Read Through Time-Frankie Online

Authors: Claudy Conn

Through Time-Frankie (17 page)

BOOK: Through Time-Frankie
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He fondled her as gently as he could muster, teased her nipples and bent forward on a low growl to lick and suckle their pink pertness.

He watched as her head went backward in supplication. He was thrilled as a look of utter pleasure took over her beautiful face. He felt her desire ripple through her body and it electrified him with need, the need to please her.

They were ensconced in the folds of her wondrous wings and he was lost to her every move, her every need. He wanted only her for all time.

She arched, raised herself up to meet his hard cock, and rocked against it persistently, trapped its length and width between her thighs and moved with the beat of an age old instinctive dance.

He put his arms around her and as he rolled her beneath him, her wings tucked in. He worshipped her and he knew he had to be gentle, but how? He had to find a way to control himself because hunger was driving him and he wanted inside of her more than he had ever thought he could want anything.

He knew he had to go easy, but he damn well wanted to ram into her with everything he had and rock her body as completely as he could. He wanted to pleasure her over and over, hear her scream with satisfaction. He wanted to give her everything she could ever want.

Her nipples,
damn, hot damn
, he loved her nipples, and in that moment, Graely lost all control. Gone were all fears of the future. The present, her in his arms was all there was.

He licked at her rosy tips and their tautness tempted him further.  He moved his right knee and used it to spread her thighs.

He nibbled at her flat belly, as his thumb went to her cleft and teased just inside its warm wetness.

He wanted to shove his dick inside, he had to get inside of her, but he managed to temper his needs. He wanted to pleasure her more than himself.

He played with her wet honey sweet scented cleft. He told himself over and over his Frankie was an innocent. His jaw line set with his effort to move slowly, take her gently, but his Frankie had other ideas.

“Don’t hold back, Graely,” Frankie’s voice was low and firm. “I’m not a fragile human,
I am a Fae
, like ye—
like ye
, Graely and the darkness in me needs this from ye.”

His resolve melted like butter on a hot stove. With a joy he had never experienced in all his thousands of years, his finger explored her deep opening, teasing her sex into a passion he could see and take hold of. She said she was like him, but he knew she was so much better, so much more.

She pumped into his touch, and all he knew was that he wanted to taste her, have that taste on his tongue for all time. He raised her knees as he spread her thighs wider apart and lowered his head to her tuft of hair, stroking it out of his way.

“Frankie, I worship you—would die for you,” he whispered as his tongue lapped at her honey-box, as his finger joined his tongue and jiggled her into a pleasure that made her call out his name as she arched and pushed toward his touch.

He found her spot and worked it as she groaned and suddenly she grabbed at his hair and pulled, “Graely, I love ye…love ye…” with which she climaxed and it was a roar of passion and pent up emotion.

Gasping she moved her hands to his face and stroked his shadow beard, whispering words of adoration and thrilled him beyond his ability to express or understand.

He had pleasured his beloved—what more could a male want?

She urged him for more, saying fervently, “Now, Graely,
take me now
. I want ye inside of me, teaching me how to please ye, making me yers completely,” she whispered.

“Teach you?” He was in the midst of overwhelming feral hunger. He wanted to take his cock and rub it all over her breasts. He wanted to push himself inside and pump her as he had never before, but he tempered it all for her, because of her, and said, “Right, my Frankie, shall we start with this?”

He had straddled her now, putting his hard and oversized cock to her lips, “Some women like to touch and lick…do you think you would like that, love?”

She gave him a saucy smile and took it from his hand into hers, and brought its hard tip to her mouth. She pursed her lips and told him, “Aye, I think I would like to do just that, Dark Prince,” and she licked it length, and kissed its head before taking it slowly into her mouth and sucking it like a straw.

His mind went fuzzy. She sucked and licked and murmured words in between, words of admiration, love and desire. He watched her lick its length, watched as she stroked it and he growled as raw hunger took over his mind. He felt himself getting ready to burst and wondered at it. He had always been able to hold off before, but now, it took so much effort.

He could wait no more. He wanted inside of her. The time had come. He needed to take her. He needed to ram his throbbing cock inside of her, be one with her. Now was the time and he whispered hungrily as he positioned himself, “Sweet love, my everything…I will try not to hurt you.”

“Don’t be thinking I break, Graely, I don’t, I told ye, I’m like ye, I want what ye want, I need now what ye need,” she said hoarsely. “I’m done waiting, aren’t ye?”

Her words filled him with a wildness he had never known. He had wanted to be a gentlefae, take her in slow degrees, but she was right.
wasn’t human, and neither was she. They were both Fae, more than Fae and this, this was a knitting of their essence
, this was epic.

He made a path inside of her and stopped short.  She was so small, and he was worried about tearing her apart, but even as his manhood rubbed and he tempered his thrust, she pumped against him, shoving herself against his dick, forcing it deeper inside of her.

She bumped and grinded and said on a joyous sound, “Rock n’ roll, Graely…

By Danu, Bloody Hell
, she took him where he had never gone before. Feelings flooded him, emotion engulfed him. He groaned as he shoved past her virginity, and felt her slight intake of breath as soon as he entered and broke through. He heard her sharp gasp and would have stopped in mid-movement had she not demanded, “Keep going baby, keep going.” 
She called him baby
, she called him baby, and the words had been filled with genuine love. Had anyone ever used a word of endearment for him before?

She brought her knees up to his hips and said his name as she held tight with her knees and he rammed himself harder faster, faster…

It was declaration time and the words poured out, simply but with a feeling he had not known he could feel, let alone show.  “
I love ye, Frankie
, m’own Fios Fae, m’own mate for all time,” he whispered as he bent to kiss her ears and drive himself harder. He didn’t want to go off. He wanted to keep on pleasing her; he wanted this feeling to continue. Nothing had ever felt so good, so right and he wanted their joining to last forever.

Frankie was breathing hard and making sweet little noises that went through him, evoking a happiness he had not known he could feel as she stiffened and climaxed. Her body suddenly dropped and she shuddered over and over again with the after shocks and he couldn’t wipe off the smile from his face as she opened her eyes and looked into his. “Graely,” she said softly. “Do that again.”

He laughed, and then took a nibble of her lips. “Aye, aye, my adored mistress. Whatever you say, and know that I am yours, pledged in mind, and with whatever soul you have created in me—the soul you say you see, all of it, all of me belongs to you,” he answered and pulled out.

“Wait, ye said ye belong to me,” she looked up startled but ready as ever to tease.

“Aye, and I’m about to show you just how many ways,” his voice was rife with hunger.

“And Graely…then what? Where do we go from here?” she asked on a low sound of pleasure.

“Anywhere you want,” he promised as he withdrew his pulsating dick, slipped an arm around her, flipped her over, and pulled her up onto her hands and knees to set her into position. He rubbed his cock against her very fine ass and thought if ever there was a heaven, he was now in it.

“Ah,” she said. “I have a friend who told me all about the different positions.” Frankie said on a soft laugh looking around at his face.

“Do you now,” he answered not sure how he felt about this. “And did she tell you what you might feel?” he asked softly as he rubbed his manhood on her butt and thought how perfectly shaped she was.

“Nothing she could have told me, would come close to any of the things ye have made me feel,” Frankie murmured as he put his hard cock at her opening and shoved himself deep inside, making sure he rubbed her clit before his dance picked up in speed.

He felt her arch her body just before she climaxed again, and he let himself go, shouting out her name as he climaxed and they fell onto the turf. He couldn’t bear to be apart from her, and pulled her into his embrace and held her, tightly, kissing her forehead, her ears and her cheek.

He wanted to cry with joy and needed to express what he felt. He said with raw emotion, and unashamedly felt the tear roll down his cheek, “I give myself to you, do what you will with me, Frankie, for I am no longer one, but two.”

“Graely, I give m’self to ye, do what
ye will
, for I am no longer m’own, but yers,” she answered sweetly, snuggling into him.

Graely held her tightly, and suddenly got a flash and that flash was a devastating picture of the Human Realm going dark.

He sat up and said, “

“I know, I know, ye picked up on m’vision, didn’t ye? Oh no, Graely, what does it mean?”

Chapter Twenty


PESTALE WAS READY to embark on the next step of his plan. He was certain this time, he would win.

He had each facet of his plan carefully scored in his brain, and although he did not like or trust Sventer, he knew Sventer was capable of fulfilling his part of their deadly bargain.

Crystal was key to his plan—
and because of that, finesse was needed, would be needed to complete not only this day’s work, but what was to come.

However, first, he had to get her to Conglam, and he had to get her here in human form. Sventer and he had discussed every facet of the plan, and he was certain, that Sventer and his men would be able to initiate the violence needed to bring the Blue Demon’s Absolute Ruler into the picture. He was a pawn because he was the only one with the power to summon Crystal to Conglam.

She had refused to give him any link to call on her. She had told him, he would have no need, but quite by accident, he had discovered that she had given the other inhabitants leave to call her.

A vicious sensation swept him. No doubt, she was worried lest he and Hordly find a way to hurt the other inhabitants, so she gave them a safeguard—a link to herself.

He hadn’t known this until quite by accident, he had shifted to the Blue Demons’ camp two years ago and watched them as they held a meeting with the Shapeshifter alphas and who was there—

Well, it was all coming to a head now. Everything he had planned was falling into place.  

Pestale couldn’t be bothered concerning himself about Frankie’s escape. He was at the heart now of his plan.

Pestale had tested Crystal to see just how much it would take to get her to intervene, to get her to visit with the Blue Demons and Shapeshifters.

In the past he had picked a fight with the leader of the entire Blue Demon Colony and then another albeit artificial attack on Sventer. He then discovered Darmon leaving Eslym’s house and shifted in the young alpha’s face and threatened him to stay away from her.

That seemed to do the trick. Rudlo, the alpha and father of Darmon met with Blasfer and together they had called on Crystal for her guidance in the situation they had on hand.

Crystal arrived and reassured them that although Pestale had some power, it had not been enough to overcome either Blasfer or Darmon. She did however, give them the power to enact a simple shield against both Pestale’s and Hordly’s possible aggression. Pestale had been contemptuous of her and her decisions.

And then, he went about the task of constructing the portal to open in the Shapeshifter’s territory. His reason was simple. Get the Shapeshifters and the Blue Demons at one another’s throats. Cause dissension, cause confusion and then strike.

He knew the discovery of the portal would be of concern and once again, both Blasfer and Rudlo would call on Crystal and she would come.

The atmosphere of Conglam became fully charged with violence, but it wasn’t because of the portal.

At his orders, one of Sventer’s soldiers had taken an under-aged Blue Demon female into the woods. He had seduced her with falsehoods and then taunted her. She, as females do, became emotional as he verbally abused her.  He shoved at her and told her to run and she did.

She ran home to her parents. They went to Blasfer, their leader.

Matters escalated faster than Pestale could have imagined. Emotions, he shook his head, ruled even Blue Demons. This had been unexpected, but perfect.

Apparently the under-aged female’s father decided to go for blood. All Blue Demon fathers imagined their daughters brutally used by Sventer and his warriors and took up weapons, ready to march on them and bring them to justice.

A civil war was eminent.

Sventer would lose. His soldiers were exceptional fighters but their numbers were meaningless against the main body of Blasfer’s Colony.

It was obvious to Pestale that he would have to work quickly now, for this was sure to bring Crystal to Conglam immediately.

Pestale used his orb to watch. He could see Blasfer and heard him tell his soldiers that he feared it would soon be brother against brother in an all out and bloody war. He was against this.

Blasfer looked up as though he knew Pestale was watching and raised a fist, as he called out, “I know you are behind this, Pestale. I know.”

Pestale smirked and then became intense as he watched Blasfer pull on the pendant around his neck. It was the pendant Crystal had given him.

Pestale’s excitement flooded his mind. Blasfer had called her to Conglam.

As he thought of Crystal, he felt bile fill his throat. She had ruined his life.

She was always so worried about everyone else. She never concerned herself about him or his brothers. Well, he was about to show her and his father what seeds they had sowed.

The orb went cloudy for a moment and Pestale frowned as he waited, but when it cleared, Crystal stood with Blasfer.

She was as always stunningly beautiful. He noticed immediately that her looks, however, had changed. Her eyelashes and long hair were now the shade of platinum.

No doubt a result from the energy she had absorbed into her human form as she evolved with her Dark King.

Did she know he was watching? Of course, she did, and he whispered her name as he looked at the scene the orb presented.

“Queen Crystal,” Blasfer said, kneeling.

She smiled and shook her head, “I have asked you not to refer to me as Queen. I am the Dark King’s consort, yes, but I have refused the title. You already know that you may call me Crystal.”

“Indeed, as you say, we are sick with concern and look to you for guidance and strength in this matter.”

“What matter is that?”

“Apparently, Sventer and his clan…”

A shout at his back made Blasfer turn, and drew Crystal’s gaze.

Now was the moment, Pestale thought and felt himself fill with anticipation. Here was the hour he had been waiting for.

He could not help but note that she was exquisite. Every move, every nuance about her was perfection.

She had been evolving, he knew, and besides her hair color, some of her other physical attributes had undergone a change. She seemed taller, even more ethereal and though he had never thought she could be more graceful, she seemed so, and power radiated off her aura. 

He had to be careful. What he was about to do would take intricate finesse.

Surprise was the key.

Pestale had planned this within an inch of its undertaking. He was very proud of himself. He had been certain of her, certain that she would be taken in.  She would not expect this—how could she? It was daring beyond anything anyone had ever committed.

He had known she would come, not in her evolved form of energy, but as the woman she had always wanted to remain. He had counted on that—on her emotions. He had always known what issues Crystal had. She had always been blinded by her humanity.

Pestale watched her as she stood, serene, radiating goodness and strength and his hatred for her brought bile to his throat.

He wished he could kill her with his own two hands, but what he had planned, was better, so much better. What he had planned would make her suffer beyond his wildest imagination. It was then, he thought as anticipation built in upon itself within his psyche—then that he would bring the Dark King to knees. Thinking of his father in agony over Crystal, over her loss, over what he, Pestale would make appear as her betrayal, nearly made him climax sexually.

Suddenly, but as planned, a fight broke out.

A female Blue Demon screamed—her male relatives surrounded her and stared down at the intrusion of Sventer’s men. Fists were clenched and weapons were raised.

Shouting turned into an all out brawl.

Blasfer put up his hands and bellowed for his enraged citizens to stop, Crystal took a step back, obviously confused by the sudden animosity that had sprung up between the two factions.

Would she use her magic to halt the fight?

Pestale fancied he could hear her thoughts. She must be wondering if she should raise her hand and put an end to the brawl with her magic, or allow the clans to settle their own problem. It never occurred to her to change her form back into energy. She was susceptible and vulnerable in her human form, yet, she remained in human form, as he knew she would.

It was the reason her king had insisted she evolve—to keep her safe and here she was disregarding her king’s wishes.

Sventer had already moved into position. He smiled at Crystal; just as they had planned he would do, reassuring her as he said, “Stand back, my lady, and I will keep the fray from you.”

She did. She took a step back and started to raise her hand saying softly, “I will stop this…”

Before she was able to do a thing, Sventer produced the netting. It was such a simple matter.

So easily accomplished because she did not expect it, and she gasped as surprise and doubt filled her brilliant Fae eyes.

Pestale felt a laugh begin in his throat as he watched Sventer wrap her in the
Gold Wiele
, dipped in
Dragon’s Breath
. His laughter grew as Crystal cried out in pain from the needles pricking her flesh, and as the poison filled her veins, she whispered, “Ah, Pestale, why?”

The question incensed him. “Why?” he shouted at the orb. “Why? You still don’t see? Well I will show you!”

When the Dark King had first brought Crystal to the Dark Realm, Morrigu had tried to kill her with
Dragon’s Breath
. She didn’t die, and instead developed an intolerance to it, more so than most Fae. He had been waiting for this moment. However, he took no chances. He watched as Sventer injected a needle into her neck. It was filled with iron power and the blood of Zolem.

Pestale saw her collapse and fall unconscious, just before Sventer lifted her and shifted.

The portal to her iron cell under Trinity had been prepared to receive her.

She would be a prisoner, and in excruciating pain from both the iron now in her blood and the poison now freely flowing through her body.

Her magic would not help her now.

Pestale began to laugh, and even to himself, his laughter sounded insane…

BOOK: Through Time-Frankie
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