Tiva Boon: Heir of Abennelp (Tiva Boon Series Book 2) (40 page)

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Lowering her weapon, she turned away from Adam and the group and walked toward the base. Suddenly the group broke out with surprised gasps and a gust of wind rushed past as Adam landed directly in front of her.

“You’re not really mad I cheated are you?”

“I am not,” she replied and continued walking.

He grabbed her wrist delicately and moved alongside. “Tiva…”

“No,” she cried and retracted quickly. “I saw that cut, I burned your skin.”

“Yeah, so? I wasn’t expecting it and it stung a bit, but I’ll be fine…Tiva, what’s wrong?”

She stopped and checked his hand for burns. Thankfully, he had none. Tiva shook her head. “No one here knows about the fire…”

“Oh,” he replied and took her other hand in his. “We put on a good show, I think your followers were impressed.”

“I am unsure, I have—in the past—distanced myself from others because of my tendency not to give in. My father called me stubborn. Others believed I was a half-spirit unable to die at the hands of an Abennelpian.”

He grinned. “Well, you’ve been through a lot of shit. You’re not the same girl who left here, Tiva. You’re stronger and smarter now. And when all is said and done, you can record your stories and pass them onto our children and our children’s children so no one will ever forget what you’ve sacrificed to free them from these Rebels.”

Tiva lowered her head a bit, kicking at the ground. “Perhaps.”

“We can talk about that later, right now, we need to go get some med supplies. We’re both bleeding.”

As they walked back to the base, people were smiling and nodding to them. A few even came up and commented about the fight, Tiva felt better and she even began to relax. Whatever they saw or sensed during the spar, was enough to change the consensus of the people in a positive light.

Neola was standing in the entranceway with her arms crossed over her chest a frown on her face.

“What is wrong?” Tiva asked.

“I should ask you…” she replied, her markings a bit dark. Without warning, she grabbed Tiva and Adam by the arms and dragged them into the empty meeting room. “Everyone was watching that display.”

“It was not my intention to draw a crowd, Neola. Adam and I needed to practice.”

“Practice!” She grunted. “You were beating each other senseless! How can you lead these people if you can barely stand up and hold your sword because you were practicing and can’t heal!”

“Neola, I will be fine,” Tiva said softly.

“Tiva can take care of herself, as can I,” Adam added.

“You are the queen!” Neola’s markings darkened further, ignoring Adam completely. “You cannot take such risks and chances with your life.”

Tiva took her hand and smiled. “Please, calm down my friend. You must remember, above all else, I am a protector. This is who I am, a fighter. I fought for my king, I fought for my family, and I have fought for my friends. Now, I am here to fight for you and all the people of Abennelp.”

“You are a leader now, Tiva you can’t be so careless with your life,” she said, a tear falling to her cheek. “You are all we have left…”

Tiva pulled her into a hug and glanced over at Adam. He shrugged and motioned to the chamber then left. “Neola, what risk did you take getting the Yantar on Pethor’s ship?”

“I sent two of my best men when I learned of Pethor’s plan; one returned. The other, who stayed on the ship to deliver it, did not. But I had to get you that information; you had to know the truth.”

“I know, I know,” Tiva sighed softly, forgoing the details of those who perished on Pethor’s ship, and released her friend. “Still, you took a risk did you not?”

Neola nodded.

“I must take risks, too, or we will never beat the Rebels. That is why I brought off-worlders to help. That is why I continue to train to become stronger. You need not concern yourself with my wellbeing. Adam is here to help protect me, he is very skilled.”

“But you are injured…” she choked, looking at the blood-stained clothing.

Tiva glanced around the empty room once and turned around. “Lift my shirt.” Neola did and gasped loudly, a finger trailed one of the whip scars before she let go.

“What happened to you?”

Tiva turned and looked into her friends eyes. “Pethor tortured me for information. He was unaware the king and others were dead, and I would not give him the satisfaction of telling him what he wanted to know. He beat me close to death. I have been through many obstacles since leaving Abennelp, Neola, but I am stronger for my experiences. I am no longer the precocious girl you knew. I…am a warrior.”

Neola bobbed her head and wiped her eyes. “Yes, seems there is much about you I don’t know anymore.”

Tiva smiled. “When time permits we will talk, as friends, but now, Wirto is collecting reports for me and I need to change. Gather your captains together, we need to figure out what happened to Mirta’s family and discuss strategies and defense abilities before the Rebel’s strike.”

“Very well, my queen.” Neola nodded somberly. “I will meet you back here in an hour.”


Adam’s wounds were wrapped when she entered the chamber. She updated him on her conversation with Neola as she stripped from her clothes and washed. He helped her cover some of the harder to reach cuts, tending to her more gently than he really needed to. “She’s sorta right you know,” he said suddenly. “You really shouldn’t be taking huge risks anymore. There are people here, like me, who will protect you, m’lady. No need to act irrationally.”

“I was not acting irrationally, Adam. I told you before; pain drives me. My hand heated the sword, I was not thinking…” she trailed off with a sigh.

Adam sat beside her and rested an arm around her shoulder. “It’s okay to let the pain push you, but you can’t let it take over again.”

She nodded her head and leaned against him. “I do not know how to control it, Adam. It is my biggest fear aside from losing you.”

“Well, you’re never going to lose me, so we’ll have to work on the former together.” He grinned, stood up and held out his hand. “Neola and the others should be waiting for us by now. We got some Rebels to deal with. Let’s go plot.”

Chapter Twenty-five



group of about thirty men and women met and discussed everything from the last attack, weapons, and locations of the Rebels, theories on who was in charge, to happier times of Remembrances, weddings, and births of children. Tiva was adamant about everyone having a voice, their opinions brought to the table and consideration of every idea. With the rumors around the planet of the Bujeni ships, more people were interested in the work of the Loyalist groups. It was something that would be helpful in the near future. Tiva wanted every option available to her, which also included more people to support the cause.

As the afternoon wore on, Wirto directed the meeting back to Mirta’s missing family. No further information was uncovered, several people asked around the town if anything seemed suspicious or if the family was planning to leave for some reason, no one knew anything helpful. This made Tiva nervous, but she kept it to herself.

Just before the suns set, Tiva, Adam, Neola and Wirto agreed on several key strategies for moving the Loyalists around and repositioning them in sensitive areas. Tiva initially wanted the majority of the group to come back to Yann base to train with the new weapons and meet with her, but Neola was adamant about keeping her secret safe within this section. Adam wholeheartedly agreed. Instead, the captains were taking weapons to the other provinces to teach them how to use the guns. Each sector had enough weapons for every other person, which helped strengthen their defenses, still, Tiva felt something was missing.

She arranged to tour the provinces with Wirto; she wanted to see what the Rebels had done to her homeland. She couldn’t chance personally meeting any of the Loyalist groups outside the Yann province, but she wanted to gather a sense of the people first hand.

Everyone else had tasks by the end of the day. Adam and Harai had four days of training scheduled. Harai’s men would start updating the computer systems inside the base and connecting them to a general network for faster communications on the PCD’s and from province to province. Neola still had command of the captains and their teams; they’d continue gathering information and recruiting new members. Tiva ended her orders with a simple request of inventory from every province. She wanted to know what medical, food, and weapons supplies each section had. They still had plenty to go around, and making sure it went to the right locations was imperative.

As the group filtered out, Adam and Harai stayed behind waiting for Tiva. She asked them for a few moments alone; Adam reluctantly left, mostly because the Uucorian girl was pulling on his wing. Pacing the meeting room, Tiva glanced out the window trying to sort out her thoughts.

Her mind whirled; there was so much to take in. She’d missed so much while she was gone. Ministry houses burned to the ground, nobles siding with the traitors, province keepers’ homes destroyed, children living in the streets and countless other travesties. Chiding herself for not being here to help would do little now, but she was determined to rid this threat from her world.

“If I hadn’t heard it directly from Wirto, I wouldn’t have believed it, but it’s true…you’re alive,” a voice broke through the silence of the meeting hall. Tiva turned and met the man’s eyes. She stared for a moment unsure who he was, but when he smiled at her, she laughed and shook her head.

“Spirited greetings, Razzil, how wonderful to see you.” She approached slowly.

The former Legionnaire took a few steps then saluted her and bowed his head. “I’m almost at a loss for words, Tiva Boon. We never thought…I mean it’s just…oh child come here.” He looked down at her and pulled her into a comforting hug. “You’re a blessing from the spirits, my dear. Thank Shial you are alive.”

Tiva hugged back and smiled. “I am glad to see you well…do you have news of Dal or Tarno? I have yet to go through all the reports of those who have perished.”

“Dal is alive and well in the Whettland province heading up the section, but alas dear Tarno met his demise in the Great War.” Razzil released her and took her by the hand. “We have so much to discuss, can I steal you away for a while?”

“Yes, of course, let me tell Adam and I will meet you outside, we can walk if you like.”

Razzil nodded and she excused herself to go find Adam. He and Harai were sitting with a group of Loyalists showing them the proper procedures for firing the plasma guns. As she approached, the group stood up and saluted her, she responded in kind, and glanced at Adam. He walked over and took her hand.

“What’s up?”

“An old friend has arrived, someone who my father knew. I am going to walk with him around the grounds, but I wanted to let you know before I left the base.”

Adam nodded. “Okay,” he said, kissing her cheek. “Have fun.”

She walked back to find Razzil standing near his hovercraft. His eyes and smile were the same, but silver flecks sparkled in his hair, and just like Neola, his face showed the ravages of war.

“The last time I saw you, I was a child,” she said as she neared. “I have only seen a few from before, everyone else is a stranger to me.”

“There aren’t many left on our side, maybe several thousand Legionnaire’s. The majority of our forces now are the guardsman and general population who joined us. Having even one Royal Guardian is helpful. You have training and knowledge beyond what we know. You’re the only one left who knows everything that happened inside the palace walls. You might even know who’s behind all of this.”

She looked at him, confused. “Speak what you mean.”

“Think back, Tiva. Hentor was the catalyst to the Great War. While you were with us you uncovered more information in your short time than we had in the prior cycle. You gained Solun’s trust, learned who his mentor was...” He continued a leisurely pace around the grounds.

“And killed both of them myself,” she mumbled.

“Yes, I had heard Pethor was dead. How did he come to find you?”

“He tracked my PCD. But it is the man he was working for that I am interested in meeting face to face.”

“I imagine so, after all you have dealt with these past cycles…” Razzil walked past the Finto home, glancing up at it for a moment. “Whoever he is, he’s working with another. Our agents in Degort have confirmed as much, but we have not a name or a face.”

Tiva nodded. “Razzil, you and my father were close friends, were you not?”

“Very much so. We trained together at Kinchar as young men.” He smiled, obviously remembering happier times. “I was always a bit jealous of him; I wished that I had been given the chance to be a Royal Guardian. But serving as a member of the Legion was an honor. I guess it even saved my life…” He paused. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.”

“Do not worry,” she said. “It is the truth. Had you been a Guardian, you, like all the others, would be dead.”

“But you’re not….thank the spirits. Your father would be so proud of you, Tiva, coming back here to help Neola and the others.”

“Razzil, there is something you should know…” Before Tiva answered, Wirto came running toward them shouting her name. She turned to the frantic voice. “What is wrong?”

“We’re picking up a strange reading on our scanners!” he said breathlessly.

“Where is it coming from?” she asked.

“The stars, Tiva, come quickly. We need your technology.” He motioned for them to follow; she and Razzil took off running behind him.

Others were rushing around as they approached the base. Adam and Harai were handing out guns to anyone nearby. Neola bolted out through the base doors, her face very pale. Tiva moved past everyone, heading for the fighter. Razzil and Wirto followed and she entered the craft hurrying to the cockpit. Quickly, she activated the power, brought the sensors online, and began a quick sweep of the area.

A few tense moments passed and Tiva sensed the anxiety around the base. Watching the screen carefully, Tiva glanced back to see that Adam, Neola and Harai had entered the fighter as well.

“Anything yet?” Adam asked as he slipped into the tactical seat beside her.

“Readings are coming back now…” she said then gasped. “Adam, there are six ships in orbit.”

“Six?” He looked over then smiled. “I think our friends have arrived. Six ships is hardly an armada to launch an assault, don’t you agree?”

She relaxed and nodded. “Let me attempt to contact them.” Tiva tapped on the console, opening a direct communications link with the lead ship and spoke in a clear, authoritative voice just to be safe. “Identify yourself.”

“Ah, the Lady Tiva Boon,” a man replied. “My dear cousin forgot to tell me you’d already be planet side when we arrived.”

“I see, I will have a word with him when next we meet,” she chortled and smiled over at Adam and the others. She activated the displayer to see Wixx Maar staring back at her. “It is good to see you again, my friend.”

“Indeed. Sorry we’re late…there’s a bit of commotion going on out here right now. If you send me the coordinates for a landing site, we’ll be down shortly with an update for you and some messages from the

Tiva nodded and Adam punched on his station to send the information. “Thank you, Wixx, I am glad you offered to help.”

He smirked. “We warriors must stick together, no? I shall see you soon.”

Leaning back in the chair, she closed her eyes for a moment and took a breath. “We can all relax, Wixx Maar and his group are the allies I told you about. They are here to support us.”

“Have they brought more weapons and technology?” Wirto asked anxiously.

“Are you sure they can be trusted?” Razzil said.

“Yes, to you both,” she replied. “Neola, please gather everyone together and tell them to expect more guests. They will be landing near the forest.”

The Vicar nodded and rushed out of the fighter with a smile on her face.

“Wirto, Harai, will you see if we have any food and drink for our guests?”

“Yes, your majesty,” Harai answered, and walked out with Wirto.

Adam chuckled softly and turned to Razzil. “Who’re you?”

“Lanno Razzil, former Legionnaire, friend of Tiva’s,” he responded with a fist to his heart.

“Sir Adam Cooper, fiancé…er potential and protector of the Lady Boon.” He smirked. “Nice to meet you.”

“Why did that young girl call you…”

“That was part of what I wanted to tell you, Razzil.” Tiva rose from her chair and led both back outside. “I have recently learned—”

Tiva, are you sure you want to tell this guy? Even Neola doesn’t want to tell anyone outside the base.

She paused at the bottom of the ramp and glanced back at Adam.
He was a trusted friend of my father’s and he is working with the Loyalists. I sense no deceit from him.

As long as you’re sure…

“What, Tiva?” Razzil asked.

“An alien craft landed in the Hentor province, not far from where we lived during our mission,” she continued back toward the base with a frown on her lips.

“Really? Are they the same ones who worked with the Rebels before the Great War?”

“That is unclear to us as of yet, but with eight ships landing here within the last few days, I am sure they are aware of us by now.”

“Probably,” Adam added. “If they’re not, they’re a bit thick in the head, and I have a feeling that’s not the case. We should alert everyone to be on their toes.”

Tiva nodded. “I agree. Will you head to the communications room and have the orders sent?”

“Aye, m’lady,” he answered with a slight bow of his head and took off without another word.

Razzil continued his pace back toward the base then remarked suddenly. “You’re hiding something from me, Tiva, something you want to tell me…but I will not pressure you for information if you do not wish to confide in me.”

“I have been with off-worlders for so long I had forgotten how easy it is for us to sense another’s emotions. Despite my shielding, I find myself vulnerable here once again, but now it is more than my life that is at stake.”

“Tiva, open your senses to me, you know I can be trusted. I have given my life to protect the people of Abennelp, just as you and your family did for the royals. Please, speak what you hide.”

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