Tiffany and Dior: Love in Las Vegas Streets (5 page)

BOOK: Tiffany and Dior: Love in Las Vegas Streets
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       I was depressed behind all those lavish designer clothes, diamonds, cars, and money. Black was strict. For three years he treated me like a prisoner instead of his woman. He never took me out on dates; only to his club so he could show me off. We never went on vacations unless it was business and I would always find myself spending the remaining days by myself.


       He never put his hands on me but there was a time an argument with Black made me look at him differently. Black had a side to him I didn’t see coming. I was hanging out late with December and Paige. We had gone to a day party at Rehab in downtown Las Vegas.

    We were having so much fun at the pool party I didn’t realize the time. Black wanted me in the house by midnight and it was almost four in the morning. I never had a curfew until I started living with Black. I felt some kind of way that my rich boyfriend gave me rules. He even had a problem with my girls. He kept trying to bring me around his niece Fendi. She was from Brooklyn, New York. I wasn’t looking to replace any of my friends. Paige and December were my day ones. They knew about the fire and where I was staying and had my back.

    December was five-foot-four, 130 pounds with a mocha skin complexion and long silky hair. She was twenty-one but for years she had taught me everything I knew. December was literally my twin. She was a Capricorn just like me and she was very fashionable.

      I guess that why we clique so much. December didn't have neither one of her parents growing up. She Lived with her grandmother in Springs Valley, Las Vegas. She hated living in their gated community with a brunch of Asian and white people.

     Despite, living in the suburbs December was always in Henderson. She never acted stuck up and she was cool is hell. When she met Capone everything changed. He introduced her to the real and she never went back to her grandmother home.

     December graduated high school and her number one priority was being Capone's. Wifey. She loved the attention she got from being around him. She went to nothing but exclusive parties and hung around local rappers and hood celebrities. Of course, he provided her with expensive cars, clothes and jewelry. That's the main thing she loved most.

      Paige, on the other hand, we were like day and night. Paige stood at four-foot-eleven, 160 pounds. She had a flat stomach and wide hips. Her bronze skin complexion made her look as if she had a permanent glow. Paige was the quiet type. She was always the good girl growing up until she met Rasheed.

       She was supposed to go off to college and make something of herself until she got pregnant with her daughter Milan. Rasheed was a good dude. He really took care of her. He was just heavy into the street life which always played a major part in their relationship but who was I to judge? Paige was my homegirl and I supported her right or wrong.

    Unfortunately, in Black’s eyes, December and Paige were nothing but gold diggers looking for a come up. He never let them come to the house and whenever I made plans to go over to their houses he made a big deal out of it. At times they both felt I was choosing my relationship over them but when it came down to Black and his rules I had no choice but to listen to my man.

       I remember getting inside of December’s Mercedes G wagon, when I felt someone grab me by the arm. When I turned around it was Dior Jones. I couldn’t believe he was standing in front of me after three years. I hadn’t seen him since the day he got arrested outside of my complex and since he cut his dreads, he looked like a complete stranger.

      Dior stood at a solid five-foot-nine. He had a muscular body from all of the calisthenics he was doing in jail. I couldn’t deny it, he was looking good. He had that same perfect smile that complemented his dark caramel skin complexion.

     His ocean waves adorned his head and he had a full facial beard. When he smiled, he had perfect white teeth. He always smelled nice and dressed like a dope boy. He had on a fitted white t-shirt, Balmain jeans, tan Timberland construction boots with his shoe strings loosely tied and a black Yankees fitted cap. He wore long gold chains with an iced out Jesus piece. Dior was fly and all I could do was smile.  

     It was getting late so I took down his number and said goodbye. Saying goodbye was the hardest because I wanted to stay with him the rest of the night. I was faithful to Black but I was burning up with lust inside of me. I gave him a hug and then kissed him on his cheek before stepping inside of the car.

After storing his number into my phone, I got in the car and we were out. “Girl!!!!” December shouted as she lit the blunt with one hand and the other hand on the steering wheel as she hit 100 miles per hour down South Las Vegas Boulevard.

“What?” I said to December not able to hide my big smile that designed my face.

“How do you feel about seeing Dior after so many years?”  December asked as she took one more pull from the blunt and then passing it to me.

“Dior was looking good and I can't lie I missed him.” I stated as I inhaled the weed into my lung before blowing heavy clouds of smoke into the airways.

“Girl you missed that dick. I know you tired of seeing Black’s old ass horse dick and wrinkled balls.” December said causing us both to both into laughter.

“ Yes girl, I am tired of Black’s old ass. I need some excitement in my life. I'm so bored at home. Black only pays me attention when it comes down to showing off in front of his business partners or his goons. Girl I'm so tired of this life.” I said to December rolling my eyes. Less than ten minutes later, I was pulling into my driveway.

“ Bitch please you not tired of spending Black’s money and living lavish.” December smirked as she tossed the rest of the blunt out of the window.

“Whatever girl, I will call you tomorrow. I love you best friend.” I leaned over to give my girl December a hug before exiting the truck.

“I love you too bestie…” She said as reversed her car out of the driveway. I stood there watching her as until her car disappeared down the dark street and walked inside of the house.

        As I was walking into my building I couldn’t stop thinking about Dior’s smile. I could still smell his cologne from when he hugged me. I inhaled all of it as my feelings began to take over.

     Black was sitting inside of our living room in the dark. He was smoking a cigar and I could tell by the empty bottle of Jack Daniels that he had been drinking. I’d never seen Black drink or smoke since I’d known him. I went straight into our bedroom and he followed.

     “Bitch, don’t you fucking ever come in my house at five in the morning. Just because you turning twenty-one in a few weeks don’t let that shit get to your head, Tiffany. You live a different life than those ghetto bitches you be hanging around,” Black yelled as he stared into my eyes.

     “I’m sorry Black and you don’t have to yell. I won’t come in this time again.”  

    “Since you want to come in late I will have a driver to take you places and bring you home. Matter fact, you not hanging with them hood rats no more,” he stated as he stripped out of his clothes. I swallowed hard. I wasn’t in the mood for sex. I was hoping he didn’t want sex because I was drunk, high and tired.

     A few seconds later, I was down on all fours, fake moaning while Black pumped in and out of me. He than flipped me over with his hands wrapped around my neck. I closed my eyes because I didn't want to look at him. It hurt so bad and he was sweating all over me. He was aggressive and rough. He didn’t kiss on my neck or even caress my nipples. He just pumped until he came inside of me.

     There were no fireworks. After the first few times we had sex he stopped doing foreplay and giving me good dick. He was very predictable and routine. He climbed on top, did a few pumps, and nutted inside of me. If he was lazy he made ride him and when he called himself being in control I got back shots.

       Black spoiled me. He gave me anything I wanted, which always pleased me. I was living in a big house that I called my home and he took care of Mason, but that was it. I knew my mother was turning in her grave. She always told me never to let a man control me or make me feel like I needed him. 

       Despite my own unhappiness I stayed with Black. I was so used to being taken care that I didn’t know how to survive on my own. I was so afraid to struggle I just let Black treat me like I wasn’t shit. I was just his young, sexy girlfriend.

      Black needed a female like me to make him feel good. Behind all that money and power Black had control issues. He was used to being the man and when his wife cheated it destroyed his ego. Now he treated me like his doormat because I didn’t have any money or family. Black was wrong; I wasn’t that young, naïve little girl.





















Five weeks Later


       “Aye, Paige and Tiffany, it's almost three in the morning. I seriously need to get home. Plus, I have to work in the morning and I damn sure don't need Capone finding out I was with chilling in some trap house with a brunch of hood niggas. You know I don't fuck with Henderson niggas. They all full of shit and a bunch of flashy, trifling ass niggas. Especially this brown-skinned nigga over there with his reckless ass. He's been showing out all night. Flashing his jewelry and his money. He cute is hell but that’s not the type of nigga for me.”

      “December, he is just like Capone. You sound crazy. Capone is ratchet is hell for a nigga. He be showing off too. Especially since he bought him a Bentley truck,” Paige stated. She looked over in my direction for confirmation.

    “It's getting late and Black is aggy as hell. He treats me like I am a little ass kid. I have a two o’clock curfew,” I vented.

    “Tiffany, that's because you allow it. You need to stand up for yourself. It's a shame. May your mother rest in peace that you have to go through this. I wouldn't tell you to leave him because I am no better. Capone takes care of me but I have to put up with his shit—his two baby mommas, his cheating ass! He heavy into the streets but I love his money and all the lavish shit. But, Black is different. He has you on a leash,” December continued.

    “Bitches! I didn't come out tonight to be crying and talking about these sorry ass niggas. I came here to listen to trap music, smoke weed, and drink up their liquor,” Paige continued.

        As long as Paige had drinks, weed, and Rasheed in her presence that was all she cared about. I didn't know why I even bothered coming out tonight.

     Lately, Paige had been spending a lot of her time chilling in the hood. She was hanging around Rasheed for her own insecurities. Ever since she found out he was having another baby with another girl she started to change. She acted as if she couldn't breathe without him. She would just pop up unexpectedly and unannounced. I just hated when she used us and only had us chilling with her so she wouldn't look like a fool. Rasheed was a straight up thug and I understood his reasons for being around this type of environment, but Paige on the other hand wasn't this type of chick.

     She loved classy places and clubs. I am not saying I'm better but I really didn't like chilling at niggas’ houses. Especially the ones I didn't know. I had just got my hair done a few hours ago and already it smelled like cigarettes and weed smoke. The smell was all in my Versace blouse and Robin jeans and jacket. I knew if Black smelled me like that he would flip.

     The only reason I even decided to meet up with Paige was because I was bored and tired of being in the house with Black.

    “Damn, Tiffany, you ready to go already? That's so sad that you letting this nigga control your life like you some damn child. You know every time we together we always have fun. Ugh, Tiffany I can't stand Black but I love you,” she continued.  

    “Paige, I feel you,” I said to herm clearly annoyed. I logged into my Uber app to send for one to pick me up and take me home.

    “I think Dior is coming over here, girl. I think you should stay,” Paige urged.

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