Tiva Boon: Heir of Abennelp (Tiva Boon Series Book 2) (22 page)

BOOK: Tiva Boon: Heir of Abennelp (Tiva Boon Series Book 2)
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“Hold out your hand,” he said, and she did. “Now try to guess what it is before you open your eyes.”

Tiva felt the object in her hand. It was long—pointed toward the end—smooth with stitching on the edges, and material separated at one section, then looped up at the other end. A smile tugged on her lips. “Shall I guess?”

“If you think you’re right,” he said.

“A sheath for my father’s dagger?”

“Damn, you’re good,” he laughed. “Open your eyes, tell me if you like it.”

When she opened her eyes, a beautiful dark brown sheath was resting in her hands. The cross stitching pattern was amazing, and the material was unlike anything she’d ever seen before. On the underside, etching of leaves, vines, and flowers covered it; it was much like the design on her old sword sheath. Overjoyed, she grabbed and hugged him peppering his cheek with kisses. “Thank you so much, Adam. It is perfect!”

“I’m glad you like it. I had it specially made.”

“I would have been satisfied with borrowing one from you…”

“Where’s the fun in that?”

“It is more practical.” She smirked.

“And practical isn’t fun. Besides, you deserve the best, so I got you the best. Demmo’l is an old, old, old friend of mine who used to serve as blacksmith and forger for the Oninuses…Oninusites…whatever they call themselves. I met him a couple hundred years ago before their planet was dying.”

“He is another long lived?”

“I guess, he’s a Wydo, his people live in deep space. He traveled here about six hundred years ago to find aliens, but by the time he found someone, it was four hundred years later. Life span on his planet is only about two fifty, so he figures he’s cheating time by staying in this part of space. I don’t blame him for not going home…”

“Amazing. I could live here among the stars and never hear the same story twice.”

“Yup, ain’t that the truth. So, I guess you like the sheath?”

“I love it, Adam. And I love you.”

“I know.”

She frowned. “You are not supposed to say that.”

“Then what am I supposed to say?” he smirked.

“I love you back.”

“Okay, I love you back.”

She laughed, gathered the sheath, box, and bag, and without a word began walking away. Adam jumped up, soared over her head, and landed in front of her. Tiva rolled her eyes and continued walking. “Aliri has invited us to dinner. She and the engineer Ewan have become engaged.”

“Really? Nifty…good for her. Where are we eating?”

“Krikkie’s, this evening, that is if you wish to go. She has asked me to be her maid of honor for the wedding and would like us to get to know Ewan.”

“Count me in. Good food, good friends, and you…it’s a perfect night,” he said then suddenly jolted to the side. “Of course you’ll be there, Cala.”

Tiva covered her mouth to keep from laughing. She was unaware that the sword had the ability to move on her own, but it was quite clear that she could to some extent.

Together, they ventured back to the
to change, and met in the promenade an hour before dinner. Adam suggested they take a walk on the scenic ring, and Tiva happily agreed. It was one of her favorite spots. They circled the upper ring twice, talking, laughing, and sharing stories. Their time together was ending, but she was determined not to let it ruin her evening. As they stopped at the last port, Adam took her in his arms and kissed her.

“I am going to miss you, Adam,” she said as their lips parted.

“Don’t worry, you’ll be back in my arms soon enough,” he said, obviously trying to ease the tension of the situation.

She turned around and leaned back against him then glanced out the window. They stood silently watching the calm stillness of space. “I hope you are right.”

He kissed her cheek and squeezed her tight. “I usually am.”

“True, though I would rather the mission be a success than short.”

“I guess…” he began then paused. “What’s that?”

She turned her attention to the window again and saw a mini flash of yellow and orange in the distance. They watched the light die down only to see another flash parallel on the other side of the window. A slow panic rose within her. She met Adam’s eyes after the third flash. “We must go.”

“Why do these things always happen when we are together?”

“I do not know, but we need to warn someone, I think the warning buoys are being destroyed.”

“What the hell is that?” Adam approached the glass. Tiva glanced back to see what he questioned. Beyond the markers placed in space by the Union, a tiny blue-greenish light twisted and turned. Each second that passed the light grew. Tiva grabbed Adam’s hand and tugged him away from the window. “Yeah, right. Let’s go…” He snatched her up and jumped over the railing. They free fell down four of five rings before he flapped his wings and landed on the ground.

“Captain, I believe there is something…” Tiva said into her wrist-comm, but base communications abruptly cut her off.

“All crews return to your ships immediately.”

“Boon, get back here quick, something just broke through the perimeter,” Maar’s voice replied.

“Understood, sir.” She turned to Adam and they took off running for the


Tiva and Adam dashed out of the lift and to their stations. Aries and Maar were huddled together talking quietly, everyone else was settling in as well. Tiva contacted Ranndom and Hemko and ordered them to get teams ready for combat. Emerala, Aliri, and Adam were calling their back up personnel and positioning them around the ship. Raife’s head popped down from the navigation hub interrupting the captain and his crew commander.

“I just got word from the
, four Kihlmaro ships and six Pizilite cruisers are heading our way.”

“What are they th-thinking?” Aries growled.

“I don’t have any idea, but they are in for one hell of a fight if they actually cross the perimeter,” Maar answered. “Cooper, take us to tactical alert, arm weapons and Nassut prepare to leave Base at a moment’s notice. We’re ready for them this time.”

“Captain, my scans are showing massive amounts of power disrupting the buoys,” Aliri announced.

“Communications are being affected as well, it’s almost like I’m jammed,” Emerala added.

The displayer was full of stars and the distant buoys. Several more exploded as Tiva watched. Tension around the command center was rising, and she felt the vibration ride up her spine. The enemy was closing in.

Aries moved up behind Aliri studying the readings with her as Maar took a stance behind Adam. Whatever was happening out there was more than troubling. The thought of the most heavily protected sector of the galaxy being attacked did not sit well with many.

“Is everyone on board?” he asked Emerala.

“Yes, all checked in. I still can’t get any outside communications from other ships, seems like Ovvella is having the same issue. They are ordering us and the
to head out and scout the area.”

“All right, Nassut you heard the lady, take us out,” Maar ordered.

“Yes, Captain,” he called down from the hub.

Tiva watched the display. Something tugged at her mind, it all seemed familiar for an odd reason, but she wasn’t sure why. Using her station, she read all the logs captured by the
so far, searching for answers. Why would the Triune Syndicate attack now? It was obvious they knew about the perimeter buoys and had planned for it, but with the firepower of the base, and the ships nearby, they didn’t have a chance, unless their forces out numbered the Vexillum. Perhaps that was the fear shared by the crew.

Slowly, the two ships moved away from the base and toward the perimeter. The aftershocks of the exploding buoys began hitting the
. Swaying slightly from side to side, Nassut kept them on a steady course as best he could. Several more yellow flashes appeared on the displayer. Aliri grumbled and Aries patted her on the shoulder before moving to his own seat.

“All sensors are down,” he informed the captain. “Whatever they are doing is working. Once we detached from Ovvella we lost all communications.”

“I’ve tried everything, even small radio waves…which are ancient compared to what we use now, but the receiver on the base isn’t even picking us up. They’ve found a way to distort the subspace in this area, nothing’s going through,” Aliri announced to the crew.

“Nassut, take us closer,” Maar ordered.

“Activate the l-laser cannon, Mr. Cooper.” Aries stood up again and moved closer to the displayer.

“You got it, Captain,” Raife answered.

“Chief, send a team to the flight deck, we may need them in the fighters.” Maar turned to Tiva.

“Yes, sir.” She nodded and sent orders to Ranndom and Hemko to get the pilots to the flight deck. Knowing she was not qualified, she was safe from leaving for the time being.

“I’m picking up a Kihlmaro Stryker and a Pizilite scout ship,” Aries said.

“What?” Captain Maar replied.

“I can see it, in the distance with the others. Mr. Nassut, move us starboard forty-five degrees.”

Tiva felt the shift, and glanced out the displayer again. She saw slight movement in the distance, but it was impossible to make out what it was.

“How do you know?” Emerala said, “My sensors still aren’t working.”

“I can see them, Ms. Teer, very slightly, but we’re close enough for me to identify.”

“Nifty,” Adam said. “Well, I can’t see them. I can’t target them until we’re closer…”

“Can we contact the
yet?” Maar asked.

“Not through traditional means,” Emerala answered. “But I think they have a few telepathic people on their ship.”

“Boon, Caedm, can you find someone and relay the information about the ships?”

Tiva glanced over. Aliri nodded and smiled then turned to the captain. “No problem.”
You will have to lend me your strength, Tiva, this will be a difficult process. Now, close your eyes and allow your mind to clear.

She listened to her friend and did as instructed. The voices of the crew began to fade; the gentle vibration of the ship relaxed her. Aliri’s mind touched hers and together they began reaching out to the
crew. Dropping her mental shield expedited the search. Touching the minds of strangers was never an enjoyable experience. At times, it was harder to filter through the erratic thoughts of someone she did not know than someone she was comfortable with. For most, it was always the opposite.

Good, Tiva, now you have to trust me and open your mind completely.

I do not know if I can do that, Aliri…

You can, don’t be afraid, I’m right here.

Knowing she could not lower one shield without lowering the other, Tiva breathed in and allowed her guard to drop. The overwhelming thoughts and emotions of the crew began to mingle within her mind and body. She gripped her station to keep balanced and felt a calming sensation coming from Aliri.

Excellent, I’ve almost found someone who should be able to hear us…just a little longer.

The emotions of the
crew were heightened as well. It would have been impossible for Tiva to get a telepathic message through the clutter of people with their emotional states this elevated. But Aliri was only drawing her range to help project the link further.

Aliri’s mind touched upon someone and formed a link. She began speaking with him, informing him of the situation when the
bucked violently knocking everyone save the captain and Aries to the ground.

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