Ties That Bind: The Bellum Sisters 3 (paranormal erotic romance) (29 page)

BOOK: Ties That Bind: The Bellum Sisters 3 (paranormal erotic romance)
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Lily awoke with the moon blazing high in the sky. She trembled not with cold or fear but with an array of arousal that left her palming her own breasts and panting. Her pussy was wet already and she hadn't even touched it, had just woken. She searched the makeshift camp they had and didn't see Telal around. Worry gripped her but she forced herself to relax. He just went to get food, surely. Though when Telal returned from searching for food...

A moan hit her and she squeezed her lips shut to keep it from passing. He told her to keep quiet and stay put, but that had been before the new moon settled high in the sky and she began her journey into full-succubus. No food for her, but she'd take his mouth, his fingers.

Unable to stop herself, she lie back flat on the leaves and spots of grass beneath her and unbuttoned her zipper, pulled down her fly. She was burning up as if she had sunburn covering every inch of her skin. Her nipples were pulled so tight the bra she had on hurt her nipples feeling more like sandpaper than cotton.

Lifting her shirt, trying hard to breathe in quietly through her nose, she squeezed a tight, heavy breast. The sensations went straight to her pussy, making her wetter. She could feel her underwear dampen in an instant. With a soft cry, her free hand delved under her panties and started rubbing her throbbing clitoris. Her orgasm built steadily, quickly. She was nearly there, was a trembling piece of aroused, sensitized flesh, when she heard a thump.

Eyes popping open, she darted to a sitting position to see Telal staring at her, the rabbit he'd killed sitting on the ground where he'd dropped it.

“It's time,” he said in a husky voice.

She nodded mutely. He didn't hesitate, didn't question it, he just came for her. She stood up on her knees and met his embrace halfway. Her hormones guided her, and within a timeframe that had to be a world record, she had his pants down, him flat on his back, and was sinking down over his hard cock with a moan.

His lips parted while his hands fondled her breasts. She couldn't sit still if she wanted to. She braced herself on his chest, lifted, and lowered herself, plunging his cock deep inside her wet core again and again. The cries left her... No thoughts as to keeping their location quiet could keep her from moaning hysterically as he stuffed her so full, so perfectly.

She rode him hard until both of their bodies were running in perfect synchronicity. His hands grabbed her hips and helped her to work his cock in and out. And when her release exploded inside her, he clamped a hand over her mouth to keep her scream from echoing throughout the forest. His release burst inside her, filling her with his own hot, creamy essence. She ground herself over him even after they'd spent. She still felt the itch, the need to go again, but for now she felt mostly sated.

After a while, they righted their clothes and took a seat in front of the small fire he'd made. In quick work, he skinned the rabbit and cooked it slowly over the fire. His eyes kept returning to hers until a blush stained her cheeks.

“What?” she finally asked, defensive.

He grinned, the look all man, all rogue demon. His blue hair glinted almost black in the fire light. “You're beautiful and a hell of a lay.”

Her mouth fell open and she grabbed a rock from next to her knee and threw it at him. She saw the laughter in his eyes too late. He'd only been kidding but still she turned her head away.

“We'll just see if you get any more of that.”

“I know I will,” he said in a voice that unfurled something erotic in her belly. She pressed her hand over it to steady it.

“I don't know about that,” she said flippantly.

“Just wait till the next need hits you, baby and we'll see. And I'll be waiting right here for you.”

She caught his molten stare; he looked so possessive and aroused as he watched her. Feigning a fake yawn, she settled down in the leaves and mumbled, “We'll see about that.”

Lily awoke to find the sun soaring into the sky. The forest talked with the chirping of animals, the squawks of birds in the early hours of the morning. She saw their campfire fire smoldering in black ash, the flames having long been put out. And then the heavy arm around her waist stole her attention. Telal was wrapped around her.

As if just knowing how near he was triggered something, her sex throbbed, growing wet. She became aware of her breasts, heavy with hard-tipped nipples scraping against the inside of her bra. Her breathing deepened, grew heavy.

“Telal,” she whispered. God, she needed him. Right now. He stirred behind her but didn't wake. Slowly she rubbed her ass against him. Whether he was awake or not he certainly had an erection that made her moan and her body weep. He felt good; hard and stiff poking along her cheeks and in between the cleft.

A low groan left him and the arm around her waist tightened. She felt his body stiffen. “Lily?” His morning voice was the sexiest thing she'd ever heard—low, vibrating, a bit hoarse.

“I need you.”

He made a happy sound, something close to a purr and slid his hand up under her shirt, pushing her bra up to free her breasts from the stupid material. He cupped her gently, stroking her soft skin with lazy passion. She didn't want it like this. Her body was too tight, too needy. Her stomach clenched hard, the pain entirely uncomfortable and painful. A sweat broke out over her brow at his tortuous touch.


In a second, she learned he was fully awake. He growled a warning then his hands were pulling at her jeans, shoving them down her legs. Her panties received the same rough treatment and it turned her on, made her body burn with excitement. He pulled back and she felt naked at the loss of his heat but she heard him unzipping his own pants.

She started to roll onto her back but he came back to her, spooning her. His mouth found her neck, his strong body pushing her chest down into the ground with a twisting motion. She kept her hips arched back towards him, rocking, seeking him out.

His tongue licked a wet path up her neck, then he breathed in her scent and bit down. Hot sweeping sensations swept through her body in a rush. His hand curled around her thigh then lifted her leg over his. And then his cock slid hard and sure inside her.

The wild moan that escaped her silenced the woods. He worked his hips fast and hard, slapping against her cheeks as his cock dragged through her wet tight flesh.

“Kiss me,” he commanded.

She turned her head and met his lips. A hand reached for her pussy and rubbed it. Coating his fingers in her cream then stroking her lips, around where his cock pushed in and out. He took that cream and circled her clitoris then rubbed over it again and again. The combination of his cock inside and the bundle of nerves being tweaked was too much and she screamed into his mouth.

He caught her tongue, sucking on it, absorbing the sound as she shook and shuddered beneath him. Only after her cries faded did he break away and start taking her in earnest. Her head dropped the ground, her eyes fluttering closed to simply feel him pushing his cock in and out of her tight muscles. His breathing turned harsh, his hand gripped her thigh in an almost bruising grip keeping her spread open and then he thrust hard, his hips slapping her cheeks with an erotic sound. And then he jetted hard and long inside her, breathing hard.

Still inside her, he found her lips again, kissing her gently. Her heart squeezed tight in her chest like a hand fisted it. What she felt for him now wasn't drug-induced euphoria but real, raw, and a little scary. She'd never loved someone before. It was a strange feeling. She wanted to stand up, throw her arms out, and scream it to the whole forest to hear. But especially, she wanted to tell him. Tell him how much he'd come to mean to her, how the thought of him in danger, of losing him made tears come to her eyes.

“We have to get going,” he said after a while.

They righted their clothing, splashed some water on their faces from the stream then headed what may have been south, following the stream.

“The water will lead us to people,” he said.

Of course, he was right. When the sun settled high in the sky, she heard the sound of cars and picked up her pace. They'd only been in the woods for a night but it felt as if she hadn't seen civilization in forever. He grabbed her hands as they broke through the woods to a street.

Cars roared past them and an old gas station sat across the street looking worn and run down. A car pulled into it and a man, older with a scraggly beard and stained overalls pumped the gas for the driver.

Telal led them to the man. “Do you have a phone here?”

The man squinted up at them as he put the gas hose back in its compartment. “Yup, but it'll cost you to use it.”

“You don't have a pay phone?” asked Lily.

He shook his head and hitched his thumbs in his overalls. “Nah, haven't seen one of them in years. Everyone has cell phones nowadays, don'tcha know? You can use Betty's cell but it'll cost you twenty bucks.”

Telal pulled a wad of bills out of his back pocket and handed a crisp fifty to the man. “Where's Betty?” he asked.

The man nodded towards the gas station. “Inside, tell her Rick sent you.”

They went inside and found Betty in a seat behind the cash register. She sat in a lawn chair with a fan blowing straight on her face and even still sweat slicked her dress to her plump body.

“Rick sent us. Said we could use your cellphone.”

The woman eyed his blue hair with growing disdain. “What are you one of them emo kids?”

Telal didn't say anything, only reached into his back pocket again and pulled out another fifty. “The phone, please.”

The woman scoffed but stood, walking with a limp into a back room then coming back with a black phone.

“You got two minutes on it.”

Lily wanted to say they could have all the time they wanted since they dropped a hundred bucks, but she kept her mouth shut. Telal dialed and she could hear the voice on the other end—Tyrian.

He hung up then pulled her outside of the gas station. Within a minute, Draven appeared with his usual grin.

“I heard you needed a lift.”

The gas station attendant blink, his eyes bulging out of his skull. “We probably shouldn't have done this in front in front of the human.”

Telal shrugged. “Get us out of here.”

Draven touched their arms and then the world faded around. They appeared in Tyrian's study. Chloe was there and she flung herself into Lily's arms before she'd even got her bearings.

“Hey, sis.”

“God, I was so worried.”

“Why?” Her heart felt strange and she fought the urge to blush at her sister's attention. Her voice sounded like she was trying to hold herself together.

“We heard about Telal's headquarters. You were attacked! Are you okay? Is anyone hurt?”

Lily shook her head. “No, but Telal was poisoned.”

Tyrian nodded. “You should see our healer, Nanu. She's very skilled. She may have something to help.”

“There is no combatting this. I just have to let it run its course and get out of my system.”

Draven disappeared without a word and came back a minute later with Willow, Lyonis, and the baby. Lily melted at the sight of her wrapped in a soft pink blanket.

Willow gave her a one-armed hug. “You okay?”

“Yeah.” Willow pulled her away from the others.

“Listen, I thought about what you said about mom.” Willow let out an unsteady breath. “We're still naming the baby Mary, and... I've come to terms with the fact that she's alive. Now I want to get her back.” Her eyes turned hard with determination—the look that said nothing could get in her way.

“We're going to get her back, I promise.” Relief flooded Willow's eyes making her look sweet.

She walked back to stand beside Telal and listened in on the conversation he was having with Tyrian. “Kearnyn went to Rosa's. I need you to pick them up. They might be after them as well.”

Draven sighed, muttering under his breath. “What am I a taxi?” Then he left and reappeared with Rosa and Kearnyn.

Rosa's face looked ashen, her clothes disheveled. Kearnyn lie prone on the floor. At once, Tyrian ordered for his healer and everything happened in a flurry of movement. Kearnyn was taken to the medical ward. Tyrian and Telal went off with Draven, Henry, and Rayn to speak in private which left Lily with her sisters.

For some reason being around them felt more uncomfortable than usual. She felt as if she'd been leading them on with a lie.

Chloe smiled a little and poked her in the belly. “Happy Birthday.”

Lily blinked then started laughing. That's right. She turned twenty-nine yesterday when the new moon hit. “I completely forget,” she said in all honesty.

“Have you been...feeding?” asked Chloe, a twinkle in her eye.

Lily blushed but grinned. “Till I'm stuffed.” They all laughed and the tension in her shoulders eased.





Telal scrubbed a hand over his haggard face. He felt as if he hadn't had a proper bath in ages. He wanted to sit under a blazing hot spray and scrub his skin until it fell off. Still, he'd get his shower later; now wasn't the time for that.

Tyrian led him down a long corridor and to another smaller room that looked like a library. “Tell me everything,” he said.

Telal took a seat because he felt weak and recapped everything that happened starting with the attack at his home.

“These sound like specially trained assassins.”

“I think they are,” agreed Telal. “They were way too good to take out all of my guards. Those humans were ex-Special Forces, Rangers, and Seals. Not as impervious to damage like we are but skilled at what they do. They dropped like flies next to these demons.”

“Why do you think he wants you dead? You already told him you'd leave him alone.”

Telal shrugged and pressed his thumbs against his eye socket. A throbbing beat stamped against him in his skull and at his temples. The pressure in his head felt tight. “I don't know. He's different. He hates me too. My mother might have put him up to it. Maybe he feels threatened and wants to ensure he doesn't lose the throne.” God, he could never have believed how his brother turned out. Physically altered from the cruel life he'd led. His chest pulled tight and he refrained from burying his face in his hands like he wanted to. He didn't want to think of Alrik, couldn't without the guilt eating away inside of him.

“What are you going to do about it?”

A knock sounded at the door then Alpha Lyonis Keelan came in looking grim. He took a seat with them and leaned forward so his elbows rested on his knees.

“I'm on board for whatever you need, Telal.”

Telal cocked a brow in surprise. After the way he'd last treated the Alpha when his mate had gone missing, that surprised the shit out of him.

“Thank you,” he said finally. The words felt strange coming from his mouth even though he meant it.

Tyrian spoke carefully. “I believe we should be prepared for an attack. I think we should head in there and take out Alrik one way or another. If we catch him, we can subdue him and imprison him. You are the eldest brother and will rightfully gain the throne.”

Telal almost laughed. Subdue his brother? It had to be a joke. His brother was demented and would only give up with a fight to the death—he'd said so himself. Telal didn't know if he could wield the final blow that would end his brother’s life.

“My powers are gone for now.”

“We'll wait until they come back. I can bring some of my people,” Lyonis said. “They are excellent fighters, especially when shapeshifted.”

Telal's head pounded even harder until it felt like his brain was trying to escape. “I don't want innocents to die.” But how could it be done without any casualties?

The aristos lived in the castle. If they planned the timing right then they could attack and try to single out Alrik while the others were in bed, but then there'd still be servants and soldiers in the way. Either way it was risky and people would die.

“Alrik has sent assassins after you and Lily. I don't think he'll stop until you die. Could you let her die, Telal?” asked Tyrian in a soft voice.

Telal stiffened, his heart pounding with a strange emotion. He'd never really thought about it. What if she died? He swallowed hard because the thought made him want to vomit and kill something at the same time.

Lyonis suddenly laughed a hearty sound. Telal hated it. “You
love her.”

Telal glared at him. “I care some. I do not love her.” He felt a twinge inside that felt as if he'd lied. Panic instantly swelled inside him. Love? Did he love the crazy succubus? God, he did not want to think about that right now because his heart and his mind were disagreeing on the subject.

“Whatever. I'd recommend that you don't let a great thing like that pass you by. You never know when she might be taken away.” Lyonis' expression turned grim. Telal knew he'd almost lost his mate to the
demon, but seeing how it affected him made him shift uncomfortably in his seat.

“I'm going to bed,” said Telal, coming to a stand. “I'll think about it and let you know.” He was a planner, had always excelled at weighing the pros and cons of a situation. He'd do the same with this one. Only this time was different because he was weighing his life to his brother’s.

After shaking hands with the men, Telal found Lily and let Chloe escort them to the bedroom they'd be using. Telal made for the shower and dropped under the hot spray letting it clean the feeling of filth from his skin and loosen his tight muscles.

He heard her soft steps before she came into view, beautifully naked. She stepped into the shower with him and wrapped her arms around him. His heart squeezed tight and he held her in return. It felt good to have her in his arms. It eased even more tension in him but made his heart thump erratically. Did he love her? God, he hoped not. Lyonis' words floated in his mind. But he shoved the thought away because they didn't count. Even if he did decide to go to war with his brother, he'd never let her come. She'd be here in the castle safe and locked away.

Her hands roamed across his back then cupped his cheeks giving him a playful pat. He almost laughed. She thought she was so much different off that drug of hers but really, he liked her like this. A little bit more serious, still sweet and naive, and kind.

The shower spray covered them both, matting their hair down and wetting their bodies. His eyes roamed over her form, loving the dip of her waist, the flare of her hips, and the soft press of her mounds against his chest. She felt womanly and perfect against him. She pressed a kiss to his chest then another, slowly going lower.

His cock punched hard and erect, his body growing tense once again. “What are you doing,

She smiled up at him with warm eyes, her lips pressed underneath his belly button. “You're tense. I thought I'd help you to relax.” She kissed further down to each of his hipbones as her hands trailed up his thighs.

He almost staggered at her touch and had to slam his hand on the shower wall to keep from falling over. His cock fell against her cheek. He ached to have her suck him in deep but she ignored him and continued to lick her way down his groin.

She trailed her fingers over the area. “Why don't you have any hair here? Seeing blue down here would be pretty fun. Do you shave it?” The naughty witch asked the innocent question while her hand curled around his cock light as a butterfly.

“No,” he gritted out. “Demons don't grow hair down there.”

“Oh.” She said it like it was the most interesting thing to learn. She pressed her forehead against his thigh. In a voice devoid of playfulness, she said, “If you don't want to retake the throne that's fine. I support you. But please, please help me to get my mother out.”

He swallowed hard over the tightness in his throat and rested his head on her hair, so dark and wavy, beautiful. Love. Is this what it felt like? The need to please her and do anything for her to make her happy?

“I'll get her out, Lily.”

She looked up at him and saw the sincerity in his gaze. Like a light flipping on, her expression lit up bright as the sun. “Telal...thank you. Thank you.”

Then in a smooth move, she swallowed his cock whole, burying him to the back of her throat. He did choke now, his hips jerking from the raw pleasure.

“Lily,” he warned. Though he wasn't sure what he was warning her about . She made a moaning sound around him then slid him out and back in again, flicking her little tongue around him and licking his shaft like a delicious treat. Raw possession came over him. He wanted to keep her, he realized. Only let her mouth ever please him. The thought didn't shock him as it might have even a few weeks ago, but it settled deep inside him like concrete—sure and strong.

She pulled back, letting her hand massage over the tip of him trying to coax his orgasm from him. And it was working. His sack pulled tighter and tighter, his muscles clenching. Hell, it took an effort not to let his toes curl. The pleasure of just watching her getting poured on from the shower and pumping his cock in her little fist nearly undid him.

“Let me have you.”

She shook her head and swallowed him whole again and again. Breathing became a chore as his lungs pumped hard to suck in oxygen. His head fell back and he let his fingers touch the tresses of her wet hair. He didn't hold her to him or guide her because what she was doing to him was magic of its own.

His body grew incredibly hot as his climax neared. “Let me inside you,” he begged without shame. The torture of her mouth sucking on him was too much.

She pumped him with her hand and bobbed up and down his shaft, moving faster, sucking harder. His hips started jerking in response. The hand in her hair tightened out of reflex. He only had one last chance to warn her so he did.

“I'm going to come in your mouth if you don't stop.”

Fuck. She moved
. A growl started in his throat then ended in a ragged shout as his entire body jerked from her little mouth. His semen seemed to shoot down his spine and out through his body in hot, erotic spurts that didn't want to end. The little succubus moaned around him, licking him clean then gently released him.

He fell back against the shower and when she came into his arms again he held her tight. His mind felt foggy and heavy. He wanted nothing more than to drop onto the bed and pass the fuck out.

“Let me finish you,” he said instead though. He had to make it even, make her come.

She kissed his peck and smiled up at him. “No, let's go to bed.”

She shut off the water and he followed her by hand into the bedroom, too tired to do anything else. Before he passed out, he wrapped his arm around her to pull her close. She felt so right there so good. So he told her so.

“You're not so bad yourself, baby.” He heard the laughter in her voice and smiled as he fell asleep.



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