Those Red High Heels (18 page)

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Authors: Katherine May

Tags: #red high heels, #comedy, #contemporary, #romance, #romantic comedy, #Contemporary Romance, #dog

BOOK: Those Red High Heels
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I sighed and laid my head against his chest again. “Because you are capable of undoing me. You’re the guy at the top of my pyramid, where no other man would come close to meeting.”

Greyson relaxed and pulled me closer to him. “Do you believe in fate?”

I thought about that for a minute, and realized I had to. Everything which had happened that one day I decided to leave Chicago, had led me straight to that very moment. When I thought my life was falling apart, it was actually falling into place. “I do.”

“The first time I saw you, I knew you were different. There was something about you, some kind of aura that made you stand out. I know we have only known each other for a short amount of time, but in that short time you have made me see things I never thought were possible. You made me have the strength to go after what I wanted.”

“I like when you do that, go after what you want,” I said with a laugh.

“Oh, do you?” Greyson reached over and started to tickle my hips.

“Do not do that!” I screamed and started to squirm under his touch.

“If you resist, it will only get worse.”

I wiggled and tried to break free of his hands. He was too strong, and started to tickle more up my side. “You play dirty!” I said loudly and tried to turn over to get in a better position to free myself. It worked, because suddenly Greyson was pushed up behind me, and it was obvious that our playful moment was over.

Greyson leaned into me and started kissing my neck, moving my hair out of the way. “You are my temptation, Emma.”

Greyson was true to his word, and took his time our second go around. I don’t know how many pulses of pleasure passed through my body, but when I finally heard Greyson’s soft snores behind me, I knew sleep had taken over. I looked at the clock, and couldn’t believe it was already five in the morning. I was thankful my Sunday was free.




Chapter Sixteen


You know the fantasy I played repeatedly in my mind? The one where Greyson Lyons was laying on my white sheets, with his dark lashes laid perfectly across his face? I would stare at him until he finally batted his eyes open and would look up at me with those mesmerizing blue eyes? Well, I was finally living that dream. As I watched the beautiful creature before me, I wondered how life could get any better than waking up to that every morning. I still had a sinking feeling in my stomach, though, that there was a very good chance it was not going to end up in my favor, but carpe diem, right?

The growl of my stomach convinced me to retreat from my fantasy, and to get up and make us some breakfast. It was eleven in the morning, and we had already slept most of the morning away. I pulled my short robe over my naked body, and headed over to my small kitchen. I decided omelets sounded delicious, and took out some eggs, cheese, veggies, and bacon (of course), and started cooking up a storm.

I must have been in my own little world, because when two familiar hands wrapped around my waist, I jumped and let out a little squeal. I turned around to see Greyson in his underwear, looking like a Calvin Klein model again from an ad torn straight out of a magazine. “You startled me,” I said and swooned at the sight of his spectacular body.

“You cook, too?”

I let out a laugh and turned back around, letting him continue to hold me around my waist. “Of course, I cook.”

Greyson let go of me and stepped around, going over to lean against my counter. “You’re the first woman, besides hired help, who I’ve actually seen cook.”

I looked at him with a shocked expression. “Shut up.”

He let out a laugh and motioned to the coffee maker, “May I?” I nodded and looked back down at my omelet.

“I’m not kidding. We are from two very different worlds.”

I reached up and grabbed a coffee mug for him. “Do you need me to show you how to work my Keurig?”

“I think I can handle it,” he replied and grabbed the mug out of my hand. A few seconds later when he was staring at the foreign machine, I lifted the top and grabbed a pod of coffee.

“Place a pod inside, and push down the lid; then push this large cup, and voila.”

“Voila, huh. What happened to the normal coffee pot?”

“That was so five years ago.”

Greyson let out a low laugh and continued watching me cook. “So, what do you have planned for today?”

“My day is surprisingly clear, what about yours?”

“I have something I need to run in and finish up this afternoon sometime, but if I’m not able to make it today, I can always get up a little early and get it done tomorrow.”

“All work and no play,” I said with a wink and flipped the final omelet onto Greyson’s plate.

“Oh, I have played more recently than I have in a very long time,” Greyson said in a low, sexy voice as he walked over and ran his hands underneath my robe. “You have been driving me crazy, wearing this short little robe.”

I sucked in a breath when his hands found out that I wasn’t wearing any underwear. “I could say the same thing about you in your briefs.”

“I don’t know how, but I want you even more than I did last night.” Greyson moved my hair away from my neck and placed a very gentle, warm kiss on the back of my neck. He was right, though. I wanted him, too.

“You have no idea, but I think we should eat first. My stomach can’t go much longer.”

Greyson pulled back and let out a mixture of a laugh and a grunt. “You’re probably right. Besides, that omelet smells amazing.”

As we sat down at my small side bar, we laughed about our night and relived our top ten lists. I still couldn’t get over the fact that we wanted to visit most of the same spots around the world. Some were common, but some were also out in left field.

After breakfast, Greyson didn’t waste anytime and had me back in bed, re-experiencing our glorious moments from the night before.

“I want to take you somewhere today,” Greyson whispered in my ear while I was coming off of what could only be described as an earth shattering high.

“If you continue to do that to me, I’ll go anywhere you want.”

Greyson chuckled, and jumped out of bed. “Great, get ready. I’m going to call Tony and get a few things taken care of, and then we’re off.”

I smiled and went into the bathroom. I looked exactly like I felt. Wild. “I’m going to take a quick shower, so take your time.” I yelled out the door and turned on the water.

A shower was exactly what I needed. When I was finally done, I stepped out and retrieved a towel. I hadn’t brought any clothes with me, and for some reason I picked that very moment to become shy.

When I peeked my head out of the bathroom, I noticed Greyson on the other side of the loft with his back to me. He was dressed in his clothes from last night, and I wondered if he was going to have Tony bring him some new ones. I snuck out and went to my closet. I grabbed a casual dress, a bra, and matching underwear. It was fun to think someone besides me might see my new lingerie.

I had fastened my bra when I turned around and saw that Greyson was watching me. He wiggled his eyebrows at me, while still talking on the phone. I did a little show, slipping on my dress, and remembered I hadn’t heard a phone call or notification from my own cell phone. I walked over to my purse and pulled out my phone. It was as dead as a door nail.

“Great,” I said under my breath and plugged it into the wall. While I waited for my phone to get a little charge, I brushed through my tangled hair.

“You look gorgeous.” Greyson walked over to give me a quick kiss.

“Thank you, are you going to tell me where you’re taking me?”

“I bet you can guess. It’s a building that we have talked about, and one place you need to see to be a true New Yorker.”

“I was hoping you would say the Empire State Building.” He grinned at me and gave me another quick kiss.

“Tony is bringing some clothes for me, so I’m going to meet him down by the car. I’ll be right back.”

When the door clicked shut, I heard a buzzing noise coming from the kitchen. Greyson’s phone was lying on the counter, probably notifying him of a message.

I ran over to retrieve his phone, and went to the door. I looked down the hall and couldn’t see him. He must have already made it to the elevator. Dang. I looked down at his phone, and noticed it was a message from Nora.

I had a feeling she was going to be a thorn in my side for a very long time. I looked at his phone again, and started to feel very curious. What if he hadn’t really broken it off with Nora? What if he’d been planning to, and I had slept with an engaged man. I didn’t think Greyson would do something like that, but I really had only known him for a short amount of time. I closed my door, so Greyson would have to knock to get back in.

I swiped his phone, feeling very guilty about what I was about to do. I clicked on his green message icon and instantly saw five or six messages from Nora.

Greyson, call me. I don’t know why you are ignoring me. I have something to tell you. I don't want to do it over the phone, but I need you to call me.


No reply from Greyson.


I'm starting to get really angry, Greyson. I don’t know where you are or what you’re off doing. Call me, or I am going to call your father.

Pulling the dad card, very mature.


Still, no reply from Greyson.


Okay, it’s ten in the morning. I have not heard one word from you, and I’m starting to get worried. I need to tell you something. It’s really important, so call me when you can.


Finally Greyson had replied only ten minutes ago.
I can’t, Nora. I am busy today. I’ll try to call you later, but you need to accept this. It’s over.


A surge of relief flooded my body. He had broken it off with her, but she was still being her usually bat shit crazy self.


You better not be with her, Greyson. I swear ... I am about to break my news to you over the damn phone. CALL ME, NOW!


I was the ‘with her.’ I started to feel guilty that I was probably the main cause for their breakup. I knew Greyson didn’t love her, but I did feel slightly bad for Nora.

That last text was sent a few minutes ago. He hadn’t replied, and that made me feel good. I looked at her final text, and it had me paralyzed. It was an attachment. Some kind of picture. I knew I shouldn’t have clicked it open, but I needed to see what the important news was.

The minute the picture popped up on his screen, I sucked in a huge breath and covered my mouth with my hand. “Noooo ...” I said out loud and clicked the picture shut. “No, no, no.” I set his phone back down and started pacing through my apartment.

A loud knock broke my concentration and I felt like I was in a day dream when I slowly walked over to my door. Greyson was on the other side, looking amazing, and the possibility of us ever being together had gone straight out the window the minute I clicked on that picture.

“Hey, I got some new clothes ... Emma, what’s wrong?”

“Don’t be mad at me,” I said quietly, and I felt like my omelet could be making a reappearance any minute.

“Why in the world would I be mad at you?” Greyson looked genuinely confused and walked over to put his hands on my arms. “What is it?”

“When you left to go downstairs, your phone buzzed. I picked it up and tried to catch you before you made it to the elevator, but you were already gone. I looked Greyson; I looked at your text messages.”

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