To Clan and Conquer (Clan Beginnings) (27 page)

BOOK: To Clan and Conquer (Clan Beginnings)
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He could possibly hurt Degorsk badly.  Tranis swallowed, knowing without another set of hovercuffs immobilizing his legs, there was only one option left.  One he really hated because it meant giving over every bit of control he had.  Still, it was the only way he could guarantee the Imdiko’s safety.  For some reason, that was more important than avoiding the reaming he was about to get.

“You’d better bite me.  I don’t think I can help but fight you unless I’m well intoxicated.”

“That is not a problem.”

Degorsk moved down, his tongue sliding over Tranis’ spine.  Sparkling delight running up to his skull and down to his ass made Tranis gasp.  He’d had no idea he was sensitive to touch there.

At some point during his earlier struggle, Tranis had gotten his knees under him.  His ass was in the air, he realized.  He felt like he was offering himself in a demeaning fashion, and started to slide his legs down.

“No, no,” Degorsk said, his harsh grip on Tranis’ cock loosening so he could stroke down to the tip and back up.  “Stay right where you are, ass up and legs spread.  I’m going to bite your thigh.”

“The position is humiliating,” Tranis groaned, but he obeyed.

“You don’t mind when I’m like that.”

That was true.  Tranis had taken both Degorsk and Lidon in similar positions, enjoying his mastery over them.  Now he was getting a little of that back.  Tranis ground his teeth together and didn’t move.

Degorsk kissed the cheeks of his raised ass, mouthing them wetly.  His fingers continued to work in and out.  It almost felt good.  Tranis concentrated on that, fighting to banish past trauma from his mind.  The two men he’d lost superior position to years ago, both Dramoks, had been as young and inexperienced as he.  Clumsy.  Eager for their own pleasure.  It had been both painful and humiliating to have his ass fucked by them.  He had vowed he would never be on the bottom again after the second incident.

He couldn’t think about that.  If he did, he’d fight this.  Degorsk’s kisses were moving down to his left thigh.  He’d be biting Tranis soon, making him compliant.  Making him want to please.  Mother of All, was he really going to allow this to happen?

Twin darts of pain announced entrance of the Imdiko’s fangs into his flesh.  Tranis squeezed his eyes shut.  An instant later, the slight discomfort was over.  The Dramok shuddered, waiting for the venom to take command from him.  To put him at Degorsk’s mercy.  Damn it, this sucked.

The first curls of euphoria wafted through his body and mind.  A part of Tranis’ dominating personality resisted, trying to drive the intoxication back.  He didn’t want this.  He didn’t.  Want this.  He.  Didn’t.  Want.  This.  Didn’t…

The thread of his thoughts drifted apart, replaced by glowing warmth.  The tension in his body softened.  He sighed.  The mouth on his thigh withdrew.  A languorous tongue licked over the spot, and Tranis’ cocks hummed with pleasure.

“Are you all right, Tranis?” a deep, soothing voice asked.

The Dramok’s eyes fluttered open.  One side of his face was pressed into the soft surface of bedding.  He faced the wall, on which hung a mold of a very nice ass.  An ass he absolutely loved.  He smiled.

“I’m good,” he sighed.

The chuckle behind and over him rumbled through his body.  The other man … Degorsk … was pleased.  That made Tranis feel even better.

“Tell me, how does this feel?”  The fingers in his ass pressed deep inside him and moved against a spot that sent lightning surging into his cocks.  Tranis was suddenly on the verge of climax.  A yell flew from his throat.

“Good reaction.”  Degorsk sounded terribly amused.

When Tranis found his breath again, he said, “Shit!  What the fuck?  Is that what the rest of you are so crazy about?”

“See what being such an aggressive Dramok has made you miss out on?  You’ll like my cock in there even more.”

Tranis moaned and wriggled, trying to get Degorsk to stroke that bit again.  He’d known all about how rubbing the prostate made others excited, had used it to guarantee his lovers’ enjoyment when he’d fucked them.  But after his prior encounters, the Dramok had decided he simply wasn’t geared for being fucked himself.

Maybe he’d been wrong.  “Damn.  I almost came.”  He couldn’t seem to get the Imdiko to touch him there again, no matter how he tried to shove back onto the man’s fingers.  Degorsk was much more intent on stretching the tight sphincter muscles.

“I think you’re ready for the main event.”  Degorsk withdrew his fingers, and Tranis groaned at the sudden emptiness.

The loss didn’t last for long.  Something hot and thick brushed Tranis’ ass, settled against the opening.  The Dramok was aware of muscled thighs between his, of one hand gripping his hip, of a fist guiding that burning, slick hardness to the opening.  Degorsk was pressing his main cock in, the tapered appendage widening.  Tranis couldn’t help but tighten up instinctively, and pain seared.  The euphoria from the Imdiko’s bite vanished.

Tranis howled and jerked, trying to get away from the monstrous invader.  “Stop, stop, stop!”

Degorsk held still and stroked Tranis’ hair.  “Relax.  Tensing up makes it hurt.”

“Your huge prick makes it hurt, you sadistic shit!”

The Imdiko’s gentle touch caressed his shuddering body all over.  “Well, thank you for acknowledging my endowment.  Now relax.”

Tranis buried his face in the sleeping mat’s surface.  “Fuck.”  The intoxication was making a comeback, urging him to give Degorsk what he wanted, to deliver himself for his pleasure.  He concentrated on making himself relax and opening.  Just like that, the worst of the agony abated.  There was only a slight ache left.

“That’s better,” Degorsk praised, and warmth filled Tranis’ mind to hear it.

He breathed deeply, putting all his will into keeping his body soft, to accept the rigid thickness forging into him.  And while the ache deepened, slowly blooming from minor to moderate discomfort, it wasn’t as horrendous as what he’d suffered before.  Not even close.  Not that he was ready to be on the bottom again anytime soon.  It still wasn’t that much fun.

Degorsk continued to stroke Tranis’ shoulders, back, and buttocks.  “I’m all the way in.  Doing all right?”

Tranis peered up at him from over his shoulder.  “Terrific.  I’ve got a monster cock up my ass.  How do you stand it?”

Degorsk snickered and shook his head.  “Oh, you get used to it.”

Get used to a dick splitting him in two?  Tranis couldn’t imagine it.  “I wish you’d stop laughing at me.”

Degorsk’s grin widened.  “Sorry.  It’s just so much drama when I know what’s coming next.”

Tranis frowned.  “What?”

“This.”  Degorsk’s hips moved back, slowly emptying Tranis.

It was a relief to have that girth slipping out.  More than a relief in fact.  It was almost arousing.  Tranis’ much diminished erection twitched with renewed life as the friction sparked deep within.

Degorsk pressed back in, shifting to change the angle of entrance.  His cock slid over that hot spot his fingers had found earlier.  A blast of sheer pleasure billowed through Tranis’ groin, bringing his cocks to rigid attention.  His head came up and he shouted at the ceiling.

“Oh yes.  Now you’re getting the idea,” Degorsk said in approval.

Degorsk began fucking him in earnest, slowly, steadily, striking that cum spot each and every time with perfect precision.  Tranis gasped with every stroke, heavy pleasure gathering in a ball at the base of his cocks.  He forgot all about how unnatural it felt to be beneath another.  The ache of being taken faded under the growing bliss of being handled by a man who knew what he was doing.  Indeed, the Dramok strained against the hovercuffs holding him hostage, trying to buck harder and faster against Degorsk.  The need to climax was robbing him of any kind of restraint.  The heat had spilled into his back cock, where it pulsed demandingly, begging for the Imdiko to take him without mercy.

“Please, Degorsk,” he moaned.

A strong hand  closed  over his front prick near the tip.  Tranis uttered a small scream as Degorsk’s thumb swept over the opening, discovering the wetness weeping from there.  Pleasure surged, eager to spill into and out of his forward cock.  Tranis shuddered all over, moments from climax.

“Good, Tranis.  But it’s not quite time yet.  Only the ancestors know when you’ll allow yourself to surrender again, and I intend to get every moment of enjoyment from this that I can.”

The Imdiko’s hand moved down to the base of his primary cock, the firm grip strangling off the impending orgasm.  Tranis pounded his forehead against the soft sleeping mat in frustration.  He had no choice but to lie there helpless as Degorsk took all the time he wanted to enjoy his ass, climax boiling just behind the tight fist holding it back.

Degorsk continued to thrust hard against that delicious spot, torturing Tranis with vicious pleasure.  He moved easily within him now, and there was no hint of pain.  There was only devouring demand that he be fucked and his cock released to spew its pleasure.  Every explosion of breath that left his lungs was a plea for release.

“How does it feel, Tranis?” Degorsk asked.

Tranis only shrieked between tightly clenched teeth.  He didn’t want to have a conversation, damn it!  He wanted to climax!

“I asked how it feels.  Answer me,” the Imdiko growled.  A hand slapped Tranis’ ass stingingly.

The heat somehow only made the need to come worse.  Every sensation fed the Dramok’s desperation.

“It feels like I’m going to fucking explode,” he howled, except it sounded an awful lot like he was sobbing instead.

“Does it feel good?”

The son of a bitch was determined to make him admit he was enjoying submitting.  Which wasn’t true at all; Tranis was simply liking the sensations the very talented Imdiko was treating him to.

Like?  Fuck that.  Tranis had never been so aroused, so desperate for climax his entire life.  And if the only way to relieve that brutal need was to make Degorsk happy, he’d do it.

“It feels wonderful.  I love having your cock up my ass.  Being fucked by you is the single greatest event in my life.  Damn it, Degorsk, please!”

Degorsk laughed breathlessly.  “Somehow I doubt all that, but I believe we’ve both suffered enough.  Let’s do this.”

With that, the Imdiko pounded furiously into him, his groin making whipcrack sounds against Tranis’ rear.  His cock now drove mercilessly against the hot spot, and the swollen sensation of need doubled, tripled, quadrupled.  Tranis shrieked into the bed linens as elation became torture.

Then Degorsk was pumping his cock hard, jerking him off with powerful strokes.  “Come, Tranis!”

White light and a roaring filled Tranis’ senses.  Cum poured into his primary dick in a molten stream, then burst free in violent pulses.  He screamed and screamed and screamed as all that raw passion finally shot from him, bathing his belly and chest.

At last  the ferocious throbbing eased.  He was just coming to his senses when Degorsk groaned and rammed himself in tight.  Tranis felt the Imdiko’s cock jerk, shooting his seed deep into Tranis’ ass.  Degorsk groaned again, a long, grating expulsion of pleasure as he filled the Dramok.

After a few moments Degorsk lay down on top of Tranis, his long, midnight hair falling over them both in a curtain.  He nuzzled his face into the back of Tranis’ neck, making happy sounds.

The Dramok couldn’t help but chuckle at his lover’s antics.  “Okay, you silly creature.  I still prefer being the one in control, but that’s worth doing from time to time.  With you, at any rate.”

He could hear the smile in Degorsk’s tone.  “So glad I could clear that up for you.  Shower?”

“Hell yes.”

Degorsk let him up, and they crowded into his cramped shower stall to wash each other.  They were thorough but hurried in their need to get to bed and gain much needed rest.  A quick change of linens and the pair collapsed onto its surface, Tranis spooning behind the Imdiko and wrapping his arms and a leg around the warm body.  Degorsk sighed as if he was the most contented man in the universe.  His eyes slid shut almost immediately.

Tranis waited until Degorsk’s breath evened out before following him into sleep.




Chapter 12


Degorsk hummed to himself as he sat down behind his desk to go over the reports from the shift before.  Medical still had quite a few ailing men from the battle with the Tragooms, but the wounded were no longer spilling into the extended patient area.  No one had died overnight.  His wall that had once sported his butt was woefully empty, but the reason behind that was a good one.  And he’d slept the night through without nightmares, probably due to the very nice body warmth of a certain Dramok.  Now that he thought about it, every time he slept with Tranis and/or Lidon, he didn’t have to fight off bad dreams.

All in all, life wasn’t half bad.

When Lidon stepped into his open office door, Degorsk felt a surge of pleasure.  Funny how it made him ridiculously happy to see the same man he’d so recently done everything in his power to avoid.

He wiped off his initial bright smile to give the Nobek a stern look.  “You’d better not be after more stim tabs.  I won’t authorize another shift, Weapons Commander.”

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