Read Those Red High Heels Online

Authors: Katherine May

Tags: #red high heels, #comedy, #contemporary, #romance, #romantic comedy, #Contemporary Romance, #dog

Those Red High Heels (17 page)

BOOK: Those Red High Heels
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“Your childhood seems simple. It sounds nice.”

“I guess it was, but it seemed normal to me.” I was starting to not feel as tipsy as I had been, but I was also ready to get out of McCabe's and head home. “Are you ready to get out of here? Because we can do another round if you want to?”

Greyson finished the beer in his hand, and set it back down on the table. “I think I’m good, but I really want to tell you how great this has been. Thank you.”

“Anytime. That’s what friends are for. Which makes me need to ask, we’re allowed to be friends again, right?”

Greyson let out a low laugh and shook his head. “Of course. I’ll go get the tab, and be right back.”

A few minutes later, we were back in his car heading to the Upper East Side. “I had fun tonight. I am now recharged on going somewhere on my top ten list. I hadn’t thought about it in a long time.”

“It definitely makes you want to think about getting away for a while. I’m going to talk to my father this week, and tell him about my new plans.”

That last comment was a little out of left field, but I was glad he was going to tell him right away. I could tell it was bothering him very much, and he needed to get it off his chest. “I think that’s a good idea. You’ll feel a lot better once you do. You’ll have to be ready for any outcome.”

“I’ve thought about every scenario, and I’m banking we won’t speak to each other for a while.”

We pulled up to my new apartment, and Greyson helped me out onto the street. I lived in a relatively safe place, but at two in the morning, you never knew what you were going to get. I was thankful Greyson was walking me to the door.

I pulled out my keys and looked back at Greyson. He had his hands in his pockets and was leaning against the wall by my door. “Maybe our next outing can be at the Empire State Building?”

I smiled over at him and shot him a quick wink. I still had quite a bit of alcohol running through my body, but at least I didn’t have to give him the ol’ one-eye stare down to understand what he was saying. “I would really love that.”

We stood there, awkwardly looking at each other. I had an overwhelming feeling that I didn’t want this night to be over, but I also knew Greyson was dealing with a lot of shit, and I didn’t need to cloud his judgment any more than I already had. I almost said goodnight, but then he shot me one of those smiles that made you buckle at the knees, and I knew my inner battle was shifting closer to the Emma with little devil horns. “Want to come up? I can make some tea.”

I walked through the door leading to my apartment. I knew that if Greyson came inside with me, that we wouldn’t be able to go back to being just friends. I could live with that.

Apparently, Greyson felt the same way because when he walked in behind me, he replied with the words I was hoping to hear. “I thought you’d never ask.”





















Chapter Fifteen


I smiled as Greyson waved over to Tony, I assumed to let him know he was coming up with me, and he closed the door behind us to my adorable building. I could see why Brynn thought of me when this apartment came back on the market. It was perfect.

“How do you like your new place?”

“I love it. I’m very thankful for Collin and Brynn. They’ve helped me so much with my transition here. The only thing that’s missing is my dog, Sadie. I really miss her.”

“You have a dog? What kind?” I could hear Greyson’s tone perk up, indicating that he might be a dog lover, too.

“She’s a two-year-old black lab. She’s great. A little hyper, but great. My ex has her back in Chicago. He sends me a text every few days to keep me updated on her, but I hope I’m able to go get her soon. Did you have dogs growing up?”

Greyson let out a grunt and shook his head. “My dad thinks dogs are for suburbia and we had no business having one in the city. I used to beg and beg for a big dog, but he always told me I had more important things to focus on than some mutt that would cost more to care for than than it was worth. I still like the idea of having one someday.”

I gave him a small smile and pointed down the hall where my apartment was, and when we finally arrived at my door, I didn’t look back, in fear that Greyson had changed his mind and made a run for it. “Come on in. I had a friend send over the rest of my clothes and house items from Chicago, so don’t mind the mess. I’m still unpacking.”

I walked over to my kitchen and filled up my kettle. There was something about having a normal tea kettle on your stove, and hearing the whistle when it was ready.

“This loft is great, Emma. Look at your view,” Greyson said as he walked over to my huge bay window, overlooking my new wonderful city.

“I love it. Sometimes I have to pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming. I’ve wanted to live in this city ever since I was a little girl. I can’t believe I’m here sometimes.”

Our tea signal interrupted our conversation, and when I came back with two cups full of my favorite drink, we sat on my couch and sipped the sweet hot liquid. “I need to ask you something, and you can tell me if it is non of my business,” Greyson said as he placed his mug on his lap.

I sipped my tea and turned to face him. “Okay.”

“Is there anything going on between you and Cade?”

I didn’t mean to laugh, but that was the last question I would have guessed Greyson was going to ask. “No, why would you even ask that?”

I could tell Greyson relaxed a little at my answer. “I don’t want to get in the way of one of my closest friends. I really respect Cade and Collin.”

“They respect you, too. Why would you get in the way?”

Greyson reached over and set his cup down on my small coffee table in front of us, and then reached over and did the same with mine. “Come here, Emma.”

When his hands reached out and wrapped around my neck, I felt the weight of his fingers, and naturally leaned forward to meet Greyson half way. “Greyson, I don’t want to mess anything up in your life.”

“Too late.”

Greyson pulled me toward him and when our lips were a few inches away, he let out a small breath, “I have wanted to do this to you ever since the minute I saw these lips.” And then he placed his lips on mine. Every fantasy, every dream, could not have prepared me for what his actual kiss would feel like. I had to work really hard to restrain myself and not go wild when he continued to pull me over to him. I ended up breaking away from our kiss, so I could stand and take my red high heels off.

“Keep those on. They are the sexiest shoes I have ever seen. I remember you were wearing them when you slid into my car over a month ago; those and your sexy legs.”

I smiled, knowing these bad boys were the best purchase I had ever made. I straddled his lap, meeting him for another kiss. This time he opened his mouth and met my tongue which made us both readjust our position together. I could feel him beneath me, aroused, which only made it harder for me to hold it together. I knew sleeping with Greyson would complicate everything ten times more than it already was, but I also couldn’t think straight when his hands started to creep under the back of my shirt.

“God, Emma. I have wanted to do this to you for a very long time. Every time you’re around me, I can’t keep these images out of my head. This neck.” He started to place gentle kisses down the side of my neck, which made me turn my head to the side to give him access. “And this chest.” His kisses trailed down my low cut shirt, making me moan in approval. “Tell me you’ve wanted this, as bad as I do.”

“Worse. I’ve wanted you worse. You’re all I think about, Greyson. You’re all I want. You weren’t available, so I’ve always had to fight myself when it came to you.”

“Don’t fight me tonight.” His mouth met mine again, and as our kiss deepened, his hands started to lift my shirt over my head, until a breeze of cool air hit my chest. Greyson looked down at my lace bra and then back up at my eyes. “Tell me if you want to stop, it only has to go as far as you want it to tonight, or this morning,” he said with a low laugh when he looked over at my clock.

“I can’t think straight when you do that to me.” I said softly as Greyson started to kiss a trail down my chest again.

The alcohol we had consumed earlier, combined with our obvious lust for each other, made us both a little bolder than we probably would have been otherwise. I knew my judgment was cloudy, but I also figured I would deal with the consequences tomorrow. At that moment, I wanted to enjoy a ridiculously good looking man, who I was learning was almost too perfect for me.

“Don’t stop.” Those two little words I whispered were all he needed. Greyson reached around and unclipped my bra, letting my breasts fall free.

“God, your beautiful.” Greyson leaned over and captured my mouth again, reaching up to knead and pull at my now puckered nipple.

I moaned again when he lowered his head, placing soft kisses down my chest until he fully engulfed my entire nipple into his mouth. I reached around and ran my hands through his hair, enjoying the sensation of his warm mouth. There was no way we were turning back now; this was going to happen.

I pulled away and stood up, pulling Greyson up with me. “Come with me.” I led him around the sofa and straight to my bed. Having a studio certainly had its advantages.

I turned around and watched Greyson take me in from my head down to my red heels. I reached forward and started to unbutton his dress shirt. “I showed you mine, now I want to see yours.” I said playfully while finishing the last button.

Greyson pulled his shirt off and threw it on the end of my bed. He was breathtaking. His build was perfect. Not too bulky, but definitely toned to perfection. I ran my hands up his chest and wrapped them around his waist, bringing him back to me.

“Lie down, Emma.”

I didn’t hesitate, and instantly obeyed his command. “The first time may be too fast for the both of us, but the next time I promise to take my time, and worship your body the way it deserves to be worshipped.”

I let out a loud sigh and wiggled out of my leggings. Greyson slipped my shoes back on, pulled off his belt, and stepped out of his dress pants. His boxer briefs could barely contain his readiness. I reached out and pulled him down to me. “Kiss me.” Our mouths molded together like an exquisite piece of art.

When Greyson reached down and started to remove my underwear, I placed my hand in his boxer-briefs and wrapped my hand around his length, again, perfection. Everything about Greyson was absolutely flawless. I pulled on his briefs, earning a slight tug on my own underwear. Our kissing increased, and you could tell we were both losing it. Before we got too carried away, I decided it might be time to fetch a little protection. “Condom, we need a condom.”

Greyson broke free from me for a minute, and reached down to retrieve one from his wallet. I heard the distinct sound of a rip, and before I knew it, he was back over me. “You’ve changed my world, Emma. You have opened my eyes to a brighter future. I can never thank you enough for that.”

With that, Greyson lowered down and sent us both sailing to another galaxy. Greyson was right that the first time was over way too fast, even though we both found the release we desperately needed.

When we both finally regained a normal breathing pattern, I convinced Greyson I needed to kick off my heels. Once my feet were free, he pulled me over to his side and started to rub his hand up and down my back. I nuzzled into him and took in his scent. “I’m afraid of you, Greyson.”

Greyson jerked back and looked down at my face. “Why in the world would you say something like that?”

BOOK: Those Red High Heels
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