was like steel encased in velvet. He pumped his hip
s, slipping that magnificent piece
of manhood into her only to withdraw it and push it into her again—so many times that she was lightheaded with need. She cried out words that had no meaning and yet he understood each command, every plea, and every
of pleasure.


Later, the couple lay cuddled in each other’s arms. “Good morning,
.” He pulled Tory into his arms tighter
, nuzzling
her neck.


She placed her lips against the soft curls of his head. “’Morning.” With a sigh she pulled herself out of his arms. “You shower, I’ll start the coffee.”


His lips curled into a playful pout. “Oh? We can’t shower together?”


“No,” She said firmly, “o
r we’ll never get to work on time.” She hurried to the bathroom to pee, admiring Lee’s perfect physique as he
trailed in after her and
turned on the shower. Once upon a time, Tory would have been too embarrassed to
use the toilet with anyone else in the room. But Lee thought her modesty was silly considering their level of inti
. He also had to remind her that he couldn’t see what she was doing
on the toilet
anyways. She quickly flushed and washed her hands and he glanced at her over his shoulder.


“You sure,
?” He was holding back the shower curtain and looking towards her expectantly. Mmm mmm mmm, she thought. His unruly hair was tousled about his head and his morning stubble made him look rugged. The muscles in his toned body stood out like he worked out every single day even though he didn’t. Her eyes lingered on his heavy manhood
. Damn…


“Okay,” she relented. She was addicted to him. Sometimes she felt as if she had to grab as much joy from him as she could because somehow she would be awakened from this wonderful dream and she wanted as many memories of him that she could gather. He held out his hand to her and she took it as she joined him in the shower. He positioned her in front of the spray and stood behind her, his hands traveling over her front
, helping the water to
wet her. He picked up a sponge and applied her body wash and then proceeded to wash her thoroughly. His hand trailed over each curve, each fold and each dimple of her larger than average body.

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