Tied to a Boss 2 (11 page)

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Authors: J.L Rose

BOOK: Tied to a Boss 2
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Doing as she asked, he worked himself slowly inside her, until his whole manhood was buried deep inside. He leaned forward against her back and listened to the way she was breathing. He kissed her neck and whispered into her ear, “You know I’m all the way inside, right?”

Nodding her head yes, she was unable to speak. Natalie gripped the back of the sofa with her nails sunk in as she felt Dante begin moving inside of her.

“So this what you wanted, huh?” Dante asked, as he slowly pushed in and out of Natalie. Seeing her nod her head, he said, “I need you to answer me. Say something!”

“Yes! Yes, baby!” Natalie called out.

Dante smiled as he pushed a little deeper. As he heard her cry out his name, he asked, “So, tell me. Who does this pussy belong to?”

“It’s…it’s yours, Dante!” Natalie cried. “It’s yours and I’m all yours, baby! Oh, God! I love you!”

“Good answer,” Dante replied, smiling. He leaned back as he gripped her nipples while pushing deeper and a little faster inside of her. He listened to the sound of his name as Natalie cried out to him.


Chapter 12


Trailing behind Stevens for the second day after receiving information on the heroin king pin dealer, Dante’s phone went off. He picked it up and answered, “Yeah!”

“Hey, baby! You busy?”

“What’s up, Natalie?”

“Where you at?’

“Taking care of something. Everything alright?”

“When are you coming home?”

“What’s up, Natalie? What’s the problem?”

“Who said there was as problem? I just wanted to know when you was coming home. I miss you!”

“You miss me, huh?” Dante repeated, shaking his head and smirking as he slowed the Benz after seeing Stevens limo turn down a side street. “Baby, look. Let me call you back.”

“Dante, wait!”


“Can we go out with Mari and her friend tonight? Daddy already said that he isn’t going anywhere tonight.”

“I knew you wanted something. Let me call you back with the answer,” Dante told her, hanging up the phone.

After parking up the street from the corner where Stevens limo turned, Dante climbed out of the Benz and hit the remote locks as he began jogging up the street.

Feeling his cell phone wake up as it vibrated in his pocket, Dante dug the thing out while continuing up the street. He saw that the limo was parked in front of a warehouse.

“Yeah!” Dante answered, without looking to see who was calling.

“Hey, big bruh!”

“Vanessa, what’s up?’

“Same thing as always. I was calling to see if you was coming down for the birthday party we’re throwing for Alinna this Saturday.”

“Why would I come?” Dante asked, as he stared at the warehouse from up the street, wondering what was inside the building.

“Dante, come on!” Vanessa said, breaking his train of thought. “Alinna’s still your son’s mother and no matter what you two are going through she still loves you. And I know you still love her.”

“What’s that gotta do with me coming to this party though?”

“Alright! Do it for me then. Come to the party because I miss you and want to see you.”

Sighing deeply, Dante noticed the warehouse door open as Stevens and six of his security guards walk out. Each guard was holding a black duffel bag.

“Alright, Vanessa. I’ma come for you.”

“Be here early Saturday so you can spend some time with D.J. and Mya.”

“Yeah, alright!”

“Thank you and I love you.”

“I love you, too, Vanessa.”

* * *

Dante returned to his Benz, driving off while Stevens’ limo drove off in the opposite direction. Then he made a phone call.

“Saldana!” Dominic answered after two rings.

“Dominic. This Dante.”

“Dante! Is everything okay?”

“Yeah!” Dante answered. He asked, “Tell me something. Do you know where Stevens keeps the shipments he picks up?”

“Actually, no!” Dominic answered. “Stevens is pretty quiet and extra careful in keeping that information unknown to others.”

“Well, I think I may have found the location,” Dante told his employer. “I’ma tell you more about it when I get back to the mansion. I’ve also got an idea how I’ma take care of this Stevens problem and come up with added product.”

“Whatever you have to do to handle this issue, do it!” Dominic told Dante. “We have nothing to discuss, Dante. Do what you will!”

Hearing Dominic hang up the phone, Dante then hung up his car phone. Remembering something, he picked his phone up out again, looked up a number, and made a call.


“James, what’s up? This Dante!”

“Dante. What’s up, man?”

“Yo, tell me something, J! You handling something right now?”

“Like what?” James asked confusedly. “What you talking about, Dante?”

“Check me out! I got some work I can use you on. You interested?”

“Don’t even think twice about it. What’s up? What we handling?”

“Whoa!” Dante said stopping the white boy. “This shit I’m talking about ain’t none of that security work you be into. This shit I’m talking about likely to get stupid.”

“I’m not stupid, bro. I know I’m a white boy but I’m not your normal kinda white guy. I know about Dominic Saldana and the type of business he is into. I’m still interested. When is the job supposed to be?”

Loving the vibe that James was giving off, Dante said, “Alright! Meet me at this address in ten minutes. Grab a pen and some paper.”

Giving James the address to Dominic’s mansion, Dante hung up and then called the mansion and spoke with Carlos, giving him a heads up. He explained that a while guy named James Grant would be showing up at the mansion and that he was a friend of his.

Hanging up with Carlos, Dante drove back to the mansion. He found his mind drifting back to his conversation with Vanessa and Alinna’s birthday party.

* * *

Making it to the mansion a little while later, Dante nodded to the security at the front gate as he drove inside and drove his Benz up to the front of the mansion, as the valet waited.

He parked the car and climbed out, leaving it running for the valet. He then walked up to the front door just as the mansion’s head maid opened it with a smile.

“Mr. Blackwell, sir! You have a guest for you inside the den being accompanied by Mr. Saldana,” she told Dante as he stepped inside the house.

Dante thanked the maid and headed towards the den, where he could hear laughter. He walked in to see both Natalie and James seated together on the sofa.

“Dante!” James said, standing up as soon as Dante walked into the den.

“What’s up, James?” Dante replied, as Natalie jumped up from the sofa and rushed to him.

“Hi, baby!” Natalie cried happily, throwing her arms up around Dante’s neck to kiss him on the lips.

Breaking the kiss after a moment, Dante met her eyes saying, “Miss me, huh?”

Nodding her head, Natalie kissed Dante again and said, “I’ma wait for you at your place.”

Dante watched as Natalie left the den after saying goodbye to James. Dante shook his head smirking as he turned back to his guest.

“You’re a luck dude, man,” James told Dante with a smile. “She’s been talking about you since I got here.”

“How long you been here?” Dante asked, as he and James sat down back on to the sofa.

“Not that long,” James answered. “I talked with Carmen as well.”

Nodding his head, Dante asked, “Tell me something, James. You know who Stevens Collmen is?

“Stevens Collmen? Who doesn’t?”

“So you know what type of dude he is then?”

“What would you say if I told you I actually did some work for Stevens Collmen?” James asked, staring at Dante with a smile on his lips.

Staring back at James a few moments, Dante finally spoke up: “J, no bullshit! You did some work for this clown?”

“Yeah!” James answered. “I did some security work for him when he was handling some type of business deal with a guy named Victor something.”

“Whoa!” Dante said, sitting forward and turning toward James. “What you say that other name was again?”

“Victor . . .” James replied.

He sat thinking for a moment until Dante asked, “Was it Victor Fayman?”

“That’s it!” James answered, smiling. “That’s what the name was. Black guy named Victor Fayman.”

Dante slowly smiled as an idea popped into his head. He then stood up and said, “Come on! I want you to meet Dominic Saldana.”

* * *

While Dominic felt a little uncomfortable allowing a stranger into his house, he allowed the meeting to happen only because of his trust in Dante. Still, he still made sure that Carlos was also a part of the meeting.

Listening as the young man began explaining about his security detail, Dante found himself sitting forward at the mention of Stevens Collmen’s name and the fact that the young white man had done security work for him.

“Hold it!” Dominic said after the mention of Victor Fayman’s name and the fact that both Stevens and Victor had met on a business deal together: “You’re saying that both Victor Fayman and Stevens Collmen are business associates?”

“Yes, sir!” James answered. “I’ve witnessed two other meetings between Victor Fayman and Stevens Collmen.”

“Have you been to Stevens’ mansion?” Carlos asked, drawing James’ attention to him.

“I’ve never been to his mansion,” James continued, “but I have been to his penthouse out on the beach.”

“Can you remember how to get there?” Dante asked, drawing the attention back to him.

“Sure!” James answered him.

Looking back at Dante and seeing the look on his face, Dominic held up his hand and said, “There’s nothing more we need to discuss, Dante. Do what you will and let me know once it’s done.”

Nodding his head in understanding, Dante looked at Carlos and said, “I need some toys for me and my boy, James, here. You think you can help me out?”

“Whatever they need, make sure that they have it, Carlos!” Dominic told his head of security. He then stood up and continued, “I will not be leaving to go anywhere tonight. Mrs. Saldana wishes to remain at home. I do not want to be interrupted unless it is very important, gentlemen.”

Leaving Dominic’s office, Dante led James outside and began walking around the grounds surrounding the mansion.

“So, what’s up, man?” James said, after a few minutes. “What’s the plan?”

Glancing over toward James, Dante said, “James, look! You was right about you not being the average white boy. I agree with that but I’ma ask you this one more time before we go any further. You sure you trying to get tied up in this shit that’s about to go down?”

“My answer still hasn’t changed,” James told Dante, looking over to him. “I’m still with you. So what’s the plan?”

Nodding his head slowly, Dante said, “Alright! We handling this tonight. Understand though that this is only part one of our plans.”

“I’m with you bro!” James replied, reaching over and touching fists with Dante.


Chapter 13



“We got something to handle.”

“So, I guess that means we’re not going out with Mari and your new friend then?”

Hearing the way she sounded, Dante’s eyes moved from the clothes he was thumbing through in his closet over to Natalie’s face. He signed deep and walked over and sat beside her.

“Look Natalie, I gotta do this because it’s what your father pays me to do. How about you call Mari and have her and her friend come here and we can watch a movie up in the theater. When James gets here, I’ll leave and handle this issue. Then, when I get back we can all go out to a club or grab something to eat. How you feel about that?”

“How long will you be gone?” Natalie asked, still pouting.

“I’ll try to be back under an hour,” Dante answered, holding Natalie’s eyes.

Shaking her head, Natalie said, “Try to get back here sooner than an hour, Dante. Please.”

“I’ma try!” Dante told her, winking his eye. She returned with a smile and kiss.

Dante returned to picking out an outfit to wear that night. He selected black jeans, a black t-shirt, a cotton hoody sweat suit, and a pair of black steel-toed boots.

Then he picked out a Gucci outfit to wear after he and James finished up with their business and he could head out with Natalie and Mari. Dante then jumped into the shower with Natalie joining him moments later.

Not surprised that he and Natalie ended up going at it as soon as the shower door closed, Dante spent the next fifteen minutes holding Natalie up mid-air as she rode him. This caused her to scream through two orgasms. After switching positions, she climaxed three more time until Dante finally released his seed deep inside her, while tightly gripping her hips. She smiled back at him over her shoulder as he leaned in and laid his face in the crack of her neck. She whispered, “I love you, Dante.”

* * *

Once Mari and her new friend Edwin arrived at the mansion, Dante allowed Natalie to lead them up to the theater. Dante was stuck with Edwin when they reached the theater, since Mari and Natalie left to go pick out which movie they would watch. Dante listened to homeboy talking but cut his eyes over to him when he mentioned how sexy Natalie was.

“Here, baby!” Natalie said, handing Dante a beer as she and Mari walked back out to join Dante and Edwin.

Thanking Natalie, as she sat down in his lap, Dante leaned back in the sofa. Natalie made herself comfortable in his lap just as the lights went out and the movie began to play.

Dante missed the name of the movie as he felt Natalie slide her hand down to grip his manhood. She felt his dick hardening as she stroked and caressed him through the black jeans he was going to be wearing out with James.

“Watch the movie, Natalie!” Dante whispered, grabbing her hand and stopping her from what she was doing.

Hearing Natalie whine as her face balled up in the dim light, Dante couldn’t help smile at how spoiled she was. So he wrapped his arms around her waist, kissed her neck, and whispered, “You know you my baby, right?”

Smiling at his words and looking back into his eyes, Natalie kissed him and said, “I love you too, Dante.”

* * *

Excuse me, Mr. Blackwell!” Dante and Natalie both heard the maid say as she walked up beside them.

“Yeah! What is it?” Dante asked, staring past Natalie at the middle-aged maid.

“You have a guest waiting for you downstairs, sir,” the maid said softly.

Thanking the maid, Dante shifted his attention to Natalie only to find her staring straight at him.

“Remember, you promised me,” Natalie reminded him, climbing off of his lap.

“What’s wrong, you two?” Mari asked, looking over at both of them.

“Dante needs to handle something and then he’ll be right back,” Natalie explained before walking with Dante out of the theater and into the hallway.

“You alright?” Dante asked, reaching up and brushing her hair out of her face.

Nodding her head, Natalie said, “Just be careful, Dante, and come back. Please!”

“I promise!” Dante told her, winking his eye and kissing her before turning and walking off.

Stopping off at the guesthouse to pick up his guns, Dante walked back to the front of the mansion, where James and Carlos were talking out on the front porch.

“What’s up, fellas?” Dante spoke up, causing both Carlos and James to turn around.

“You tell me!” James replied, touching fists with Dante. “You ready?”

“Yeah!” Dante answered, as Carlos bent down and picked up a black leather duffel bag.

“This what you ask for?” Carlos asked Dante, handing him the bag.

Nodding his head and taking the bag, Dante looked to James and asked, “You got that?’

“It’s parked next to your car,” James replied, nodding his head towards the garage.

Nodding his head to James, Dante said, “Alright! Let’s get this over with.”

* * *

Seated in the driver’s seat of the U-Haul truck, James drove away from the mansion. Dante sat looking inside the duffel bag to make sure he had all the stuff he had asked for.

“Where this place at, bro?” James asked, glancing over at Dante.

After giving James directions to the warehouse, Dante remembered the trip he had agreed to make back home. He asked, “What you doing this weekend?”

“Nothing really,” James answered. “Why?”

“You wanna roll down south with me?” Dante asked. He explained, “I’m supposed to head back home to Miami for a few days if you wanna roll?”

“Hell yeah!” James answered smiling. “I never been to Miami. When we leaving?”

“Be ready Friday morning by five o’clock,” Dante told him, as he thought about the trip back home and how everybody was going to react to seeing him.

Deep in thought, Dante snapped out of it when James called out to him that they were at their location.

“Stop over there!” Dante told James, pointing towards the building with a sign that read Arizona Plastic Co. “We walking up to the warehouse.”

Climbing from the U-Haul truck, both of them were happy to find the business closed and the parking lot empty. Dante snatched up his duffel bag and closed the passenger door.

Walking around the back of the truck to meet James, Dante nodded for James to follow him and then asked, “You strapped?”

“I got a lil something,” Dante heard James answer as he lifted up his shirt showing a .38 snub nose.

Pulling the banger from his back, Dante flipped the .45 automatic around with the handle facing James and said, “Take this!”

“What about you?” James asked, taking the gun from him.

“I’m good!” Dante replied, smirking.

They made it to the warehouse and noticed there were no vehicles in sight. They could, however, hear noises coming from inside the building the closer they got. Dante held his finger up to his lips for James to be quiet and then whispered, “We not gonna just walk straight through the front door. Walk around back and see if you can find another opening into the warehouse. Text me if you can.”

As he watched James jog off and disappear into the darkness, Dante turned his attention back to the warehouse. He was staring at the top level of the building when he noticed headlights and then caught the sound of an approaching vehicle.

Taking off into the darkness, while pulling his second banger from the front of his jeans, Dante laid his back against the side of the warehouse as he listened to the wheels of the vehicle pull up. He peeked around the side and smiled at seeing Stevens and two other guys in suits. They were getting out of the same limo he saw him in earlier, noticing more security than before.

“What the fuck is going on out here now?” Dante said to himself. Then he froze at catching the sound of footsteps. It was too late, though, as a gun was placed against the back of his head.

“Move and I promise I’ll open the back of your head!” the security threatened. He forcefully pushed Dante out from the darkness and called out to his boss.

* * *

Hearing his name, Stevens turned and looking around to his far right, he could see someone walking out of the darkness from the side of the building. He recognized the second person as one of his own men. He stood staring as both men walked closer to him. He began to slowly smile, recognizing the young man with the gold inside his mouth.

“Well, if it isn’t Dominic’s newly hired bodyguard,” Stevens said, smiling harder once Dante stopped in front of him.

“I found him hiding over on the south side of the building,” the security guard told his boss, gun still held at Dante’s head.

Shifting his eyes back to Dante while still smiling, Stevens asked, “So tell me, how did you find this place out here in the middle of nowhere?”

“I got lucky!” Dante answered, staring hard straight at Stevens.

“Well, I guess your luck has run out tonight,” Stevens said. He ordered the guard, “Take him up and lock him inside my office until I’m finished with Mr. Sutter.”

“Get moving!” the guard told Dante, pushing him forward.

Dante walked to where he was told and entered the building through a side front door, while Stevens and the company he was with entered through the front double-sliding steel doors. Dante looked around and saw people carrying boxes and stacks and stacks of barrows all over the warehouse.

“Keep moving!” the security guard told Dante, shoving him forward again towards a set of steel steps.

“You do know I’ma kill you, right?” Dante asked him, as he made his way up the stairs.

“Shut the fuck up!” the guy told Dante, shoving him forward again, causing Dante to stumble.

Catching his balance while shooting homeboy a murderous look, Dante continued up the steps and followed directions. He then turned to walk toward the skybox-like office when he heard somebody ask, “Yo, Dante! You need some help?”

Spinning around at the sound of a voice, the guard stared at the white boy smiling at him. Just as he was about to ask who he was, a pain exploded from the side of his neck causing him to stagger.

Following the forearm he slammed into the guard’s neck, Dante caught him before he dropped to the ground, as he twisted and broke his neck. He gently laid him on the ground.

“What the fuck took you so long?” Dante whispered, as he picked up both the guard’s gun and the duffel bag that he had taken from him.

“I was waiting for the right time,” James said, watching Dante pull another gun from the dead guard’s pants.

“Right time, huh?” Dante said, shooting James a look as he tossed the duffel bag strap around his left shoulder and neck. “Whatever, but listen to this . . .”

“I already know,” James said, as Dante pulled out a MAC-11 from inside the duffel bag and handed it over to him. “I saw Stevens outside. Where the hell did you come from?”

“You know how to use one of them, right?” Dante asked, while pulling a Tec-9 from the duffel bag for himself.

“Yeah! I got this,” James answered. “What’s the plan now?”

“Just follow my lead!” Dante told him, nodding for James to follow behind him.

* * *

Stevens walked with his new potential buyers, showing them the barrows he had packed with heroin at the bottom while Dixie Crystal sugar bags aligned the top for safer transport. Stevens watched Mr. Sutter and his entourage examine the heroin when the shooting started.

“What in the hell?” Stevens yelled, spinning around to see his security team being shot down.

“What’s going on here?” Mr. Sutter yelled to Stevens over the shooting.

Stevens watched as his men were being gunned down, before turning his attention to the young black man with the semi-automatic gun in his hand. He was insanely walking out onto the main floor and firing his gun while killing more of his men. Stevens caught the expression in the young man’s eyes at the same time he let a burst of bullets go from his gun. Running out of ammo, he dropped the gun and snatched two more from his waist. He opened fire again on two more of Stevens’ men who ran up on him.

“What the hell! Who is this guy?” Stevens said.

* * *

As Stevens and his goons make a run for the door, Dante broke off in a sprint. He ended up sliding to a quick stop before stepping into a kick that slammed into the knee of one of the men that rushed at him.

Dante quickly dealt with two more men before putting a bullet into the guy’s head whose knee he had just broken. He took off outside, finding James standing over Stevens and his remaining associates pointing his MAC-11 at the three of them.

“What the fuck took you so long?” James asked, cutting his eyes over to Dante and then back at Stevens and his friends.

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